We Support Advertisers-Part 5

$1 Audiotape: Michael Parenti recorded September 20, 2001.

Change-For-A-Buck Audio Series #1:

Speaker: Michael Parenti at Modesto Junior College, September 20, 2001
Subject: Globalization and Terrorism
Time: About one hour.

To subscribe to this series, please send an email and say Change-For-A-Buck Audio with your name and address. We intend to send audiotapes in the series at the rate of one every one to three months.

After you receive each audiotape, be sure to remit $1, plus a donation of your choosing to help with postage and other expenses, in the remittance envelope we will include with each tape. If you do not wish to receive future tapes in the series be sure to tell us at that time, otherwise we will assume you do. Please do not prepay for future tapes until we find out from the response whether we can sustain the project in this manner.

If we can, future audiotapes in the series will include progressive leaders and activists like Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman, Vincent Bugliosi, Helen Caldicott, Ralph Nader, Kevin Danaher, and Medea Benjamin. They will come at the rate of 4 to 12 a year, we anticipate. We already make numerous trips across and around the country from our base in Los Angeles to cover important events that major media doesn't cover adequately (or at all), and we're hoping that by starting an audiotape series we will be able to expand our coverage even further.

Lectures in the Change-For-A-Buck Audiotape Series may overlap those in the Democracy University Video Series we also produce, but will not be limited to them. For information about the video series ($5 videotapes on social justice issues) please visit our website: .

Please keep us informed as to important events we should cover for both series.


Ralph and Eric Cole
[email protected]
(213) 747-6345

PS: Because of time and space constraints, it is hard for us to fill individual tape orders in a timely manner, so please help us conserve on both time and space by signing up for the series, even if it's just for one tape. If you need to be taken off the list later just tell us when you send in your check. Thanks again!

== OR ==

A $5 Video from Democracy University: "Why!": complete events with Noam Chomsky, Michael Parenti, Howard Zinn, and Ralph Nader, all since September 11, 2001

Dear Friends and other Social Justice Seekers:

JusticeVision has brought together via videotape the responses to the September 11th tragedies of several of the most respected critics of US Foreign Policy. Please use them to help educate yourself and others, in whatever way you can. Please also help this project to grow by encouraging people to get on our announcement list by emailing us at [email protected].

This tape is Volume 38 in the Democracy University Video Series. All 4 events are available on one 8-hour videotape for only $5, or in SP as a 4-videotape set for $20. The Parenti event (complete) and Chomsky event (with Q&A omitted) will also be part of the Change-For-A-Buck Audiotape Series (see the end of this email for more information regarding both Series).

Noam Chomsky: "The New War on Terrorism", MIT, October 18, 2001, 2 hours 7 mins.

Michael Parenti: "Globalization and Terrorism", Modesto JC,September 20, 2001, 69 mins.

Howard Zinn: "The Artist's Role in Effecting Social Change", Mass. College of Art, Boston, October 10, 2001, 1 hour 47 mins. (videotaped by Martin Voelker)

Ralph Nader, with Medea Benjamin and others: "Rally for Peace, Global Justice and Public Power", part of the People Have the Power Tour, San Francisco Masonic Center, October 11, 2001, 2 hours 32 minutes.

Please order by email or telephone and remit $5 or more per videotape in the remittance envelope that will come with the videotape(s). Thank you!

Ralph and Eric Cole 213-747-6345 [email protected]

A Note Regarding the VIDEOTAPE Series: If you already subscribed to the Democracy University Video Series, your copy of DU38 will be mailed to you soon. If you are not a subscriber to the video series, please consider subscribing. As a subscriber, you receive 10 of our best 8-hour compilation tapes a year, more if you wish, as soon as they are ready. Your only obligations are to send $5 or more after you receive each one, and tell us when you want to discontinue. Send an email to get you started!

A Note Regarding the AUDIOTAPE Series: Subscribers to the Change-For-A-Buck Audiotape Series that have sent in $1 or more for Tape 1 will receive the lecture portion of the Chomsky MIT event as Tape 2 in the audiotape series. If you have subscribed but haven't sent in your donation for Tape 1, please be sure to get it in the mail as soon as you get it so Tape 2 isn't delayed.

If you have subscribed and not received Tape 1 (Michael Parenti) yet, it is probably on its way (the last mailing was delayed a week by the post office because I used the wrong form; they finally got out today). Be sure to remit promptly upon its arrival so we can send Tape 2 (Noam Chomsky) to you.

If you would like to subscribe to the Audiotape Series, just email me your address; be sure to remit $1 or more after each audiotape arrives. Individual tapes in the series will be available for $5 each. Call for information regarding larger quantities. Tape 1 is still available for $1, however, to new subscribers to the series that request it. Tape 1 was the Michael Parenti lecture "Globalization and Terrorism" September 20, 2001, which is also included in the videotape described above.

Information about videotapes in the Democracy University Video Series will be included with each audiotape sent to subscribers to the Change-For-A-Buck Audiotape Series and vice versa.

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] or call me at (213) 747-6345.
Thanks again!
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TRUE DEMOCRACY     FALL 2001     Copyright © 2001 by News Sourse, Inc.