ConcernsMSG contains arsenic and lead
Dear Friends & Family, here's your chance to learn more about what MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) is.
On this page, from an MSG Factory, you will see where I copied this detailed product description of MSG.
If you try to contact this MSG Factory about your complaints, you might inadvertently cause them to change the name of their product in fear of going bankrupt. So please, complain to your grocers, your Mayor, your State Rep., your Congress, Etc.
Editor's note: Sometimes MSG is called Flavor enhancer.
One person cannot do it alone, but many can. The more people we can educate on this public poison, the better chance we have to take it off the shelves and out of the restaurants. We want the freedom to eat what we want without doing serious harm to our bodies, such as Alzheimers, A.L.S., M.S., Strokes, Parkinson's Disease, Autism, A.D.D., or Hyperactivity.
# 11 on the list is (As)-Arsenic, #13 is (Pb)-Lead, and #18 is E.coli. Small doses yes, but, it is in everything you eat, .... Small dose times 50 = larger dose, and an unborn child gets 7-10 times more than the mother.
Detailed Product Description
1) Appearance: white color free flowing crystals or crystalline powder
2) Color in solution: transparent
3) Odor: typical MSG mono sodium glutamate
4) Assay: 99.0% min. (as mono sodium glutamate monohydrate)
5) PH value: 6.7 - 7.2 (5.0% solution)
6) Specific rotation: +24.8% - +25.3%
7) Loss on drying (105c, 5hrs): 0.5% max.
8) Solubility: 74g/100ml water at 25�C, 105.0g/100ml water at 60�C
9) Sodium content: 12.3%
10) Chloride: 0.041% max. (as Cl)
11) Arsenic: 0.5ppm max. (as As)
12) Heavy metals (as Pb): 10ppm max.
13) Lead (Pb): 10ppm max.
14) Sieve analysis: 8 - 100 mesh
15) Standard plate count: 5,000/g max.
16) Molds: 100/g max.
17) Coliforms: 10/g max.
18) E.coli: 10/g max.
19) FCCV.E-621.GB-8967.QB/1500-92
20) Quantity: 50,000.00MT
Now, most prescription drugs cause more problems than they heal.
So... Do you want to take prescription drugs to try and cure a problem, or problems that MSG caused? Or are we going to stand up against it?
We need more people to be concerned enough to make a difference.