By Bart Sibrel
Director Commentary:
Was The Apollo Moon Landing Fake?
(And why haven't we been back to the moon in 42 years?)A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon
When rivalry among nations first reared its envious head thousands of years ago, the conquest was which civilization could build the tallest building, albeit by one story. Sound familiar? The monumental goal was never met and the project, the Tower of Babel, was abandoned in disgrace. At the dawn of the modern industrial revolution, the twentieth century, the largest single machine yet constructed by the hand of man was fashioned in 1912. It was boasted in print to be a marvel that, "God himself could not destroy." This great work of mankind, the Titanic, never even completed its first voyage. Richard Nixon was Commander in Chief during the reported Apollo landings on the moon. He called this historic occasion, "The greatest week since creation itself!"
I am Bart Sibrel, the writer, producer, director of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon, a controversial documentary which questions the authenticity of the manned moon landings over thirty years ago. As an investigative journalist I spent five years and $500,000 researching this topic which seems, on the surface, to be completely ludicrous. Then, I came upon a highly credible source, in his late seventies, who I verified worked for the space program during the 1960s. He asserted, most confidently, that the Apollo moon landings were first, impossible, and second, falsified as a Cold War tactic to bluff the Soviet Union into thinking the United States had greater capability than it really did.
I discovered that the highest ranking official at NASA resigned, without explanation, just days before the first Apollo mission. All three crew members of the first historic flight also resigned shortly thereafter. Aside from the initial press conference immediately following the event, Neil Armstrong has not given a single interview on the subject, in print or on camera, to anyone... ever! Some photography allegedly from the moon contains shadows that intersect with each other. (NASA claims that only sunlight was used and the sun always casts parallel shadows.)
In my research at NASA I uncovered, deep in the archives, one mislabeled reel from the Apollo 11, first mission, to the moon. What is on the reel and on the label are completely different. (I suspect an editor put the wrong label on the tape thirty-three years ago.) It contains an hour of rare, unedited, color television footage that is dated by NASA's own atomic clock three days into the flight. This footage is included in my DVD, Apollo 11 Monkey Business. Identified on camera are Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, and Michael Collins. They are doing multiple "takes" of a single shot of the mission, from which only about ten seconds was ever broadcast. Because I have uncovered the original unedited version, mistakenly not destroyed, the photography proves to be a clever forgery! Really!IT MEANS THEY DID NOT WALK ON THE MOON!
A USA Today writer composed an article calling my assertion "impossible" without even viewing A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon which contains the unprecedented footage, that I believe, would prove the fraud in a court of law! A friend of mine brought to my attention a human condition called, "Cognitive Dissonance." That is when someone has a long held belief rooted so deeply in their psyche that they can not see anything else, even if visible facts present themselves that prove contrary to their belief. The pride inducing moon landings can certainly cloud some people from seeing the distasteful truth. I showed this key footage to a retired military officer who believed in the moon landings. He actually walked out of my house when he saw it! (See no evil.) I was "dissing"America in his mind, even though it was true.
American military and political leaders "dissed" their own country when they falsified history by refusing to accept public defeat after John Kennedy pledged to "Put a man on the moon by the end of the 1960's." "When pride comes, then comes disgrace." (Proverbs 11:2) The government had already spent an equivalent of one hundred thirty-five billion dollars of taxpayer's money and disclosing their weakness to fulfill the boastful goal was apparently too much for their pride, or reelection chances, to endure. There was strategic advantage to the Soviet Union thinking the United States was that capable. It boosted national spirit during the Vietnam War. It made friends of friends in the government very, very rich.Twenty years after Apollo, with much improved and superior technology than that of 1969, a mission only 1/100th as complicated, the earth orbit of a telescope (Hubble), was nearly as many years behind schedule as the entire development of the lunar landing program, and then, after five failed launch attempts, didn't even work when it arrived at its destination which was only 1/1000th the distance to the moon. In addition, it took another two years to make the necessary repairs to get it operational. Even today an unmanned space probe the size of a toaster oven requires nearly ten years to develop. In hindsight, isn't this rather odd?
At the time, with the advent of color TV's, mobile phones, and microwave ovens, was perhaps our faith in the technological era overconfident? Could this belief have been taken advantage of? Could a fuzzy black-and-white television image be used to fool the public? Let's look at history. In the mid 1950's Time Magazine had on its cover "The Smartest Man in America" who was the latest winner of the popular TV game show "The Sixty-four Thousand Dollar Question." It was later proven in a court of law that the man knew the answers in advance! Time magazine was wrong! The story on the cover of their magazine was an absolute lie! The media was deceived themselves to better deceive the public! One big manipulation... and it was for only sixty-four thousand dollars.
This whole endeavor really pushes peoples' buttons when it comes to national pride. If questioning the integrity of our government is unpatriotic, then I am in good company, for this is precisely how our nation was founded. George Washington, the "Father" of our country, considered it a disgrace to his office to lie about the complete depravity of his army's morale, competence, resources, and numbers against the attacking British army. He refused to "white wash" his dispatches to Congress in order to falsely boost their pride or spirits. This kind of leadership, "I cannot tell a lie," is sorely missed in our government.
I believe that the chief motive for the cover-up was to fool the Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War into thinking that the US had superior technology that did not really exist, although pride, a Vietnam war distraction and misallocation of funds made it most beneficial as well. At the dawn of the "Space Race" never before in history had two "superpowers" each possessed the missile capability of annihilating the other several times over from a location half way around the world. The Russians launched the first artificial satellite, the first man in space, the first man to orbit the earth, the first space walk, the first woman in space, the first crew of three into space, and the first of two simultaneously orbiting spacecraft. For every twenty hours the US spent in space the Soviets spent one hundred! Five times the experience and, therefore, expertise.
In 1994, our own government's watchdog agency, the General Accounting Office, reported, "The Star Wars Missile Defense System rigged tests to make it seem more advanced than it really was. The aim was to fool the Soviet Union about US strategic capability during the Cold War." How much more so was there the need in 1969 for misinformation when there was concern, now admitted irrational, that "Sputnik 3" might have nuclear missiles on it for a first strike that would put the weapons within less than ten minutes from major targets in America? If the United States could put a man on the moon... maybe they would back off a little bit.Never before in history had such an historic event been without independent press coverage. There were, after all, only three first hand witnesses to each moon landing. Whatever sound and pictures were shown to the public were strictly, and completely, controlled and previewed, by the federal government before they were broadcast or distributed to the populace. They went up in the rocket for sure. They splashed down in the ocean for sure. The newly discovered footage, however, clearly proves that they stayed in earth orbit for the entire eight days of each Apollo mission. Anyone open-minded can conclude that when the alleged assassin of President Kennedy was assassinated himself three days later, that something was awry regardless of what the appointed politicians by the powers that be told the public.
Everyone who does wrong has their reasons. While the Cold War deception of advanced "Star Wars" technology that did not exist seems irrelevant today, acknowledging to the public that the greatest achievement of the United States, and supposedly the world, was an outright fraud, regardless of the motive, is likely more than our leaders have the character to admit. George Orwell said, "Whoever controls the past, controls the future." That is why the truth must come out. As our national budget quadruples in increase every year to that of the cost of living, those in power seem helpless to stop the beast they have created. When will it end? What will it take to stop it?A revelation such as this: The Apollo Moon Landings Are Science Fiction
The Space Shuttle, so far, has killed fourteen people, merely trying to attain an orbit about two hundred fifty miles above the Earth. How is it then, that a third of a century ago, with less computing power in the entire rocket than in a present day twenty dollar Wal-Mart watch, NASA claims to have gone 100,000% farther, six different times between 1969 and 1972, landing on another celestial body and then returning, without ever killing anyone? How could they have powered air conditioning in two hundred fifty degree heat for three days with batteries? Why is the "second round" of "returning" to the moon estimated to be no earlier than half a century after the first? (Would there be a fifty-year span between the first and second trips across the Atlantic in an airplane?)
If the moon landings were, as we believe, a government deception, then George Orwell's comment, "whoever controls the past, controls the future" is a scary wakeup call to insist that our government reform to the truthfulness of our founding father "who could not tell a lie." Otherwise, the powers that be will continue their addiction to deception and we all will be worse off for it.
General Leslie "Dick" Groves and the Fake Moon Landings!!
This exposé is going to the MOON!!
General Groves built the Pentagon!!
Atomic scientist said Groves built the bomb "to subdue the Soviets"!!
Dr. Joseph Rotblat was one of the scientists who worked on the atomic bomb at Los Alamos. He heard Groves say the the main reason for the bomb was to subdue the Soviets.... In 1944, Dr. Rotblat left Los Alamos in disgust:
"IN MARCH 1944 I experienced a disagreeable shock. At that time I was living with the Chadwicks in their house on the Mesa, before moving later to the "Big House," the quarters for single scientists. General Leslie Groves, when visiting Los Alamos, frequently came to the Chadwicks for dinner and relaxed palaver. During one such conversation Groves said that, of course, the real purpose in making the bomb was to subdue the Soviets. (Whatever his exact words, his real meaning was clear.) Although I had no illusions about the Stalin regime -- after all, it was his pact with Hitler that enabled the latter to invade Poland -- I felt deeply the sense of betrayal of an ally. Remember, this was said at a time when thousands of Russians were dying every day on the Eastern Front, tying down the Germans and giving the Allies time to prepare for the landing on the continent of Europe. Until then I had thought that our work was to prevent a Nazi victory, and now I was told that the weapon we were preparing was intended for use against the people who were making extreme sacrifices for that very aim." (Dr. Rotblat, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, p. 18).
Groves needed ROCKETS to deliver his weapons of mass destruction!!
Now that Groves had his super weapon, he needed a delivery method. His long range bombers could not reach all parts of the Soviet Union from Germany or Japan. Compared to rockets, bombers were slow and easy targets of anti-aircraft fire. Nazi Germany was in the process of developing rockets to deliver nukes to London and Moscow. The rocket factory was a notorious underground factory:
Dr. Robert Goddard⤲the father of rocketry⤲died a very timely death!!
Dr. Robert Goddard, a Massachusetts professor who relocated to the wide open spaces of New Mexico in 1930, was the father of rocketry:
Journey to the moon man Wernher von Braun was an SS Major!!
Wernher von Brain -- the moonfaker -- was a Major in the dreaded SS:
Wernher von Braun (1912-1977) was a SturmbannfÜehrer in the dreaded SS. This was the equivalent of Major in the U.S. Army. The rockets were all based on Dr. Goddard's design and produced by slave labor from the Dora-Mittelwerk concentration camp:
Von Braun arrived in the U.S. just after the death of Dr. Goddard!!
Von Braun was one of a group of 7 Nazi rocketeers who arrived in the U.S. on September 18, 1945:
"The young man who stepped off the C54 cargo plane thought of himself as an immigrant who like many before him came to America to pursue his dream, build a new life, and leave behind crimes of the past. His arrival at Newcastle Army Air Base in Wilmington, Delaware, on September 18, 1945 was a second birth, and the official circumstance was a baptism that cleansed him of the original sin of his first life.
He arrived not as a free man, however, but in the custody of the United States Army. He was one of a group of seven German rocket experts, the vanguard of a larger team that the Army recruited under Operation Overcast (later renamed Project Paperclip) to exploit for their technical expertise. He was the senior member of the group although not the oldest, and he had been its leader in Germany since the beginning, even before the Nazis came to power. His name was Wernher von Braun." (Piszkiewicz, Wernher von Braun: The Man who Sold the Moon, p. 5).
Rockefeller owned Collier's magazine launched the career of Wernher von Braun!!
In 1952, the Pentagon assigned Wernher von Braun a ghostwriter and he wrote several articles for Rockefeller owned Collier's magazine about space travel and journeys to the moon and Mars:
Moonfakers at work for Collier's magazine
Participants at the Collier's magazine symposium in New York City in early 1952 that led to the publication of a seminal eight-article series on space travel include science writer and rocket expert Willy Ley; Dr. Fred L. Whipple, chairman, Department of Astronomy, Harvard University; von Braun; artists Chesley Bonestell, Rolf Klep, and Fred Freeman; and Cornelius Ryan, series editor as well as associate editor at Collier's.
Walt Disney disinfected Wernher von Braun!!
After WW II, ex-Nazis were not very popular in the U.S. Especially war criminals like Wernher von Braun. If he was to lead the Pentagon space program, he would need an image overhaul. This is where Walt Disney entered the picture. Disney had a snow white image and nobody would suspect him of working with SS Nazis rocketeers.
Science FICTION changed into science FACT very quickly when the Pentagon needed funds to develop rockets to deliver weapons of mass destruction to Russia :
The Van Allen Radiation Belt
Here is a quote about just one of the dangers of space travel from scientist von Braun in his 1960 book: First Men to the Moon:
"Finally, there is the Van Allen Radiation Belt (page 69). Just a little over a year ago we didn't even know it existed. Explorer I, equipped to measure the intensity of the previously mentioned cosmic radiation, gave us the first indication that there was something completely unsuspected up there. Two more Explorers unveiled the fact that the earth is surrounded with two concentric, doughnut-shaped rings of "trapped radiation." Electrically charged particles -- apparently mainly electrons -- endlessly circle around and up and down the magnetic field lines which connect the magnetic North and South Poles like a grid of meridians. When a rocket flies through this belt the trapped electrons impinge on its skin like raindrops hitting an aircraft which is flying through the clouds. Very much in the same fashion as the impinging raindrops cause sound waves audible within the airplane cabin, the impinging electrons produce an electromagnetic radiation inside the cabin. Physicists use for this kind of radiation the German word bremsstrahlung (slow-down radiation), but it is actually something quite similar to X-rays. It is this bremsstrahlung that we have to watch in the Belt." (First Men to the Moon, p.19).
The Joke's on US... and the World!!
President Kennedy visited von Braun just before his assassination!!
President Kennedy, Wernher von Braun, General McMorrow, and Vice-President Johnson at the Redstone Arsenal airstrip shortly after arriving from Washington for the September 1962 tour of Marshall Space Flight Center.
Editor's note: My apologies for not being able to provide the pictures which were in the original article.
One of the last photos of President Kennedy taken before his assassination a week later on November 22.
President Kennedy and NASA administrator James T. Webb at the launch Operations Complex during a tour of NASA in November 1963. Did Kennedy decide to talk about von Braun and his fake moon landing? If he had, this was another reason for Rockefeller and the Pentagon to order his assassination!!
Editor's note: Yes, it was. Kennedy lambasted NASA because of that which he learned about the agency.
Wernher von Braun died a very timely death too!!
Like Dr. Goddard, von Braun died a very timely death on June 17, 1977. He was 65 years old but he was very fit and active all his life. After the "moon landings" he became a celebrity and was constantly in demand as a public speaker. At least 25 colleges gave him honorary degrees. The other astronauts kept a low profile and avoided any kind of publicity but the fear was that Wernher might have "loose lips" and let the moon hoax slip.
Nelson Rockefeller liked to use vaccination to get rid of people including his own boss President Ford.
Moonfaker Neil Armstrong said "he never even dreamed of going to the moon."
And another quote from moonstruck Neil Armstrong:
"As for walking on the moon, sometimes I wonder if that really happened. I can honestly say -- and it's a great surprise to me that I have never had a dream about being on the moon. It's a great disappointment to me."(Wagener, One Giant Leap, p. 303).
If Dr. Wernher von Brain had read the incomparable German Bible translation of Dr. Martin Luther, he would not have been surprised that space travel is impossible.... Space travel, evolution, life on other planets is sheer LUNACY. JEHOVAH created the universe about 6,000 years ago and this is the ONLY planet capable of sustaining life. The Bible says:
"The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men. (Psalm 115:16).
Vital links
Dr. Joseph Rothblat and the atomic bomb Universities and Colleges that awarded honorary degrees to moonfaker Wernher von Braun!! Biography of Dr. Goddard from Clark University Antartica Meteorites from the Moon!!
Clary, David A. Rocket Man: Robert H. Goddard and the Birth of the Space Age. Hyperion Press, New York, 2003.
Dewey, Anne Perkins. Robert Goddard Space Pioneer. Little, Brown & Co., New York, 1962.
Groves, Leslie R. Now It Can Be Told: The Story of the Manhattan Project. Harper & Brothers, New York, 1962.
Hawkins, Charles. How America Faked the Moon Landings. GTI Pub., New Port, MN. 2004.
Henshall, Philip. Vengeance: Hitler's Nuclear Weapons Fact or Fiction. Sutton Publishing, Gloustershire, England, 1995.
Lawren, William. The General and the Bomb. Biography of General Leslie R. Groves. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1988.
Lehman, Milton. This High Man: The Life of Robert H. Goddard. Farrar, Straus & Co., New York, 1963.
Michel Jean. Dora Concentration Camp. (Translated from the French by Jennifer Kidd). Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1975.
Mader, Julius. Geheimnis von Huntsville. Dei wahre Karriere des Raketenbarons Wernher von Braun. (Secrets of Huntsville : the War Career of Baron Wernher von Braun), Berlin 1965. No English translation yet!!
Norris, Robert S. Racing for the Bomb. Steerforth Press, Vermont, 2002.
Piszkiewicz, Dennis. Wernher von Braun: the Man Who Sold the Moon. Preager Press, Westport, Connecticut, 1998.
Piszkiewicz, Dennis. The Nazi Rocketeers. Dreams of Space and Crimes of War, Westport, Connecticut, 1998.
Sellier, André. A History of the Dora Camp. Ivan R. Dee. Chicago, 2003.
Stuhlinger, Ernst, Wernher von Braun. An Illustrated Memoir. Krieger Publishing Co., Malabar, Florida, 1994.
Von Braun, Wernher, Conquest of the Moon. Edited by Cornelius Ryan. Viking Press, New York, 1953.
Von Braun, Wernher. First Men to the Moon. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. New York, 1958, 1959, 1960.
Wagener, Leon, One Giant Leap: Neil Armstrong's Stellar American Journey. Tom Doherty Assoc., LLC. New York, 2004.