The Journal of History     Summer 2008    TABLE OF CONTENTS

The Rothschild Bloodline, in three parts

Two neighbor horse farmers came together one day to talk business. The first farmer sold his horse to the second for a quarter million dollars, and then bought it back for about $20 more. He could now advertise his horse (actually worth $20), as a horse he for which he had paid over a quarter of a million dollars.

We can laugh over such schemes. And perhaps we should laugh at ourselves for having been fooled, for if there is one area in life that exceeds the religious in deception, and touches all of us it is the financial. What else can we do about it except laugh? The famous poet Lord Byron describes the archtype of our two farmers in 1823, Who keeps the world, both old and new, in pain Or pleasure? Who makes politics run glibber all? The shade of Bonaparte's noble daring?

Jew Rothschild and his fellow-Christian, Baring. You will learn about some other "neighbor horse traders" in this chapter too.


Lord Rothschild in his book The Shadow of a Great Man quotes a letter sent from Davidson on June 24, 1814 to Nathan Rothschild, "As long as a house is like yours, and as long as you work together with your brothers, not a house in the world will be able to compete with you, to cause you harm or to take advantage of you, for together you can undertake and perform more than any house in the world."(1) The closeness of the Rothschild brothers is seen in a letter from Saloman (Salmon) Rothschild to his brother Nathan on February 28, 1815, "We are like the mechanism of a watch: each part is essential." (2) This closeness is further seen in that of the 18 marriages made by Mayer Amschel Rothschild's grandchildren 16 were contracted between first cousins.


In 1974, in the summer after the Yom Kippur War this Author toured Israel, and got the chance to personally visit many of the buildings such as the Knesset that Rothschild money built. The Knesset is the Israeli equivalent to our Congress's Capitol building. One of the Rothschilds, in his will, left money for ongoing building projects in Israel, and the Rothschilds are honored with a Street named after them in Jerusalem.

The people of Germany and Turkey have been very close. I can recall meeting Turkish "Gastarbeiter" (guestworkers) in Germany. The reader will remember that Turkey fought on Germany's side in W.W. I. A few powerful Jews, including the Rothschilds were responsible for the wording of the Treaty imposed on Germany that ended W.W. I (3) The treaty gave the Rothschilds the German owned railway rights in Palestine (which had been part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire), thus paving the way for the Rothschilds to have a sure leverage to dictate policy concerning Palestine. The Rothschilds had made loans to Turkey which amounted to almost �100 million. When the Turkish government collapsed after W.W. I because they were on the losing side, the Rothschilds had a claim on Palestine because of those unpaid Turkish loans. (4) The British government followed the dictates of the Rothschilds. The British were given a mandate over Palestine, and the Rothschilds were able to, through their proxies in the British government, create the steps that led to the nation of Israel.(5)


One item stands out as a person listens to the International Bankers and reads their books. They believe money is what makes the world go round. If you have money, you can do anything. Money is "God," and it is worshipped and served. Even after these families accumulate more than can be spent, these devotees continue selling their souls for this false but powerful god. The great poet-philosopher Heinrich Heine (a Banker's son) said, "Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet." (6) Following the cue of the Rothschilds, Heinrich Heme, a Jew, signed his name by drawing a Seal of Solomon. (7) Amsel Rothschild is reported to have said, "Give me control of the economics of a country; and I care not who makes her laws. (8) Today his descendents meet twice daily in London to dictate to the world what the world price of gold will be. They also dictate what the "Federal Reserve System" will do with America's finances.


According to eye-witnesses, who were prominent enough to visit one of the British Rothschild homes, the Rothschilds worship yet another god too, Satan. They set a place for him at their table. (8a) The Rothschilds have been Satanists for many generations. The Rothschilds are an important part of the history of the Seal of Solomon (also known as hexagram, Magen David, six-pointed star, Star of David.) The Seal of Solomon, the hexagram, was not considered a Jewish symbol before the Rothschilds began using it. (9) Throughout the Middle Ages the Seal of Solomon had been used by Arab Magicians, Cabalist Magicians, Druid witches, and Satanists. One of the few ancient uses of the symbol was on the floor of a 1,200 year old Moslem Mosque found where Tel Aviv is today. (10) In the twelfth century an Ashkenazic Jew, Menahem ben Duji, who thought he was the Messiah, used the magical symbol. (11) Because the Rothschilds were Satanists they adopted this powerful magic symbol in 1822 for their coat-of-arms.

The name they adopted for their family actually comes from the fact that in the 17th century Mayer Amschel Bauer began hanging out a red hexagram in front of their house to identify it. Mayer Amschel then decided to take the name red-schield (Rothschild in German) after the red Seal of Solomon that they used. Alice Bailey in A Treatise On White Magic, p. 412, claims that the Hierarchy has a special group which she calls "the financial group" "controlling all that can be converted into energy, and constituting a dictatorship over all modes of intercourse, commerce, and exchange." According to the Luciferian Alice Bailey, the "financial group" is the latest group directed by the Hierarchy. In 1836 Zevi Hirsch Kalischer approached Rothschild and proposed Rothschild buy all of Erez Israel. It took many years for the Rothschilds to finally create [the state of] Israel. The Rothschilds have been a primary force behind the creation of [the state of] Israel, and so it is appropriate that the nation carries their magical Seal of Solomon as the state logo. The Ultra-orthodox Jews in Israel will not serve in the Israeli army because they know that Almighty God was not behind the creation of modern Israel, but rather the rich ungodly apostate Jews. They refuse to serve the ungodly. They are wiser than men like Jerry Falwell [d. 2007]who run around proclaiming Israel is God's nation. Men like Falwell are the type that this Author finds reference to repeatedly in Jewish documents that speak of their power within the Fundamentalists. God is ultimately in charge; he has allowed Hitler to come to power, Stalin to come to power, and the Rothschilds to come to power. In the same sense that God rules over and blessed Stalin's Russia, he rules over America and [the state of] Israel.

To twist scriptures about God seating the rulers and then to apply them to bless one Satanic secular communist nation and not another is inconsistent and not correctly using the Word of Truth. Some people object that the conspiracy of Power is labelled Jewish rather than Satanic by certain concerned citizens. If this objection is valid, however, will these objectors then take the obvious next step and admit the nation of Israel which the Rothschilds created is Satanic and not Jewish? But then who knows precisely why people do what they do? If you ask someone why he does something, he will give you one answer today, another tomorrow, and another the next day. Does he do what he does for a real reason, or a single motive? Perhaps to label the Power as only Satanic or only Jewish or only Masonic is to neglect the personal human dimension. This personal human dimension is godless. Being godless it fills that void, by pretending its men are gods. This brings us right back to the Gnostic religions and Satan. Most Jewish people do not concern themselves with learning the occultic significance to their treasured Magen David (Star of David). King David did not have anything to do with the hexagram, although his son Solomon did when he began worshipping Ashtoreth (star, also known as Astarte, Chiun, Kaiwan, Remphan, and Saturn). (12) Solomon built altars to Star (Astarte, aka Ashtoreth). The god Saturn is associated with the Star but both Saturn and Astarte have also been identified with a number of other names. Saturn is an important key to understanding the long heritage this conspiracy has back to antiquity. The city of Rome was originally known as Saturnia or City of Saturn. The Roman Catholic church retains much of the Saturn worship in its ritual. Saturn also relates to Lucifer? (13) In various occult dictionaries Saturn is associated with evil. Saturn was important to the religion of Mithra, and also the Druids.

6. CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD: Connections to Johovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and Judaism

It has been said all roads lead to Rome. For this book, it could be said all paths of investigation lead to the Rothschilds. Charles T. Russell, in a 1891 letter to Baron (Lord) Rothschild, mailed from Palestine, outlined possible courses of action that could be taken to establish the Jews in Palestine. Russell's letters praised the Rothschild's money which established Jewish colonies in Palestine. Russell writes Rothschild, "What is needed here, therefore, next to water and cleanliness, is a good government which will protect the poor from the ravenous and the wealthy. Banking institutions on sound bases, and doing business honorably, are also greatly needed " Russell continues, "May the God of Jacob direct you, my dear Sir, and all interested with you in the deliverance and prosperity of Israel, and blessed will they be who, to any extent, yield themselves as his servants in fulfilling his will as predicted." (14) When the Mormon Church needed financing in the late 19th century, they went to Kuhn, Loeb Co. (15) To explain the Rothschild's control of Kuhn, Loeb Co. here is some background information.

The method that the House of Rothschild used to gain influence, was the same that Royalty had used for centuries, marriage. The Rothschild children, girls and boys, have had their spouses chosen on the basis of alliances that would benefit the House of Rothschild, but since consolidating world power they generally have married cousins these last two centuries? (16) Jacob Schiff grew up in the house that the Rothschilds had at 148 Judengasse, Frankfurt. Jacob Schiff came to the United States with Rothschild capital and took over control of a small Jewish banking concern founded by two Cincinnati dry goods merchants Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb. He even married Soloman's daughter. In 1885, Loeb retired, and Schiff ran the Kuhn, Loeb Co. for the Rothschilds until 1920 when he died. (17) During Russell's and Brigham Young's day, Lord Rothschild was considered the "lay leader of world Jewry." (18) Edmund Rothschild was President of the Jewish Colonization Assoc, (19) which was a major Zionist group. Amselm Rothschild indicated that his grandfather Amschel Mayer Rothschild had insisted in Clause 15 of his will to his children, "may they and their descendants remain constantly true to their ancestral Jewish faith." (20) However, the will has been secret and there is no way of knowing what it says.

The Rothschilds have not remained true to the Orthodox faith. If this was actually what Clause 15 said then something is amiss. The Jewish world has showered the Rothschilds with praises, "The Rothschilds govern a Christian world. Not a cabinet moves without their advice. They stretch their hand, with equal ease, from Petersburg to Vienna, from Vienna to Paris, from Paris to London, from London to Washington. Baron Rothschild, the head of the house, is the true king of Judah, the prince of the captivity, the Messiah so long looked for by this extraordinary people....The lion of the tribe of Judah, Baron Rothschild, possesses more real force than David, more wisdom than Solomon." (21) The Prieure de Sion-the Elders of Sion 22 also relates to the Rothschilds who are reported to serve on a Jewish council of Elders of Sion. 23 The Rothschilds have "helped" the Jewish people the Rothschild's own way. For those who admire stingyness, the Rothschilds will be greatly looked up to. For instance, the extent of James Rothschild's charity in France to poor Jews was 5 francs (the equivalent of $1). Their dynasty has destroyed honest Jews along with Christians. Today, few dare criticize the Rothschilds.

7. CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD: Connections to secret societies

The Rothschilds had played a major role in the Bavarian Illuminati, (25) and it is known that a least one of the sons of Amsel was a member. As the reader remembers, Amsel placed his sons in the major European capitals, where they each set up the principal banking houses. By their own secret intelligence service and their own news network they could outmanouver any European government. (26) The large amounts of voluminous correspondence by Rothschild couriers attracted attention, (27) but no one ever stopped their personal intelligence and mail services. After the Bavarian illuminati were exposed, the central occult power over the European secret societies shifted to Carbonarism a.k.a. the Alta Vendita, (28) led by another powerful Rothschild, Karl Rothschild, (29) son of Amschel. In 1818, Karl participated in a secret document that was sent out to the head-quarters of Masonry from the Alta Vendita.

The Masons were quite distressed when a copy of this was lost, and offered rewards to anyone who could return the lost copy. It was originally written in Italian. Its title translates "Permanent Instructions, or Practical Code of Rules; Guide for the Heads of the Highest Grades of Masonry." (30) The Masonic reference book 10,000 Famous Freemasons, Vol. 4, p.74, indicates two other sons of Amschel were Masons, James Meyer Rothschild, and his brother Nathan Meyer Rothschild. James Rothschild in Paris was a 33 degree Scottish Rite Mason, and his brother Nathan in London was a member of the Lodge of Emulation. And Jewish Freemason Katz indicates Solomon Meir Rothschild, a third member of the five brothers, was initiated into Freemasonry on June 14, 1809. (31) The Rothschilds became powerful within Freemasonry. We find the Saint-Simonians, the occult religious millenialist forerunners of communism, praising Baron de Rothschild in their magazine Le Globe, "There is no one today who better represents the triumph of equality and work in the nineteenth century than M. le Baron de Rothschild....Was this Jew born a millionaire? No, he was born poor, and if only you knew what genius, patience, and hard work were required to construct that European edifice called the House of Rothschild, you would admire rather than insult it." Lionel de Rothschild (the de was added by the French Rothschilds) was involved with the first communist Internationale. The Mason Mazzini who helped start communism praised Rothschild, "Rothschild could be King of France if he so desired." (32) Adoiphe Cremieux, was a French Jewish Mason (see chap. 1.4 for his credentials). The Rothschilds gave at least �1,000 to Cremieux to go to Damascus with Salomon Munk, and Sir Moses Montefiore to win the release of Jews imprisoned there, and to convince the Turkish Sultan to declare the charges of ritual murder false. (33) According to the three Jewish authors of Dope, Inc. the B'nai B'rith was a spin-off of the Order of Zion and was organized as a "covert intelligence front" for the House of Rothschild. It is highly probable that the B'nai B'rith was used as a Rothschild intelligence cover. The Rothschilds are prominent in the Bilderbergers too. The Rothschilds were closely related to the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR).

Although many people today would not view the CFR as a secret society it was originally set up as part of a secret society and it was kept secret for many years, in spite of its awesome power. Carroll Quigley, professor of International Relations at the Jesuit Georgetown University, exposed the Round Table Group with his book Tragedy and Hope. (34) The Rothschilds supported Rhodes to form De Beers. (35) Later, Rhodes made seven wills which established a secret society modelled after the Jesuits and Masons to help bring in a One-World-Government centered upon Britain, and the Rhodes Scholarships. (36) The inner group was established in March 1891 and consisted of Rhodes, Stead, Lord Esher (Brett), and 33 degree Mason Alfred Milner. (33bb) A secondary circle of "potential members of the Circle of Initiates" consisted of the Jew Lord Balfour, Sir Harry Johnson, Lord Rothschild, Lord Grey and others. Initially, Lord Rothschild was part of the inner group of Rhode's secret society, but was replaced by his son-in-law Lord Rosebury who was not as conspicuous. (37) The Fabian Socialists dominated the staff at Oxford when the Rhodes Scholars began arriving. These scholars then received indoctrination and preparation to become part of an international socialist New World Order. (38) The Round Table Group developed from the inner executive circle of Rhode's secret society. The outer circle was established after the start of the 20th century. The Round Table Group was extended after W.W.I by organizing a front organization the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The Council on Foreign Relations was the American part of this front. The inner circle continues to direct the outer circle and its two front organizations RIIA and CFR. The CER in turn set up a number of fronts including the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR).

Editor's note: I have read that this elite continuously create front organizations to cover themselves up.

8. CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD: Management of the Catholic and Czars' wealth and the capture of the Orthodox Church's wealth.

Early in the 19th century the Pope came to the Rothschilds to borrow money. The Rothschilds were very friendly with the Pope, causing one journalist to sarcasticly say "Rothschild has kissed the hand of the Pope...Order has at last been re-established." (39) The Rothschilds in fact over time were entrusted with the bulk of the Vatican's wealth. The Jewish Ency., Vol. 2, p.497 states, "It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure." Researcher Eustice Mullins writes that the Rothschilds took over all the financial operations of the worldwide Catholic Church in 1823. (40) Today the large banking and financial business of the Catholic Church is an extensive system interlocked with the Rothschilds and the rest of the International Banking system.

The great wealth of the Russian Czars was entrusted to the Rothschilds, $35 million with the Rothschild's Bank of England, and $80 million in the Rothschild's Paris bank. The Rothschilds financed the Russian Revolution which confiscated vast portions of the Orthodox Church's wealth. They have been able to prevent (due to their power) the legitimate heirs of the Czars fortune to withdraw a penny of the millions deposited in a variety of their banks. The Mountbattans, who are related to the Rothschilds, led the court battles to prevent the claimants from withdrawing any of the fortune. In other words, the money they invested in the Russian Revolution, was not only paid back directly by the Bolshevists in millions of dollars of gold, but by grabbing the huge deposits of the Czars' wealth, the Rothschilds gained what is now worth over $50 Billion. (41)

Editor's note: Since there were no heirs of the Czars it became easy for the Rothschild to acquire great wealth. They murdered the entire family.


Chapter 2.11 gives the names of a Witchcraft Council of 13 which is under Rothschild control and in turn issues orders to various groups. One of the purest forms of Satanism can be traced to the Jewish Sabbatean sect and its Frankist spin off. The leaders of this up to the Rothschilds were:

Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676)

Nathan of Gaza (16??-?)

Jacob Frank (1726-1791)


Three connections between Satanism, evil, and money.

Money naturally attracts itself to evil. For instance, if a woman prostitutes herself so she may receive a great sum of money, but who will pay her for keeping her virginity or her dignity? If you are a hit man a large amount of money is yours if you kill your target, who will pay you if you would miss your target?

Second, evil men believe in where there is a will there is a way, and they are willing to sell their souls for their God money. They will employ evil to gain money.

While most people are quite aware of these last two connections, a third may likely have escaped their attention. Thirdly, the principle group of men who cranked up International Banking were Satanists from the beginning. These Satanists now are the ones who run the Federal Reserve and are responsible for the creation of U.S. Federal Reserve notes. Just having total control over the supply of U.S. paper money almost gives them leverage over the world's finances, without mentioning they control the world bank. It is no accident then, that once they established world financial control, they would do all in their power to divide and conquer and destroy both the Christian and the Moslem faith in God. These powerful Bankers relate to faith in God as Cain related to his brother Abel. That they may be related to the Jewish people, does not mean they have the Jewish people's best interest at heart. Initially Sabbetai Zevi was rejected by many Jews. His sect gained momentum in second half of the seventeenth century in southeastern Poland. (42) In 1759-60, 500 Jewish Sabbateans "converted" to Christianity. (43) In 1715, 109 of the 415 Jewish families in Frankfurt were engaged in moneylending. The rest were merchants of various kinds. The concepts that Satanism holds to were a natural shoe in to justify for many of these Jewish bankers the type of behavior they were engaged in." (44)


Many divisions and battles between religious elements in the world have been encouraged and supported by the Power's wealth. Unfortunately, many have been fooled into thinking that being devout and faithful to God is the source of religious fighting. In some areas of the world, Moslems, Christians, and others have gotten along fine for centuries. Religious tensions do spring to some degree from within the religions themselves, but the fuel to keep those fires burning and to light up conflicts often come from the Power's wealth. An obvious example is the Iran-Iraq war.


When Germany fell, not only did Rothschild agents draft the treaty, prepare the idea of the League of Nations, but Max Rothschild was one of 11 men who took control over Bavaria. Max Rothschild was a Freemason in Lodge No. 11, Munich, Germany.

12. CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD: Connections to MI5, Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan, CFR, et. al.

Victor Rothschild, who worked for J.P. Morgan & Co., and was an important part of MI5 (British Intelligence). Victor Rothschild was also a communist and member of the Apostles Club at Cambridge. (45) Lord Rothschild was one of the original members of Rhode's Round Table group which developed into the CFR. It was the Rothschilds who had financed Cecil Rhodes, beginning in Africa. The Rothschilds have several agents which their money started and who still serve them well, the Morgans and the Rockefellers. The Rockefellers were Marrano Jews. The original Rockefeller made his money selling narcotics, (they were not illegal then). After acquiring a little capital he branched out in oil. But it was the Rothschild capital that made the Rockefellers so powerful. "They also financed the activities of Edward Harriman (railroads) and Andrew Carnegie Steel." (46)

13. CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD: Power within Christendom

The Rothschilds also wielded much influence and power not only in Secret Societies, but also in Christendom's churches. The Salvation Army under the suggestion of the Rothschilds adopted the Red Shield (Roth-red Schild-shield) for their logo. One history of the Rothschilds remarks, "The Rothschilds had rapidly propelled themselves into a position of immense financial power and political influence. They were an independent force in the life of Europe, accountable to no one and, to a large extent, reliant on no one. Popular lampoons depicted them as the real rulers of Christendom...." (47) Some of the Rothschilds have been involved in the campaign to loosen public morals. The first executive Secretary of the National Student Forum was John Rothschild. This National Student Forum changed its name like articles of clothing. Speaking about clothing, one of the aims of this Socialist group was to promote public nudity, and free love. This organization had the following constituent groups Radcliffe Liberal Club, Union Theological Seminary Contemporary Club, Yale Liberal Club" (48) to name just a few. A further development of this was the Youth Peace Federation which consisted of the League of Youth of Community Church, Methodist Epworth League, NY District, Young Judea, and Young People's Fellowship of St. Phillip's Parish (49) to name a few. American religious men have ties to the Rothschilds especially through their various agents.

Harry Emerson Fosdick, who was Pastor of Rockefeller's church was also among the Presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation. John Foster Dulles, CFR, was chairman of the board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and married a Rockefeller, Janet Pomeroy Avery. Remember John Foster Dulles was an important Federal Council of Churches of Christ official. (See chap. 2.9) Every road leads back to the Rothschilds. There are more items than what have been mentioned above linking the Rothschilds to the various tenticles. Each of the various tenticles that conspiracy theorists have put forth, the Jews, the Masons, the Intelligence Communities, the International Bankers, the Prieure de Sion, the Catholics, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, the New Age, the Cults, each ties back to Rothschild's power.


According to one source "it was estimated that they controlled half the wealth of the world." (50) The Federal Reserve Bank of New York was controlled by five banks which owned 53% of its stock. These five banks were controlled by Nathan M. Rothschild & Sons of London. Control over the U.S. Fed is basically control over the world's money. That fact alone shows how immense Rothschild Power is. If one examines who has been appointed to head the Fed, and to run it, the connections of the "Federal" Reserve System to the Rothschilds can further be seen. Another private enterprise using the name Federal that the Rothschilds also direct is Federal Express. Any one else might be taken to court for making their businesses sound like they are government, but not the Rothschilds. It is appropriate for them to appropriate the name of Federal, because by way of MI6 via the CIA they instruct the U.S. government. Senators are bought and paid off by their system, as investigators of the BCCI are discovering. The Rothschilds have been intimately involved in witchcraft and the Illuminati since its early known history. The Kaiser of Germany seems to refer to them when he said, "the magic powers of money as wielded by the Lord of Lucre are powers of Black Magic at its blackest." (51)

If only half of the wealth is controlled by the Rothschilds, it indicates that if they are to be part of the world's rulership, they must have allies.


The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are only two of thirteen controlling families of the Illuminati. (52) Two Jewish families that appear to be prominent are the Oppenheims and the Oppenheimers. A. Oppenheim was situated in Cologne. The Oppenheimers were early members of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Bund der Gerechten (League of the Just) was an illuminati front run mainly by Jews who were Satanists. This Bund financed in part by the Rothschilds paid the Satanist and Mason Karl Marx to write the Communist Manefesto. The Jew Gumpel Oppenheim was in the inner circle of the Bund. His relative Heinrich Oppenheim masterminded the communist revolution of 1848 in Germany. The Communist Party's official histories even accept the Bund as the predecessor of Communism.

The Oppenheimers apparently are close to the Rothschilds. J. Robert Oppenheimer of the CFR was exposed as a communist. Harry Oppenheimer, an international banker, is chairman of the Jewish De Beers world-wide diamond monopoly, and chairman of the Anglo-American Corp. Oppenheimers can be found in important financial positions in the U.S. They help run around 10 large foundations, including the Oppenheimer Haas Trust of NY for the care of needy Jewish children.

The Jewish Encyclopedia. Vol. 2, p. 496 indicates other Jewish families "adopted the Rothschild plan." These were the Lazards, Sterns, Speyers, and Seligmans. The Rothschild plan was to place family members in the 5 largest European capitals to coordinate their activities. One of Germany's largest magazines is the Stern, and Ernst Stern is second-in-command of the World Bank." (53) The Jewish families that established the Frankfurt Judenloge (this was the Masonic lodge the Rothschilds belonged to in Frankfurt) included the Adlers, Speyers, Reisses, Sichels, Ellisons, Hanaus, Geisenheimers, and Goldschmidts. Isaac Hildesheim, a Jew who changed his name to Justus Hiller is credited as being the founder of this Frankfurt lodge. Michael Hess, principal of the Reformed Jewish school Philanthropin was an important figure in the lodge too, as was Dr. Ludwig Baruch (later Borne) who joined in 1808. Most of these Frankfurt Jewish Freemasons engaged in commerce. (54) Those Freemasons from 1817-1842 were the leaders of the Frankfurt Jewish community. (55) A gentile Mason in Frankfurt Johann Christian Ehrmann began warning the German people that the Frankfurt Jewish Masons wanted a world republic based on humanism. In 1816 he came out with a warning pamphlet Das Judenthum in der M[aurere]y (The Jews in Masonry). A powerful ally of the world's Jewry can be seen beginning with men like Oliver Cromwell, who was considered a Mason.

Cromwell was financed by Jews, and helped the Jews gain power in England. Cromwell was willing to go along with the Jews, because he became convinced of British Israelism. Since the core of the conspiracy of power is Jewish, the attitude of those allied with it hinges on their attitude toward the Jewish people.

The religious idea that the British people are descended from the tribes of Israel does not automatically place people into the camp of the conspiracy. Some of the British-Israelites realize that the so called Jewish people in general have no claim over the promises of God. For that reason, they realize that it is not the Christian duty to bow and scrape at their every move. When Christians can be arrested in Israel and abused, and Christians will not even stand up for their own kind, we can see how much hold the idea of the "Chosen Race" theory has over Christendom. Some of the British Israelites such as the Mormons, the old New England wealthy families such as make up the Order, some Masons and New Agers, and the non-Jewish members of the Priuere de Sion are collaborating with the One-World-Power. The anglican church which is run by the Freemasons is strongly British Israelistic.


In contrast, a hodge-podge of groups which are opposed to the conspiracy like some Neo-Nazi groups, and various Churches unrelated with them are also believers in British Israelism. These various groups are sometimes all lumped together as the "Identity" movement, which is misleading because of their vast differences. It is important to diferentiate between those groups that are trying to approach things from a Christian perspective and place themselves under the authority of God, and those who are setting themselves up under the New Order's authority, or under their own authority.


Eustice Mullins has published his research in his book Who Owns the TV Networks showing that the Rothschilds have control of all three U.S. Networks, plus other aspects of the recording and mass media industry. It can be added that they control Reuters too. From other sources it appears CNN, which began as an independent challenge to the Jewish Network monopoly, ran into repeated trickery, and ended up part of the system.

Money from B.C.C.I., (B.C.C.I. has been one of the New World Orders financial systems for doing its dirty business such as controlling Congressmen, and is involved with INSLA, the Iran-Contra Scandal, Centrust, and other recent scandals) which has tainted so many aspects of public power in the U.S. has also been behind CNN. Perhaps nothing dominates the life of some Americans as does the television.

Americans sit themselves before the television set and simply absorb what it projects to them. On a day to day basis the biggest way the Rothschilds touch the lives of Americans are the three major networks which are under Rothschild direction. To illustrate this we will examine who run the networks. This list is not current, and no attempt was to provide that. The length of writing a book insures that some material will be dated anyway.




John Brademas Director Rockefeller Foundation Chairman

Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y. which controls all other Federal Reserve Banks. Humanist of the Year 1978

Cecily B. Selby National Director Girl Scouts (the occult is now part of the to Girl Scout program), Director Avon Products and Loehmanns (dresses). Husband: James Cole, President Bowdoin College

Peter G. Peterson former head of Kuhn-Loeb Ex-Secretary of Commerce

Robert Cizek Director First City Bancorp Director RCA, Chairman Cooper Industries

Thomas O. Paine Preident. of Northrup, large defense contractor. Director of Strategic Director of Institute of Studies, various munitions associations

Donald Smiley Director of several Morgan Firms Director of Ralston-Purina, Irving Trust, Metro-Life and U.S. Steel and Chairman of Macy Company

David C. Jones President Consolidated Contractor, Director U.S. Steel, Kemper Insurance

Thornton Bradshaw, Director Aspen Inst. of Humanistic Studies, Atlantic-Richfield Diector. Rock. Bros. Fund Oil, Champion Paper Company, Chairman of RCA

Brandon Tartikoff (head of NBC entertainment) Jewish


Harold Brown, Jewish. ex-Sec. of Air Force and ex-Secretary of Defense, Executive Directive Trilateral Commission.

Roswell Gilpatric, Director Federal Reserve Bank, NY. Kuhn Loeb firm C.S.& M

Henry B. Schnacht, Director Chase Manhattan, Director AT&T, Chairman Cummins CFR, Brookings Institute, Engine Co., Committee for Economic Develop

Michel C. Bergerac, Chairman. Revlon Director Manufacturers

James D. Wolfensohn Former head of J. Henry Schroeder Bank

Walter Cronkite

Newton D. Minow Dir. Rand Corp

Franklin A. Thomas, head of Ford Foundation

Marietta Tree, Director Winston Churchill Foundation, Director Salomon Brothers, Foundation & Director, Director U.S. Trust, granddaughter of founder of Groton, husband in British Intelligence, associated with Ditchlcy


Editor's note: I have deleted this portion because it is located at


Let me briefly recap what some of the plan was. And while you read these plans that I am relaying to you from my intensive research on high level Satanism, see if you do not see the irony in the Satanic plans. How very ironic it is that in all the twisted thinking and reasoning of the leading Satanists for why they must do things, it is surprising they do not catch on that this plan of Satan's is going to achieve God's revealed plan. How pride does blind us! (For the sake of brevity I will dispense with my normal method of documenting everything; I suggest that my book Be Wise As Serpents be read for documentation, and further questions be written to me. Otherwise this article would be way too bulky for the newsletter.) The "brilliant" plan given in detail to the Illuminati was to create a thesis and its opposite called the antithesis. The process would repeat itself until the desired outcome. Out of the battle between the two would emerge the synthesis. Out of the battle of chaos would come a new order reminding us of the Masonic slogan "Order out of Chaos." If the thesis were like a hammer and the antithesis like an anvil, what was caught in between would be broken or reshaped. Three world wars would enable the plan to work. The hammer would be constructed and then given a homeland, a secure base in Russia. It is what we call communism. The first anvil would be created out of economic chaos in Germany. It would be called National Socialism. That anvil would be destroyed in a Second World War, but another anvil would replace it called democracy. The first two world wars accomplished exactly what they were intended to accomplish. Out of the first world war came:

(1) A secure Satanic dictatorship in Russia, a secure base to carry out further world subversion,

(2) The Satanic family of Rothschilds gained partial control over Palestine, preparing the way for Satan to rule from Jerusalem some day,

(3) Weapons of mass destruction and terror,

(4) The League of Nations.

Out of the second world war came

(1) The enlargement of their secure base in Russia into a world power,

(2) complete control over Palestine by the Rothschilds,

(3) airpower, including long range missiles, jets, secret flying saucers, and powerful submarines, all items that individuals could not produce. Those in control of production would therefore control all air and sea ways of the earth,

(4) The cold war and an era of terror to convince the people of the need for Satan's One World Order,

(5) the United Nations.

Out of the third world war would emerge a new religious system. The third world war would have to be tailored to be like the Bible's Armaggeddon, Satan told his highest slaves, because if it resembled Armaggeddon, then the people would believe he was the Messiah when he came after its end. It would have to be terrible, so that he could step in and bring miraculous order out of a world beaten into chaos by the worst war in history. Again it would be "Order out of chaos," as the Masonic documents repeatedly proclaim. The third world war would come during a period of seven years of tribulation starting in 1992 and running until 1999. Just like the Second World War emerged out of the great world-wide depression. Satan told his followers this 1992-99 tribulation would repeat on a larger scale the plagues of Egypt, for he would wreck revenge for what was done to Egypt by God (and Moses) by giving back in a bigger way to the world what happened to ancient Egypt. To a demonic controlled mind it makes sense to wreck such revenge, especially when the end result is held out to be the salvation of the world by the Lightbearer, the Morning Star, also known as Lucifer. For most of us, the idea of such pain and destruction seems like demonic madness which it is.

At the core of the One-World-System is Satanism. It hides itself behind fronts such as Jewish Finance, Socialism, Aryanism, British Israelism, Zionism, and Freemasonry which are tools to get the broad masses to serve the Plan. The "conspiracy" to create the One-World-System has enlisted the help of almost everyone. That is because most of the religious systems at the top are controlled by Satanists who know what they are doing and direct the people's religious efforts. (Read the research in Be Wise As Serpents for the documentation on this.) Nazism was a Pagan Gnostic religious system whose High Priest Hitler knew what he was doing in relation to Satan's mission. (More about this further down.) The Jewish people (I use the term in its broadest sense) are being used. Actually the allegiance of the Satanic hierarchy is not in the least concerned with Judaism, although it appears that at first the plans are to create a religious leader that will have the apparent credentials of the Jewish messiah. How sad, because the actions of the Rothschilds and other Satanic "Jewish" bloodlines during W.W. II show that their first allegiance is not to the Old Testament and not to even Orthodox Judaism, but purely to Satan. At some point in the future the Orthodox Jews and the Conservative Jews will find that this Messiah, who is already alive waiting to play his role, will only give them temporary relief. They are being taken for a ride and then they will be dumped by the New World Order's dictatorship.

Constance Cumbey correctly notices that the New Age movement resembles Nazism exactly to a T (perfectly). For those students wanting to get a detail by detail parallel go to pages 114 to 120 in The Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow.

In 1952, James Larratt Battersby in England published The Holy Book of Adolf Hitler for the German World Church in Europe. Except for some of his pro-German ideas, obviously thrown in to make the book enlist the intended audience's favor, the book is an exact description of what would happen in the next 50 years to bring in the New World Order. The reason some of the prognostications of pro-German ideas are not valid is that the Satanic hierarchy is not really concerned for the German people either, except to harness their help in their plans. Batterby's Holy Book of Adolf Hitler was given to him "in the spirit." According to Battersby the book was written in order that "May God open the eyes of the Gentiles to Truth, and carry his Holy Gospel to the ends of the earth." The book is an excellent synopsis of what Satan had planned in 1952 and has carried out since to a large degree. The Rothschilds (and other top Satanic families in a lesser way) financed a Jewish Mason and devote Satanist named Karl Marx to write his Das Kapital. The Satanists controlling key Masonic groups (along with some other groups they controlled) got Communism started. The original idea came from Satan, and was given at a Feast of the Beast in meticulous detail to those highest in the Satanic Hierarchy. Albert Pike, and Guiseppe Mazzini were two men in strategic positions of control that were let in on the plans.

After creating International Socialism (communism) a temporary antithesis was created called National Socialism (nazism). The process to create National Socialism was to turn again to the Masonic Lodges and other esoteric secret Societies to get it done. Therefore, the secret esoteric gnostic and satanic societies along with the Illuminati helped create "the Thule Gesellshaft" (in English the Thule Society). Adolf Hitler was some type of member of this occult Thule Society, along with many other men who later began leading Nazi leaders such as Rudolf Hess. The Thule Society used the Masonic/Hindu symbol the Swastika, which the Nazi party then also used as its symbol. In other words the grandmother of the Nazi Party was the Masonic Lodges in Germany. The Vril was another secret occult group to which many of the Nazi leadership belonged. Hitler also was a member of the Theosophical Society, which has strong Satanic and Masonic ties. Both Bailey and Hitler studied from Tibetians, Hindus, occultists, and black magicians. They also both studied the Gnostics, and every major Pagan/Occult religious system. A example of how valued the Swastika was for Freemasons before Hitler ruined its image, is a quote from Joseph Fort Newton, a Baptist Minister and high ranking Mason:

"The second of these volumes also contains an essay. . . by Thomas Carr, with a list of Lodges, and a study of their history, customs, and emblems, especially the Swastika. Speculative Masons are now said to be joining..., seeking more light on what are called the Lost Symbols of Masonry." After promoting and using the Swastika for years the Freemasons quit using it after Hitler. The Holy Book of Hitler provides the answer as to why the Theosophical Society worked so hard to destroy the British Empire. It had always at first mystified me why the Theosophical Society Presidents who connected to the Satanic hierarchy would want to ruin the British Empire. The reason it seemed strange is that the mother country of Satanism and Witchcraft is Great Britain. The center of secret political power is geographically in England. And further, one of the largest and most powerful secret fronts for Satanism is Britism-Israelism. The reason why the British Empire was destroyed was that Satan had already determined even before 1870 that the steps to world government would include setting up around 9 or 10 Continental blocs. The Union of Europe into one country (or bloc) could not be accomplished while Great Britain had most of her focus on her empire. Great Britain as long as she had an empire would never want to join up with Europe. In fact all the European nations would have to be convinced to give up their colonies, that is why the World Power got everyone they could get to help fight Portugal in Angola in recent history, everyone including the large masonic-controlled Christian denominations who donated millions of dollars to the NCC and WCC which moneys were then passed on to the guerillas to buy weapons and ammunition.

The Theosophical Society is mostly to blame for India's independence from Britain. First, the Theosophical Society managed to change British policy so that the British became unpopular. Then Theosophical President Besant, who published the largest English paper strongly criticized British rule in her newspapers and eventually was arrested. Gandhi and other Indian leaders were involved in Besant being made the President of the Indian Congress Party. And that political party still rules Indian politics. The Theosophist Mahatma Gandhi, foilowing in the steps of Theosophical President Annie Besant, led the Indian people against British rule.

But the final blow to the British Empire was done by another Theosophist--Adolf Hitler. It is common knowledge that the powerful blows of Axis attacks in W.W. II struck the death blow to the British Empire, or so we are told. The truth is that the elite wanted the Empire to die, and pulled every string to convince the British public and indigenous natives that the Empire was too weak after WW II to save the empire and prevent her colonies from independence. It is hard for people to grasp that the Illuminati controlled Russia, Great Britian, Germany, and France during World War II, but they did. Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin were all Masons. DeGaulle of France was closely linked with several esoteric groups, and the Priere de Sion and Grand Orient Masons helped him to power in the 1950s. Churchill was a Zionist and pro-Fabian Socialist. Stalin was a closet satanist. Roosevelt was a Zionist, pro-communist, and socialist. Both Churchill and Roosevelt came from important elite blood lines. Apparently, Stalin was somewhat independent, but basically did what was expected of him. As the previous paragraph indicates the people of the world were not ready for a world government, and most not even a united Europe. WW II was carried out to adjust people's thinking toward wanting European unity. Satan already ruled the world through his secret chain of command, but he wanted to openly rule the world's hearts and to be publicly hailed as ruler and savior.

Who was Hitler? Hitler's father was the offspring of the Rothschild's secret breeding program which impregnated his grandmother. It appears from the details available, Hitler was groomed for his role, without realizing his heritage at first. It appears that Hitler learned of his "Jewish bloodline" after taking over Germany. Hitler had romances with many beautiful women. Although Hitler was very strict with his New Age religious practices such as being a vegitarian, that did not include being celibate. He did have sex contrary to the deceptions of the Establishment. Hitler's seed (the Rothschild's powerful generational occult bloodline) was hidden in an Askenazim bloodline, at least part of which has come to the U.S. In fact, Hitler's generational occult power was passed on too. This was most likely done by thrusting a knife into his heart, and the person who received his occult power then gulped his last breath with the kiss of death to receive his occult power. What I am telling you is that Hitler's offspring are alive and well and that his terrifying Anti-Christ spirit was passed to someone and is not dead. Let me remind you of some of Hitler's own prophecies about himself and his goals. "At the time of supreme peril I must die a martyr's death for the people. But after my death will come something really great, an overwhelming revelation to the world of my mission." The world was to witness his divinity. Further, "My spirit will rise from the grave, and the world will see that I was right." Von Ribbentrop on April 30, 1945 was told this same thing, "You will see that my spirit will rise from the grave. "National Socialism" is even more than a religion; it is the will to make mankind anew." "All creative energy will pass to the new man." Hitler claimed to be the real fulfillment of Marx's socialism. "I am not only the conqueror, but also the executor of Marxism, of that part of it which is essential and justified, stripped of its Jewish-Talmudic dogma." In essense, he is saying whatever veneer of Jewishness that Marx's satanic plan had, he disagreed with it and would destroy that veneer. These type of statements reveal that the essence of the message of various elite men like Hitler is the same Satanic plan if stripped of their variously decorated veneers.

Hitler is viewed as the Messiah, the Holy Spirit, the martyred Savior of his people by his followers today. The blasphemous Holy Book of Adolf Hitler states, "All hail to God's Christ and Chosen, Adolf Hitler...Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, the Eternal Adolf Hitler." Such blasphemy. Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Hitler's Demonic Spirit and Hitler's descendents both live on today. (By the way, some Rothschild descendents such as Hitler's have come to Christ as their Lord and Savior!) Will this powerful occult branch of the Rothschild's be used again by the New World Order? Whatever the case it is clear that Hitler's Anti-Christ spirit will get plenty of demonic help. The demonic forces that have manifested themselves in National Socialism and International Socialism (aka Communism) demonized much of Europe. So much so that Europe officially portrays itself as a beast with Venus on it on a stamp commemorating the Second election of the European Parliament, and also as the same forces that tried to build the Tower of Babel on an official poster. Not only are the same demons that led communist leaders and nazi leaders operating in Europe's leaders, but there are armies of demons trampling over anything of moral value in Europe. It can be said without a doubt that the "man" who rules the One-World-Government will derive his power from a demonic supernatural source. According to The Book of Revelation, God is going to have an angel open up a key to the abyss and teeming hordes of demonic spirits shall be decending upon the earth. My conclusion is that Satan has so many Anti-Christs available that Hitler's personal occult power is not necessary for the New World Order's success.

I rarely like to comment on the end times from Scriptures because I feel like most people are thoroughly confused about the clear teachings that the Scriptures give. 2 Thes. 2:3 and other Scriptures make it clear that the Christians must witness a great apostasy and the Anti-Christ being revealed before Christ returns. We can live everyday as if it may be our last, but Scriptures are clear that the Apostles did not live each day as if Jesus could return that day. They knew that certain things had to happen first. The church has been going through tribulations since Pentecost. The church will go through the "great tribulation" according to the Word of God. We will, if we are that faithful remnant, be spared from the Wrath of God, but we will not be spared from the tribulation of Satan which shall include martyrdom. The New Age leaders are fully ready to cooperate with this "cleansing" from the earth of us bothersome disciples of Truth. In this respect, their thinking will resemble the Nazi's rationalizations that people must pay their Karmic debt, and shall benefit from being killed. How truth can be stood on its head! The Plans are already drawn up how to use rail lines to move large groups of civilians to labor camps. When we compare Nazi Germany with today's New World Order plans, Nazi Germany can be seen to be the basic model of what Satan's timetable includes for us these next few years.

To illustrate that the Pagan religion of Nazism is an example to the Satanists and New Agers, let us ponder Anton LaVey's (head of a visible Church of Satan) trip to the sacred initiation castle of Hitler's Black Order, the SS. The SS apparently brought the Holy Grail to Germany, and hid it before the end of the war. On May 2, 1945, a select group of SS officers, those initiated into the higher mysteries of the Nazi Pagan religion, hid the Grail in the Schleigeiss glacier at the foot of 3,000 meter high Hochfeiler mountain. Seekers in the area have been found decaptitated, and mutilated. The area is still guarded by the Black Order in anticipation of the day that the Grail can be revealed to the world. It has been speculated 1995 might be the date, but this is pure speculation. The important thing for us is to begin to experience the Kingdom of God right now. Let us prepare ourselves for Almighty God's New World Order as the Satanists launch their counterfeit New World Order.



INTRODUCTION by Fritz Springmeier

The Rothschilds are one of the most well-known of the thirteen families. David J. Smith of Portland was asked to prepare an article on the Rothschilds for this newsletter. His article follows this introduction. Satan's selective breeding program has been continuing down through the ages hidden from the eyes of the public. One of the most powerful Rothschild bloodline families in America are the Springs. The Springs were originally the Springsteins when they came to America in the mid-I 1700s and settled in NY and NJ. They later changed their name from Springstein to Springs to hide their identity. Leroy Springs was hired by LC. Payseur. Now most American's have to ask, who is L.C. Payseur? One of the most secret and most powerful families in North America has been the Payseurs. They have been so powerful that they could hide their wealth and power, and use other Satanic families as proxies. The Payseurs are part of the 13th top Illuminati family. The first Payseur to come to America was the former crown prince of France Daniel Payseur (1785-1860). He came over about 1805 to the U.S. and married Susannah Kiser c. 1814. They had two boys Adam and Jonas (1819-1 884). Jonas married Harrietta Smith and they had Lewis Cass Payseur (1850-1939). It was this Lewis Cass Payseur who hired the Rothschild bloodline of the Springs to run a number of the Payseur's companies. The Payseurs were one of the original big railroad families along with Issac Croom and William H. Beatty. Isaac Croom's wife was a sister of William Beatty's, so the reader can see how all these elite bloodlines intertwine. Remember that LC. Payseur hired Leroy Springs to operate a host of his companies. Leroy Springs father was A.A. Springs and A.A. Springs was the secret father of Abraham Lincoln.

In 1808, Nancy Hanks, of the lineage of the McAdden Scottish family visited some of her family at Lincolnton, N.C. Nancy Hawks visited the Springs family and that is when A.A. Springs impregnated her, and her child when born was named Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln's Rothschild blood was kept very secret, but he did grow up to be a famous lawyer, a secret leader of the Rosicrucians, and President of the United States. It is believed from the evidence that the establishment conspiracy concocted the person of Thomas Lincoln out of thin air. The actual early history of Abraham Lincoln is shrouded in myth and mystery, and as one encyclopedia puts it, "We know little about the family of his mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln." While a lawyer, Abraham Lincoln had a sexual liaison with Elizabeth who was the illegitimate daughter of German King Leopold, who is also of elite blood lineage. Abraham Lincoln and Elizabeth had two twin daughters Ella and Emily in 1856 who were adopted out. Lincoln in fact had a fairly large number of illegitimate children. Now A. A. Springs, who was both the biological father of Leroy Springs and Abraham Lincoln left an enormous amount of land in what is now Huntsville, AL to his son Abraham Lincoln. Huntsville, AL by the way has become a hotbed of NWO activity. Some of the mind-control research the intelligence community has been conducting has been done at Huntsville.

The Rothschilds even named one of their boys after Abraham Lincoln, his name was Lincoln Rothschild. Although Abraham Lincoln secretly had powerful occult blood, he was a great man in his own right. And just like JFK, he had the strength of personality to refuse to bow to the Illuminati's instructions. Lincoln refused to go the path that his distant European International Banking Rothschild relatives wanted for the United States. The Illuminati goal had been to split the U.S. into two easier to control nations. And just as with JFK, who also came from a top 13 family, a large scale conspiracy involving many government officials including the Secretary of Defense was put into place to assassinate Lincoln. There are numerous indications that show that the Rothschilds were in part behind the assassination of Lincoln. Some of the men who worked for the Payseurs of the 13th top family were Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, the Vanderbilts, Giftord Pinnchot, and John D Rockefeller. These men were selected to run Payseur companies because they belonged to the satanic elite. The Leroy Springs family got Payseur family companies in the early 1920s. It was Leroy that managed to get the Rothschild's involved with the Federal Reserve. Two companies that have come out of the Payseur's old Lancaster Manufacturing Co. ins Weyerhaeuser and Crown-Zellerbach. I have long known these were companies tied to the elite, but it was not until I found the secret Payseur family at the very top of these companies that I really understood the full story. The Payseurs have gone to extreme lengths to corrupt government documents, such as courthouse records. They have hidden the births of many of their descendants, and have covered over with extreme secrecy most of their monetary holdings.

Remember the Beatty family was an early railroad family with business ties to the Payseur family. Bartholomew F. Moore, who was the private attorney for years to President Abraham Lincoln, was a blood relative of the Beatty family. It was Bart Fingers Moore who co-authored the 14th amendment for the conspiracy. The Beatty family continually resurfaces when doing research on the conspiracy. Shirley MacLaine, the famous New Age leader/author is from the Beatty family. She credits her start to Edgar Cayce by the way, who in turn was interested in Blavatsky. Blavatsky was a student of the Mason Anton Mesmer, who introduced the world to hypnotism. Hypnotism had been secretly practiced by the Mystery Religions for thousands of years before Mesmer taught Blavatsky and others about it. Charles Beatty Alexander, who is an Illuminati "prince"/Pilgrim Society member is an example of a Beatty in recent times who was within the elite. Quantrill, who was a famous Confederate colonel and guerilla leader, whose band of raiders evolved into the Jessie James gang was married into the Springs (Rothschild) family.

The recent lala Madelyn Payseur Gatling Fulghum (1876-1972) was the late head of the Payseur family. The documentation on the above families is extensive, but much of the evidence that has been photocopied out of the few documents left intact have been destroyed since the documents were photocopied. The amount of tampering with official documents is incredible, and further Illustrates the enormous power the Rothschilds and the Payseurs (the 13th family--the Holy Blood line) have. The researchers who wrote Holy Blood, Holy Grail got a taste of the power of the 13th blood line to manipulate documents held by libraries and governments in Europe. The same type of thing has been happening in the United States. The researcher into the Satanic elite has a hard row to hoe because the Satanic families have tried to cover their tracks through history. They have also tried very hard to cover up what their financial assets are. Those Rothschilds who have carried on the Rothschild name have had a higher visibility. It is this group of Rothschilds which have gained the public's attention, even though they too are very secretive.

The origins of the Masonic and Rosicrucian movements lie with the medieval alchemists. Manly P. Hall, Freemasonry's greatest philosopher writes, "During the Middle Ages, alchemy was not only a philosophy and a science but also a religion. Those who rebelled against the religious limitations of their day concealed their philosophic teachings under the allegory of gold-making. In this way they preserved their personal liberty and were ridiculed rather than persecuted. Alchemy is a threefold art, its mystery well symbolized by a triangle." (The Secret Teachings of All Ages, pg CLIV-ul) -- Manly P Hall also states in his book on magic entitled Magic, "... [the] pentagram. This was known to medieval alchemy as the sign of the cloven hoof .... (Hall.. Magic, Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Soc., pg. 46) Quicksilver (which was one of the things the early Astor family traded in) was one of the primary items employed in the alchemical trarismutations. The oxide produced using quicksilver was considered magical and mystically identified with the god Osiris. As the reader may have already figured out, alchemy practiced Hermetic magic from ancient Egypt. Alchemy was really a front for the mystery religion of Satanic witchcraft. The leading alchemist was a german Richard Bauer who was alive sometime in the 14 or 15 hundreds. Richard Bauer is said to have been the only alchemist who was successful in transforming lead to gold. Whether that report is meant in an allegorical way, or some other way I do not know. What I am trying to communicate is that the Bauer family was a leading alchemical family which secretly practiced Hermetic magic during the late Middle Ages. David's article on the Rothschilds is meant to be an extension of what I have already put out on the Rothschilds. For instance my chapter 3.3 in the Be Wise As Serpents book. Chapter 3.3 is entirely devoted to the Rothschilds.

I chose them to write about in the book, because the family is the most renown of the Satanic families and the easiest to expose to people just becoming acquainted with what is going on. The other family which has a chapter devoted to it is the Russell family, which is described in chapter 1. 6. The Russell family has yet to be covered in this series, but was covered in the Be Wise As Serpents book because of their importance to the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. I am aware of intense secret meetings that have been going on in Frankfurt and Moscow between World Bank officials. These secret meetings have been going on now for two months which gives some of the scope of their importance. Undoubtedly the Rothschilds are playing a role in these secret meetings, even while I write this. There has been a great deal of misinformation put out that the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are fighting for control of the world. It is true that they are in intense competition in some areas. It has also been true that they have been in intense cooperation in many areas. One of the difficulties for people to sort out what is going on, is that they do not know about the Satanic spiritual dimension of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. For instance, to make an analogy, if I am a minister and one of my brothers-in-Christ is my upline on a multi-level marketing distributorship, then he is my business head, but I could be the spiritual leadership that he looks up to. The point is that essentially all researchers trying to expose the NWO are drawing conclusions about occult power on the basis of business relationships, and it does not always work. Sometimes the business boss may be in a secret satanic leadership position over someone else, but it may also be that both men are on equal footing when it comes to occult power and status within the Illuminati. So far I have seen only one book advertised (and I have not read it) which claims to expose the conflict between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers as a sham. If It really does show this, then the book has contributed greatly toward helping people tear down their isunderstandings about the Illuminati power structure.

Please continue onto the next part-


The Journal of History - Summer 2008 Copyright © 2008 by News Source, Inc.