Prisoner Terror
By Arlene Johnson
Prisoner Kenneth Caudill witnessed a brutal homicide against Frank Valdes which was premeditated 1st degree murder carried out by nine guards, one of whom thought that Frank Valdes killed his cousin. This all transpired at Florida State Prison in Raiford, Florida. Because Kenneth witnessed the homicide, the prison "correctional officers" want to murder him also so he can't disseminate the truth to anyone.When Kenneth requested that the FBI get involved, I felt that I had to inform him what the FBI really is, so I sent him the last of several letters and included the Editorial page from the first edition of True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia) so he would learn that the FBI would not help him.
The prison officials took far longer to deliver that letter to Kenneth Caudill. They finally did deliver it, however. Here is what he sent to Stingett followed by the letter that the prison officials never delivered to Kenneth:
on 6/29/02 10:49 PM,
MRS. WANDA Valdes at
From: [email protected]
Date: Saturday, June 29, 2002 6:14 PM
To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
Subject: KENNETH CAUDILL 685494Hey Kay, I Went and checked the PO Box today and got a letter from Kenneth; I don't know Arlene Johnson's Email so I can't send it to her. Can you please forward this to her. Kenneth wants her to know this.
Dear MTWT/Stingett, Hi! I'm sorry I haven't written you in a while. I've been writing to Arlene Johnson. But she has got me in a lot of shit with the prison officials and the Inspector General's office too. I'm sorry but I can't write her because they are monitoring my mail by making copies of all my letters of who I write to!! Please let her know this and I can't help her anymore! She knows I'm talking about one of her prisoner advocates. OK. I have to live here for the next four years OK. Please send her your Email address too OK. I'm sorry but the Inspector General's office has my status on Q-Wing erased. So they got now that I was not on Q-Wing at any time. I can't do anything I want to do now. But I'm having respiratory problems now along with my epilepsy. My heart is doing a lot better now. I will write you and you can keep everyone updated OK.
I want to ask you ask you to find out if the Federal Bureau of Investigation is going to come and talk to me about the beating I took in 1999 by the prison guard!
I haven't seen them yet. Why? Also, will you contact the Department of Justice about this issue too. I hope to hear from you real soon Stingett. Thanks Bye. Write me back real soon.
7819 NW 228TH ST
RAIFORD FLORIDA 32026-1120P.S. Let me know if you get my letter OK. Please. Also tell Arlene Johnson at News Source not to to send anything that I wrote about to Florida Department of Corrections OK please. Do not send anything that I wrote her about to Florida Department of Corrections. Do this for me now please, Thanks again. I appreciate it.
Now, here is the letter that Kenneth was denied by the guards who open the mail at Florida State Prison:
P. O. Box 882 Lakebay, WA 98349-0882
June 28, 2002Mr. Kenneth Caudill #685494-C1311S
Florida State Prison
7819 NW 228th Street
Raiford, FL 32026-1120Dear Kenneth,
Yes, by all means call me
I will call you Kenneth too if it's all right. I receive all your letters; if I didn't I wouldn't be able to know what's happening to you to be able to respond intelligently. Here is a copy of my Email to Carter today and you'll see who else received it too AND, here is the first Editorial that I did for True Democracy.You had no way of knowing about the FBI. They murder people Kenneth. They only want the status quo. They will do you no good at all. That's why I am sending you what I said in my first editorial because the FBI shouldn't even EXIST. They are evil!!! I have a file 30 miles long on them. i'm sure they have a file on me too because they don't want anything to change; I do. So do my supporters.
So, you now know the cover up of the 20th Century. There were other reasons why Kennedy was assassinated but this is what my student taught me when I was the reference librarian at Mercy College in New York City. This is why I have the world helping me to help people like you. When our government assassinated John F. Kennedy it betrayed the entire world. The people of the world cannot vote in our elections so what on earth are they supposed to do?! My magazine gives them power and control to help make change. I have the whole world in my hands Kenneth.
If it's the last thing I ever do in my life, it will be to affect positive change. That includes positive change for prisoners. I sent the part of your letter that is about Frank's murder and your needing to sue the Department of Corrections and the guards today to 22 people including Wanda because all of these people are either a prisoner advocate or an honest press reporter that may be able to get an article written about what horror you witnessed.
Wanda's lawyer is Mr. Rubin. I hope she can get him to come see you and take your affidavit and also help you. You keep me posted.
I also hope that a lawyer can get the guard to turn state for you. I know it will be nearly impossible because then the other guards try to murder the one who reneges on them. I have a case in Wisconsin where that happened. Rickey was poisoned because he cared enough to try to be decent. When I had my radio program he was a guest on it. The horror of his story will be in True Democracy for the world to read because he still has poison in his body and the whole town is opposed to him and his girlfriend. They have, in fact, tried to kill her. It's vicious Kenneth and all because he was a good guard. He needs to get the poison out of his system and when all this happened the other guards kept him from going to the emergency for as long as they could. And then, when the rescue ambulance finally transferred him there, they took the longest route they could because they really wanted him to die. So, it will be very interesting to see if this guard will turn state for you because he may not want to risk his own life.
We must get to the root of the problem. I have now. I know who is behind all the horror of prisons, wars, drugs, AIDS, and famine in the world so it's just a matter now of exposing it and getting people to listen.
Wanda forwards everything to Stingett.
In peace and solidarity,
NEWS SOURCE, INC.Arlene Johnson
Enclosures: 2
cc: Wanda Valdes, Kay Lee, MTWT, Dr. Phillip Ofume, Ph.D., Babs, Derricc Frazier, Brenda KellyPeople need to understand that a witness to a murder is subject to murder himself. Kenneth wants to do an affidavit. The prison authorities don't want him to do that so what I attempted to do was make the warden so frightened that he would be prosecuted if anything happened to Kenneth because it was clear that the "correctional officers" had threatened to murder him.
The prison officials can say that he was never on Q-Wing but the truth of the matter is that he was. So, we will demand that the record be corrected and I will publish what Kenneth stated to me regarding the homicide of Frank Valdes because he witnessed the homicide.
Editor's note: Kenneth Caudill informed me that he received my letter dated 6/28/02 when he wrote me a letter dated 7/7/02.