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[PDF]The Council of Seven Lights - George W. Van Tassel 1958.pdf218K
[PDF]The Council of Seven Lights - George Van Tassel.pdf250K
[PDF]I RODE A FLYING SAUCER - George W. Van Tassel 1952.pdf1.6M
[PDF]I Rode a Flying Saucer; the mystery of the flying saucers - George W Van Tassel 1952.pdf2.1M
[PDF]WHEN STARS LOOK DOWN - George W. Van Tassel 1976.pdf 11M
[PDF]When Stars Look Down - George W_ Van Tassel.pdf 15M
[PDF]INTO THIS WORLD AND OUT AGAIN - George W. Van Tassel 1956.pdf 19M
[PDF]Into This World and Out Again; A modern proof of the origin - George W. Van Tassel 1956.pdf 19M