Los Alamos National Laboratories
The premier research lab for nuclear, subatomic particle, high magnetic
field, exometallurgical, exobiological and other exotic technologies
research, Los Alamos County, New Mexico according to Dr. Boylan.
Let's analyze this, shall we? We know that Los Alamos produced the A Bomb,
the bombs that discemated Nagasaki and Hiroshima and we know that this facility
is part of the Shadow Government so we can imagine that most if not all of
what this facility does is harmful. Correct? Despite all this, I would defer
to those who are knowledgeable regarding technology and engineering to guide
us because it may just be possible to use this technology to produce peaceful
Here is some information which was obtained from a search:
Quantum Computation/Cryptography at Los Alamos
"Where a calculator on the Eniac is equipped with 18000 vacuum tubes and
weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1000 tubes and weigh
only 1 1/2 tons"
Popular Mechanics, March 1949
This Homepage will give you an overview of the work done at Los Alamos on
Quantum Computation and Cryptography as well as related links.
The idea of quantum computation and cryptography is to use the laws of quantum
mechanics for either computing or exchange secrets messages. Using quantum
mechanics instead of classical mechanics has huge advantages but also some
drawbacks. Quantum mechanics makes the applications much more powerful but
at the same time much more fragile against noise. To learn more about this
browse around!
New - New - New
Experimental Quantum Error Correction Quantum
error correction is required to compensate for the fragility of the state
of a quantum computer. We report the first experimental implementations of
quantum error correction and confirm the expected state stabilization. A
precise study of the decay behavior is studied in alanine and a full implemetation
of error correction protocol is implemented in trichloroethylene. In NMR
computing, however, a net improvement in the signal-to-noise would require
very high polarization. The experiment implemented the 3-bit code for phase
errors in liquid state state NMR.
Quantum Teleportation. Quantum mechanics provides spectacular
new information processing abilities. One of the most unexpected is a procedure
called quantum teleportation suggested by Bennet et al. that
allows the quantum state of a system to be transported from one location
to another, without moving through the intervening space. We have implemented
the full quantum teleportation operation over inter-atomic distances using
liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The inclusion of the final
stage enables for the first time a teleportation implementation which may
be used as a subroutine in larger quantum computations, or for quantum
communication. Our experiment also demonstrates the use of quantum process
tomography , a procedure to completely characterize the dynamics of a
quantum system. Finally, we demonstrate a controlled exploitation of decoherence
as a tool to assist in the performance of an experiment.
This Homepage is updated by
Raymond Laflamme [email protected]
Manny Knill [email protected]
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