Censorship, Pure and Simple
That Was What "Democracy" Looked Like ...
by Mark Onesky
[email protected]
January 07, 2002
Looks like the censor at Klub Chubb is at it again ... NO DEMOCRACY NOW! at 9-10 am. Has anyone heard anything else about this? a change in time slots? I wonder what the CHUBB-SPIN will be on this one.
I had a sneaking suspicion that KPFK's Station "Manager" would block the airing of Democracy Now!, despite the Pacifica National Board's ruling that it should go back on the air. Rather than send Schubb another flurry of angry e-mails demanding that Democracy Now! be broadcast... I called him on the phone. His message box was full, so I was deflected to the switchboard where a poor hapless minion had to listen to my complaint.
Would Mark Schubb's defying of the Pacifica National Board not be grounds for his termination?
Mark Schubb is an obstruction to progress at KPFK, and the station will NEVER change until he has been relieved of his position.
Editor's note: Mark Schubb is the Station Manager of KPFK the Pacifica sister station in Los Angeles, California.