U.S. House & Senate Email Addresses
112th Congress
Many of the Congress and Senate have elected to only respond to their constituents despite the fact that they vote on issues which affect people around the world. In fact, even more have eliminated their Email address in the 110th Congress. Shall we, therefore, limit them to only voting on issues that affect the American people since they don't seem to care about the welfare of people who live outside the United States, or shall we gather together as many people who live in other countries and have them join those of us who are boycotting the United States for tourism and products instead who are registered voters in the United States? I venture to say that most of the legislation on which they vote affects people around the world.
Here are the Congress and Senate who have graciously provided their Email address to the people of the world. If you are not a constituent of the member, BE SURE to tell him or her that you will BOYCOTT their state for tourism and products until they carry out what you want. Otherwise, your words to them will NOT be heeded. Thank you.
Member | State | Email address |
Congressman John Boehner |
OH |
Congressman Bill Cassidy |
LA |
[email protected] |
Congressman James Clyburn |
SC |
[email protected] |
Congressman John Conyers |
MI |
[email protected] |
Congresswoman Diana DeGette |
CO |
[email protected] |
Congressman Lloyd Doggett |
TX |
[email protected] |
Congressman Mike Doyle |
PA |
Congressman Phil Gingrey |
GA |
*Congressman Tim Griffin |
AR |
Congressman Martin Heinrich |
NM |
Congressman Maurice Hinchey |
NY |
Congressman Darrell Issa |
CA |
Congressman Timothy Johnson |
IL |
Congressman Dale Kildee |
MI |
Congressman John Lewis |
GA |
Congressman John Mica |
FL |
Congressman George Miller |
CA |
Congresswoman Sue Myrick |
NC |
Congressman Pete Olson |
TX |
Congressman Bill Pascrell |
NJ |
Congressman Ron Paul |
MD |
Congressman Erik Paulsen |
MN |
*Congressman Stevan Pearce |
NM |
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi |
CA |
Congressman Nick Rahall |
WV |
Congressman David Roe |
TN |
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez |
CA |
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky |
IL |
Congressman Jose Serrano |
NY |
Congressman Lee Terry |
NE |
Congressman Anthony Weiner |
NY |
[email protected] |
Congressman C.W. Young |
FL |
* Newly elected |
Senate Email Addresses |
Senator Jeff Bingaman, NM |
Senator Maria Cantwell, WA |
Senator Kent Conrad, ND |
Senator Patrick Leahy, VT |
Senator Mark Pryor, AR |
Senator Jay Rockefeller, WV |
Senator Richard Shelby, AL |
Senator Olympia Snowe, ME |
Senator Debbie Stabenow, MI |
If you find any mistakes amongst these Email addresses, you can go to: http://www.webslingerz.com/jhoffman/congress-email.html You will be able to click on the Email addresses on that Web site. Or you can go to http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/