Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories

LLNL Human Genome Center

In the past two years, the goals of the Human Genome Center have undergone a dramatic evolution. This change is the result of several factors both intrinsic and extrinsic to the Human Genome Initiative. They include: 1) the successful completion of the first phase goal of the Center, namely a high-resolution, sequence-ready map of human chromosome 19; 2) advances in DNA sequencing that allowed us to accelerate scaling this operation; 3) the development of a strategic plan for the Biology and Biotechnology Research Program which integrates our resources and strengths in genomics with programs in DNA repair, individual susceptibility, structural biology, and microbial biotechnology; and 4) the formation of a Joint Genome Institute for the Department of Energy with its three Genome Centers at Livermore, Berkeley, and Los Alamos as anchors.

In the last year, the primary emphasis of our Livermore Center activities has been on high-throughput sequencing, shotgun sequencing technology development, and functional genomics. To provide resources for future functional studies, we have focused our sequencing efforts on two areas: genomic regions containing DNA repair genes and human chromosome 19. Utilizing our high-resolution, bacterial clone-based map of human chromosome 19, we have generated over 3.4 Mb of genomic sequence targeted to selected regions of biological interest. This chromosome is GC-rich (and thus, potentially gene-rich) and contains a large number of clustered gene families, several of which are targets for genomic sequencing. Sequence analysis of a variety of regions from chromosome 19 indicate that it is indeed gene-rich, even in regions expected to be gene-poor due to a paucity of genetic markers. This makes it an attractive target for gene-finding studies employing the complementary genomic and full-length cDNA sequencing approaches.

In addition to genomic sequence, over 50 complementary DNA clones (cDNAs) from genes on human chromosome 19 were fully sequenced and submitted to public sequence databases. We have expanded the basis of the LLNL-based I.M.A.G.E. Consortium, an effort to characterize the transcribed human genome, through interactions with numerous collaborators (in particular, Washington University - Merck) such that the clone collection is now the largest public collection of sequenced cDNA clones, with over 500,000 arrayed clones, over 500,000 sequences in public databases, and over 15,000 mapped cDNAs.

Our entire database structure has been redesigned to handle genomic information from any species and to make a more user-friendly WEB page interface. A sequence tracking system has been established and a more generic process control system is being developed. We have focused our instrumentation efforts on two technologies. The first is a high-density, fluorescence-based hybridization system that will allow us to screen any genome rapidly and efficiently, thereby eliminating the use of radioactivity. We are also developing the next generation DNA sequencing instrument based upon a unique Livermore design of 96- and 384-lane rigid microchannels. The 96-channel system will undergo beta-test this year.

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[Ed's Note: If you visit the section of my Web site which says "Trilateral Commission members" you will see the names of human genome heads of companies. This is why this War Department company has "undergone a dramatic evolution." But why are they using genome technology for war? Why have war? Instead put the money to use for positive goals like improving the quality of life with technology which will solve human genetic conditions.

It is my understanding that the powers that be want to shorten life, not lengthen it because that way they won't exhaust the social security trust fund. We have a better plan. We will bring manufacturing back to America's shores so the tax base is broadened therefore most countries on earth will have manufacturing instead of only a few.

The vast majority of manufacturing plants have departed America for cheaper labor exploiting the labor force in Third World countries. See the Did You Know section of this edition for more documentation on that travesty of justice.]


TRUE DEMOCRACY     SUMMER 2001     Copyright © 2001 by News Sourse, Inc.