The Journal of History     Summer 2008    TABLE OF CONTENTS


The Aspen Institute

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is made up of high-level individuals from the public and private sectors who have been elected by a majority of the membership of the board. The board is responsible for providing counsel to the President, as well as governance over the business, affairs, and property of the Aspen Institute. The board meets three times per year and its ten standing committees meet regularly to discuss, in depth, the key issues facing the organization. These committees are as follows: Executive, Audit, Development, Finance, International, Marketing/Communications, Program Strategy, Seminars/Public Programs, Trustee Affairs and Leadership Programs.

Lifetime Trustees

William E. Mayer, Chairman of the Board
Henry E. Catto, Vice Chairman
Lester Crown, Vice Chairman
Walter Isaacson, President & CEO

Active Trustees

Madeleine K. Albright
The Albright Group LLC

Paul Anderson
Senior Advisor
Booz Allen Hamilton

Mercedes Bass
Sid R. Bass Inc.

*Berl Bernhard
Chairman Emeritus
The Aspen Institute

Melva Bucksbaum
Martin Bucksbaum Family Foundation

William D. Budinger
Founder, Former Chairman and CEO
Rodel, Inc.

Stephen L. Carter
Professor of Law
Yale University Law School

*Henry E. Catto
Former U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain;
Atlantic Council of the United States

*Lester Crown
Chairman, Henry Crown and Company
Vice Chairman, The Aspen Institute

F. Peter Cundill
Cundill Investments Research

Andrea Cunningham
Chief Executive Officer
CXO Communication

**William L. Davis
Chairman and COO
WLD Davis Holdings, LLC

John Doerr
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers

Sylvia A. Earle
Deep Ocean Exploration & Research

Michael D. Eisner
Tornante Company

Leonhard Fischer
Aspen Institute Berlin

Alan Fletcher
President and CEO
Aspen Music Festival and School

Ann B. Friedman

Stephen Friedman
Senior Advisor
Stone Point Capital

Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
W.E.B. Du Bois Professor of the Humanities
Harvard University

Mircea Geoana
Aspen Institute Romania

David Gergen
Professor of Public Service
John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University;
US News & World Report

*Alma L. Gildenhorn
Honorary Trustee
Kennedy Center

Jamshyd Godrej
Aspen Institute India

*Gerald Greenwald
Managing Partner
Greenbriar Equity Group

Patrick W. Gross
The Lovell Group

Arjun Gupta
Founder and Managing Partner
Telesoft Partners

*Sidney Harman
Executive Chairman
Harman International Industries, Inc.

Hayne Hipp
Chairman and CEO
The Liberty Corporation

Gerald D. Hosier
Law Offices of Gerald D. Hosier Ltd.

Ann Frasher Hudson
Javelina Partners

Robert J. Hurst
Managing Director
Crestview Advisors, LLC

*Walter Isaacson
President & CEO
The Aspen Institute

Yotaro Kobayashi
Chief Corporate Advisor
Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.

Ann McLaughlin Korologos
Chairman Emeritus
The Aspen Institute
RAND Board of Trustees

Timothy K. Krauskopf
Round Lake Designs, LLC

Leonard A. Lauder
Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Directors
The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc.

Elisabeth Lulin
Institut Aspen France

*Frederic V. Malek
Thayer Capital Partners

James M. Manyika
McKinsey & Company

*William E. Mayer
Chairman of the Board
The Aspen Institute;
Park Avenue Equity Partners

Bonnie Palmer McCloskey
Cornerstone Holdings, LLC

Anne Welsh McNulty
Managing Partner
JBK Partners

Eleanor Merrill
Publisher Emeritus
Washingtonian Magazine

Karlheinz Muhr
Managing Director
Credit Suisse First Boston

Clare Mu�ana
Ancora Associates, Inc.

Elinor Bunin Munroe
Elinor Bunin Productions, Inc.

Jerry Murdock
Managing Director and Co-Founder
Insight Venture Partners

Roberto H. Murray
Chairman, Fundemas;
President, Agricola Industrial
Salvadorena, SA

Marc B. Nathanson
Mapleton Investments

William A. Nitze
GridPoint, Inc.

Her Majesty Queen Noor
Humanitarian Activist
UN Expert Advisor

Jacqueline Novogratz
Chief Executive Officer
Acumen Fund

Olara A. Otunnu
LBL Foundation for Children

Elaine Pagels
Professor of Religion
Princeton University

Michel Pebereau
President, BNP Paribas;
Institut Aspen France

Lord Charles Powell
Sagitta Asset Management Limited

Michael K. Powell
The MK Powell Group

*Margot L. Pritzker
Zohar Education Project Incorporative

Peter Reiling
Executive Vice President for Leadership Programs and Seminars
Executive Director, Henry Crown Fellowship
The Aspen Institute*

*Lynda Resnick
Co-Owner and Vice Chairman
Roll International Corporation

Isaac O. Shongwe
Chief Executive Officer
DNA Supply Chain of South Africa;
Letsema Consulting Company

Anna Deavere Smith
Institute on the Arts and Civic Dialogue

*Robert K. Steel
Under Secretary of Domestic Finance
U.S. Department of Treasury

Andrew L. Stern
International President
Service Employees International Union

Shashi Tharoor
Afras Ventures

Giulio Tremonti
Aspen Institute Italia

Roderick von Lipsey
Senior Vice President, Investments
UBS Financial Services

Vin Weber
Managing Partner
Clark & Weinstock

Frederick B. Whittemore
Advisory Director
Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc.

Alice Young, Esq.
Chair, Asia Pacific Practice (U.S.)

* Executive Committee

** Trustees on Leave of Absence
Lifetime Trustees
LIfetime Trustees consist of former board members and other prominent individuals who have been elected by a majority of the membership of the Board. Their mission is to create a more involved and informed way for retiring board members and other members to stay in touch with fellow trustees and with the work of the Aspen Institute. They are a key arm of the Institute, responsible for providing advice concerning strategic issues facing the organization.

James C. Calaway
Chairman of Lifetime Trustees
The Aspen Institute

Keith Berwick
Keith Berwick Chair
The Aspen Institute

John Brademas
President Emeritus
New York University

Lisle C. Carter, Jr.
Attorney Hisashi Owada
International Court of Justice

William T. Coleman, Jr.
Senior Partner and The Senior Counselor
O'Melveny & Myers

Al Dietsch
Best Year Yet LLC

James L. Ferguson
Retired Chairman and CEO
General Foods Corporation

Jacqueline Grapin
The European Institute

Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr.
Retired President and CEO
Hallmark Cards, Inc.

Nina Rodale Houghton
Wye Institute

Shirley Hufstedler
Senior Counsel
Morrison & Foerster

J�r�me Huret
Former President
Institut Aspen France

Robert S. Ingersoll
Former U. S. Ambassador to Japan

William N. Joy
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers

Henry A. Kissinger
Kissinger Associates, Inc.

Gerald M. Levin
Retired Chairman and CEO
Time Warner, Inc.

Robert H. Malott
Retired Chairman and CEO
FMC Corporation

John P. Mascotte
Former President and CEO
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City

Robert S. McNamara
Former President
The World Bank

Olivier Mellerio
Institut Aspen France

John J. Phelan, Jr.
Chairman Emeritus
The Aspen Institute
Retired Chairman and CEO
New York Stock Exchange vThomas R. Pickering
Vice Chairman
Hills and Company

Prince Bandar bin Sultan
Former Saudi Ambassador to the United States

Warren B. Rudman
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison

Jay Sandrich
TV and Film Director

Lloyd G. Schermer
Retired Chairman & CEO
Lee Enterprises

Carlo Scognamiglio
Honorary Chairman
Aspen Institute Italia

Albert H. Small
Southern Engineering Corp.

Kathy D. Smith
Former Board Member
Daubert Industries

Phillips Talbot
President Emeritus
The Asia Society

Solomon D. Trujillo
Chairman, CEO and President
Graviton, Inc.

Paul A. Volcker
Former Chairman of the Board of Governors
Federal Reserve System

Leslie H. Wexner
President and Chairman of the Board
The Limited, Inc.

Clifton R. Wharton, Jr.
Former Chairman and CEO

Dolores Wharton
Founder and Chair
Fund for Corporate Initiatives


The Journal of History - Summer 2008 Copyright © 2008 by News Source, Inc.