The Journal of HistorySpring 2012TABLE OF CONTENTS

Chappaquiddick: Ted Kennedy Was Framed By The CIA!

By Charles August Schlund (deceased January 5, 2010)
July 10, 2001

The following letter is how the CIA framed Ted Kennedy at Chappaquiddick for the death of Mary Jo to stop him from ever running for president of the United States.

Ted Kennedy. In the CIA files in the Don Bolles papers was the files on the framing of Ted Kennedy for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick by the CIA. In the CIA files that George Bush had removed from the CIA was Ted Kennedy's file.

After the CIA had assassinated John F. Kennedy and framed Oswald for the assassination and after the CIA had assassinated Robert Kennedy and framed Sirhan Sirhan for the assassination, they needed a way of stopping the last Kennedy brother from ever running for the presidency of the United States. They believed that if they killed him it would look like the CIA had assassinated all the brothers so the CIA decided to allow him to live and to discredit him to stop him from being reelected by framing him at Chappaquiddick for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. By doing this the CIA planned on stopping him from ever becoming president of the United States of America. The following is how the CIA framed Ted Kennedy for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick.

I no longer remember all of the details because of the constant electronic torture of me which is still being used against me to limit my freedom of speech and damage my memory and ability to write using electronic torture and sleep deprivation. The following is what I still can remember while I am being kept disabled and in an electronically drugged state. Ted Kennedy and the other couple were at the cabin, and Ted Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne were getting ready to leave. The CIA had drugged one of the bottles from which they were drinking. I do not remember all the details, but I do remember that the bottle had a drug put into it which would result in Ted Kennedy and Mary Joe Kopechne becoming unconscious after drinking from drinks poured from the bottle. I remember that just before they left they all drank a drink that had been poured from the bottle. I believe it was a toast.

Ted Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne left and started back with Ted driving. On the road on the way back were barricades and a detour sign that the CIA had put into place directing Ted down the road they needed him on to conduct their planned murder of Mary Jo. The CIA had positioned one car ahead of Ted's car and another car was behind him. As soon as Ted entered the detour the CIA moved the barricades to block off where he had turned down so no one else could come down the road until after they had taken over Ted and his car. Ted was monitored the entire time by the CIA. Mary Jo had passed out from the drug and Ted was starting to pass out. The CIA car in front of Ted's car slowed down so they could use their car to stop Ted's car from crashing as Ted passed out. This worked fine and they were able to stop Ted's car. After they got the car stopped they took Mary Jo and placed her in the back seat and took Ted to the other car. Then two CIA operatives replaced Ted and Mary Jo with the man in the driver seat and a woman operative replacing Mary Jo in the front seat. Then all three cars proceeded to the bridge and as they drove they called back by radio and they gave orders in code to remove the barricades.

The constable for that area was one of the CIA operatives in charge of the operation. I still see him on TV saying how Ted got away with murder. This constable was the person that set up the car to go off the bridge which resulted in the death of Mary Jo. He first prepared everything to make it look like Ted and her were having an affair and that was why they turned down that road. They were not having an affair. When they got to the bridge they set up the car to send it off the bridge with Mary Jo still in the car.

The drug they had used was a special drug that would not show up in the autopsy report because she would never be tested for that drug. They had also planned on her stomach being full of water after the crash. After rigging the gas pedal and steering and sending the car off the bridge, the car would not sink and floated nose down in the water and was starting to float away. They got a rope on the car and held it in place and one of them had to swim out to the car and open the door to get it to sink. It took the CIA 20 to 30 minutes to make the car sink where they needed it to rest on the bottom.

They then prepared Ted Kennedy for the water. They put an injury on him but I do not remember in detail what the injury was, but it was to make it look like that he was in the crash and was driving the car that killed Mary Jo. They then took Ted Kennedy's body out into the water on the side of the bridge and propped him up with one of the CIA operatives holding him from behind. Another CIA agent then injected him in the neck with the antidote to the drug they had used on him. Ted Kennedy then slowly showed signs of recovering. The antidote was mixed with another drug to make Ted Kennedy confused and disorientated. They then got out of the water and watched to make sure Ted didn't drown before he recovered enough to get out of the water.

Ted Kennedy stumbled out of the water and tried to figure out what had happened. He finally figured out that the car was under water in the pond and he had no idea of what happened. It took him some time to recover enough to leave to search for help and he was still badly disorientated from the drugs they used on him. He was not drunk and had only had one or two drinks and Mary Jo had only one drink and if I remember correctly she did not drink all of it.

The CIA monitored and filmed all of this. As soon as Ted Kennedy left to try to find help the CIA moved in and cleaned up all the evidence to make sure it looked like an accident.

The next events are all history. They asked Ted Kennedy what happened and he replied that he did not know and that Mary Jo must have been driving the car. He didn't know because he was not driving and was unconscious. The press and others then attacked him and set it up to make it look like he was lying to get out of the death of Mary Jo. At that time Ted Kennedy was forced to take full responsibility with him not having any memory of the accident. The papers and others then printed stories of how she was pregnant which she wasn't and of how Ted was drunk which he wasn't and of how the Kennedy's were buying their way out of what had happened which they weren't.

The investigation into the crash was not real; it was only the framing of Ted Kennedy for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne.

The CIA assumed that by framing Ted Kennedy that they had assured that Ted Kennedy would no longer be electable and that they could force him out of the public eye and out of their hair. To the amazement of the CIA, it did not work and Ted was repeatedly reelected to public office.

Ted Kennedy was now back fighting for Human Rights, Civil Rights and the American people as his brothers had before him. The CIA was now desperate to remove him from the public eye but it was not acceptable to assassinate him because they believed that it may interfere with the on going cover-up of the assassinations of his brothers. If all three brothers had died in public office, no reasonable person would believe that it was not the CIA that did it. They needed another way of disabling him to remove him as a threat to their empire. The director of the CIA, George H.W. Bush, in 1976 came up with the way of doing this. The new remote controlled electronic torture devices that the CIA had designed were now in service and when used with a bugging device built into them they could be used to remove targeted people under the protection of a warrant in an investigation and under the color of law.

The Next operation we had was the framing of Ted Kennedy as being a drug dealer to authorize the use of these new electronic bugging and torture devices to disable him. We even had the file on the briefing to the federal Judge for the warrant to be used against him. The following was in the briefing to the judge. Your honor is so unbelievable that Ted Kennedy is involved in the drug trade; after all his father was a bootlegger.

The CIA had failed in removing Ted Kennedy as a Senator from Massachusetts. Even after they discredited him before the people by framing him at Chappaquiddick for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, and even after they attacked him repeatedly in the press and news, he was still repeatedly reelected to the Senate by the people of Massachusetts. The CIA did not like this at all, and the CIA still felt that Ted Kennedy was a great threat to their assassinations, drug running and other illegal operations. They then started on a new way of controlling Ted Kennedy. This new mode of control was to be by the use of electronic stimulation of his mind and body by the CIA to remove him as a threat to their covert operations within the government. They first placed him under constant surveillance and monitored his phones, mail, and they even bugged his cars and everything else they could monitor. All information at this time was being illegally collected and that made it unusable in the newspapers or in the courts. They decided that the best way of authorizing the legal bugging of Ted Kennedy would be to frame him as being a drug trafficker. To do this they first needed evidence to present to one of the corrupt judges that they controlled to obtain a warrant to monitor Ted Kennedy. They collected his garbage and even followed him when he went on weekend outings in boats and other places.

They took sandwich bags from his garbage and from his boating trips and checked these sandwich bags for his fingerprints. In time they obtained some plastic sandwich bags with Ted Kennedy's finger prints on the bags. They then proceeded to clean the inside of these bags and then placed drugs into the cleaned bags. These plastic bags now filled with drugs were then given to a drug dealer that the DEA controlled and the bags were then busted in a drug bust with Ted Kennedy's finger prints on the bags.

The CIA had also designed a way of removing finger prints using a special tape that they had developed and then reinstalling these finger prints on other things as needed to target innocent targeted people. I believe that this process was also used in the framing of Ted Kennedy but I do not remember enough of this part of the files to be 100 per cent certain.

Now there was usable evidence for a real warrant and the DEA could not take over the operations from the CIA against Ted Kennedy and do these covert operations under the cover of a warrant in an investigation and under the protection of the law. They then continued to frame Ted Kennedy as being involved in the drug trade to further authorize the bugging and control of and over him by the CIA using their covert operation, the DEA, to gather the needed evidence to frame Ted Kennedy as being involved in the drug trade.

In the CIA and the DEA files we had were the orders from George Bush for the bugging of Ted Kennedy using the new CIA control, torture, and monitoring devices. They had determined that it was impossible to keep Ted Kennedy sick and disabled by just using the devices in his clothing. He had too many clothes and was always buying new clothes. The CIA and DEA researched if he wore any jewelry that he never took off that they could install the devices in or if there was any other way of controlling and bugging him without injecting Ted Kennedy with implants.

When I was reading the files George Bush had stated in them that he was paranoid that if they got caught using implants in Senators and Congressmen that the American People would no longer trust them and that the operation may backfire but to the best of my memory he did approve the use of the implants against Ted Kennedy which resulted in Ted Kennedy suffering horribly with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This illness was an auto immune response from the bugging devices and was designed to so involve the targeted person in their own suffering and misery that they would no longer be of a threat to the CIA, DEA or others that were protected and above all laws.

Ted Kennedy's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome went away in 1991 or 1992 because of my work with the FBI against the DEA and CIA. I am uncertain if Ted Kennedy was injected with electronic implants or if they used electronic devices in his clothing and jewelry to keep him sick, disabled and under their control all of those years as they monitored, tortured, and controlled him. My direct information on Ted Kennedy ended in 1977.

Charles Schlund, a political prisoner of the United States


MARtin F. ABErnathy [[email protected]]
July 20, 2001
Editor's note: This article was originally published by Rumor Mill News at;read=10111
My immense thanks and gratitude to Rumor Mill News for publishing this history. If you wish to read it as Chuck Schlund wrote it, read it at this link. I corrected the mistakes in what Chuck wrote so readers in any country would be able to understand it better than they may have been able to do if they had read it where it had originally been published.



The Journal of History - Spring 2012 Copyright © 2012 by News Source, Inc.