Someone doesn't want people to know that Auschwitz was a labor camp
By Arlene Johnson
In an article published in The Star at on December 18, 2009, the author, Monika Scislowska, began with "The infamous iron sign bearing the Nazis' cynical slogan 'Arbeit Macht Frei' that spanned the main entrance to the former Auschwitz death camp...."
In my humble opinion, the Zionists are so determined to keep their "Holocaust" lie from being exposed, that they would literally steal the Work Makes You Free sign at the most famous concentration camp of all, Auschwitz. My theory is that it may have been melted down so that the perpetrators will not be found. Fortunately, a duplicate sign was available to install enabling people to realize that Auschwitz was indeed a labor camp, not a death camp as the Zionists so brazenly claim.
Here is what Rev. Dr. Anthony G. Pike said about the incident:
It seems MI6 doesn't like the 'Work Sets You Free' sign over the entrance to the Auschwitz labour camp in which the Jewish head of the Russian KGB, Lavrenty Beria, at the time of its liberation by Russian forces in 1945, stated that 4 million Jews had been 'gassed' there after first confiscating all the camp files and classifying them as 'top secret.' Yet, with St Anthony and his pal, President Ahmadinejad, relentlessly pounding the fact that there was no Jewish holocaust, no gassing and no gas chambers and that it was all a ploy by the British MOD (Ministry of Defence) their Jewish Learned Elders of Zion backers to denigrate Hitler and enable the formation of the Jewish state and its sponsorship to the tune of billions of dollars even unto this day, it seems the British Government and their Jewish associates want to remove all evidence that Auschwitz was simply a Jewish POW labour camp for the Nazi war machine. N.B. All the evidence states that the Nazis wanted to keep the Jews alive and fed to enable them to work efficiently, but towards the last years of the war there was simply not enough food; and, toward the end of the war, no food at all - hence, a total of around 200,000 Jews did die in the camps due to disease, malnutrition, and hypothermia. Hitler, by the way, along with Mussolini and Franco, were all CATHOLICS under orders from the Pope to reclaim the lands of the 'separated brethren.' While it is true that the Catholics hated the Jews for crucifying Christ, the Vatican had no plans to exterminate them, but simply to use them as a means of 'slave labour' in the reclamation of the lands of the 'separated brethren.'
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Markapur, A.P. 523316, India
E-Mail [email protected]
Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635
Post Script:
Well, folks, it didn't take the cops long to find it - what with the whole world watching!! It seems some Mafia hoods nicked (stole) it under orders from MI6 and hacked it into pieces, either to melt it down as scrap or sell it on the black market. Anyway, folks, with a bit of luck, it will be welded back together again and then bolted, welded and chained back on the gate-posts so that no holocaust hoaxer can nick (steal) it again!!
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Markapur, A.P. 523316, India
E-Mail [email protected]
Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635
Date 21st December 2009
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