U.S. House & Senate Addresses & Fax Numbers
111th Congress
House addresses
Senate addresses Please tell any member of this body what you want and tell them that you will not visit their states on vacation or purchase the products that their states produce unless they do what you want. You may wish to address the House members as Honorable as the Congressional Yellow Book advises or not. If they changed their address I choose not to address them as Honorable at all as they wasted your tax dollars. There are three different office buildings, Cannon, Longworth, and Rayburn. The words House Office Building should follow these names in their address as shown below for the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.
A few Congressmen and Senators have elected to not disclose their office number; mail will still be delivered, however. It is preferable that Americans send mail to their Senators and Congressman at the local office, however, as mail addressed to the office in Washington D.C. is delayed due to the irradiation procedure that it all undergoes. Additionally, Congressional members encourage their constituents to log onto their Web site, and I encourage all constituents to do so too.
Addresses which are underlined indicate that the member moved. If you were to look on the pages of the Congressional Yellow Book it would tell you to omit the building address, and that this is the correct thing to do. Personally, I feel the correct thing to do is to include the address. In this way they will not move; we can make sure they don't unless they get our permission first. American's taxes are paying their salary. There are legitimate reasons for us to allow them to move but to be near their committees is not valid; to have a better office isn't valid either. Their committees do not pay their salary. US tax dollars do.
An asterisk * to the left of their name indicates that they are newly elected.
Please write the House of Representative member as follows using their individual addresses:
Honorable Nancy Pelosi
U. S. House of Representatives
235 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-0508
Email: [email protected] or try [email protected]
Congressional Snail Mail Addresses and Fax
DIST MEMBER STATE ADDRESS FAX NUMBER 1 Abercrombie, Neil HI 1502 Longworth, 20515-1101 (202)225-4580 5 Ackerman, Gary NY 2243 Rayburn, 20515-3205 (202)225-1589 4 Aderholt, Robert AL 1433 Longworth, 20515-0104 (202)225-5587 3 *Adler, John H. NJ 1223 Longworth, 20515 -3003 (202)225-0778 1 Akin, W. Todd MO 117 Cannon, 20515-2502 (202)225-2563 5 Alexander, Rodney LA 316 Cannon, 20515-1805 (202)225-5639 4 Altmire, Jason PA 332 Cannon, 20515-3804 (202)226-2274 1 Andrews, Robert NJ 2265 Rayburn, 20515-3001 (202)225-6583 24 Arcuri, Michael NY 127 Cannon, 20515-3224 (202)225-1891 7 *Austria, Steve OH 1641 Longworth, 20515-3507 (202)225.1984 43 Baca, Joe CA 2245 Rayburn, 20515-0542 (202)225-8671 6 Bachmann, Michele MN 107 Cannon, 20515-2306 (202)225-6475 6 Bachus, Spencer AL 2246 Rayburn, 20515-0106 (202)225-2082 3 Baird, Brian WA 2350 Rayburn, 20515-4703 (202)225-3478 2 Baldwin, Tammy WI 2446 Rayburn, 20515-4902 (202)225-6942 3 Barrett, J. Gresham SC 439 Cannon, 20515-4003 (864)225-7049 12 Barrow, John GA 213 Cannon, 20515-1012 (202)225-3377 6 Bartlett, Roscoe MD 2412 Rayburn, 20515-2006 (202)225-2193 6 Barton, Joe TX 2109 Rayburn, 20515-4306 (202)225-3052 8 Bean, Melissa IL 432 Cannon, 20515-1308 (202)225-7830 31 Becerra, Xavier CA 1119 Longworth, 20515-0530 (202)225-2202 1 Berkley, Shelley NV 405 Cannon, 20515-2801 (202)225-3119 28 Berman, Howard CA 2221 Rayburn, 20515-0526 (202)225-3196 1 Berry, Marion AR 2305 Rayburn, 20515-0401 (202)225-5602 13 Biggert, Judy IL 1034 Longworth, 20515-1313 (202)225-9420 50 Bilbray, Brian CA 2348 Rayburn, 20515-0550 (202)225-2558 9 Bilirakis, Michael FL 1124 Longworth, 20515-0909 (202)225-4085 1 Bishop, Rob UT 123 Cannon, 20515-4401 (202)225-5857 2 Bishop, Sanford, Jr GA 2429 Rayburn, 20515-1002 (202)225-2203 1 Bishop, Timothy NY 306 Cannon, 20515-3201 (202)225-3143 7 Blackburn, Marsha TN 217 Cannon, 20515-4201 (202)225-3004 3 Blumenauer, Earl OR 2267 Rayburn, 20515-3703 (202)225-8941 7 Blunt, Roy MO 2229 Rayburn, 20515-2507 (202)225-5604 16 *Boccieri, John A. OH 1516 Longworth, 20515-3516 (202)225-3059 8 Boehner, John OH 1011 Longworth, 20515-3508 (202)225-0704 1 Bonner, Jo AL 2236 Rayburn, 20515-0101 (202)225-0562 45 Bono, Mary CA 104 Cannon, 20515-0545 (202)225-2961 3 Boozman, John AR 1519 Longworth, 20515-0403 (202)225-5713 2 Boren, Dan OK 216 Cannon, 20515-3602 (202)225-3038 3 Boswell, Leonard IA 1427 Longworth, 20515-1503 (202)225-5608 9 Boucher, Rick VA 2187 Rayburn, 20515-4609 (202)225-0442 7 Boustany, Charles LA 1117 Longworth, 20515-1807 (202)225-5724 2 Boyd, Allen FL 1227 Longworth, 20515-0902 (202)225-5615 8 Brady, Kevin TX 301 Cannon, 20515-4308 (202)225-5524 1 Brady, Robert PA 206 Cannon, 20515-3801 (202)225-0088 1 Braley, Bruce IA 1019 Longworth, 20515-1501 (202)225-6666 2 *Bright, Bobby AL 1205 Longworth, 20515-0102 (202)225-8913 10 *Broun, Paul C GA 325 Cannon, 20515-1009 (202)226-0776 3 Brown, Corrine FL 2336 Rayburn, 20515-0903 (202)225-2256 1 Brown, Henry, Jr. SC 1103 Cannon, 20515-4001 (202)225-3407 5 Brown-Waite, Ginny FL 414 Cannon, 20515-0905 (202)225-6559 13 Buchanan, Vern FL 218 Cannon, 20515-0913 (202)226-0828 26 Burgess, Michael TX 229 Cannon, 20515-4326 (202)225-2919 5 Burton, Dan IN 2308 Rayburn, 20515-1405 (202)225-0016 1 Butterfield, G.K. NC 413 Cannon, 20515-3301 (202)225-3354 4 Buyer, Stephen IN 2230 Rayburn, 20515-1404 (202)225-2267 44 Calvert, Ken CA 2201 Rayburn, 20515-0544 (202)225-2004 4 Camp, Dave MI 341 Cannon, 20515-2204 (202)225-9679 48 Campbell, John CA 1507 Longworth, 20515-0548 (202)225-9177 7 Cantor, Eric VA 329 Cannon, 20515-4607 (202)225-0011 2 *Cao, Anh "Joseph" LA 2113 Rayburn, 20515-1807 (202)225-1988 2 Capito, Shelley WV 2443 Rayburn, 20515-4802 (202)225-7856 23 Capps, Lois CA 1110 Longworth, 20515-0523 (202)225-5632 8 Capuano, Michael MA 1414 Longworth, 20515-2108 (202)225-9322 18 Cardoza, Dennis CA 1224 Longworth, 20515-0518 (202)225-0819 3 Carnahan, Russ MO 1710 Longworth, 20515-2503 (202)225-7542 10 Carney, Christopher PA 416 Cannon, 20515-3810 (202)225-9594 ** 7 Carson, Andre IN 425 Cannon, 20515-1410 (202)225-5633 31 Carter, John TX 409 Cannon, 20515-4331 (202)225-3864(Phone) 6 *Cassidy, Bill LA 506 Cannon, 20515-1806 (202)225-7313 All Castle, Michael DE 1233 Longworth, 20515-0801 (202)225-2291 11 Castor, Catherine FL 317 Cannon, 20515-0911 (202)225-3376(Phone) 3 *Chaffetz, Jason UT 1032 Longworth, 20515-4403 (202)225-5629 6 Chandler, Ben KY 1504 Longworth, 20515-1706 (202)225-2122 1 *Childers, Travis W. MS 1708 Longworth, 20515-2401 (202)225-3549 11 Clarke, Yvette NY 1029 Longworth, 20515-3211 (202)226-0112 1 Clay, Wm. (Bill) MO 2418 Rayburn, 20515-2501 (202)225-1725 5 Cleaver, Emanuel MO 1027Longworth, 20515-2505 (202)225-4403 6 Clyburn, James SC 2135 Rayburn, 20515-4006 (202)225-2313 6 Coble, Howard NC 2468 Rayburn, 20515-3306 (202)225-8611 6 *Coffman, Mike CO 1508 Longworth, 20515-0606 (202)226.4623 9 Cohen, Steve TN 1005 Longworth, 20515-4209 (901)544-4329 4 Cole, Tom OK 2458 Rayburn, 20515-3604 (202)225-3512 11 Conaway, Michael TX 1527 Longworth, 20515-4311 (202)225-1783 11 *Connolly, Gerald VA 327 Cannon, 20515-4611 (202)225-3071 14 Conyers, John MI 2426 Rayburn, 20515-2214 (202)225-0072 5 Cooper, Jim TN 1536 Longworth, 20515-4205 (202)226-1035 20 *Costa, Jim CA 1314 Longworth, 20515-0520 (202)225.9308 12 Costello, Jerry IL 2408 Rayburn, 20515-1312 (202)225-0285 2 Courtney, Joseph CT 215 Cannon, 20515-0602 (202)225-4977 4 Crenshaw, Ander FL 440 Cannon, 20515-0904 (202)225-2504 7 Crowley, Joseph NY 2404 Rayburn, 20515-3207 (202)225-1909 28 Cuellar, Henry TX 336 Cannon, 20515-4328 (202)225-1641 7 Culberson, John TX 1514 Longworth, 20515-4307 (202)225-4381 7 Cummings, Elijah MD 2235 Rayburn, 20515-2007 (202)225-3178 3 *Dahlkemper, Kathy PA 516 Cannon, 20515-3803 (202)225-3103 7 Davis, Artur AL 208 Cannon, 20515-0107 (202)226-9567 7 Davis, Danny IL 2159 Rayburn, 20515-1307 (202)225-5641 4 Davis, Geoff KY 1108 Longworth, 20515-1704 (202)225-0003 4 Davis, Lincoln TN 410 Cannon, 20515-4204 (202)226-5172 53 Davis, Susan A. CA 1526 Longworth, 20515-0553 (202)225-2948 9 Deal, Nathan GA 2133 Rayburn, 20515-1010 (202)225-8272 4 DeFazio, Peter OR 2134 Rayburn, 20515-3704 (202)225-0032 1 De Gette, Diana CO 2335 Rayburn, 20515-0601 (202)225-5657 10 Delahunt, William MA 2454 Rayburn, 20515-2110 (202)225-5658 3 DeLauro, Rosa CT 2413 Rayburn, 20515-0703 (202)225-4890 15 Dent, Charles PA 1009 Longworth, 20515-3815 (202)226-0778 21 Diaz-Balart, Lincoln FL 2244 Rayburn, 20515-0921 (202)225-8576 25 Diaz-Balart, Mario FL 328 Cannon, 20515-0925 (202)226-0346 6 Dicks, Norman WA 2467 Rayburn, 20515-4706 (202)226-1176 15 Dingell, John MI 2328 Rayburn, 20515-2215 (202)226-0371 25 Doggett, Lloyd TX 201 Cannon, 20515-4325 (202)225-3073 2 Donnelly, Joe IN 1530 Longworth, 20515-1402 (202)225-6798 14 Doyle, Michael PA 401 Cannon, 20515-3814 (202)225-3084 26 Dreier, David CA 233 Cannon, 20515-0526 (202)225-7018 1 *Driehaus, Steve OH 408 Cannon, 20515-3501 (202)225-3012 2 Duncan, John Jr. TN 2207 Rayburn, 20515-4202 (202)225-6440 4 *Edwards, Donna MD 318 Cannon, 20515-2004 (202)225-8714 3 Ehlers, Vernon MI 2182 Rayburn, 20515-2203 (202)225-5144 5 Ellison, Keith MN 1122 Longworth, 20515-2305 (202)225-4886 8 Ellsworth, Brad IN 513 Cannon, 20515-1408 (202)225-3284 5 Emanuel, Rahm IL 1319 Longworth, 20515-1305 (202)225-5603*** 8 Emerson, Joann MO 2440 Rayburn, 20515-2508 (202)226-0326 17 Engel, Eliot NY 2161 Rayburn, 20515-3217 (202)225-5513 14 Eshoo, Anna CA 205 Cannon, 20515-0514 (202)225-8890 2 Etheridge, Bob NC 1533 Longworth, 20515-3302 (202)225-5662 5 *Fallin, Mary OK 1432 Longworth, 20515-3605 (202)226-1463 17 Farr, Sam CA 1126 Longworth, 20515-0517 (202)225-6791 2 Fattah, Chaka PA 2301 Rayburn, 20515-3802 (202)225-5392 51 Filner, Bob CA 2428 Rayburn, 20515-0551 (202)225-9073 6 Flake, Jeff AZ 440 Cannon, 20515-0301 (202)226-4386 4 *Fleming, John LA 1023 Longworth, 20515-1804 (202)225-8039 4 Forbes, J. Randy VA 2438 Rayburn, 20515-4604 (202)226-1170 1 Fortenberry, Jeff NE 1535 Longworth, 20515-2701 (202)225-5686 14 *Foster, Bill IL 1339 Longworth, 20515-1314 (202)225-0697 5 Foxx, Virginia NC 1230 Longworth, 20515-3305 (202)225-2995 4 Frank, Barney MA 2252 Rayburn, 20515-2104 (202)225-0182 2 Franks, Trent AZ 2435 Rayburn, 20515-0302 (202)225-6328 11 Frelinghuysen, Rod NJ 2442 Rayburn, 20515-3011 (202)225-3186 11 *Fudge, Marcia L. OH 1513 Longworth, 20515-3511 (202)225-1339 24 Gallegly, Elton CA 2309 Rayburn, 20515-0524 (202)225-1100 5 Garrett, Scott NJ 137 Cannon, 20515-3005 (202)225-9048 6 Gerlach, Jim PA 308 Cannon, 20515-3806 (202)225-8440 8 Giffords, Gabrielle AZ 1728 Longworth, 20515-0308 (202)225-0378 11 Gingrey, Phil GA 119 Cannon, 20515-1011 (202)225-2944 1 Gohmert, Louie TX 511 Cannon, 20515-4301 (202)225-5866 20 Gonzales, Charlie TX 303 Cannon, 20515-4320 (202)225-1915 6 Goodlatte, Bob VA 2240 Rayburn, 20515-4606 (202)225-9681 6 Gordon, Bart TN 2306 Rayburn, 20515-4206 (202)225-6887 12 Granger, Kay TX 320 Cannon, 20515-4312 (202)225-5683 6 Graves, Samuel MO 1415 Longworth, 20515-2506 (202)225-8221 8 *Grayson, Alan FL 1605 Longworth, 20515-0908 (202)225-0999 9 Green, Al TX 236 Cannon, 20515-4309 (202)225-2947 29 Green, Gene TX 2372 Rayburn, 20515-4329 (202)225-9903 5 *Griffith, Parker AL 417 Cannon, 20515-0105 (202)225-4392 7 Grijalva, Raul AZ 1440 Longworth, 20515-0307 (202)226-6846 2 *Guthrie, Brett KY 510 Cannon, 20515-1702 (202)226-2019 4 Gutierrez, Luis IL 2266 Rayburn, 20515-1304 (202)225-7810 19 Hall, John NY 1217 Longworth, 20515-3219 (202)225-3289 4 Hall, Ralph TX 2405 Rayburn, 20515-4304 (202)225-3332 11 *Halvorson, Deborah IL 1541 Longworth, 20515-1311 (202)225-3521 17 Hare, Philip IL 428 Cannon, 20515-1317 (202)225-5396 36 Harman, Jane CA 2400 Rayburn, 20515-0536 (202)226-7290 3 *Harper, Gregg MS 307 Cannon, 20515 -2403 (202)225-5797 23 Hastings, Alcee FL 2353 Rayburn, 20515-0923 (954)735-9444 4 Hastings, Richard WA 1203 Longworth, 20515-4704 (202)225-3251 1 *Heinrich, Martin NM 1505 Longworth, 20515-3101 (202)225-4975 2 Heller, Dean NV 125 Cannon, 20515-2802 (202)225-5679 5 Hensarling, Jeb TX 129 Cannon, 20515-4305 (202)226-4888 2 Herger, Wally CA 242 Cannon, 20515-0502 (202)225-1740 All Herseth, Stephanie SD 331 Cannon, 20515-4101 (202)225-5823 27 Higgins, Brian NY 431 Cannon, 20515-3227 (202)226-0347 9 Hill, Baron IN 223 Cannon, 20515-1409 (202)226-6866 4 *Himes, James A. CT 214 Cannon, 20515-0704 (202)225-9629 22 Hinchey, Maurice NY 2431 Rayburn, 20515-3226 (202)226-0774 15 Hinojosa, Ruben TX 2463 Rayburn, 20515-4315 (202)225-5688 2 Hirono, Mazie HI 1524 Longworth, 20515-1102 (202)225-4987 2 Hodes, Paul NH 1317 Longworth, 20515-2902 (202)225-2946 2 Hoekstra, Peter MI 2234 Rayburn, 20515-2202 (202)226-0779 17 Holden, Tim PA 2417 Rayburn, 20515-3817 (202)226-0996 12 Holt, Rush NJ 1214 Longworth, 20515-3012 (202)225-6025 15 Honda, Mike CA 1713 Longworth, 20515-0515 (202)225-2699 5 Hoyer, Steny MD 1705 Longworth, 20515-2005 (202)225-4300 52 Hunter, Duncan CA 1429 Longworth, 20515-0552 (202)225-0235 4 Inglis, Bob SC 100 Cannon, 20515-4004 (202)226-1177 1 Inslee, Jay WA 403 Cannon, 20515-4701 (202)226-1606 2 Israel, Steve NY 2457 Rayburn, 20515-3202 (202)225-4669 49 Issa, Darrell E. CA 2347 Rayburn, 20515-0549 (202)225-3303 2 Jackson Jesse Jr. IL 2419 Rayburn, 20515-1302 (202)225-0899 18 Jackson, Sheila Lee TX 2160 Rayburn, 20515-4318 (202) 225-3317 2 *Jenkins, Lynn KS 130 Cannon, 20515-1602 (202)225-7986 30 Johnson, Eddie B. TX 1511 Longworth, 20515-4330 (202)226-1477 4 Johnson, Hank GA 1133 Longworth, 20515-1004 (202)226-0691 3 Johnson, Sam TX 1211 Longworth, 20515-4303 (202)225-1485 15 Johnson, Timothy IL 1207 Longworth, 20515-1315 (202)225-8071 3 Jones, Walter, Jr. NC 2333 Rayburn, 20515-3303 (202)225-3286 4 Jordan, Jim OH 515 Cannon, 20515-3504 (202)226-0577 8 Kagen, Steve WI 1232 Longworth, 20515-4908 (202)225-5729 11 Kanjorski, Paul PA 2188 Rayburn, 20515-3811 (202)225-9042 9 Kaptur, Marcy OH 2186 Rayburn, 20515-3509 (202)225-7711 1 Kennedy, Patrick RI 407 Cannon, 20515-3901 (202)225-3290 5 Kildee, Dale MI 2107 Rayburn, 20515-2205 (202)225-6393 13 Kilpatrick, Carolyn MI 2264 Rayburn, 20515-2213 (202)225-5730 15 *Kilroy, Mary Jo OH 1237 Longworth, 20515-3515 (202)225-3529 3 Kind, Ron WI 1406 Longworth, 20515-4903 (202)225-5739 3 King, Peter NY 339 Cannon, 20515-3203 (202)226-2279 5 King, Steve IA 1131 Longworth, 20515-1505 (202)225-3193 1 Kingston, Jack GA 2368 Rayburn, 20515-1001 (202)226-2269 10 Kirk, Mark IL 1030 Longworth, 20515-1310 (202)225-0837 1 *Kirkpatrick, Ann AZ 1123 Longworth, 0515-0301 (202)226-9739 8 *Kissell, Larry NC 512 Cannon, 20515 -3308 (202)225-4036 22 Klein, Ron FL 313 Cannon, 20515-0922 (202)225-8398 2 Kline, John MN 1210 Longworth, 20515-2302 (202)225-2595 24 *Kosmas, Suzanne FL 238 Cannon, 20515-0924 (202)226-6299 1 *Kratovil, Frank Jr. MD 314 Cannon, 20515 -2001 (202)225-0254 10 Kucinich, Dennis OH 2445 Rayburn, 20515-3510 (202)225-5745 5 Lamborn, Doug CO 437 Cannon, 20515-0605 (202)226-2638 7 *Lance, Leonard NJ 114 Cannon, 20515-3007 (202)225-9460 2 Langevin, James RI 109 Cannon, 20515-3902 (202)225-5976 2 Larsen, Rick WA 108 Cannon, 20515-4702 (202)225-4420 1 Larson, John CT 106 Cannon, 20515-0701 (202)225-1031 4 Latham, Tom IA 2217 Rayburn, 20515-1504 (202)225-3301** 14 LaTourette, Steve OH 2371 Rayburn, 20515-3514 (202)225-3307 5 *Latta, Robert E. OH 1531 Longworth, 20515-3505 (202)225-1985 9 Lee, Barbara CA 2444 Rayburn, 20515-0509 (202)225-9817 26 *Lee, Christopher J. NY 1711 Longworth, 20515-3226 (202)225-5910 12 Levin, Sander MI 1236 Longworth, 20515-2212 (202)226-1033 41 Lewis, Jerry CA 2112 Rayburn, 20515-0541 (202)225-6498 5 Lewis, John GA 343 Cannon, 20515-1005 (202)225-0351 7 Linder, John GA 1026 Longworth, 20515-1007 (202)225-4696 3 Lipinski, Daniel IL 1717 Longworth, 20515-1303 (773)767-9395** 2 LoBiondo, Frank NJ 2427 Rayburn, 20515-3002 (202)225-3318 2 Loebsack, David IA 1221 Longworth, 20515-1502 (202)226-0757 16 Lofgren, Zoe CA 102 Cannon, 20515-0516 (202)225-3336 18 Lowey, Nita NY 2329 Rayburn, 20515-3218 (202)225-0546 3 Lucas, Frank OK 2311 Rayburn, 20515-3603 (202)225-8698 9 *Luetkemeyer, Blaine MO 1118 Longworth, 20515-2509 (202)225-5712 3 *Lujan, Ben Ray NM 502 Cannon, 20515 -2303 (202)226.1528 ALL *Lummis, Cynthia WY 1004 Longworth,20515-5001 (202)225-3057 3 Lundgren, Dan CA 2262 Rayburn, 20515-0503 (202)226-1298 9 Lynch, Stephen MA 221 Cannon, 20515-2109 (202) 225-3984 4 McCarthy, Carolyn NY 2346 Rayburn, 20515-3204 (202)225-5758 22 McCarthy, Kevin CA 1523 Longworth, 20515-0522 (202)225-2908 10 McCaul, Michael TX 131 Cannon, 20515-4310 (202)225-5955 4 *McClintock, Tom CA 508 Cannon, 20515-0504 (202)225-5444 4 McCollum, Betty MN 1714 Longworth, 20515-2304 (202)225-1968 11 McCotter, Thaddeus MI 1632 Longworth, 20515-2211 (202)225-2667 7 McDermott, Jim WA 1035 Longworth, 20515-4707 (202)225-6197 3 McGovern, James MA 438 Cannon, 20515-2103 (202)225-5759 10 McHenry, Patrick NC 224 Cannon, 20515-3310 (202)225-0316 23 McHugh, John NY 2366 Rayburn, 20515-3223 (202)226-0621 7 McIntyre, Mike NC 2437 Rayburn, 20515-3307 (202)225-5773 25 McKeon, Howard CA 2184 Rayburn, 20515-0525 (202)226-0683 13 *McMahon, Michael NY 323 Cannon, 20515-3213 (202)226-1272 5 McMorris, Cathy WA 1323 Longworth, 20515-4705 (202)225-3392 11 McNerney, Jerry CA 312 Cannon, 20515-0511 (202)225-4060 14 Mack, Connie FL 115 Cannon, 20515-0914 (202)226-0439 25 *Maffei, Daniel B. NY 1630 Longworth, 20515-3225 (202)225-4042 14 Maloney, Carolyn NY 2332 Rayburn, 20515-3214 (202)225-4709 16 Manzullo, Donald IL 2228 Rayburn, 20515-1316 (202)225-5284 24 Marchant, Kenny TX 227 Cannon, 20515-4324 (202)225-0074 4 *Markey, Betsy CO 1229 Longworth, 20515-0604 (202)225-5870 7 Markey, Edward MA 2108 Rayburn, 20515-2107 (202)225-1716 8 Marshall, James GA 504 Cannon, 20515-1003 (202)225-3013 29 *Massa, Eric J. J. NY 1208 Longworth, 20515-3229 (202)226-6599 2 Matheson, Jim UT 2434 Rayburn, 20515-4402 (202)225-5638 5 Matsui, Doris CA 222 Cannon, 20515-0505 (202)225-0566 17 *Meek, Kendrick B. FL 1039 Longworth, 20515-0917 (202)226-0777 6 Meeks, Gregory NY 2342 Rayburn, 20515-3206 (202)226-4169 3 Melancon, Charlie LA 404 Cannon, 20515-1803 (202)226-3944 7 Mica, John FL 2313 Rayburn, 20515-0907 (202)226-0821 2 Michaud, Michael ME 1724 Longworth, 20515-1902 (202)225-2943 13 Miller, Brad NC 1127 Longworth, 20515-3313 (202)225-0181 10 Miller, Candace MI 228 Cannon, 20515-2210 (202)226-1169 42 Miller, Gary CA 2349 Rayburn, 20515-0542 (202)226-6962 7 Miller, George CA 2205 Rayburn, 20515-0507 (202)226-5609 1 Miller, Jeff FL 2439 Rayburn, 20515-0901 (202)225-3414 1 *Minnick, Walt ID 1517 Longworth, 20515-1201 (202)225-3029 5 Mitchell, Harry AZ 1410 Longworth, 20515-0305 (202)225-3263 1 Mollohan, Alan WV 2302 Rayburn, 20515-4801 (202)225-7564 3 Moore, Dennis KS 1727 Longworth, 20515-1603 (202)225-2807 4 Moore, Gwen WI 1239 Longworth, 20515-4904 (202)225-8135 8 Moran, James VA 2239 Rayburn, 20515-4608 (202)225-0017 1 Moran, Jerry KS 2202 Rayburn, 20515-1601 (202)225-5124 5 Murphy, Chris CT 412 Cannon, 20515-0705 (202)225-5933 8 Murphy, Patrick PA 1609 Longworth, 20515-3808 (202)225-9511 18 Murphy, Tim PA 322 Cannon, 20515-3818 (202)225-1844 12 Murtha, John PA 2423 Rayburn, 20515-3812 (202)225-5709 9 Myrick, Sue NC 230 Cannon, 20515-3309 (202)225-3389 8 Nadler, Jerrold NY 2334 Rayburn, 20515-3208 (202)225-6923 38 Napolitano, Grace CA 1610 Longworth, 20515-0538 (202)225-0027 2 Neal, Richard MA 2208 Rayburn, 20515-2102 (202)225-8112 19 Neugebauer, Randy TX 1424 Longworth, 20515-4319 (202)225-9615 9 Norwood, Charles GA 2452 Rayburn, 20515-1010 (202)225-0279 21 Nunes, Devin CA 1013 Longworth, 20515-0521 (202)225-3404 2 *Nye, Glenn C. VA 116 Cannon, 20515-4602 (202)225-4218 8 Oberstar, James MN 2365 Rayburn, 20515-2308 (202)225-0699 7 Obey, David WI 2314 Rayburn, 20515-4907 (202)225-3240 22 *Olson, Pete TX 514 Cannon, 20515-4322 (202)225-5241 1 Olver, John MA 1111 Longworth, 20515-2101 (202)226-1224 27 Ortiz, Solomon TX 2110 Rayburn, 20515-4327 (202)226-1134 6 Pallone, Frank Jr. NJ 237 Cannon, 20515-3006 (202)225-9665 8 Pascrell, Wm. Jr. NJ 2464 Rayburn, 20515-3008 (202)225-5782 4 Pastor, Ed AZ 2465 Rayburn, 20515-0304 (202)225-1655 14 Paul, Ron, M.D. TX 203 Cannon, 20515-4314 (202)226-4871 3 *Paulsen, Erik MN 126 Cannon, 20515-4903 (202)225-6351 10 Payne, Donald NJ 2310 Rayburn, 20515-3010 (202)225-4160 8 Pelosi, Nancy CA 235 Cannon, 20515-0508 (202)225-8259 6 Pence, Mike IN 1431 Longworth, 20515-1406 (202)225-3382 7 Perlmutter, Ed CO 415 Cannon, 20515-0607 (202)225-5278 5 *Perriello, Thomas VA 1520 Longworth, 20515-4605 (202)225-5681 9 *Peters, Gary C. MI 1130 Longworth, 20515-2209 (202)226-2356 7 Peterson, Collin MN 2211 Rayburn, 20515-2307 (202)225-1593 6 Petri, Thomas WI 2462 Rayburn, 20515-4906 (202)225-2356 1 *Pingree, Chellie ME 1037 Longworth, 20515-1901 (202)225-5590 16 Pitts, Joseph PA 420 Cannon, 20515-3816 (202)225-2013 19 Platts, Todd PA 2455 Rayburn, 20515-3819 (202)226-1000 2 Poe, Ted TX 430 Cannon, 20515-4302 (202)225-5547 2 *Polis, Jared CO 501 Cannon, 20515-0602 (202)226-7840 All Pomeroy, Earl ND 1501 Longworth 20515-3401 (202)226-0893 15 *Posey, Bill FL 132 Cannon, 20515-0915 (202)225-3516 4 Price, David NC 2162 Rayburn, 20515-3304 (202)225-2014 6 Price, Tom GA 424 Cannon, 20515-1006 (202)225-4656 12 Putnam, Adam FL 442 Cannon, 20515-0912 (202)226-0585 19 Radanovich, Geo CA 2410 Rayburn, 20515-0519 (202)225-3402 3 Rahall, Nick II WV 2307 Rayburn, 20515-4803 (202)225-9061 15 Rangel, Charles NY 2354 Rayburn, 20515-3215 (202)225-0816 All Rehberg, Dennis MT 2448 Rayburn, 20515-2601 (202)225-5687 8 Reichert, David WA 1730 Longworth, 20515-4708 (202)225-4282 16 Reyes, Silvestre TX 2433 Rayburn, 20515-4316 (202)225-2016 37 *Richardson, Laura CA 1725 Longworth, 20515-0537 (202)225-7926 23 Rodriguez, Ciro TX 2351 Rayburn, 20515-4323 (202)225-2237 1 *Roe, David "Phil" TN 419 Cannon, 20515-4201 (202)225-5714 5 Rogers, Harold KY 2406 Rayburn, 20515-1705 (202)225-0940 3 Rogers, Michael AL 324 Cannon, 20515-0103 (202)226-8485 8 Rogers, Mike MI 133 Cannon, 20515-2208 (202)225-5820 46 Rohrabacher, Dana CA 2300 Rayburn, 20515-0546 (202)225-0145 16 *Rooney, Thomas J. FL 1529 Longworth, 20515-0916 (202)225-3132 6 Roskam, Peter IL 507 Cannon, 20515-1306 (202)225-1166 18 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana FL 2470 Rayburn, 20515-0918 (202)225-5620 4 Ross, Mike AR 2436 Rayburn, 20515-0404 (202)225-1314 9 Rothman, Steven NJ 2303 Rayburn, 20515-3009 (202)225-5851 34 Royball-Allard, L. CA 2330 Rayburn, 20515-0534 (202)226-0350 40 Royce, Edward CA 2185 Rayburn, 20515-0540 (202)226-0335 2 Ruppersberger, C.A. MD 2453 Rayburn, 20515-2002 (202)225-3094 1 Rush, Bobby IL 2416 Rayburn, 20515-1301 (202)226-0333 1 Ryan, Paul WI 1113 Longworth 20515-4901 (202)225-3393 17 Ryan, Timothy OH 1421 Longworth, 20515-3517 (202)225-3719 39 Sanchez, Linda CA 1222 Longworth 20515-0539 (202)226-1012 47 Sanchez, Loretta CA 1114 Longworth, 20515-0546 (202)225-5859 3 Sarbanes, John MD 426 Cannon, 20515-2003 (202)225-9219 1 *Scalise, Steve LA 429 Cannon, 20515-1801 (202)226-0386 9 Schakowsky, Janice IL 2367 Rayburn, 20515-1309 (202)226-6890 7 *Schauer, Mark H. MI 1408 Longworth, 20515-2207 (202)225-6281 29 Schiff, Adam CA 2447 Rayburn, 20515-0529 (202)225-5828 2 Schmidt, Jean OH 418 Cannon, 20515-3502 (202)225-1992 18 *Schock, Aaron IL 509 Cannon, 20515-1318 (202)225-9249 5 *Schrader, Kurt OR 1419 Longworth, 20515-3705 (202)225-5699 13 Schwartz, Allyson PA 330 Cannon, 20515-3813 (202)226-0611 13 Scott, David GA 225 Cannon, 20515-1013 (202)225-4628 3 Scott, Robert VA 1201 Longworth, 20515-4603 (202)225-8354 5 Sensenbrenner, Jim WI 2449 Rayburn, 20515-4905 (202)225-3190 16 Serrano, Jose NY 2227 Rayburn, 20515-3216 (202)225-6001 32 Sessions, Pete TX 2233 Rayburn, 20515-4332 (202)225-5878 7 Sestak, Joe PA 1022 Longworth, 20515-3807 (202)226-0280 3 Shadegg, John AZ 436 Cannon, 20515-0303 (202)225-3462 1 Shea-Porter, Carol NH 1330 Longworth, 20515-2901 (202)225-5822 27 Sherman, Brad CA 2242 Rayburn, 20515-0527 (202)225-5879 19 Shimkus, John IL 2452 Rayburn, 20515-1319 (202)225-5880 11 Shuler, Heath NC 422 Cannon, 20515-3311 (202)226-6422 9 Shuster, Bill PA 204 Cannon, 20515-3809 (202)225-2486 2 Simpson, Mike ID 2312 Rayburn, 20515-1202 (202)225-8216 13 Sires, Albio NJ 1024 Longworth, 20515-3013 (202)226-0792 4 Skelton, Ike MO 2206 Rayburn, 20515-2504 (202)225-2695 28 Slaughter, Louise NY 2469 Rayburn, 20515-3228 (202)225-7822 9 Smith, Adam WA 2402 Rayburn, 20515-4709 (202)225-5893 3 Smith, Adrian NE 503 Cannon, 20515-2703 (202)225-0207 4 Smith, Chris NJ 2373 Rayburn, 20515-3004 (202)225-7768 21 Smith, Lamar TX 2409 Rayburn, 20515-4321 (202)225-8628 2 Snyder, Vic AR 2210 Rayburn, 20515-0402 (202)225-5903 32 Solis, Hilda CA 2421 Rayburn, 20515-0532 (202)225-5467 3 Souder, Mark IN 2231 Rayburn, 20515-1403 (202)225-3479 18 Space, Zack OH 315 Cannon, 20515-3518 (330)364-4330 12 *Speier, Jackie CA 211 Cannon, 20515-0512 (202)226-4183 5 Spratt, John Jr. SC 1401 Longworth, 20515-4005 (202)225-0464 13 Stark, Pete CA 239 Cannon, 20515-0513 (202)226-3805 6 Stearns, Cliff FL 2370 Rayburn, 20515-0906 (352)337-0034 1 Stupak, Bart MI 2268 Rayburn, 20515-2201 (202)225-4744 1 Sullivan, John OK 434 Cannon, 20515-3601 (202)225-9187 13 Sutton, Betty OH 1721 Longworth, 20515-3513 (202)225-2266** 8 Tanner, John TN 1226 Longworth, 20515-4208 (202)225-1765 10 Tauscher, Ellen CA 2459 Rayburn, 20515-0510 (202)225-5914 4 Taylor, Gene MS 2269 Rayburn, 20515-2404 (202)225-7074 2 *Teague, Harry NM 1007 Longworth, 20515-3102 (202)225-9599 2 Terry, Lee NE 2331 Rayburn, 20515-2702 (202)226-5452 2 Thompson, Bennie MS 2432 Rayburn, 20515-2402 (202)225-5898 5 *Thompson, Glenn PA 124 Cannon, 20515-3805 (202)225-5796 1 Thompson, Mike CA 231 Cannon, 20515-0501 (202)225-4335 13 Thornberry, Mac TX 2209 Rayburn, 20515-4313 (202)225-3486 4 Tiahrt, Todd KS 2441 Rayburn, 20515-1604 (202)225-3489 12 Tibery, Patrick OH 113 Cannon, 20515-3512 (202)206-5483 6 Tierney, John MA 2238 Rayburn, 20515-2106 (202)225-5915 3 *Titus, Dina NV 319 Cannon, 20515-2803 (202)225-2185 21 *Tonko, Paul NY 128 Cannon, 20515-3221 (202)225-5077 10 Towns, Edolphus NY 2232 Rayburn, 20515-3210 (202)225-1018 5 *Tsongas, Niki MA 1607 Longworth, 20515-2105 (202)226-0771 3 Turner, Michael OH 1740 Longworth 20515-3503 (202)225-6754 6 Upton, Fred MI 2183 Rayburn, 20515-2206 (202)225-4986 8 Van Hollen, Chris MD 1707 Longworth 20515-2008 (202)225-0375 12 Velasquez, Nydia NY 2466 Rayburn, 20515-3212 (202)226-0327 1 Visclosky, Peter IN 2256 Rayburn, 20515-1401 (202)225-2493 2 Walden, Greg OR 2352 Rayburn, 20515-3702 (202)225-5774 1 *Walz, Tim MN 1722 Longworth, 20515-2301 (202)225-2472 (Phone)** 3 Wamp, Zack TN 1436 Longworth, 20515-4203 (202)225-3494 20 Wasserman Schultz FL 118 Cannon, 20515-0920 (202)226-2052 35 Waters, Maxine CA 2344 Rayburn, 20515-0535 (202)225-7854 33 Watson, Diane CA 2430 Rayburn, 20515-0533 (202)225-2422 12 Watt, Melvin NC 2304 Rayburn, 20515-3312 (202)225-1512 30 Waxman, Henry CA 2204 Rayburn, 20515-0530 (202)225-4099 9 Weiner, Anthony NY 2104 Rayburn, 20515-3209 (202)226-7253 ALL Welch, Peter VT 1404 Longworth, 20515-4501 (202)225-4115 (Phone)** 3 Westmoreland, Lynn GA 1213 Longworth, 20515-1008 (202)225-2515 19 Wexler, Robert FL 2241 Rayburn, 20515-0919 (202)225-5974 1 Whitfield, Ed KY 2411 Rayburn, 20515-1701 (202)225-3547 6 Wilson, Charles OH 226 Cannon, 20515-3506 (202)225-5907 2 Wilson, Joe SC 212 Cannon, 20515-4002 (202)225-2455 1 *Wittman, Robert J. VA 1318 Longworth, 20515-4601 (202)225-4382 10 *Wolf, Frank VA 241 Cannon, 20515-4610 (202)225-0437 6 Woolsey, Lynn CA 2263 Rayburn, 20515-0506 (202)225-5163 1 Wu, David OR 2338 Rayburn, 20515-3701 (202)225-9497 3 Yarmouth, John KY 435 Cannon, 20515-1703 (202)225-5776 10 Young, C.W. Bill FL 2407 Rayburn, 20515-0910 (202)225-9764 All Young, Don AK 2111 Rayburn, 20515-0201 (202)225-0425 ***Rahm Emanuel's staff will continue to serve his constituents in the 5th district of Illinois.
United States Senate
Zipcode is always 20510-plus 4 (Mail will also reach those without the last 4 digits)
Write to any senator as follows:
Senator Harry Reid
United States Senate
SH-528 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510-2803
Senate Snail Mail Addresses and Fax
MEMBER STATE ADDRESS FAX NUMBER Akaka, Daniel HI SH-141 Hart Building 20510-1103 (202)224-2126 Alexander, Lamar TN SD-455 Dirksen Building 20510 (202)228-3398 *Barrasso, John WY SD-307 Dirksen Building 20510 (202224-1724 Baucus, Max MT SH-511 Hart Building 20510-2602 (202)228-3687 Bayh, Evan IN SR-131 Russell Building 20510-1404 (202)228-1377 *Begich, Mark AK SH-825C Hart Building 20510-0201 (202)224-3004 (Phone) *Bennet, Michael CO SH-702 Hart Building 20510-0606 (202)224-5852 (Phone) Bennett, Robert UT SD-431 Dirksen Building 20510-4403 (202)228-1168 Bingaman, Jeff NM SH-703 Hart Building 20510-3102 (202)224-2852 Bond, Christopher MO SR-274 Russell Building 20510-2503 (202)224-8149 Boxer, Barbara CA SH-112 Hart Building 20510-0505 (202)228-1338 Brown, Sherrod OH SR-455 Russell Building, 20510 (202)228-6321 Brownback, Sam KS SH-303 Hart Building 20510-1604 (202)228-1265 Bunning, Jim KY SH-316 Hart Building 20510-1701 (202)228-1373 Burr, Richard NC SR-217 Russell Building 20510 (202)228-2981 *Burris, Roland IL SD-523 Dirksen Building 20510 (202)224-2854 (Phone) Byrd, Robert WV SH-311 Hart Building 20510-4801 (202)228-4467 Cantwell, Maria WA SD-511 Dirksen Building 20510-4701 (202)228-0514 Cardin, Benjamin MD SH 509 Hart Building 20510 (202)224-1651 Carper, Thomas DE SH-513 Hart Building 20510-0803 (202)228-2190 Casey, Jr. Bob PA SR-383 Russell Building 20510 (202)228-0604 Chambliss, Saxby GA SR-416 Russell Building 20510-1007 (202)224-0103 Coburn, Tom OK SR-172 Russell Building 20510 (202)224-6008 Cochran, Thad MS SD-113 Dirksen Building 20510-2402 (202)224-9450 Collins, Susan ME SD-413 Dirksen Building 20510-1904 (202)224-2693 Conrad, Kent ND SH-530 Hart Building 20510-3403 (202)224-7776 Corker, Bob TN SD-185 Dirksen Building 20510 (202) 228-0566 Cornyn, John TX SH-517 Hart Building 20510-4305 (202)228-2856 Crapo, Mike ID SD-239 Dirksen Building 20510-1204 (202)228-1375 DeMint, Jim SC SR-340 Russell Building 20510 (202)228-5143 Dodd, Christopher CT SR-448 Russell Building 20510-0702 (202)224-1083 Dorgan, Byron ND SH-322 Hart Building 20510-3405 (202)224-1193 Durbin, Richard IL SH-309 Hart Building 20510-1304 (202)228-0400 Ensign, John NV SR-119 Russell Building 20510-2804 (202)228-2193 Enzi, Michael WY SR-379A Russell Building 20510-5004 (202)228-0359 Feingold, Russell WI SH-506 Hart Building 20510-4904 (202)224-2725 Feinstein, Dianne CA SH-331 Hart Building 20510-0504 (202)228-3954 *Gillibrand, Kirsten NY SD-531 Dirksen Building 20510 (202)224-4451 (Phone) Graham, Lindsey SC SR-290 Russell Building 20510 (202)224-1189 Grassley, Charles IA SH-135 Hart Building 20510-1501 (202)224-6020 Gregg, Judd NH SR-393 Russell Building 20510-2904 (202)224-4952 *Hagan, Kay R. NC SD-B40A Dirksen Building 20510 (202)224.6342 (Phone) Harkin, Tom IA SH-731 Hart Building 20510-1502 (202)228-0404 Hatch, Orrin UT SH-104 Hart Building 20510-4402 (202)224-6331 Hutchison, Kay TX SR-284 Russell Building 20510-4304 (202)224-0776 Inhofe, James OK SR-453 Russell Building 20510-3603 (202)228-0380 Inouye, Daniel HI SH-722 Hart Building 20510-1102 (202)224-6747 Isakson, Johnny GA SR-120 Russell Building, 20510 (202)228-0724 *Johanns, Mike NE SR-1 Russell Courtyard 20510 (202)228-0436 Johnson, Tim SD SH-136 Hart Building 20510-4104 (202)228-5765 *Kaufman, Ted DE SD-G11 Dirksen Building 20510 (302)573-6351 Kennedy, Edward MA SR-317 Russell Building 20510-2101 (202)224-2417 Kerry, John MA SR-218 Russell Building 20510-2102 (202)224-8525 Klobuchar, Amy MN SH-302 Hart Building 20510 (202)228-2186 Kohl, Herb WI SH-330 Hart Building 20510-4903 (202)224-9787 Kyl, Jon AZ SH-730 Hart Building 20510-0304 (202)228-1239 Landrieu, Mary LA SH-328 Hart Building 20510-1804 (202)224-9735 Lautenberg, Frank NJ SH-324 Hart Building 20510 (202)228-4054 Leahy, Patrick VT SR-433 Russell Building 20510-4502 (202)224-3479 Levin, Carl MI SR-269 Russell Building 20510-2202 (202)224-1388 Lieberman, Joseph CT SH-706 Hart Building 20510-0703 (202)224-9750 Lincoln, Blanche AR SD-355 Dirksen Building 20510-0404 (202)228-1371 Lugar, Richard IN SH-306 Hart Building 20510-1401 (202)228-0360 *Martinez, Mel FL SR-356 Russell Building 20510 (202)228-5171 McCain, John AZ SR-241 Russell Building 20510-0303 (202)228-2862 McCaskill, Claire MO SH-717 Hart Building, 20510 (202)228-6326 McConnell, Mitch KY SR-361A Russell Building 20510-1702 (202)224-2499 Menendez, Robert NJ SH-317 Hart Building 20510 (202)228-2197 *Merkley, Jeff OR SD-B40B Dirksen Building 20510-3704 (202)224-3753 (Phone) Mikulski, Barbara MD SH-503 Hart Building 20510-2003 (202)224-8858 Murkowski, Lisa AK SH-709 Hart Building 20510-0202 (202)224-5301 Murray, Patty WA SR-173 Russell Building 20510-4704 (202)224-0238 Nelson Ben NE SH-720 Hart Building 20510-2704 (202)228-0012 Nelson, Bill FL SH-716 Hart Building 20510-0904 (202)228-2183 Pryor, Mark AR SD-255 Dirksen Building 20510 (202)228-0908 Reed, Jack RI SH-728 Hart Building 20510 (202)224-4680 Reid, Harry NV SH-522 Hart Building 20510-2803 (202)224-7327 *Risch, Jim ID SR-2 Russell Courtyard 20510-1203 (208)345-9928 Roberts, Pat KS SH-109 Hart Building 20510-1605 (202)224-1700 Rockefeller IV John WV SH-531 Hart Building 20510-4802 (202)224-7665 Sanders, Bernard VT SD-332 Dirksen Building, 20510 (202)225-6790 Schumer, Chuck NY SH-313 Hart Building 20510-3202 (202)228-3027 Sessions, Jeff AL SR-335 Russell Building 20510-0104 (202)224-3149 Shaheen, Jeanne NH SD-G55 Dirksen Building 20510 (202)224-2841 Shelby, Richard AL SR-304 Russell Building 20510-0103 (202)224-3416 Snowe, Olympia ME SR-154 Russell Building 20510-1903 (202)224-1946 Specter, Arlen PA SH-711 Hart Building 20510-3802 (202)228-1229 Stabenow, Debbie MI SH-133 Hart Building 20510-2201 (202)228-0325 Tester, Jon MT SR-204 Russell Building 20510 (202)224-8594 Thune, John SD SR-493 Russell Building 20510 (202)228-5429 ** Udall, Mark CO SD-B40E Dirksen Building 20510 (202)224-6471 *Udall, Tom NM SD-B40D Dirksen Building 20510-3101 (505)346-6720 Vitter, David LA SH-516 Hart Building, 20510 (202)228-5061 Voinovich, George OH SH-524 Hart Building 20510-6425 (202)224-7416 Warner, Mark VA SD-B40C Dirksen Building 20510-4601 (202)224-6295 Webb, Jim VA SR-144 Russell Building, 20510 (202)228-6363 Whitehouse, Sheldon RI SH-502 Hart Building 20510 (202)228-6362 Wicker, Roger F. MS SR-487 Russell Building 20510-2403 (202)228-0378 Wyden, Ron OR SD-223 Dirksen Building 20510-3703 (202)228-2717 ** indicates that the member has an 800 number for constituents to use which is available on their Web site. Many Senators and Congressional representatives have an 800 number which aren't indicated here. I encourage you to log onto your representative and Senator's Web sites to see if yours does. Thank you.
This information comes from a variety of Web sites. If you know of any information which is either not accurate or missing and you want it known, please contact me. Thank you very much.
The Journal of History - Spring 2009 Copyright © 2009 by News Source, Inc.