Flight 93
Why Did It Crash Instead of
Hitting Its Intended Destination?
by Arlene Johnson
Why was Flight 93 blown up instead of allowing it to hit its destination? Because there were NO PEOPLE on it. Here's why I know that. My flight landed safely at 10:30 A.M. in Buffalo, NY. It wasn't blown up because there were people on it. In fact, it was a nearly full flight despite the fact that it left Seatac airport at 3:15 A.M. on September 11, 2001.
The government had 19 Arab names so to make it look like these are terrorists, the U.S. government decided to use those names (six of whom have not even been in the United States now for several months) to create terror among the American people. It worked.
This is not to say that the government doesn't blow up airplanes which do have people on them because it has done that any number of times and for varying reasons but this was not the case that day.
On my flight the flight attendants told us at about 9:30 A.M. that we would not be able to land at our intended destination which was JFK airport because of the tragedy which we watched on airline television and that we had to land as soon as we could so we landed at 10:30 A. M. Flight 93 was blown out of the sky at 10:06 A.M. more proof that my plane which was a Jet Blue flight was never a target or I wouldn't be here to tell you about it.
The reason why there were so few names on Flight 93 is because that way the authorities wouldn't have that many names to account for. I theorize that these people who the U.S. government said were on that flight were relocated and given new identities by the government, which does that periodically, and are perfectly safe.
Ken Thomas commented that one of the people who was ostensibly on that flight is a product of Wheaton College in Illinois, a bastion of Republican brainwashing and a person for whom Ken Thomas has no respect.
There are over 1,100 people in detention. No one has ever stated who they are but I suspect that they are people who would tell the truth if they were free. One of my contacts is a person in a prison in Texas. In a conversation with him, he stated unequivocally that an Iranian was brought to the prison after the September 11, 2001 tragedy.
Two reporters were arrested because they got too close to the crash scene because they would have seen that there were no bodies in the crash and therefore no bodies to be transported to the morgue or to area hospitals. The government just said there were victims one of whom made a cell phone call to his wife via AT&T. We all know that many people have cell phones in the United States. So why didn't more people make cell phone calls? Because there were no people on the flight.
This missile was at least 5 x 2 feet ( 152 x 61 cm). Vieques, Puerto Rico Witnesses said that there was a low flying jet, an unmarked white jet from which the person felt she had to duck because it was so low. This surely is the jet which blew up Flight 93.
Why would the government target Arabs? Arabs are mostly Muslims, a religion which is a severe threat to capitalism. Why is it a severe threat to capitalism? Prophet Muhammad was a salesman; he believed in profit but not the gargantuan profit that capitalism requires with "larger and larger profits." [See first edition, True Democracy: The Trilateral Commission: Effect on the Middle East, page 1]
This is such conclusive proof that all those flights were unmanned and controlled by Global Hawk because my flight was perfectly safe.