Did You Know? Part 2
*Freedom of Speech denied

Since a post  was dispatched early this morning [September 14, 2001] it has been impossible to post on the mobilize-globally.yahoogroups list because the CIA closed it down.

Under the preparations for the announced war crimes, the US war criminals cannot tolerate disclosure of any part of the deceit that forms a basis for non-acceptance of their coming terror actions.

Please spread the revelation of the CNN fraud far and wide and thereby counteract the planning of the crimes.

Provided by Mr. Larsen

*The Constitution is no longer in effect. We are told we are fighting for freedom but we are really fighting for Bush, our dictator. What New World Order?)

Begin Interactivist Info Exchange Three Political Websites Downed After Government "Homeland Security" Threat, the web site which archives all Radio Free Eireann broadcasts, has been taken down because the web service provider was threatened with seizure of their assets if they continued to host
"terrorist" radio programs. Travis E. Towle, the Founder and CEO of Cosmic Entertainment Company, which put up IRARADIO.COM, was told by their internet service provider, Hypervine, that they had been "strongly advised" to take the web site down.
A Hypervine representative read Mr. Towle a statement that, under an Executive Order recently signed by President Bush, the newly created Office of Homeland Security can seize all assets "without any notice and/or any real un-reasonable evidence of any company or person that helps, supports, or does anything that can be called or labeled terrorism or is found to be connected to terrorism in any way or means possible." Hypervine is a subsidiary of the New York based Skynet.

These threats have also caused Cosmic Entertainment to close the web sites archiving two other WBAI radio programs, "Our Americas" and "Grandpa Al Lewis Live." "Our Americas," hosted by Mario Murillo, is an acclaimed news magazine covering Latin America. "Grandpa Al Lewis Live" features commentary by the actor and political activist who starred in "The Munsters" and "Car 54 Where Are You." Radio Free Eireann, which broadcasts Saturday afternoons at 1:30 P.M. on WBAI 99.5 FM has covered the conflict in Northern Ireland for over twenty years. Guests have included Bernadette Sands, the sister of IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands; Rauri O'Bradaigh, the President of Republican Sinn Fein; Sinn Fein chief negotiator Martin McGuinness and Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern. update: it seems that this (mostly) is not a hoax. and have been taken down, although is still running with no notice of this event.

* Author to be jailed for publishing books on Gov't corruption - see details and links below: ROB HULLS IS NOW TRYING TO JAIL LEADING CORRUPTION AUTHOR


Hulls case being heard NOW - latest updates on hearing, ALL the transcripts and the result can be found here - UPDATES.

In an Australian first and in a step reminiscent of Stalinist Russia, Victoria's Attorney General Rob Hulls has instructed his government to initiate proceedings against Australia's leading corruption author Raymond Hoser with a view to having him imprisoned.

Hulls has just issued writs against Hoser and his publishing company Kotabi over their 2 year-old books Victoria Police Corruption 1 and 2, (which between them total 1,536 pages).

These books were best-sellers before Hulls ordered them off the bookshelves last year in all Australian states (a year after publication).

Now two years after publication and with total sales over 10,000 copies, Hulls has again instructed his lawyers to sue Hoser and his publisher for "contempt."

The charge of "contempt" alleges that Hoser and publisher have "scandalized" the Victorian courts.

The same allegation was pursued unsuccessfully against Hoser in a related defamation action in April 2001, when Justice Bill Gillard ruled the application as improper and awarded costs in Hoser's favor.

Several months later, Hoser signed off on an agreement not to pursue these costs on the basis that all actions against him would be dropped.

Now, six months later, Hulls has broken the agreement and initiated fresh legal action against Hoser and his publisher. If the case is successful, Hoser will once again be jailed for doing nothing more than telling the truth.

The same thing happened to Hoser in 1997 when he was improperly convicted of perjury. In relation to that matter, the main prosecution witness John Connell later admitted that he'd deliberately lied to have Hoser jailed.

Hoser has yet to receive compensation for the four months he spent behind bars.

The new Hulls writ cites various statements in Hoser's books about Magistrates and judges as potentially scandalizing the courts.

Hoser notes that the statements referred to have long been on the public record, and in the main are derived from the government's own official transcripts.

Furthermore, late last year the Hulls side conceded that the relevant sections of the books (as cited in this latest writ) were totally true and correct.

Hoser's lawyer Alex Tees also notes that an important part of the British legal system is that the courts should be open to public scrutiny and comment.

This same view was upheld in an unsuccessful contempt action against Trevor Torney (known as Torney ex parte) in the High Court last year and other similar cases.

However in a compete repudiation of the Westminster tradition, Hulls is now seeking to gag all public debate in relation to the courts.

This latest attempt at censorship comes in the immediate wake of the resignation of Hulls' personal  friend and colleague, County Court Judge Robert Kent, who was recently convicted of tax charges.

Hoser notes that the delays on Hulls' part in terminating Kent's employment by the court, "scandalized" the court far more than all that appears in Hoser's books. (Kent ended up resigning on 24 May following a series of newspaper editorials calling on him to do so).

Perhaps Hulls himself should be charged with scandalizing the court. The first round in the battle is at the Melbourne Supreme Court this Wednesday (30 May 2001), when Hulls' taxpayer funded legal team will be applying to the court to have Hoser fined and jailed and to effectively close-down Kotabi Publishing, who up until now have been regarded as one of Australia's leading independent publishers.

Hoser and his publisher note that this latest case is yet another attempt to unlawfully ban a pair of important corruption books - all the more significant as large chunks of information from within the books have since been re-reported in the mainstream papers as well as other books including Underbelly 4 by Silvester and Rule and No Justice by Bowles.

The irony is that here in Victoria, Bank Robbers and drug pushers are allowed to roam free, while the government is plying it's vast resources into having a man jailed for doing nothing more than documenting the truth.

All media are urged to attend and report on this important free speech case next Wednesday.

Copies of the writs (as issued) are posted at: for all to read.

Further inquiries: please phone:
Kotabi Publishing: 03 9857-4491
Kotabi's lawyers:
Duker and Associates,
Alex Tees:
Mobile: 0409-813-622
Raymond Hoser:
For details of the earlier actions by Rob Hulls and the Victorian Government Solicitor (and relevant documents) go to:
This release is published at:
BR> Download a more detailed one page release as a pdf file for printing - recommended at:

It's on now ...
Raymond Hoser - Australia's leading corruption  author is now facing ten year's jail for  telling the truth in his best-selling books.

For full official case transcripts and other related documents as tendered to court, etc:
go to:
for details.
Please publicize and report this
matter as widely as possible.

Raymond Hoser(AAC)
Phone: (03) 9812-3322 Fax: (03) 9812-3355
Home address is now:
488 Park Road, Park Orchards, Victoria, 3114.
Please note: E-mails are currently being read only once every 14 days on average. ... Send no mail to our street address - use only the postal address below:
Kotabi Pty Ltd: Attention: Raymond Hoser,
PO Box 599
Victoria 3108
Mobile Phone: (Within Australia) 0412 777211
[email protected]
(Use no other e-mail address)


TRUE DEMOCRACY     FALL 2001     Copyright © 2001 by News Sourse, Inc.