Executive Order 12656
Assignment of emergency preparedness responsibilities
Source: The provisions of Executive Order 12656 of Nov. 18, 1988, appear at 53 FR 47491, 3 CFR, 1988 Comp., p. 585, unless otherwise noted.
WHEREAS our national security is dependent upon our ability to assure continuity of government, at every level, in any national security emergency situation that might confront the Nation; and
WHEREAS effective national preparedness planning to meet such an emergency, including a massive nuclear attack, is essential to our national survival; and
WHEREAS effective national preparedness planning requires the identification of functions that would have to be performed during such an emergency, the assignment of responsibility for developing plans for performing these functions, and the assignment of responsibility for developing the capability to implement those plans; and
WHEREAS the Congress has directed the development of such national security emergency preparedness plans and has provided funds for the accomplishment thereof;
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799), the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended, and the Federal Civil Defense Act, as amended, it is hereby ordered that the responsibilities of the Federal departments and agencies in national security emergencies shall be as follows:
Part 1--Preamble
Section 101. National Security Emergency Preparedness Policy.
(a) The policy of the United States is to have sufficient capabilities at all levels of government to meet essential defense and civilian needs during any national security emergency. A national security emergency is any occurrence, including natural disaster, military attack, technological emergency, or other emergency, that seriously degrades or seriously threatens the national security of the United States. Policy for national security emergency preparedness shall be established by the President. Pursuant to the President's direction, the National Security Council shall be responsible for developing and administering such policy. All national security emergency preparedness activities shall be consistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and with preservation of the constitutional government of the United States.
(b) Effective national security emergency preparedness planning requires: identification of functions that would have to be performed during such an emergency; development of plans for performing these functions; and development of the capability to execute those plans.
Sec. 102. Purpose.
(a) The purpose of this Order is to assign national security emergency preparedness responsibilities to Federal departments and agencies. These assignments are based, whenever possible, on extensions of the regular missions of the departments and agencies.
(b) This Order does not constitute authority to implement the plans prepared pursuant to this Order. Plans so developed may be executed only in the event that authority for such execution is authorized by law.
Sec. 103. Scope.
(a) This Order addresses national security emergency preparedness functions and activities. As used in this Order, preparedness functions and activities include, as appropriate, policies, plans, procedures, and readiness measures that enhance the ability of the United States Government to mobilize for, respond to, and recover from a national security emergency.
(b) This Order does not apply to those natural disasters, technological emergencies, or other emergencies, the alleviation of which is normally the responsibility of individuals, the private sector, volunteer organizations, State and local governments, and Federal departments and agencies unless such situations also constitute a national security emergency.
(c) This Order does not require the provision of information concerning, or evaluation of, military policies, plans, programs, or states of military readiness.
(d) This Order does not apply to national security emergency preparedness telecommunications functions and responsibilities that are otherwise assigned by Executive Order 12472.
Sec. 104. Management of National Security Emergency Preparedness.
(a) The National Security Council is the principal forum for consideration of national security emergency preparedness policy.
(b) The National Security Council shall arrange for Executive branch liaison with, and assistance to, the Congress and the Federal judiciary on national security-emergency preparedness matters.
(c) The Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency shall serve as an advisor to the National Security Council on issues of national security emergency preparedness, including mobilization preparedness, civil defense, continuity of government, technological disasters, and other issues, as appropriate. Pursuant to such procedures for the organization and management of the National Security Council process as the President may establish, the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency also shall assist in the implementation of and management of the National Security Council process as the President may establish, the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency also shall assist in the implementation of national security emergency preparedness policy by coordinating with the other Federal departments and agencies and with State and local governments, and by providing periodic reports to the National Security Council on implementation of national security emergency preparedness policy.
(d) National security emergency preparedness functions that are shared by more than one agency shall be coordinated by the head of the Federal department or agency having primary responsibility and shall be supported by the heads of other departments and agencies having related responsibilities.
(e) There shall be a national security emergency exercise program that shall be supported by the heads of all appropriate Federal departments and agencies.
(f) Plans and procedures will be designed and developed to provide maximum flexibility to the President for his implementation of emergency actions.
Sec. 105. Interagency Coordination.
(a) All appropriate Cabinet members and agency heads shall be consulted regarding national security emergency preparedness programs and policy issues. Each department and agency shall support interagency coordination to improve preparedness and response to a national security emergency and shall develop and maintain decentralized capabilities wherever feasible and appropriate.
(b) Each Federal department and agency shall work within the framework established by, and cooperate with those organizations assigned responsibility in, Executive Order No. 12472, to ensure adequate national security emergency preparedness telecommunications in support of the functions and activities addressed by this Order.
Part 2--General Provisions
Sec. 201. General. The head of each Federal department and agency, as appropriate, shall:
(1) Be prepared to respond adequately to all national security emergencies, including those that are international in scope, and those that may occur within any region of the Nation;
(2) Consider national security emergency preparedness factors in the conduct of his or her regular functions, particularly those functions essential in time of emergency. Emergency plans and programs, and an appropriate state of readiness, including organizational infrastructure, shall be developed as an integral part of the continuing activities of each Federal department and agency;
(3) Appoint a senior policy official as Emergency Coordinator, responsible for developing and maintaining a multi-year, national security emergency preparedness plan for the department or agency to include objectives, programs, and budgetary requirements;
(4) Design preparedness measures to permit a rapid and effective transition from routine to emergency operations, and to make effective use of the period following initial indication of a probable national security emergency. This will include:
(a) Development of a system of emergency actions that defines alternatives, processes, and issues to be considered during various stages of national security emergencies;
(b) Identification of actions that could be taken in the early stages of a national security emergency or pending national security emergency to mitigate the impact of or reduce significantly the lead times associated with full emergency action implementation;
(5) Base national security emergency preparedness measures on the use of existing authorities, organizations, resources, and systems to the maximum extent practicable;
(6) Identify areas where additional legal authorities may be needed to assist management and, consistent with applicable Executive orders, take appropriate measures toward acquiring those authorities;
(7) Make policy recommendations to the National Security Council regarding national security emergency preparedness activities and functions of the Federal Government;
(8) Coordinate with State and local government agencies and other organizations, including private sector organizations, when appropriate. Federal plans should include appropriate involvement of and reliance upon private sector organizations in the response to national security emergencies;
(9) Assist State, local, and private sector entities in developing plans for mitigating the effects of national security emergencies and for providing services that are essential to a national response;
(10) Cooperate, to the extent appropriate, in compiling, evaluating, and exchanging relevant data related to all aspects of national security emergency preparedness;
(11) Develop programs regarding congressional relations and public information that could be used during national security emergencies;
(12) Ensure a capability to provide, during a national security emergency, information concerning Acts of Congress, presidential proclamations, Executive orders, regulations, and notices of other actions to the Archivist of the United States, for publication in the Federal Register, or to each agency designated to maintain the Federal Register in an emergency;
(13) Develop and conduct training and education programs that incorporate emergency preparedness and civil defense information necessary to ensure an effective national response;
(14) Ensure that plans consider the consequences for essential services provided by State and local governments, and by the private sector, if the flow of Federal funds is disrupted;
(15) Consult and coordinate with the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to ensure that those activities and plans are consistent with current National Security Council guidelines and policies.
Sec. 202. Continuity of Government. The head of each Federal department and agency shall ensure the continuity of essential functions in any national security emergency by providing for: succession to office and emergency delegation of authority in accordance with applicable law; safekeeping of essential resources, facilities, and records; and establishment of emergency operating capabilities.
Sec. 203. Resource Management. The head of each Federal department and agency, as appropriate within assigned areas of responsibility, shall:
(1) Develop plans and programs to mobilize personnel (including reservist programs), equipment, facilities, and other resources;
(2) Assess essential emergency requirements and plan for the possible use of alternative resources to meet essential demands during and following national security emergencies;
(3) Prepare plans and procedures to share between and among the responsible agencies resources such as energy, equipment, food, land, materials, minerals, services, supplies, transportation, water, and workforce needed to carry out assigned responsibilities and other essential functions, and cooperate with other agencies in developing programs to ensure availability of such resources in a national security emergency;
(4) Develop plans to set priorities and allocate resources among civilian and military claimants;
(5) Identify occupations and skills for which there may be a critical need in the event of a national security emergency.
Sec. 204. Protection of Essential Resources and Facilities. The head of each Federal department and agency, within assigned areas of responsibility, shall:
(1) Identify facilities and resources, both government and private, essential to the national defense and national welfare, and assess their vulnerabilities and develop strategies, plans, and programs to provide for the security of such facilities and resources, and to avoid or minimize disruptions of essential services during any national security emergency;
(2) Participate in interagency activities to assess the relative importance of various facilities and resources to essential military and civilian needs and to integrate preparedness and response strategies and procedures;
(3) Maintain a capability to assess promptly the effect of attack and other disruptions during national security emergencies.
Sec. 205. Federal Benefit, Insurance, and Loan Programs. The head of each Federal department and agency that administers a loan, insurance, or benefit program that relies upon the Federal Government payment system shall coordinate with the Secretary of the Treasury in developing plans for the continuation or restoration, to the extent feasible, of such programs in national security emergencies.
Sec. 206. Research. The Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the heads of Federal departments and agencies having significant research and development programs shall advise the National Security Council of scientific and technological developments that should be considered in national security emergency preparedness planning.
Sec. 207. Redelegation. The head of each Federal department and agency is hereby authorized, to the extent otherwise permitted by law, to redelegate the functions assigned by this Order, and to authorize successive redelegations to organizations, officers, or employees within that department or agency.
Sec. 208. Transfer of Functions. Recommendations for interagency transfer of any emergency preparedness function assigned under this Order or for assignment of any new emergency preparedness function shall be coordinated with all affected Federal departments and agencies before submission to the National Security Council.
Sec. 209. Retention of Existing Authority. Nothing in this Order shall be deemed to derogate from assignments of functions to any Federal department or agency or officer thereof made by law.
Part 3--Department of Agriculture
Sec. 301. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Secretary of Agriculture shall:
(1) Develop plans to provide for the continuation of agricultural production, food processing, storage, and distribution through the wholesale level in national security emergencies, and to provide for the domestic distribution of seed, feed, fertilizer, and farm equipment to agricultural producers;
(2) Develop plans to provide food and agricultural products to meet international responsibilities in national security emergencies;
(3) Develop plans and procedures for administration and use of Commodity Credit Corporation inventories of food and fiber resources in national security emergencies;
(4) Develop plans for the use of resources under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Agriculture and, in cooperation with the Secretaries of Commerce, Defense, and the Interior, the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority, and the heads of other government entities, plan for the national security emergency management, production, and processing of forest products;
(5) Develop, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, plans and programs for water to be used in agricultural production and food processing in national security emergencies;
(6) In cooperation with Federal, State, and local agencies, develop plans for a national program relating to the prevention and control of fires in rural areas of the United States caused by the effects of enemy attack or other national security emergencies;
(7) Develop plans to help provide the Nation's farmers with production resources, including national security emergency financing capabilities;
(8) Develop plans, in consonance with those of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of the Interior, and the Environmental Protection Agency, for national security emergency agricultural health services and forestry, including:
(a) Diagnosis and control or eradication of diseases, pests, or hazardous agents (biological, chemical, or radiological) against animals, crops, timber, or products thereof;
(b) Protection, treatment, and handling of livestock and poultry, or products thereof, that have been exposed to or affected by hazardous agents;
(c) Use and handling of crops, agricultural commodities, timber, and agricultural lands that have been exposed to or affected by hazardous agents; and
(d) Assuring the safety and wholesomeness, and minimizing losses from hazards, of animals and animal products and agricultural commodities and products subject to continuous inspection by the Department of Agriculture or owned by the Commodity Credit Corporation or by the Department of Agriculture;
(9) In consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, represent the United States in agriculture-related international civil emergency preparedness planning and related activities.
Sec. 302. Support Responsibility. The Secretary of Agriculture shall assist the Secretary of Defense in formulating and carrying out plans for stockpiling strategic and critical agricultural materials.
Part 4--Department of Commerce
Sec. 401. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Secretary of Commerce shall:
(1) Develop control systems for priorities, allocation, production, and distribution of materials and other resources that will be available to support both national defense and essential civilian programs in a national security emergency;
(2) In cooperation with the Secretary of Defense and other departments and agencies, identify those industrial products and facilities that are essential to mobilization readiness, national defense, or post-attack survival and recovery;
(3) In cooperation with the Secretary of Defense and other Federal departments and agencies, analyze potential effects of national security emergencies on actual production capability, taking into account the entire production complex, including shortages of resources, and develop preparedness measures to strengthen capabilities for production increases in national security emergencies;
(4) In cooperation with the Secretary of Defense, perform industry analyses to assess capabilities of the commercial industrial base to support the national defense, and develop policy alternatives to improve the international competitiveness of specific domestic industries and their abilities to meet defense program needs;
(5) In cooperation with the Secretary of the Treasury, develop plans for providing emergency assistance to the private sector through direct or participation loans for the financing of production facilities and equipment;
(6) In cooperation with the Secretaries of State, Defense, Transportation, and the Treasury, prepare plans to regulate and control exports and imports in national security emergencies;
(7) Provide for the collection and reporting of census information on human and economic resources, and maintain a capability to conduct emergency surveys to provide information on the status of these resources as required for national security purposes;
(8) Develop overall plans and programs to ensure that the fishing industry continues to produce and process essential protein in national security emergencies;
(9) Develop plans to provide meteorological, hydrologic, marine weather, geodetic, hydrographic, climatic, seismic, and oceanographic data and services to Federal, State, and local agencies, as appropriate;
(10) In coordination with the Secretary of State and the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, represent the United States in industry-related international (NATO and allied) civil emergency preparedness planning and related activities.
Sec. 402. Support Responsibilities. The Secretary of Commerce shall:
(1) Assist the Secretary of Defense in formulating and carrying out plans for stockpiling strategic and critical materials;
(2) Support the Secretary of Agriculture in planning for the national security management, production, and processing of forest and fishery products;
(3) Assist, in consultation with the Secretaries of State and Defense, the Secretary of the Treasury in the formulation and execution of economic measures affecting other nations.
Part 5--Department of Defense
Sec. 501. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Secretary of Defense shall:
(1) Ensure military preparedness and readiness to respond to national security emergencies;
(2) In coordination with the Secretary of Commerce, develop, with industry, government, and the private sector, reliable capabilities for the rapid increase of defense production to include industrial resources required for that production;
(3) Develop and maintain, in cooperation with the heads of other departments and agencies, national security emergency plans, programs, and mechanisms to ensure effective mutual support between and among the military, civil government, and the private sector;
(4) Develop and maintain damage assessment capabilities and assist the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the heads of other departments and agencies in developing and maintaining capabilities to assess attack damage and to estimate the effects of potential attack on the Nation;
(5) Arrange, through agreements with the heads of other Federal departments and agencies, for the transfer of certain Federal resources to the jurisdiction and/or operational control of the Department of Defense in national security emergencies;
(6) Acting through the Secretary of the Army, develop, with the concurrence of the heads of all affected departments and agencies, overall plans for the management, control, and allocation of all usable waters from all sources within the jurisdiction of the United States. This includes:
(a) Coordination of national security emergency water resource planning at the national, regional, State, and local levels;
(b) Development of plans to assure emergency provision of water from public works projects under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Army to public water supply utilities and critical defense production facilities during national security emergencies;
(c) Development of plans to assure emergency operation of waterways and harbors; and
(d) Development of plans to assure the provision of potable water;
(7) In consultation with the Secretaries of State and Energy, the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and others, as required, develop plans and capabilities for identifying, analyzing, mitigating, and responding to hazards related to nuclear weapons, materials, and devices; and maintain liaison, as appropriate, with the Secretary of Energy and the Members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to ensure the continuity of nuclear weapons production and the appropriate allocation of scarce resources, including the recapture of special nuclear materials from Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensees when appropriate;
(8) Coordinate with the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Secretary of Energy, as appropriate, to prepare for the use, maintenance, and development of technologically advanced aerospace and aeronautical-related systems, equipment, and methodologies applicable to national security emergencies;
(9) Develop, in coordination with the Secretary of Labor, the Directors of the Selective Service System, the Office of Personnel Management, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, plans and systems to ensure that the Nation's human resources are available to meet essential military and civilian needs in national security emergencies;
(10) Develop national security emergency operational procedures, and coordinate with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development with respect to residential property, for the control, acquisition, leasing, assignment and priority of occupancy of real property within the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense;
(11) Review the priorities and allocations systems developed by other departments and agencies to ensure that they meet Department of Defense needs in a national security emergency; and develop and maintain the Department of Defense programs necessary for effective utilization of all priorities and allocations systems;
(12) Develop, in coordination with the Attorney General of the United States, specific procedures by which military assistance to civilian law enforcement authorities may be requested, considered, and provided;
(13) In cooperation with the Secretary of Commerce and other departments and agencies, identify those industrial products and facilities that are essential to mobilization readiness, national defense, or post-attack survival and recovery;
(14) In cooperation with the Secretary of Commerce and other Federal departments and agencies, analyze potential effects of national security emergencies on actual production capability, taking into account the entire production complex, including shortages of resources, and develop preparedness measures to strengthen capabilities for production increases in national security emergencies;
(15) With the assistance of the heads of other Federal departments and agencies, provide management direction for the stockpiling of strategic and critical materials, conduct storage, maintenance, and quality assurance operations for the stockpile of strategic and critical materials, and formulate plans, programs, and reports relating to the stockpiling of strategic and critical materials.
Sec. 502. Support Responsibilities. The Secretary of Defense shall:
(1) Advise and assist the heads of other Federal departments and agencies in the development of plans and programs to support national mobilization. This includes providing, as appropriate:
(a) Military requirements, prioritized and time-phased to the extent possible, for selected end-items and supporting services, materials, and components;
(b) Recommendations for use of financial incentives and other methods to improve defense production as provided by law; and
(c) Recommendations for export and import policies;
(2) Advise and assist the Secretary of State and the heads of other Federal departments and agencies, as appropriate, in planning for the protection, evacuation, and repatriation of United States citizens in threatened areas overseas;
(3) Support the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the heads of other agencies, as appropriate, in the development of plans to restore community facilities;
(4) Support the Secretary of Energy in international liaison activities pertaining to nuclear materials facilities;
(5) In consultation with the Secretaries of State and Commerce, assist the Secretary of the Treasury in the formulation and execution of economic measures that affect other nations;
(6) Support the Secretary of State and the heads of other Federal departments and agencies as appropriate in the formulation and implementation of foreign policy, and the negotiation of contingency and post-emergency plans, intergovernmental agreements, and arrangements with allies and friendly nations, which affect national security;
(7) Coordinate with the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency the development of plans for mutual civil-military support during national security emergencies;
(8) Develop plans to support the Secretary of Labor in providing education and training to overcome shortages of critical skills.
Part 6--Department of Education
Sec. 601. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Secretary of Education shall:
(1) Assist school systems in developing their plans to provide for the earliest possible resumption of activities following national security emergencies;
(2) Develop plans to provide assistance, including efforts to meet shortages of critical educational personnel, to local educational agencies;
(3) Develop plans, in coordination with the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, for dissemination of emergency preparedness instructional material through educational institutions and the media during national security emergencies.
Sec. 602. Support responsibilities. The Secretary of Education shall:
(1) Develop plans to support the Secretary of Labor in providing education and training to overcome shortages of critical skills;
(2) Support the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the development of human services educational and training materials, including self-help program materials for use by human service organizations and professional schools.
Part 7--Department of Energy
Sec. 701. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Secretary of Energy shall:
(1) Conduct national security emergency preparedness planning, including capabilities development, and administer operational programs for all energy resources, including:
(a) Providing information, in cooperation with Federal, State, and energy industry officials, on energy supply and demand conditions and on the requirements for and the availability of materials and services critical to energy supply systems;
(b) In coordination with appropriate departments and agencies and in consultation with the energy industry, develop implementation plans and operational systems for priorities and allocation of all energy resource requirements for national defense and essential civilian needs to assure national security emergency preparedness;
(c) Developing, in consultation with the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority, plans necessary for the integration of its power system into the national supply system;
(2) Identify energy facilities essential to the mobilization, deployment, and sustainment of resources to support the national security and national welfare, and develop energy supply and demand strategies to ensure continued provision of minimum essential services in national security emergencies;
(3) In coordination with the Secretary of Defense, ensure continuity of nuclear weapons production consistent with national security requirements;
(4) Assure the security of nuclear materials, nuclear weapons, or devices in the custody of the Department of Energy, as well as the security of all other Department of Energy programs and facilities;
(5) In consultation with the Secretaries of State and Defense and the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, conduct appropriate international liaison activities pertaining to matters within the jurisdiction of the Department of Energy;
(6) In consultation with the Secretaries of State and Defense, the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and others, as required, develop plans and capabilities for identification, analysis, damage assessment, and mitigation of hazards from nuclear weapons, materials, and devices;
(7) Coordinate with the Secretary of Transportation in the planning and management of transportation resources involved in the bulk movement of energy;
(8) At the request of or with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, recapture special nuclear materials from Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensees where necessary to assure the use, preservation, or safeguarding of such material for the common defense and security;
(9) Develop national security emergency operational procedures for the control, utilization, acquisition, leasing, assignment, and priority of occupancy of real property within the jurisdiction of the Department of Energy;
(10) Manage all emergency planning and response activities pertaining to Department of Energy nuclear facilities.
Sec. 702. Support Responsibilities. The Secretary of Energy shall:
(1) Provide advice and assistance, in coordination with appropriate agencies, to Federal, State, and local officials and private sector organizations to assess the radiological impact associated with national security emergencies;
(2) Coordinate with the Secretaries of Defense and the Interior regarding the operation of hydroelectric projects to assure maximum energy output;
(3) Support the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the heads of other agencies, as appropriate, in the development of plans to restore community facilities;
(4) Coordinate with the Secretary of Agriculture regarding the emergency preparedness of the rural electric supply systems throughout the Nation and the assignment of emergency preparedness responsibilities to the Rural Electrification Administration.
Part 8--Department of Health and Human Services
Sec. 801. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall:
(1) Develop national plans and programs to mobilize the health industry and health resources for the provision of health, mental health, and medical services in national security emergencies;
(2) Promote the development of State and local plans and programs for provision of health, mental health, and medical services in national security emergencies;
(3) Develop national plans to set priorities and allocate health, mental health, and medical services' resources among civilian and military claimants;
(4) Develop health and medical survival information programs and a nationwide program to train health and mental health professionals and paraprofessionals in special knowledge and skills that would be useful in national security emergencies;
(5) Develop programs to reduce or eliminate adverse health and mental health effects produced by hazardous agents (biological, chemical, or radiological), and, in coordination with appropriate Federal agencies, develop programs to minimize property and environmental damage associated with national security emergencies;
(6) Develop guidelines that will assure reasonable and prudent standards of purity and/or safety in the manufacture and distribution of food, drugs, biological products, medical devices, food additives, and radiological products in national security emergencies;
(7) Develop national plans for assisting State and local governments in rehabilitation of persons injured or disabled during national security emergencies;
(8) Develop plans and procedures to assist State and local governments in the provision of emergency human services, including lodging, feeding, clothing, registration and inquiry, social services, family reunification and mortuary services and interment;
(9) Develop, in coordination with the Secretary of Education, human services educational and training materials for use by human service organizations and professional schools; and develop and distribute, in coordination with the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, civil defense information relative to emergency human services;
(10) Develop plans and procedures, in coordination with the heads of Federal departments and agencies, for assistance to United States citizens or others evacuated from overseas areas.
Sec. 802. Support Responsibility. The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall support the Secretary of Agriculture in the development of plans related to national security emergency agricultural health services.
Part 9--Department of Housing and Urban Development
Sec. 901. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall:
(1) Develop plans for provision and management of housing in national security emergencies, including:
(a) Providing temporary housing using Federal financing and other arrangements;
(b) Providing for radiation protection by encouraging voluntary construction of shelters and voluntary use of cost-efficient design and construction techniques to maximize population protection;
(2) Develop plans, in cooperation with the heads of other Federal departments and agencies and State and local governments, to restore community facilities, including electrical power, potable water, and sewage disposal facilities, damaged in national security emergencies.
Part 10--Department of the Interior
Sec. 1001. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Secretary of the Interior shall:
(1) Develop programs and encourage the exploration, development, and mining of strategic and critical and other nonfuel minerals for national security emergency purposes;
(2) Provide guidance to mining industries in the development of plans and programs to ensure continuity of production during national security emergencies;
(3) Develop and implement plans for the management, control, allocation, and use of public land under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior in national security emergencies and coordinate land emergency planning at the Federal, State, and local levels.
Sec. 1002. Support Responsibilities. The Secretary of the Interior shall:
(1) Assist the Secretary of Defense in formulating and carrying out plans for stockpiling strategic and critical minerals;
(2) Cooperate with the Secretary of Commerce in the identification and evaluation of facilities essential for national security emergencies;
(3) Support the Secretary of Agriculture in planning for the national security management, production, and processing of forest products.
Part 11--Department of Justice
Sec. 1101. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Attorney General of the United States shall:
(1) Provide legal advice to the President and the heads of Federal departments and agencies and their successors regarding national security emergency powers, plans, and authorities;
(2) Coordinate Federal Government domestic law enforcement activities related to national security emergency preparedness, including Federal law enforcement liaison with, and assistance to, State and local governments;
(3) Coordinate contingency planning for national security emergency law enforcement activities that are beyond the capabilities of State and local agencies;
(4) Develop national security emergency plans for regulation of immigration, regulation of nationals of enemy countries, and plans to implement laws for the control of persons entering or leaving the United States;
(5) Develop plans and procedures for the custody and protection of prisoners and the use of Federal penal and correctional institutions and resources during national security emergencies;
(6) Provide information and assistance to the Federal Judicial branch and the Federal Legislative branch concerning law enforcement, continuity of government, and the exercise of legal authority during National security emergencies;
(7) Develop intergovernmental and interagency law enforcement plans and counterterrorism programs to interdict and respond to terrorism incidents in the United States that may result in a national security emergency or that occur during such an emergency;
(8) Develop intergovernmental and interagency law enforcement plans to respond to civil disturbances that may result in a national security emergency or that occur during such an emergency.
Sec. 1102. Support Responsibilities. The Attorney General of the United States shall:
(1) Assist the heads of Federal departments and agencies, State and local governments, and the private sector in the development of plans to physically protect essential resources and facilities;
(2) Support the Secretaries of State and the Treasury in plans for the protection of international organizations and foreign diplomatic, consular, and other official personnel, property, and other assets within the jurisdiction of the United States;
(3) Support the Secretary of the Treasury in developing plans to control the movement of property entering and leaving the United States;
(4) Support the heads of other Federal departments and agencies and State and local governments in developing programs and plans for identifying fatalities and reuniting families in national security emergencies;
(5) Support the intelligence community in the planning of its counterintelligence and counterterrorism programs.
Part 12--Department of Labor
Sec. 1201. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Secretary of Labor shall:
(1) Develop plans and issue guidance to ensure effective use of civilian workforce resources during national security emergencies. Such plans shall include, but not necessarily be limited to:
(a) Priorities and allocations, recruitment, referral, training, employment stabilization including appeals procedures, use assessment, and determination of critical skill categories; and
(b) Programs for increasing the availability of critical workforce skills and occupations;
(2) In consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, develop plans and procedures for wage, salary, and benefit costs stabilization during national security emergencies;
(3) Develop plans and procedures for protecting and providing incentives for the civilian labor force during national security emergencies;
(4) In consultation with other appropriate government agencies and private entities, develop plans and procedures for effective labor-management relations during national security emergencies.
Sec. 1202. Support Responsibilities. The Secretary of Labor shall:
(1) Support planning by the Secretary of Defense and the private sector for the provision of human resources to critical defense industries during national security emergencies;
(2) Support planning by the Secretary of Defense and the Director of Selective Service for the institution of conscription in national security emergencies.
Part 13--Department of State
Sec. 1301. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Secretary of State shall:
(1) Provide overall foreign policy coordination in the formulation and execution of continuity of government and other national security emergency preparedness activities that affect foreign relations;
(2) Prepare to carry out Department of State responsibilities in the conduct of the foreign relations of the United States during national security emergencies, under the direction of the President and in consultation with the heads of other appropriate Federal departments and agencies, including, but not limited to:
(a) Formulation and implementation of foreign policy and negotiation regarding contingency and post-emergency plans, intergovernmental agreements, and arrangements with United States' allies;
(b) Formulation, negotiation, and execution of policy affecting the relationships of the United States with neutral states;
(c) Formulation and execution of political strategy toward hostile or enemy states;
(d) Conduct of mutual assistance activities;
(e) Provision of foreign assistance, including continuous supervision and general direction of authorized economic and military assistance programs;
(f) Protection or evacuation of United States citizens and nationals abroad and safeguarding their property abroad, in consultation with the Secretaries of Defense and Health and Human Services;
(g) Protection of international organizations and foreign diplomatic, consular, and other official personnel and property, or other assets, in the United States, in coordination with the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury;
(h) Formulation of policies and provisions for assistance to displaced persons and refugees abroad;
(i) Maintenance of diplomatic and consular representation abroad; and
(j) Reporting of and advising on conditions overseas that bear upon national security emergencies.
Sec. 1302. Support Responsibilities. The Secretary of State shall:
(1) Assist appropriate agencies in developing planning assumptions concerning accessibility of foreign sources of supply;
(2) Support the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation, as appropriate, with the Secretaries of Commerce and Defense, in the formulation and execution of economic measures with respect to other nations;
(3) Support the Secretary of Energy in international liaison activities pertaining to nuclear materials facilities;
(4) Support the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the coordination and integration of United States policy regarding the formulation and implementation of civil emergency resources and preparedness planning;
(5) Assist the Attorney General of the United States in the formulation of national security emergency plans for the control of persons entering or leaving the United States.
Part 14--Department of Transportation
Sec. 1401. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Secretary of Transportation shall:
(1) Develop plans to promulgate and manage overall national policies, programs, procedures, and systems to meet essential civil and military transportation needs in national security emergencies;
(2) Be prepared to provide direction to all modes of civil transportation in national security emergencies, including air, surface, water, pipelines, and public storage and warehousing, to the extent such responsibility is vested in the Secretary of Transportation. This direction may include:
(a) Implementation of priorities for all transportation resource requirements for service, equipment, facilities, and systems;
(b) Allocation of transportation resource capacity; and
(c) Emergency management and control of civil transportation resources and systems, including privately owned automobiles, urban mass transit, intermodal transportation systems, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation and the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation;
(3) Develop plans to provide for the smooth transition of the Coast Guard as a service to the Department of the Navy during national security emergencies. These plans shall be compatible with the Department of Defense planning systems, especially in the areas of port security and military readiness;
(4) In coordination with the Secretary of State and the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, represent the United States in transportation-related international (including NATO and allied) civil emergency preparedness planning and related activities;
(5) Coordinate with State and local highway agencies in the management of all Federal, State, city, local, and other highways, roads, streets, bridges, tunnels, and publicly owned highway maintenance equipment to assure efficient and safe use of road space during national security emergencies;
(6) Develop plans and procedures in consultation with appropriate agency officials for maritime and port safety, law enforcement, and security over, upon, and under the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to assure operational readiness for national security emergency functions;
(7) Develop plans for the emergency operation of U.S. ports and facilities, use of shipping resources (U.S. and others), provision of government war risks insurance, and emergency construction of merchant ships for military and civil use;
(8) Develop plans for emergency management and control of the National Airspace System, including provision of war risk insurance and for transfer of the Federal Aviation Administration, in the event of war, to the Department of Defense;
(9) Coordinate the Interstate Commerce Commission's development of plans and preparedness programs for the reduction of vulnerability, maintenance, restoration, and operation of privately owned railroads, motor carriers, inland waterway transportation systems, and public storage facilities and services in national security emergencies.
Sec. 1402. Support Responsibility. The Secretary of Transportation shall coordinate with the Secretary of Energy in the planning and management of transportation resources involved in the bulk movement of energy materials.
Part 15--Department of the Treasury
Sec. 1501. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Secretary of the Treasury shall:
(1) Develop plans to maintain stable economic conditions and a market economy during national security emergencies; emphasize measures to minimize inflation and disruptions; and, minimize reliance on direct controls of the monetary, credit, and financial systems. These plans will include provisions for:
(a) Increasing capabilities to minimize economic dislocations by carrying out appropriate fiscal, monetary, and regulatory policies and reducing susceptibility to manipulated economic pressures;
(b) Providing the Federal Government with efficient and equitable financing sources and payment mechanisms;
(c) Providing fiscal authorities with adequate legal authority to meet resource requirements;
(d) Developing, in consultation with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and in cooperation with the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the National Credit Union Administration Board, the Farm Credit Administration Board and other financial institutions, plans for the continued or resumed operation and liquidity of banks, savings and loans, credit unions, and farm credit institutions, measures for the reestablishment of evidence of assets or liabilities, and provisions for currency withdrawals and deposit insurance;
(2) Provide for the protection of United States financial resources including currency and coin production and redemption facilities, Federal check disbursement facilities, and precious monetary metals;
(3) Provide for the preservation of, and facilitate emergency operations of, public and private financial institution systems, and provide for their restoration during or after national security emergencies;
(4) Provide, in coordination with the Secretary of State, for participation in bilateral and multilateral financial arrangements with foreign governments;
(5) Maintain the Federal Government accounting and financial reporting system in national security emergencies;
(6) Develop plans to protect the President, the Vice President, other officers in the order of presidential succession, and other persons designated by the President;
(7) Develop plans for restoration of the economy following an attack; for the development of emergency monetary, credit, and Federal benefit payment programs of those Federal departments and agencies that have responsibilities dependent on the policies or capabilities of the Department of the Treasury; and for the implementation of national policy on sharing war losses;
(8) Develop plans for initiating tax changes, waiving regulations, and, in conjunction with the Secretary of Commerce or other guaranteeing agency, granting or guaranteeing loans for the expansion of industrial capacity, the development of technological processes, or the production or acquisition of essential materials;
(9) Develop plans, in coordination with the heads of other appropriate Federal departments and agencies, to acquire emergency imports, make foreign barter arrangements, or otherwise provide for essential material from foreign sources using, as appropriate, the resources of the Export-Import Bank or resources available to the Bank;
(10) Develop plans for encouraging capital inflow and discouraging the flight of capital from the United States and, in coordination with the Secretary of State, for the seizure and administration of assets of enemy aliens during national security emergencies;
(11) Develop plans, in consultation with the heads of appropriate Federal departments and agencies, to regulate financial and commercial transactions with other countries;
(12) Develop plans, in coordination with the Secretary of Commerce and the Attorney General of the United States, to control the movement of property entering or leaving the United States;
(13) Cooperate and consult with the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, the Chairman of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission in the development of emergency financial control plans and regulations for trading of stocks and commodities, and in the development of plans for the maintenance and restoration of stable and orderly markets;
(14) Develop plans, in coordination with the Secretary of State, for the formulation and execution of economic measures with respect to other nations in national security emergencies.
Sec. 1502. Support Responsibilities. The Secretary of the Treasury shall:
(1) Cooperate with the Attorney General of the United States on law enforcement activities, including the control of people entering and leaving the United States;
(2) Support the Secretary of Labor in developing plans and procedures for wage, salary, and benefit costs stabilization;
(3) Support the Secretary of State in plans for the protection of international organizations and foreign diplomatic, consular, and other official personnel and property or other assets in the United States.
Part 16--Environmental Protection Agency
Sec. 1601. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall:
(1) Develop Federal plans and foster development of State and local plans designed to prevent or minimize the ecological impact of hazardous agents (biological, chemical, or radiological) introduced into the environment in national security emergencies;
(2) Develop, for national security emergencies, guidance on acceptable emergency levels of nuclear radiation, assist in determining acceptable emergency levels of biological agents, and help to provide detection and identification of chemical agents;
(3) Develop, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, plans to assure the provision of potable water supplies to meet community needs under national security emergency conditions, including claimancy for materials and equipment for public water systems.
Sec. 1602. Support Responsibilities. The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall:
(1) Assist the heads of other Federal agencies that are responsible for developing plans for the detection, reporting, assessment, protection against, and reduction of effects of hazardous agents introduced into the environment;
(2) Advise the heads of Federal departments and agencies regarding procedures for assuring compliance with environmental restrictions and for expeditious review of requests for essential waivers.
Part 17--Federal Emergency Management Agency
Sec. 1701. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency shall:
(1) Coordinate and support the initiation, development, and implementation of national security emergency preparedness programs and plans among Federal departments and agencies;
(2) Coordinate the development and implementation of plans for the operation and continuity of essential domestic emergency functions of the Federal Government during national security emergencies;
(3) Coordinate the development of plans, in cooperation with the Secretary of Defense, for mutual civil-military support during national security emergencies;
(4) Guide and assist State and local governments and private sector organizations in achieving preparedness for national security emergencies, including development of plans and procedures for assuring continuity of government, and support planning for prompt and coordinated Federal assistance to States and localities in responding to national security emergencies;
(5) Provide the President a periodic assessment of Federal, State, and local capabilities to respond to national security emergencies;
(6) Coordinate the implementation of policies and programs for efficient mobilization of Federal, State, local, and private sector resources in response to national security emergencies;
(7) Develop and coordinate with all appropriate agencies civil defense programs to enhance Federal, State, local, and private sector capabilities for national security emergency crisis management, population protection, and recovery in the event of an attack on the United States;
(8) Develop and support public information, education and training programs to assist Federal, State, and local government and private sector entities in planning for and implementing national security emergency preparedness programs;
(9) Coordinate among the heads of Federal, State, and local agencies the planning, conduct, and evaluation of national security emergency exercises;
(10) With the assistance of the heads of other appropriate Federal departments and agencies, develop and maintain capabilities to assess actual attack damage and residual recovery capabilities as well as capabilities to estimate the effects of potential attacks on the Nation;
(11) Provide guidance to the heads of Federal departments and agencies on the appropriate use of defense production authorities, including resource claimancy, in order to improve the capability of industry and infrastructure systems to meet national security emergency needs;
(12) Assist the Secretary of State in coordinating the formulation and implementation of United States policy for NATO and other allied civil emergency planning, including the provision of:
(a) advice and assistance to the departments and agencies in alliance civil emergency planning matters;
(b) support to the United States Mission to NATO in the conduct of day-to-day civil emergency planning activities; and
(c) support facilities for NATO Civil Wartime Agencies in cooperation with the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, State, and Transportation.
Sec. 1702. Support Responsibilities. The Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency shall:
(1) Support the heads of other Federal departments and agencies in preparing plans and programs to discharge their national security emergency preparedness responsibilities, including, but not limited to, such programs as mobilization preparedness, continuity of government planning, and continuance of industry and infrastructure functions essential to national security;
(2) Support the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Defense, and the Members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in developing plans and capabilities for identifying, analyzing, mitigating, and responding to emergencies related to nuclear weapons, materials, and devices, including mobile and fixed nuclear facilities, by providing, inter alia, off-site coordination;
(3) Support the Administrator of General Services in efforts to promote a government-wide program with respect to Federal buildings and installations to minimize the effects of attack and establish shelter management organizations.
Part 18--General Services Administration
Sec. 1801. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Administrator of General Services shall:
(1) Develop national security emergency plans and procedures for the operation, maintenance, and protection of federally owned and occupied buildings managed by the General Services Administration, and for the construction, alteration, and repair of such buildings;
(2) Develop national security emergency operating procedures for the control, acquisition, leasing, assignment, and priority of occupancy of real property by the Federal Government, and by State and local governments acting as agents of the Federal Government, except for the military facilities and facilities with special nuclear materials within the jurisdiction of the Departments of Defense and Energy;
(3) Develop national security emergency operational plans and procedures for the use of public utility services (other than telecommunications services) by Federal departments and agencies, except for Department of Energy-operated facilities;
(4) Develop plans and operating procedures of government-wide supply programs to meet the requirements of Federal departments and agencies during national security emergencies;
(5) Develop plans and operating procedures for the use, in national security emergencies, of excess and surplus real and personal property by Federal, State, and local governmental entities;
(6) Develop plans, in coordination with the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, with respect to Federal buildings and installations, to minimize the effects of attack and establish shelter management organizations.
Sec. 1802. Support Responsibility. The Administrator of General Services shall develop plans to assist Federal departments and agencies in operation and maintenance of essential automated information processing facilities during national security emergencies.
Part 19--National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Sec. 1901. Lead Responsibility. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration shall coordinate with the Secretary of Defense to prepare for the use, maintenance, and development of technologically advanced aerospace and aeronautical-related systems, equipment, and methodologies applicable to national security emergencies.
Part 20--National Archives and Records Administration
Sec. 2001. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Archivist of the United States shall:
(1) Develop procedures for publication during national security emergencies of the Federal Register for as broad public dissemination as is practicable of presidential proclamations and Executive orders, Federal administrative regulations, Federal emergency notices and actions, and Acts of Congress;
(2) Develop emergency procedures for providing instructions and advice on the handling and preservation of records critical to the operation of the Federal Government in national security emergencies.
Part 21--Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Sec. 2101. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission shall:
(1) Promote the development and maintenance of national security emergency preparedness programs through security and safeguards programs by licensed facilities and activities;
(2) Develop plans to suspend any licenses granted by the Commission; to order the operations of any facility licensed under Section 103 or 104; Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2133 or 2134); to order the entry into any plant or facility in order to recapture special nuclear material as determined under Subsection (3) below; and operate such facilities;
(3) Recapture or authorize recapture of special nuclear materials from licensees where necessary to assure the use, preservation, or safeguarding of such materials for the common defense and security, as determined by the Commission or as requested by the Secretary of Energy.
Sec. 2102. Support Responsibilities. The Members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission shall:
(1) Assist the Secretary of Energy in assessing damage to Commission-licensed facilities, identifying useable facilities, and estimating the time and actions necessary to restart inoperative facilities;
(2) Provide advice and technical assistance to Federal, State, and local officials and private sector organizations regarding radiation hazards and protective actions in national security emergencies.
Part 22--Office of Personnel Management
Sec. 2201. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall:
(1) Prepare plans to administer the Federal civilian personnel system in national security emergencies, including plans and procedures for the rapid mobilization and reduction of an emergency Federal workforce;
(2) Develop national security emergency work force policies for Federal civilian personnel;
(3) Develop plans to accommodate the surge of Federal personnel security background and pre-employment investigations during national security emergencies.
Sec. 2202. Support Responsibilities. The Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall:
(1) Assist the heads of other Federal departments and agencies with personnel management and staffing in national security emergencies, including facilitating transfers between agencies of employees with critical skills;
(2) In consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Director of Selective Service, develop plans and procedures for a system to control any conscription of Federal civilian employees during national security emergencies.
Part 23--Selective Service System
Sec. 2301. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Director of Selective Service shall:
(1) Develop plans to provide by induction, as authorized by law, personnel that would be required by the armed forces during national security emergencies;
(2) Develop plans for implementing an alternative service program.
Part 24--Tennessee Valley Authority
Sec. 2401. Lead Responsibility. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority shall develop plans and maintain river control operations for the prevention or control of floods affecting the Tennessee River System during national security emergencies.
Sec. 2402. Support Responsibilities. The Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority shall:
(1) Assist the Secretary of Energy in the development of plans for the integration of the Tennessee Valley Authority power system into nationwide national security emergency programs;
(2) Assist the Secretaries of Defense, Interior, and Transportation and the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission in the development of plans for operation and maintenance of inland waterway transportation in the Tennessee River System during national security emergencies.
Part 25--United States Information Agency
Sec. 2501. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Director of the United States Information Agency shall:
(1) Plan for the implementation of information programs to promote an understanding abroad of the status of national security emergencies within the United States;
(2) In coordination with the Secretary of State's exercise of telecommunications functions affecting United States diplomatic missions and consular offices overseas, maintain the capability to provide television and simultaneous direct radio broadcasting in major languages to all areas of the world, and the capability to provide wireless file to all United States embassies during national security emergencies.
Sec. 2502. Support Responsibility. The Director of the United States Information Agency shall assist the heads of other Federal departments and agencies in planning for the use of media resources and foreign public information programs during national security emergencies.
Part 26--United States Postal Service
Sec. 2601. Lead Responsibility. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Postmaster General shall prepare plans and programs to provide essential postal services during national security emergencies.
Sec. 2602. Support Responsibilities. The Postmaster General shall:
(1) Develop plans to assist the Attorney General of the United States in the registration of nationals of enemy countries residing in the Untied States;
(2) Develop plans to assist the Secretary of Health and Human Services in registering displaced persons and families;
(3) Develop plans to assist the heads of other Federal departments and agencies in locating and leasing privately owned property for Federal use during national security emergencies.
Part 27--Veterans' Administration
Sec. 2701. Lead Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs shall:
(1) Develop plans for provision of emergency health care services to veteran beneficiaries in Veterans' Administration medical facilities, to active duty military personnel and, as resources permit, to civilians in communities affected by national security emergencies;
(2) Develop plans for mortuary services for eligible veterans, and advise on methods for interment of the dead during national security emergencies.
Sec. 2702. Support Responsibilities. The Administrator of Veterans' Affairs shall:
(1) Assist the Secretary of Health and Human Services in promoting the development of State and local plans for the provision of medical services in national security emergencies, and develop appropriate plans to support such State and local plans;
(2) Assist the Secretary of Health and Human Services in developing national plans to mobilize the health care industry and medical resources during national security emergencies;
(3) Assist the Secretary of Health and Human Services in developing national plans to set priorities and allocate medical resources among civilian and military claimants.
Part 28--Office of Management and Budget
Sec. 2801. In addition to the applicable responsibilities covered in Parts 1 and 2, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall prepare plans and programs to maintain its functions during national security emergencies. In connection with these functions, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall:
(1) Develop plans to ensure the preparation, clearance, and coordination of proposed Executive orders and proclamations;
(2) Prepare plans to ensure the preparation, supervision, and control of the budget and the formulation of the fiscal program of the Government;
(3) Develop plans to coordinate and communicate Executive branch views to the Congress regarding legislation and testimony by Executive branch officials;
(4) Develop plans for keeping the President informed of the activities of government agencies, continuing the Office of Management and Budget's management functions, and maintaining presidential supervision and direction with respect to legislation and regulations in national security emergencies.
Part 29--General
Sec. 2901. Executive Order Nos. 10421 and 11490, as amended, are hereby revoked. This Order shall be effective immediately.
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