The Journal of History

La verdad sobre la democracia

Fall 2007 - Volume 7, Issue 4

 Table of Contents

- Commentary: Ernst Zundel and the Politics of 'Gotcha' By Bruce Leichty

- Commentary: Alentus Internet Corporation Succumbs to Jewish Pressure By Arthur Topham

- Commentary: In search of real solutions to restore law and order Author Unknown

- Commentary: A Brutal Reply - U.S. Protects a Terrorist Bomber By Fidel Castro Rus

- Commentary: Some thoughts on Watergate and the Kennedy era By Bob Dodds

- Altered States of America By Richard Stratton

- The Secret Sharers The CIA, the Bush Gang and the Killing of Frank Olson By Chris Floyd

- U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld Linked to "Murder of CIA Scientist" By Gordon Thomas

- The Frank Olson Murder Author Unknown

- The Mossad in CIA By Nicole Bagley

- New World Order The Echelon Key Words Author Unknown

- American History Alert From Jews For the Preservation of Firearm Ownership

- Shall Not Be Infringed By Jennifer Freeman

- Dead Scientists DO Tell Tales

- 9/11 Bottom Line By Victor Thorn

- 9/11 Who Held the Derivatives Contracts? Rockefeller Rothschild Bilderberg By Millenium Twain

- 9/11 Planes - No Planes Author Unknown

- Top Mafia Figure, Tony Gambino, Implicates Vatican and Bush in Prior Knowledge And Complicity in 9/11 Mass Murder By Greg Szymanski

- 9/11 The LIHOP - MIHOP Distraction Continued (with an update on 911 truth. org and Sibel Edmunds) By Angie

- 9/11 The Zionist Gatekeeper Greg Palast and His attack on Professor Jones and 9-11 Truth By Christopher Bollyn

- 9/11 Former Bush Team Member Says WTC Collapse Likely a Controlled Demolition and 'Inside Job' By Greg Szymanski

- 9/11 Missile & remote control systems added to small jets before 9-11; same parts found at Pentagon By Tom Flocco

- 9/11 SPECIAL REPORT United Flight 93 shot down by Air Force jets scrambled from Andrews By Wayne Madsen

- 9/11 WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows 'Official 9/11 Story' Sky High; Eyewitness Testimony Is Conclusive That North Tower Collapsed From Controlled Demolition By Greg Szymanski

- The Death of John Kennedy Why Nixon resigned instead of facing impeachment (Click on URL for photos)

- Fabian Escallante on Posada and Operation 40 By Jean-Guy Allard

- Connecting the Many Dots on Various Issues Such as the Hit on President Kennedy and Dismissal of Brigham Young University Professor Stephen Jones By John Hankey

- What a Difference a Day (or Two) Makes By Jim Marrs

- 'Denial in Full:' Federal Judges Grill CIA Lawyers on JFK Secrets By Jefferson Morley

- Medical News: Cancer The Fitzgerald Report By Benedict F. Fitzgerald

- Congressman Paul Gillmor murdered Author Unknown

- The Crime and The Cover-up Mr. President, Tear Down This Tax! Author Unknown

- American History The Most Dreaded Enemy of Liberty By James Madison

- Covington & Burling, A Pfiser Law Firm, Caught Cleaning Up its Reputation on Wikipedia By Peter Rost, M.D.

- The Current Composition of the Trilateral Commission from Paris Indymedia

- Illuminati The Li Bloodline By Fritz Springmeier

- National Security Agency By James J. Dierbeck

- AIDS Cellular Medicine/Alternative Therapies By Dr. Rath

- The TRUTH about the British Monarchy The "Golden Jubilee" (50 year reign) of the queen who never was and the Gospel of The Kingdom

- Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax By P. Samuel Foner

- Corn-to-alcohol: US Agribusiness' Magic Path To A World Food Monopoly By Charles E. Carlson

- Zionist Provocation Under False Flag By George Pumphray

- 'Hell Beyond your Wildest Dreams' - Burma's Full Scale GENOCIDE: Stallone Speaks Out By Sylvester Stallone

- PERSON The Official STATE office known as "person"

- The World in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005, Part II By Daniel Estulin

- "The Secret History of Airplane Sabotage," Part 1 by Sherman H. Skolnick

- American History Two Journalists, Two Fates By Vicki Palaez

- Ten Reasons why the Holocaust is a Fraud By James Buchanan

- A Factual Appraisal Of The 'Holocaust' By The Red Cross The Jews And The Concentration Camps: No Evidence Of Genocide By Jeff Rense

- European History No Evidence of Mass Killings at Treblinka

- Blackwater in Iraq Killing for Profit By Saul Landau

- The "White Ant Operation" By Mike Maxwell

- Quotes of Note

- Poetry THE DARK IS RISING By Ken Fox


- Myth Breakers

- Myth Breakers

- Myth Breakers

- Did You Know? Bolshevik Jews

- Did You Know? Founder of Jehovah's Witnesses issuers of Watchtower magazine, FDA and ESAIAC, President Kennedy's Assassination, Google & the CIA, IRS and incorporated churches, Adolf Hitler, Socialists and the EU, Summer Institute of Linguistics aka Wycliffe Bible Translators and Pan Am 103 real culprit

- Did You Know? 9/11

- Did You Know? Skull and Bones, Why the Iraq War, Hurricane Katrina, George W. Bush's ancestry, Mohammed Atta

- Did You Know? Columbine & Virginia Tech Shootings, President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai, Israel Hijacking in Entebbe, Timothy Leary

- Did You Know? National Endowment for Democracy in Burma, Sumate

- Did You Know? Terry Nichols

- Did You Know? Britain's Foot & Mouth Disease

- Spirituality: Buddha Was a Saxon By Pastor Eli James

- Spirituality: What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden By Dr. Wesley Swift

- America's Concerns: Petition: Stop Satanic Ritual Abuse Now!

- America's Concerns: Censorship of mail by U.S. to Canada

- America's Concerns: The Secret Language of Biological Psychiatry

- America's Concerns: Homeland Security's Data Vacuum Cleaner in Action

- America's Concerns: Another Toxic School

- The World's Concerns: End American Concentration Camps

- The World's Concerns: An Alternative Look at the New World Order as seen from Argentina

- Good News: Montana First in Nation to pass a law specifically outlawing Real ID

- Good News: Dodd Stands Up for Civil Liberties by Stopping Surveillance Bill

- Good News: Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) will vote against confirming Mukasey as Attorney General

- People Power: US poised for CAFTA Setback

- People Power: Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

- The Future: Britain 'sold down the river:' what life under the EU treaty could be

- Book Review: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil "Thy Will Be Done" The Conquest of the Amazon By Gerard Colby with Charlotte Dennett Reviewed by Carmelo Ruiz

- Book Review: "Rulers and Ruled in the U.S. Empire By James Petras Review by Kris Millegan

- U. S. Congress & Senate Addresses and Fax Numbers

- U. S. Congress & Senate Email addresses

- Advertisers We Support

- DEMANDS for the Government


The Journal of History - Fall 2007 Copyright © 2007 by News Source, Inc.