Innocent Victim of Police Brutality
Suffers from Lyme's Disease in Prison
By Brenda Pitts Bennett
[email protected]My son, Chad Bennett, was sentenced to prison for what was labeled a "burglary of a habitat" which in reality was not a burglary.
In reality this boy had been given the key to the home by his friend Toby Almond'sİ girlfriend, Kathleen Quigley who lived in this home, to stay there until she got home without her father's knowledge.
Kathleen Quigley even went to the District Attorney in Rockwall County immediately after my son and Toby Almond were accused of burgularizing her home and told the District Attorney that they DID NOT BURGULARIZE the home and that she had given Toby the key to stay in her home until she returned from vacation in New York. The District Attorney had this evidence and told her to leave and not tell a soul of her admittance of this. He wanted that desperately to put my son in prison knowing full well that Kathleen said he did not burgularize her home!
My son was charged with burglary because the District Attorney wanted to get even with me by convicting my son of this bogus crime.
Editor's note: See the second edition of True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia) for Brenda Pitts Bennett's true story of police brutality.
Letter to TDCJ Director
Regarding Chad Bennett's Lyme's Disease
P. O. Box 882
Lakebay, WA 98349-0882
April 1, 2002Mr. Gary Johnson
TDCJ Director
P. O. Box 13084
Austin, TX 78711Re: Chad Bennett, TDCJ#790798
Dear Mr. Johnson
Chad Bennett has Lyme's disease. That is fatal if it becomes chronic. His mother, Brenda Pitts Bennett is applying for reprieve because he needs medical treatment so he won't die.Chad should never have been incarcerated in the first place; the courts are corrupt so he was.
I want you to personally see this man, who is a father of two small children, freed so he will obtain the medical treatment that he must have so that this condition will not degenerate into chronic Lyme's disease.
Two of my supporters of my work suffer from chronic Lyme's disease. One is young too. She told me that the government doesn't want to find a cure in no uncertain terms; she lives in Brooklyn, New York.
You get Chad Bennett out of prison; I don't care what you have to do.
I am going to closely monitor this situation. Mrs. Bennett and I are in communication constantly by Email so don't think that you can pussyfoot around on this and ignore me as you did the last time I wrote because I will not tolerate it.You will be an accomplice to murder if you do not allow Chad Bennett out to obtain treatment so don't just sit there. Free him now. The world will learn of this if you don't because I have supporters all over the world as the publisher of True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia)
Thank you.
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson
Publishercc: Chad Bennett, TDCJ#790798
Brenda Pitts Bennett
Response to Letter by Don Jones
(Response took two months to mail)
June 4, 2002
Ms. Arlene Johnson
P. O. Box 882
Lakebay, WA 98349-0882Re: Chad Bennett
Dear Ms. Johnson:Reference your correspondence dated May 7, 2002.
Editor's note: My letter was dated April 1, 2002.
Special Review applies to cases reviewed and denied release to parole or mandatory supervision. A request for a Special Review shall be considered only in the following circumstances:
a. A board member who voted with the majority on the panel desires to have the decision reconsidered prior to the next review date.
b. A petition on behalf of an inmate cites information not previously available to the parole panel.
(1) Information not previously available means only:
(a) Responses (sic) from trial officials and victims.
(b) A change in an inmate's sentence or judgment.
(c) An allegation that the parole panel commits an error of
law or board rule.
(Allegation/s must clearly show/state the error in
law or board rule.)Your request does not meet one of the above criteria.
The Board of Pardons and Paroles has no jurisdiction or control over the courts. Resolution of judicial matters should be referred to the court system.
Medical issues should be addressed with the unit physician. If you do not agree with his/her evaluation, your concerns should be addressed to Health Services, Patient Liaison Program, P. O. Box 99, Huntsville, TX 77342-0099.
Your correspondence will be filed according to current procedures.
Don Jones
Program AdministratorDJ/ew
fileEditor's note: We need to demand a new trial to enable the young woman to testify that no burglary occurred thereby enabling Chad Bennett to be found not guilty.