Documentary: A Sentence of Their Own
My name is Edgar Barens. I am an independent filmmaker living in Brooklyn, New York. I am writing to introduce you to "A Sentence of Their Own" - a new documentary film made possible by the Open Society Institute's Center on Crime, Communities & Culture.
A Sentence of Their Own is a powerful film that breaks new ground by exploring the destructive effects of incarceration on families. The film chronicles one family's annual pilgrimage to visit an incarcerated loved-one, documenting the hidden costs of incarceration and the gradual breakdown of a family "doing time" on the outside.
If anyone in this group would like to assist me in getting the film screened at community center's, faith-based organizations, schools and/or libraries in your communities or if you know of an organization that would be interested in hosting a screening - please feel free e-mail me directly at: [email protected]
If you would like any additional information about the documentary film, please visit the web site for A Sentence of Their Own at:
I applaud the members of this group for your bravery and stamina and am proud to have made a film that documents and celebrates your lives. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you in the near future.
Edgar A. Barens
Director/ProducerEditor's Note: This was an Email that was originally posted to a listserv on which one of my supporters posts.