Hello Dear
Family & Friends!

SIMPLICITY is the key.
Observe Nature. Listen to our body. We get thirsty for a
reason. WATER is one of the most essential ingredients to good
health. Drink 3 to 4 liters or more of purified water (no
chlorine or fluoride from tap water) each day. Our bodies are
80% water and need to be hydrated to function properly and to flush
out impurities. Keep a bottle filled to measure how much water
you have consumed that day. Only water counts - not tea or
juice. At first you pee more, but it evens out.
CLEAN OUT our lives and
possessions of all clutter. Give away or sell 1/4 of
everything we have and clear our lives of negative STRESSFUL
elements, people, or situations. Use only a few organic
products on your body and in your surroundings. Reduce time in
environments polluted with smoking, noise and exhaust. Like
our bodies, our minds need to be flushed out and our spirit opened.
The ESSENTIAL element to
vibrant health is to clear our minds, open our hearts and CONNECT
NOW to the "Source", "Prana", "God's Love", Infinite Consciousness,
"Qi/Chi Energy", "Nature", "Universe", "Allah", or "Great Spirit";
following whatever path we choose. Take the quiet time
necessary each day. Forgive and move on. Have an
attitude of gratitude. Say "Thank you God" for our many
talents and blessings. Live in the NOW. With this
all is possible!z
in the fresh air daily. Stretch - use it or lose it.
Enjoy the SUN for 15 minutes each day. Replace negative,
destructive thoughts with POSITIVE ones; or no thoughts at all -
just observe what is going on around you for a time. Turn off
the television. Turn off the fear. Clear out our heads
and bowels. Get enough sleep (earplugs are lifesavers). Love
yourself more. Take time for yourself daily, and resign from
the endless job of trying to make everyone around you happy.
Be patient with others and allow them their path. Help those
around us, sharing our talents and love in a healthy, balanced way.
Lighten up and LAUGH more. We all need to look at these
reminders regularly.
"If you want to
know what your mind was like in the past, look at your body now.
If you want to know what your body will be like in the future, look
at your mind now."
(ancient Ayurvedic saying)
Back to basics. Eat foods as
close to the way nature produces them; at least 75% RAW, nothing
from a package and no junk food. No animal or dairy products.
Avoid expensive vitamins or supplements. Instead get
everything you need from the local market or grow it yourself.
ORGANIC if available. We would cringe if we really knew what
chemicals were used to grow the food on our table. For
example, they spray lettuce an average of 26 times before you make
it into a salad. Think before putting food into your mouth.
(Combine if possible, see below). We feel that this is the
BEST and the most INEXPENSIVE lifestyle to have. Our bodies
absorb whatever abuse we throw at them for years on end until, as we
get older, it's time to "pay the piper." Basically stubborn to
change from the western 'good life', it often takes a serious
illness such as cancer to encourage us to make lifestyle changes.
If you put water or cheap gas into the gas tank of your expensive
car, instead of high energy fuel, what would happen? Your body works
the same. It needs high powered fuel to stay healthy.
Make it a priority.
Over 10 years cancer free!
I thank my dance with cancer, 3 months after our marriage in 2001,
for opening our eyes and making us put our bodies & minds back into
balance. Bypassing the nightmare of western procedures and chemicals
I chose to NOT TURN MY RESPONSIBILITY OVER to a doctor to 'fix me'.
I simply fired my doctors. Don't look for support from your
previously caring physician, he or she is required by law to
recommend cutting, burning or poisoning you or they can lose their
license. When their advice is not followed they will usually get
upset and threaten you with death. They may be well
intentioned but you must be strong. Walk out and don't look
back. Even when I sent the results of many cancer free tests
to my GP and specialist there was no response or interest. Hard to
believe. Doctors should be interested in learning new options
for their patients. I avoided western medicine except for
tests, and started researching alternative methods. There are
many genuine, effective options to suit each situation and person.
The only real path is to HEAL OURSELVES, body & mind, through
whatever means we decide on. Alternative methods are always
less damaging to the immune system. It usually takes us years
to mess our bodies up so it takes a while to heal and balance them
again. Be patient. With an optimistic, knowing attitude,
and once the immune system is provided with the proper tools and
nutrients, our body always regenerates and heals diseased cells.
With the support of my loving husband and a relaxed naturopath,
reducing stress, cleansing with juices and herbs and a switch to a
simple, close to nature diet, finally my body had what it needed to
heal. Fifteen months later I had my first test clear of cancer
cells. Six years later we feel better than ever. This
may help you or someone you know who is facing a serious illness.
The routine is the same for every illness or type of cancer.
Just provide your body and mind with the tools they need to heal,
whether it is diabetes, M.S., high blood pressure, or whatever type
of cancer. Balance and health are returned. The only
hereditary part of diseases is learning bad eating and lifestyle
habits from well-intentioned family and friends. We each
create the body we live in. When facing an illness it isn't
the time for blame or excuses. Diseases don't just fall out of
the sky and 'get you' (anymore than ghosts enter your body to cause
illness; as believed in many cultures we visit). It's finally
time to admit our part in helping to create our good or bad health.
Take responsibility and make changes. This is why a serious
illness is in fact a gift and a catalyst for change. These
thoughts are shared with love, from someone who needed to learn the
hard way. Still considering traditional western doctor
treatment? This link will help you decide:
The rate at which a person
makes changes depends on their will and motivation. If you are
eating fast processed foods 5 times a week (the average in the
West), cut it down to 3. Then eliminate it all together,
replacing it with a good healthy snack or meal that you enjoy and
look forward to. A little bit at a time, until you have made
improvements that you can notice and feel good about. Keep
trying. Even a small change helps. If you add up all the
time spent going to doctor appointments, filling prescriptions,
having tests, missing fun events - it wouldn't compare to a little
extra effort now in PREVENTION and staying healthy to begin with.
The Chinese used to only pay their doctors when they were healthy,
not when they became sick. The western health model is built
on making billions of dollars on sick and dying patients. In
fact 1/3 of the US economy is generated by related prescription
drugs, hospitals, medical insurance, tests, doctors, etc. It
cost maximum $2500 to support the methods used while healing my
cancer by alternative methods, while at the same time a typical
cancer patient's insurance shells out $250,000 to $400,000, just
during the first round. Cancer patients are often repeat
customers because cancer is systemic and the cause of the illness
isn't addressed with western treatment. Business is business.
And business is good. Think about that one. Don't become
an average American from the Merk Manual. Maybe it is time
that we each decide to step out of this loop. Except following
an emergency accident it may be wise to steer clear of this whole
medical web, especially the trap of annual flu shots, endless tests
(except possibly pap or prostate, Not mammography); all provided by
your 'reduced insurance plan'. Like Joseph's father, a well
known surgeon in Portland told him, "Don't go to a doctor
unless you need to. It is their job to find something wrong
with you!"
Google the movie:
"Healing Cancer From the Inside Out" by Mike Anderson 2009.
Excellent movie with documentation on the lies behind the "Cancer
Business" AND the success of healing cancer and other serious
illnesses with diet and lifestyle changes.
If someone has been diagnosed with a life threatening illness
everything changes. The stakes are higher and they need to get
serious - NOW. Ask yourself, -"Do I want to LIVE or die? Do I
want to waste my precious time being sick and in
pain?" Don't just give yourself excuses and 'try'. DO
At the same time I had my
biopsy for cervical cancer, 2 friends were diagnosed with cancer.
After a lengthy discussion about the options of alternative methods
to consider, one friend decided to opt for full western treatment;
surgery, procedures, chemotherapy, etc. With an immune system
killed by the chemicals, and discouraged by the painful procedures,
he died within one year. He chose the path he believed in.
We all do. Another friend decided to opt for alternative
methods (For a comprehensive plan see:
www.drday.com -make sure carrots
are organic and radiation free) and did well for six months.
Impatient and not really believing in the methods he had chosen, off
he went to his doctor at the first problem; who filled him with fear
about dying and did a surgical procedure. Fear took over.
All our friend's work with cleansing, juicing, etc. went down the
drain. Back to square one. After that point he only half
heartedly followed the alternative methods. See how well your
car runs on a tank full of mixed gas and water. It doesn't
work. He was dead within 9 months.
doctor gave me 6 months to live; but when I couldn’t
pay the bill he gave me another 6 months!”
(Walter Matthau)
Know that the cancer industry
is one of the biggest businesses in North America. Watch Dr
Day's video: "Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore". A person has
to research THEM SELF and develop a plan of alternative treatment
that he or she believes in and KNOWS and TRUSTS will work.
Clear your mind and connect. Don't consider yourself a cancer
patient. Get rid of the naysayers in your life. Choose
western OR alternative - like oil and water they don't mix.
Make serious changes. Know that there will be ups and downs.
Surround yourself with supportive, positive influences: select
friends, family, and a knowledgeable, encouraging naturopath, who
all honor your right to choose and follow whatever path. Ask
them to love, listen to and support you and to leave the fear
outside the door. With an estimated 50 % of Americans facing
cancer at some point, we all know someone who has received the
dreaded positive results of a cancer test (or some other life
threatening illness). Encourage them to research the options
themselves and choose whatever treatment they believe in.
Thousands of people have been successful following alternative
methods. One doesn't have to look far to realize this and be
encouraged by the successful results. Hopefully your friend or
family member's self worth will lead them to choose self
responsibility and natural methods of healing. But remember
healing only works if you believe in it and want to heal; not
everyone does. Love them and honor whatever path they choose.
Intro: Health is Freedom
1 - Diet
3 -Health
Resources and Links
4 - More to Contemplate on
Diet and Herbs, MSM, Bio-superfood, immune builders
5 Cayenne and an aspirin -
First Aid for Heart Attacks or Stroke
6 - Homeopathic and Bach
Flower Remedies
7 - Cleansing/ Liver Cleanse
8 - Food Combining
8a - Eat only Non-GMO foods
9 - Constipation
9a - Cold Sores
10 - Vaccinations
10a - Radiation
11 - Healthy Choices for You
and Your Children
12 - Malaria
13 - Acid and Base Forming
Food Chart
14 - Positive Comments
Received on our Health Page
14A - Fluoride in water and now salt!
15 - Exercise
16 - The Five Tibetan Rites
(Yoga Stretches)
17 - Quick Language
18 - Favorite International Vegan
Recipes (60+)

This is a synopsis
of our daily DIET. Becoming a vegan - consuming NO animal
products - is a lifestyle that a person chooses. It is not a
chore, a lesson in deprivation or a religion. It is a simple,
easy, positive avenue to better health. Try something new.
The resulting improvements in well being and energy makes the effort
worth it. We are often asked, "How can you survive with no
animal protein for energy?" Easy. Vegetables, leafy
green vegetables especially, are loaded with protein, vitamins,
minerals and energy. The most powerful mammal on earth is the
elephant, a vegan. What about B-12? Take sublingual vegetarian
supplements once a year or eat one egg a year. Simple. "Don't
you miss meat or cheese or...?" Not at all. Foods we loved or
craved for so many years are actually too sweet, salty, oily, or
even distasteful to us now. You just have to be
imaginative and create a variety of taste sensations with your food.
Breakfast is a mountain of fresh local FRUIT created by Joseph,
including bananas, mangoes, papayas, melons, oranges, etc. topped
with a splash of lime and fresh ginger. Lunch is a salad plate
full of peeled (to get rid of bacteria overseas & pesticides) and
chopped VEGETABLES: cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado, garlic, turmeric,
sesame seeds, sea salt, a dash of cayenne, and freshly made sprouts
full of life, all accented with carrots sticks. Besides
being colorful to look at this lunch is healthy and tastes great.
With 2 plates, a peeler, a serrated knife and a small bag of fresh
vegetables, this meal has been made under every conceivable
situation on the open road; bumpy buses, roaring trains, planes,
boats, etc. Everywhere but on a camel! No excuses for
not having raw, crunchy food everyday. Do you??
Have 3-4 cloves of raw, chopped
GARLIC daily in your salad. Great for the immune system and
rids the body of parasites and the parasite that carries malaria.
This was told to us by a 77 yr. old physician who has spent 40 years
of his career in malaria ridden zones such as the Amazon and Papua;
and never contracted the world's largest killer. He has 3-4
large cloves a day. (See MMS 1 info below for more on
All the life energy of raw
veggies, with the vitamins & minerals of each item is easily
obtained from the local market. Organic is important so buy
from the little old lady with only a handful of vegetables or fruit
from her backyard. She can't afford pesticides or genetically
modified hybrid seeds. 'Poorest is healthiest' in many
situations, plus these are some of our favorite encounters.
These small vendors are thrilled that we want to buy what they are
Snacks may be fruits, vegetable
sticks or a few nuts. Some days we only eat 2 meals of raw
foods. Otherwise we add one cooked vegan meal a day. We
prepare it with love, under some of the most extraordinary
circumstances like in the back of a hut over a wood fire, along the
street near a market or off hours in a spotless restaurant kitchen.
Cooked restaurant food can be heavy while traveling and 3 meals of
that a day can compromise your health. We love our food,
almost as much as each other and look forward to eating it everyday,
with different spices or a few variations from the markets.
Our menu includes Indian curry, Chinese stir fry, Mexican taco
salad, Thai (Tom Ka) soups or curried vegetables, Everest eggplant
and mashed potatoes with coconut cream, African or Middle Eastern
spiced mixed vegetables, occasionally Italian spaghetti or
pasta (we usually avoid white 'glue' bread or pasta) and so on.
(See recipes below). We are always adding new taste
sensations, picked up from the friendly people we share kitchens
with. Have any easy, one dish recipes to share?
Arriving with a bag of fresh
vegetables and our own oil, and donating money towards fuel costs
and rice, the owners of the kitchens we use are usually thrilled to
have us. People gather just to watch. We have many
unique, cherished memories shared over a warm fire. We have
discovered the hard way that "no meat" translates to chicken, fish,
eggs etc. must be ok. Cooking ourselves not only ensures that
no extra pork fat or MSG for flavor is thrown in, but it also
provides safe, tasty food the way we want it, while sharing great
times, laughing and even dancing, with locals of the country we are
guests in.
After much research and using
ourselves as guinea pigs (see below) this is the simple, easy
lifestyle; not a fussy diet, we have chosen. Socially you can
always thank your host for their offer of stir fried mountain rat,
and say, "Thank you, we just ate, but would love a cup of tea or a
piece of fruit if you have it". It is the time spent together
that is important. Done in a genuine way, no one is ever
offended. We have both had our share of sampling snake, yak
stew, giant eel, or other local specialties. Now our health is
of utmost importance. For this same reason we ask people to
please stop smoking around us. Once again, if done correctly,
there are never any hard feelings.
If someone is smoking they are NOT interested in health. They
have the right to kill themselves - just do it somewhere else.
See the May, 2006 webpage on China for our funny tales of "The
Extinguisher", a necessary chore during extended travel.
Visiting the markets in every
town or large city adds a whole new dimension to our travels.
The market people are the backbone of a country and this is where
one sees a colorful collage portraying the culture of an area.
We try to have the juice and meat of a fresh COCONUT everyday (and
cook with cold pressed coconut oil carried in a leak proof Nalgene
bottle). Coconuts, sustainers of life, have been revered by
cultures since the beginning of time and are certainly beneficial to
our heart and health. This coconut outing at the local market
is often one of the highlights of our daily 'social calendar' (see
link and recipes below on coconuts). Substitute coconut cream
for dairy in tea, desserts, soups, mashed potatoes, etc. So
yummy and good for you.
JUICER: At home have 4
glasses of organic carrot juice a day, if possible, to flush out
toxins from the liver. Must be organic or toxins/pesticides on
fruit/vegetables is compounded in the juice. Wheat grass juice
is full of nutrients and a great bonus to the body. We have
found over a dozen places making good juice throughout our years of
travel, otherwise while on the road have a tsp. of green whole food
powder daily (see below) to help the immune system. (A
masticating juice model such as Omega 8001 or newer model is good).
Creativity, learning, and keeping the
mind stimulated are needs met by the adventure of traveling and by having a
laptop computer as a traveling companion. With over 80,000 books,
articles and websites to read we figured we would have to live over 200
years just to dent the amazing collection Joseph has put together. Set
new goals. Start creative projects. Keep learning. STAY
EXCITED ABOUT LIFE. Have Fun discovering the new you! The
possibilities are endless.
favorite quote of Schopenhauer:
"All truth goes through three steps:
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as self-evident."
With change comes resistance
and sometimes ridicule from our colleagues, friends and family.
A person gets so excited about their new healthy, energetic
lifestyle and just wants to share it. Share a bit of
information but don't expect much interest. Basically people
aren't interested in making changes. Just change the subject
when they are complaining about a nagging health condition, one
which you have now discovered can be eliminated by a few simple
changes and patience. You can still go out for dinner or a
drink with friends - just check out the menu on the side with a
waitress - and order what fits your lifestyle. A true
friend will understand and respect you. There is often a
natural progression towards like minded people and you will meet a
great new array of friends and acquaintances interested in a healthy
lifestyle. It used to be that people after retirement, 60's,
would sit around complaining about illness and friends that have
died. Then this topic was common with people in their 50's.
Now nagging illnesses have center stage with people in their 40's
and younger. Childhood cancer, diabetes, etc. are common.
In fact it is predicted in Australia than many parents will outlive
their children, due to a current onslaught of poor nutrition and
unhealthy lifestyles from birth; starting with formula instead of
breast milk, deficient baby food, and before they can walk children
are allowed, and in fact demand, trips to McDonalds, KFC, endless
junk and processed food, soda, sugar, etc. These empty
chemical laden foods make the body cry out for more food and so 40%
of Americans are currently obese. Most of this food is
consumed in front of the TV or computer. Exercise is a thing
of the past. These kids don't last long before obesity or
sickness sets in. They grow up not knowing what it feels like
to be healthy, instead eating anything they see, and taking chemical
drugs prescribed by their doctor to mask the symptoms of their self
induced illnesses. So it goes with our high fat, high protein,
high chemical food. The responsibility starts with parents.
Then it is up to each and every one of us to make changes. By
the way, STOP BLAMING your parents or anyone else, for anything,
RIGHT NOW! The whole 'poor me', victim blame game is such a
waste of a life.
Just some ideas to think about. There
are many truths. Find what your truth is. Research. Try
options. Experiment. The decision for better health is ours, and
ours alone. A person can try to help family members or spouses but
each person must believe and make changes themselves. These ideas are
easy, inexpensive and can be done all over the world- even in Inner Mongolia
(in the summer that is) But then, who wants to be there in the winter?
As we travel along mysteries
unravel and answers are revealed. We just need to remember to
remain open. Such is the case with our discovery of MMS.
We believe in prevention with health and are always on the look out
for ways to boost our immune system, so that we can stay healthy and
strong. Good health is the key to happy and successful travel,
and for that matter, life in general. For us the simplest
method is often the best and the closest to Nature the better.
We carry everything we own with us, and although one quarter of my
18 inch suitcase is filled with 'health items', there certainly
isn't extra room for bottles and bags of western health supplements.
We all know how the whole model of western medicine revolves around
pharmaceuticals and surgery, which have their place occasionally.
We instead try to access the wisdom, often ancient, of the cultures
we visit. China and India were a cornucopia of health
knowledge and Africa, with only one allopathic doctor for every
50,000 people, has revealed yet another health secret to these eager
to learn travelers. We gladly test out new options. It
is easy to be guinea pigs with herbs as they don't have all the side
effects of chemical drugs.
Over 10 million people
worldwide, in over 140 countries have taken or are currently taking
MMS. By accident during a life or death crisis in the jungles
of British Guiana, Jim Humble discovered how this water purifier
helps to rid the body of virus, bacteria and pathogens that cause
disease. Information has already been presented explaining
that MMS improves the immune system. The fact is that MMS is a super
preventative of almost every disease known, because improving the
immune system will always improve your resistance to diseases.
At 80, he makes no money from MMS.
In a grass roots effort, he travels the world (spending a lot of
time in Africa) helping people he meets. Healing centers are
now set up in Bulgaria and Mexico. It is a low cost
alternative to pharmaceuticals, costing one person total under $15
per year. MMS works at making your immune system stronger so
your body can keep itself healthy, thus the list of diseases MMS is
effective on ranges from the common cold/flu to cancer, to diabetes,
to hepatitis, to ??? The list is long. Over 10 million
worldwide in over 50 countries have successfully used MMS – with NO
recorded side effects. In 2012 the International Red Cross,
proved with tests, that 154 cases of Malaria were cured in Uganda.
Yet they refuse to confirm the cure for the world's # 1 killer.
Why? Follow the money. Jim Humble’s newest book,
(2011 – see below) states CDC statistics: over 975,000 deaths
annually in the USA (1.5 million worldwide) related to
pharmaceutical prescription drugs. “More people die each year
from the use of medical drugs than from any other cause of death.”.
As of 2010 1/3 of the entire economy of the USA is made from people
being sick. Time for a change. Either we are sick now or know
someone who is sick – pass this along. This is a grassroots
movement - be part of the solution or part of the problem.
Your choice. Read on if you enjoy the Freedom of Good Health.
Simple organic chemistry explains the success of MMS 1 drops in
preventing and treating malaria, cancer, hepatitis, Aids, and a slew
of other life threatening
diseases. The list is extensive.
(Click here for an overview of MMS #1 and Protocols for taking it).
He just came out with
MMS # 2 (click here) to combine with MMS1
in treating the world's most serious diseases. Jim is working
on MMS #3 (info in his 3rd Newest Book SEE BELOW).
For up-to-date disease
protocols, go to www.jimhumble.biz,
"Go to:
www.miraclemineral.org to purchase the 3rd EBook, “Master
Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium”. Tell your family and
friends! This book contains a lot of VERY important information that
the world needs." (Jim Humble). The information on
MMS is always being updated. Just start with this book for the
latest 2012 information! Everything is explained in detail. I
try to keep this page updated as new information become available.
New protocols have just been released. (3-2013). The most
up-to-date protocols are listed on the sites above.
MMS Quick Reference Guide from “Master Mineral Solution of the
3rd Millennium”
The hard work and
admirable determination of Jim Humble has presented this gift to the
world. 'Discovered' in a life and death situation, while
prospecting in the jungles of South America, the lives of his
Engineering colleagues were hanging by a thread. Jim has
overseen the cure of over 100,000 cases of malaria in Africa, the
world's largest killer. Back home he has been amazed at the
success in treating all sorts of health ailments common in our
lives. There are NO side effects, although to get the proper
results one should follow the initial 3 week detox, then simply 4-6
drops daily as maintenance. Click here for info:
Marketed as a water
purifier to avoid controversy, Jim's only aim is to tell as many
people as possible worldwide about his discovery, and at $15 for a
years supply, this is obvious. Interested? Not feeling
as healthy and strong as you would like? Go to the official website:
When starting MMS 1 read the directions carefully, exact number of
drops and timing is important. Take notes on the part about
detox and nausea. It isn't necessary or beneficial to suffer
nausea during the detox week. Simply reduce the next dose
until comfort is felt - then gradually increase again.
Remember MMS 1 is to be used with an increased healthier lifestyle
to gain positive results. Jim Humble and I have agreed to
disagree on being vegetarian. To each his own. As usual
research and decide for yourself. Pressure from the
pharmaceutical companies has forced Jim to form a church: Genesis
Church of Health, circumventing the usual channels of bureaucracy.
Jim advocates self
responsibility also:
Blaming people or situations around you or trying to change others
doesn't work. "Assign responsibility to yourself and then you are
careful. You look at things with the idea of, “How can I be careful
enough to make things go right today?” When you say, “My wife upset
me this morning,” or “My boss made me mad,” or “My son made me late
for work,” or any one of a thousand things that you believe was
caused by someone else, you are allowing others to control your
destiny. Instead say, “I allowed my wife to upset me this morning,”
and “I kept allowing my son to control the situation until I was
late for work,” and “I screwed up and made my boss upset and then
allowed him to upset me. I must not allow myself to bring that about
again.” As long as you take responsibility
for the situation, then you can do something about it, but if you
assign responsibility to someone else then you can do very little
about it, since you are not in control of the “someone else.”
We hope that the
new World Trade Organization CODEX regulations taking effect the end
of 2009 won't limit everyone's freedom of choice in health care and
or supplements. (Your action is need NOW. Pass the word around
and become part of the solution to this problem). Click here for a
summary of the disastrous
Codex Regulations scheduled for implementation December 2009.
Do a Google search for an update on this issue that affects us all.
Interesting new statistics (June 2011): If you want to be
responsible for your own health and welfare, learn about
alternative/traditional medicines. Make your own
decisions/choices after research. For example, for cancer, the
public STILL has only surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy 50 years
later; none of which are any more successful than 3%. But some of
the alternate medicines are 90% successful. In fact, doing nothing
is 10% successful, so that’s better than having medical treatment.
3-Health Resources and Links:
Medical research favorites:
Lorraine Day www.drday.com ; (traditional
& conservative, cured herself of cancer. Her excellent information
makes up for her strong Christian slant. She sells no products, just
videos outlining her ideas and her plan for healing serious illnesses.
Richard Schulz, www.herbdoc.com
(wild & crazy guy who knows his stuff. A good balance with Dr. Day).
Try to get his free audio DVD: Dr. Richard Schulze in London 2004 or a
similar synopsis of his ideas. He sells organic herbal products,
excellent quality but pricey. We have done one of his cleanses yearly
for 7 years: bowel, liver and kidney /bladder. We will now just use
the traditional 24 hour liver cleanse with epsom salts, orange juice,
garlic, ginger and olive oil quarterly. (see below).
started 8 years ago with an excellent quality, thorough but expensive total
cleanse from www.ariseandshine.com.
A good idea for a serious once in a lifetime cleansing or if you have a life
threatening illness. Followed by annual cleansing of your choice. (see
ideas below)
Jim Humble's official website on this exciting, inexpensive new find to
boost your immune system:
www.jimhumble.biz or
(benefits of organic coconut)
www.watercures.com Dr. F. Batmanghelidj: Your Body's
Many Cries For Water (excellent, easy to read, and essential)
Click here for a synopsis of Dr. F. Batmanghelidj's findings
read: A highly recommended perennial favorite: "The Power of Now",
or "Practicing The Power of Now", by Eckhart Tolle. Tips
on clearing up the clutter or how to stop the tapes playing in ones
mind, thus promoting healing. Simple, practical, easy to use
NOW. "A New Earth" uses these down to earth principles to
raise the consciousness of our planet. Many MP3 cd's available
to listen to on your player while traveling. Anything by
Eckhart is worth reading. We all need to have reminders to be
in the NOW instead of simply playing the same tapes over and over in
our heads.
to go deeper? Looking at yourself is the simple answer.
Check out:
. John Sherman has some simple, down to earth answers to
life's questions.
Simplicity. Complex questions often
require simple answers, as Einstein remarked. No one ever said life was
easy. There are supposed to be ups and downs. Look for, find and
enjoy the good, the wonder the beauty. Be thankful for all our blessings
and gifts. But wouldn't it be great if when things weren't going so smooth
we had a way to cope better? Whether we admit it or not with our modern
lives we are thrown into a fast paced frenzy. Never enough time.
Always rushing. Our minds are always thinking, busy, full - monkey mind it
is called. No time to finish what needs doing, let alone time to be truly
mindful, loving, caring for those around us. There is a feeling that "when
I accomplish this or that" things will be better. That day never comes.
Admit it. So we are left with a nagging feeling that there has to be more
to life than this rut in which I'm living.
I stumbled on to a simple idea that can help with this dilemma of life.
Actually life gave it to me as a gift. We traded music with someone along
the shores of Lake Malawi in Africa several years ago. In with the songs
were a couple of talks by John Sherman. Open to what life offers I
listened to what he had to say. He offers simplicity. Just One Look
offers just what I was looking for. Simple. Spend 5 seconds, right
in the middle of your busy day, to remember who you really are. Here the
hectic frenzy, the non stop thinking and anxiety, the worry of our future and
regrets of the past all vanish. Space is created so one can breathe a
little easier, live a little lighter on the earth. It just happens
and no one deserves this gift more than you. Too busy to take 5 seconds?
Seems too simple? Not a big, complicated, expensive answer? Tuck this away
until the need arises. And it will.
One Look:
Our work is to make one simple insight into the root cause of
all human misery and one simple act of inward looking.
As far as I can tell, the only thing we have any control
over is where we put our attention, and it seems that we don't have
much control over that. The reason we don't have that much control
over our attention is because we are not accustomed to using it in
this way. Usually, attention goes to what calls it. And for most of
us, attention is automatically captured by bright shiny objects like
fear, pain, pleasure, promise, and opportunity.
What we offer here is an extremely simple method that will rid you
of the root cause of all dissatisfaction with life and the painful
yearning for peace and fulfillment that never seems to be fully
What do we mean by 'look'?
Looking is
what we do naturally when we focus our attention on anything present
in our consciousness. You can notice that right now, for example,
your attention is focused mostly on this text, more or less ignoring
everything else.
See more at:
Hay - Do an inventory of your thoughts and replace 'stinking
thinking' with positive thoughts. This will change your life!
Myss: Why People Don't Heal, Spiritual Power and Practice, Energy
Anatomy, etc. (Self responsibility - No whining or excuses allowed).
Chopra: Magical "Mind & Body", "Quantum Healing", "Training the
Mind, Healing the Body", etc. (East meets West)
Bernie Siegel, NY oncologist: a traditional but helpful approach to
cancer, utilizing positive affirmation tapes and stories about real
life cancer patients with inspiring attitudes. They got so
busy living they forgot to die.
out the trilogy by Jed McKenna. With titles like
Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing,
you can bet you are looking at a new
& different slant on the age old ideas of spirituality.
Vaccination waiver information and forms: Google it for sites
such as
Vaccination Waiver
a copy of "What a Wonderful World" by Louie Armstrong, kick back and
listen to the words for 3:30 minutes. If you aren't smiling,
lighten up and listen again!
We have many, many resources
available to back up the information contained herein. Or to
do further research on your favorite health topic just "Google It"
and access the amazing amount of current, credible information on
the internet. Just ask if you want help.
4 - More to Contemplate on Diet and Herbs
"You can never step into the same river twice."
(Heraclites- Greek philosopher)
Stop labeling yourself as " I have high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes,
cancer or ???" Affirm your radiant health. People become their
diseases. It is a temporary condition until you make changes.
99% of our body's cells regenerate in under one year. A totally new
liver to help your immune system every 6 weeks. A completely new body
every year - set a goal to create a new healthy one!

Don't waste your
money on vitamin pills. They go in one end and out the other
without being absorbed. Take herbs in organic extract or
powder form only. Nature has it all figured out. Plant
roots absorb the minerals and vitamins from the ground and we get
these nutrients from eating vegetables and fruits. Leafy green
vegetables are especially rich in vitamins and protein. If you
are traveling, stressed, or not doing everything you feel you should
be for your immune system, consider selecting a good quality
Organic green whole food powder (made
up of dried spirulina, barley greens, etc. Buy pure greens -
no rice fillers). Organic whole food mixes are absorbed as
food. Mix powder with fruit juice or water in a jar or add to
a smoothie every morning with your fruit. If you are
still feeling a bit run down or stressed, REDUCE THE STRESS then
take an occasional
Immune builder every other month such as organic extracts or
whole food powder of Echinacea, mushroom blends, goldenseal, olive
leaf extract, astralagus, etc. Another option is a
"Emergen-C" lite
vitamin packet to mix with water. Remember these are only back
ups and the majority of health nutrition comes from the points
listed above.
Bio Superfood – more effective than
spirulina or green whole food powder but more costly
Replaces the need for multiple supplements by using 4-6 small
capsules per day. Start with #1 then #2 for several months
then work up to #3 eventually. (#1 for children). Check out you-tube
Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of spring water per day to assist
the body with toxins elimination and to support detoxification!
All places about the same price but shipping is expensive at some
Check out
for best customer service and good
prices. Best Info and help! + small shipping fee (BEST price
if you request wholesale and order 12 bottles or more)
http://www.vitamindonkey.com/servlet/Detail?no=126 has free
shipping and discounts for multiple bottles – the BEST deal!
Amazon.com – offers free shipping but no info and reports of not
pure products
– BEST prices for organic spirulina, chlorella, all health products,
etc. Good customer service to answer questions on sources,
radiation contamination, etc.
3)Do research on
the benefits of Vitamin C - Linus Paulings - Nobel Peace Award
winner TWICE - worth having on hand
4) A new discovery Alicin-C - extract of garlic capsules - one
capsule equals 36 cloves - also worth having on hand - other
extracts are much weaker
Check out for
green whole food powder:
Dr Schulz organic Super Food:
excellent whole green powder
thousands of health food items up to 60% discount and cheap shipping
($5.00 anywhere). Check out MSM
- organic sulfur for relief from joint pain. Also helps
with radiation. Quality, organic health food products seem so
expensive at first, but if you are only buying a few products,
rather than loading up with tons of New & Improved products at Wal-mart,
it equals out over the year. Shop around and only get what you
really need. Just as vegetables and fruits are the cheapest to
buy in a store, meats and junk foods are the most costly.
People spend the most money in a health food store on the treats and
extras. Bulk bin junk food still is processed and comes from a
package. Don't cheat very often, and never if healing a
serious illness. People think if it's vegetarian it has to be
good - not. Large companies have cunningly jumped on the
health food craze and flooded the market with 'healthy' junk food.
Questionable ingredients have been given new names. Buyer
beware. Think before you eat it.
Taking any of
these drugs for a health condition?: Check out this link for a
base to research natural alternatives to chemical drugs:
Natural Alternatives to Chemical Drugs top 7 medications

5- Cayenne: First Aid for Heart Attacks or Stroke AND Stops Bleeding:
The most up to
date information as of 9/2012 is to take a tablespoon of fresh
cayenne powder in a glass of warm water and drink immediately if you
you are having a heart attack or stroke. Hundreds of cases
have been documented as increasing the blood flow and thus saving
the victim's life.
Doctors recommend calling 911 immediately then swallowing an aspirin
after chewing it. Time is the factor here!
Cayenne cayenne
pepper is the most effective method to stop the bleeding of an open
wound, and it even works in the case of deep cuts. It
regulates blood pressure and thus supports blood clotting. You can
apply it topically or you can take it orally.
Dr. John Christopher in his book
School of Natural Healing explains the way you can use cayenne
pepper orally:
“…take a teaspoonful of cayenne in a
glass of extra-warm water, drink it down, and by the count of ten,
the bleeding will stop. Instead of all the pressure being
centralized, it is equalized, and the clotting becomes more rapid.
Whether the bleeding is internal or external, a teaspoon of cayenne
taken orally in a glass of hot water will stop the bleeding
It also alleviates infections which
occur with minor cuts, as it has potent antibacterial properties
which destroy bacteria that enter the body through the injury.
Keep this great herb on hand. Comes in different levels of
'heat' or tinctures.
6 -
Homeopathic and Essential Oils:
Effective, simple to use
herbal remedies w/ NO side effects. Great for traveling,
compact and resistant to heat. Research what is available for
the health ailments that bother you. Put together a kit and
reach for these little pellets that melt under you tongue, instead
of Tylenol, Tums, etc. Remedies are available to replace
dangerous immunizations. Inspired and taught to us by 80 year
old Dr. Soni in Pune, India we have a kit with us for cold & flu,
headache, nausea, diarrhea, dysentery, sleep, constipation, injury,
wound healing, etc and Bach flower remedies for stress and change
due to travel.
Essential Oils have been around for centuries. Got my
first essential oil in the mountains of Kashmir - pure lavender oil.
Great for sleep. cold sores, insect repellent, etc. Research
what oils will help keep you healthy and put together a small kit
for travel. Mix blends into roller ball bottles for
convenience. During the highly contagious plagues in Europe
thieves would rob the bodies of dead victims, but never get sick
themselves. All companies sell blends for the immune system
using the same recipes of frankincense, cloves, etc. - some even
named "Thieves".
We also put a biosantizer organic crystal,
encased in a tiny silver box, in our water bottles for purer, more
alive water. A 'syncropath', Dr Soni taught us many of his
health secrets and is still open to learning new ideas at his
age. May we all remain as open as him.
**Further Liver Cleanse ideas click here (Dr. Hulda
Clark): We do this 24 hour liver cleanse quarterly.
Simple, effective.
Dr Schulz recommends cleansing quarterly. Dr Day believes that
a proper vegan diet, along with juice daily, will cleanse the body
naturally. Drinking fresh lemon juice in water is good for flushing
the liver too. We do one Dr. Schulz bowel, liver and kidney
cleanse a year, including his pre mixed herbs and tinctures. Six
months later we do the liver cleanse outlined above in the photo.
(Magnify image to see better). An old Indian man told us to
drink only liquids one day a week, to clean out the body. We
do this once in a while.
Tip: Expect to have cleansing symptoms when you start cleaning your
body out. You may feel worse for a few weeks, i.e. colds, flu
or bloating due to the flushing out of toxins, but then your energy
will increase and you will feel better. Expected annual colds
and flu, your body's effort to cleanse out the toxins, become a
thing of the past. You can give yourself a restful, health day
off work instead of continual sick days.
Every chemical that we
introduce into our body has to be cleansed out by our already
overworked liver. Use alternative, herbal remedies whenever
possible. Figure out what the root cause of a problem is and
correct it. After 12 years on thyroid replacement drugs I was
able to switch over to a natural alternative, when I changed my
lifestyle. My dormant thyroid started functioning and I am off
the bone damaging drugs for good. We can thank our friend and
Naturopath, Earl Conroy for coming into our life. A wonderful,
natural healer, now 79 years young, he is a wealth of new ideas and
old wisdom. (Send me an email if you are really serious about
doing the same). Prescription drugs only mask the symptoms and
make you feel better temporarily. They are often full of life
threatening side effects. Put your body back in balance and
make changes or you will just get sick again. (I learned that
one the hard way too). If you are getting headaches from
banging your head against the wall, stop doing it. Sounds
silly? We do things to our body and it cries out with an
illness - yet we keep doing it. Take antibiotics only when other
methods haven't worked.
8 - Food Combining
Your food digests quicker
and you have less gas and indigestion problems if you combine the
foods you eat in a special order. Eat fruits by
themselves or 1/2 hour before other foods. Don't eat starch
and proteins at the same meal. Eat vegetables and starch or
vegetables and proteins together. Tofu or tempe may be eaten
with rice. (Remember rice is an acidic food). Put 2 hours
between foods that don't combine well. Don't drink water 15
minutes before a meal or 1 hour after, it dilutes the digestive
juices in your stomach. Food combining also helps you have at
least one or two good bowel movements a day, a necessity for good
8a-Eat only Organic and Non-GMO Foods
For an eye opening
look at the crucial need to eat only organic & Non-GMO products
watch the documentary on youtube.com: Genetic Roulette (by Jeffrey
GMO Food Crops (Avoid all!)
1. All Soy: soy milk, soy sauce, tamari: soy lecithin, tofu, etc
2 All Corn (not popcorn) (fed to cows- passed to you via meat.)
3 Cottonseed - for oils
4. Canola (for oil)
5. Sugar beets (for sugar
6. Papaya Hawaiian and Chinese
7. Zucchini
8 Yellow Crookneck squash
9. Alfalfa (for hay - (feed to cows- passed to you via meat.)
These items are in ALL packaged foods. In all vegetable oils
except olive and coconut.
Go to
nongmoshoppingguide.com You MUST cut these out of your diet.
If labeled organic, food must be non-GMO but if food is non-GMO it
doesn't have to be organic, and so could have chemicals. Be a
smart shopper.
9 - Constipation
One of the largest health problems facing our western world is
constipation, with it's fast food and nutrient deficient diets.
Have 1, 2 or more bowel movements a day or get out the dynamite.
Figure out necessary changes in your diet. Do a bowel and/or liver
cleanse once a year to get rid of any lingering toxins or parasites
(which everyone has).
Dr Schulze Formula # 1 has solved the problem of constipation for
many people - but he also insists on a vegan diet and similar ideas
to the above; to correct an ongoing problem. One of the best
purchases you will ever make if constipation is a problem, even once
in a while.
9a - Cold Sores - Fever Blisters
I try to keep
Thoughts on Health up to date, adding and deleting regularly,
after testing/trying the information. For years I have had an
occasional cold
sore or fever blister or herpes simplex. They are a real
annoyance and very painful on the lip. I just tried 1)
taking lysine when the first tingle is noticed on my lip, then 2)
putting mixed MMS on the blister and letting it dry. 3) Then
put a tiny dab of zinc oxide cream or zinc oxide with calamine only
on the blister. Repeat continually. The blister dried up
in 1/3 the time - no pain! Amazing! Thanks Mark.
Try lavender essential oil directly on a cold sore as soon as it
shows up.
3-4 times a day. Also cuts the time of healing in 1/3!
10 - Vaccinations:
NEVER agree to inoculations or
vaccinations for you or your loved ones. Research proves that
they are dangerous and often use impure blood by-products,
introducing poisons/diseases into our system that will affect your
health for the rest of your life.

Vaccinations are hazardous to your health. If you love your
NEVER have an immunization, especially in Papua, New Guinea.
Immunizations: This issue
is too hazardous to ignore. Refuse to have your healthy young
children made into pin cushions, from the 20-40 shots required by
the time they enter kindergarten. Side affects of baby
vaccinations include autism, developmental disabilities and Sudden
Infant Death Syndrome or crib death (which my daughter narrowly
escaped 1 hour after her routine DPT shot 30+ years ago). Yes,
we all had shots as children but the products injected now have
changed, for the worse. Find out the facts and
statistics. Reclaim your rights for making your own choices.
(There are ways to get around these regulations at home and
traveling - check out or click these links for further info:
Dangers Outlined by Dr. Day,
Vaccination Myths,
Death By Lethal Vaccine,
History of Vaccinations,
State Exemptions/Waivers,
Homeoprophylaxis for Overseas Travelers.
Become a member of Jim Humble's
Genesis Church of Health (see MMS above). It is against the
members belief to have vaccinations. Google is full of

Every loving parent should try
to model a positive lifestyle for their children, giving them the
gift of health. They learn from our example. It's
natural for young people to think they will live forever.
That's ok, we all did. When our children get older they can
make their own choices, but give them some tools to make informed
decisions. Give them a healthy start. The rest is up to

Dr. Jay
Gordon, a pediatrician practicing in Santa Monica, California, isn't
too worried about the scare of measles. Dr. Gordon understands
common sense -- that viruses don't originate from a child's healthy
immune system. Those who don't get the measles vaccine aren't
putting the general population at any greater risk. The vaccinated
shouldn't even have to worry about the unvaccinated anyway. If
vaccine-induced immunology is so effective, what do the vaccinated
have to worry about? They are worried because they know deep down
that vaccine-induced immunity wears off. Why are people recommended
to get multiple shots of the same virus?
10a - Radiation:
Information, Protections and some good Solutions
What You Don’t Know, Might Be
Killing You
Ignorance is no
longer an option. You know us. We have traveled the world 10 +
years, through at times, rough or even dangerous situations. We look for
the best in the world and find it. We are not alarmists. We do not
live in fear. This has our attention. This should have YOUR
attention. If you don't have enough time to read this just know that in
the future everyone will be saying, "Poor ________ - (insert your name or the
name of your child). He/She was a good person." Cancer, etc, from
fallout starts appearing in 3-12 years. Fukushima Radiation started 3years
Radiation - the
invisible killer! I dare you to spend 10 minutes to save yourself and your
family from the devastating effects of Radiation. Geiger counters don't
lie. Only the government does. Two choices: Be a victim or be Self
Responsible. De -Nile only works if you live in Egypt! This is one page I
didn't want to write. I wanted to believe that this nightmare, this
extinction level radiation from Fukushima, would just 'go away' or the reports
were exaggerated. Not so. As the disaster gets worse, I have spent
days researching the radiation, where it is spreading, and what the side effects
are on ourselves, our families and the planet. I really wish the
information I found wasn't so bad. Please prove me wrong! (but don't
use government statistics - they have been proven to be altered). There
are over 1000 nuclear power plants worldwide. If one erupts near you, even
in the Southern Hemisphere, radiation will be compounded. Mankind has
opened Pandora's Box.
"Health is Freedom!"
Our webpage tries to highlight the positive and incredibly amazing aspects of
the planet we share. Our 'Thoughts on Health' page shares health
information we have learned through the years. At times Reality Bites.
In March 2011, a large power plant blew when an earthquake hit Fukushima Japan,
killing 16,000 people. People continue to die daily. This accident
changed the face of life on our earth as we know it. This is not gloom and
doom, end of the world prophecy. Unfortunately these are facts. I
assume that you are intelligent, curious and wanting to help yourself, your
family and those around you. We are doing this to try to help.
Knowledge is power. You are the good we look for in the world.
Share. Help those around you.

Ignorance is bliss,
that is until you and your children come down with thyroid cancer or some other
type of disease. Parents, just know that young people are especially
susceptible. The future of your family may be in your hands. Don't
have time? Time to re-think your priorities. Picture yourself sick
in bed; all work, responsibilities, activities, and fun on hold. Now do
you have time? I had cancer 11 years ago and healed it alternatively. Take it
from me, cancer is NOT fun.
Bottom Line - May 2015
Fukushima is in a high risk zone for earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons.
Fact is that 400 megatons of radioactive waste is pouring into the Pacific
daily. Main stream media is finally admitting that this radioactive waste
will reach the West coast of the US within a year. Whales and fish are
dying from radioactive poisoning and washing up on the beaches. Any
further damage from natural disasters makes this catastrophic earth event even
more dangerous.
Jan 15/2014 Check out this 3
minute you tube video. Keep yourself informed. Wow!
Pure science. Geiger counters don't lie. This is
crazy stuff.
#Radiation Levels (290 CPM - normal 30) Confirmed At Half
Moon Bay, California:
Simplified 10 minutes of important information
Published on Apr 25, 2014
(This is to help understand this radiation release in a way that
everyone will be able to "get it" so the Mainstream Media will NOT be
ABLE to lie to you any further)..
Your Radiation, This Week
Francisco) April 10, 2015 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation, This
Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this
week around the United States and in your neighborhood.
(*Counts per Minute, 50 CPM is an alert level.
Levels are in Gamma unless noted.) 289 CPM Boston, MA 184 CPM New
York City 404 CPM Raleigh, NC New 275 CPM Atlanta, GA 454 CPM
Miami, FL (more: click on link above)
learning............................ Check out our 2
radiation pages for a wealth of
knowledge and links on keeping your immune system strong.
Cesium 137 is showing up in food in California - including baby
food! Check out:
What does this mean to us?
Bad weather creates radiation spikes in Hawaii and the West Coast
and continental US. Recently Hawaii spiked at 161, California
400, Pacific Northwest and B.C. 500, Arizona 750, the Midwest 400
and on and on. Counts per minute. Normal 16-20. 300 cpm is Hazmat
level, 100 is alert level. The government just keeps raising
the safety levels.
1) Watch monitoring sites: http://radiationnetwork.com/
2) Stay indoors as much as possible during high ratings - STAY OUT
OF THE RAIN! USE AN UMBRELLA! If caught in the rain -
shower with soap and baking soda.
3) Wash all fruits and veggies with 2Tb baking soda in a basin of
water- soak for 20 min or as long as you can, scrub with a brush,
and rinse well - (hydrogen peroxide works also)
4) Don't eat dairy or meat - high on the food chain and loaded with
radioactivity. Fish from the Pacific is NOT safe. No GMO
foods and organic if possible. Build a greenhouse and start
growing vegetables inside - less fallout will be passed to you when
you eat your homegrown produce. Check regularly with a geiger
counter. Protect your family.
5) Check Protective Ideas below.
(Have a valid passport. Do this now. Within 24-48 hours
of a total meltdown all airplanes will be grounded. Relocate
you and your family away from the danger. Reevaluate from a
distance in safety. May we never have to deal with this. )
For more up to date information go to our homepage and click on:
Radiation below Thoughts on Health.
A new page with practical ideas and info has been put up - this may
help. The best news is that all these health items are used to
strengthen your immune system and thus your health in general.
Research and get stronger!
11 - Healthy Choices for You and Your Children:
Eating animal products or dairy
makes our bodies acidic. (see the chart below) Cancer,
bacteria, viruses, osteoporosis, thyroid imbalance, diabetes, etc.
thrive in an acidic environment. Human milk is for human
babies. Cow's milk is for baby cows. (* check out
). Dairy causes many problems for our health, such as
increased allergies, diabetes, high cholesterol, thyroid imbalance,
asthma, osteoporosis, weight gain, to name a few. Skin tests
at an Allergy Specialist years ago showed I was allergic to
everything. After years of sneezing and feeling tired, I now
have NO Allergies. I grew up in the 'Dairy State'.
I was allergic to dairy without knowing it and a vegan diet produced
the surprising, welcome side effect of NO Allergies.
Milk and dairy products are full of allowable levels of hormones,
pus, chemicals, you name it. Breast feed your babies for one
year or more. It builds the babies immune system. There
is never need for formula. All formula allowed in the WIC
program is genetically modified and damaging your baby.
For an eye opening look at the crucial need to eat only organic &
Non-GMO products watch the documentary on youtube.com: Genetic
Roulette (by Jeffrey Smith)
Refined sugar and processed oils, as with many chemically processed
foods, react as a type of poison in our bodies. The processing
and chemicals wipe out any food value and actually our body no
longer recognizes it as a food, but instead a foreign, poisonous
substance. A spoonful of sugar suppresses the immune system
for 6 hours. (A can of soda has 10 tablespoons of sugar - and
artificial sweeteners are worse. Right up there with MSG.)
The average westerner has a spoonful of jam or sweetened beverage
for breakfast, a cookie after lunch, junk food snacks, dessert after
supper and hot cocoa before bed. Our immune systems never work
properly! Natural sugar in fruist, as Nature intended, is
fine. It is the processing that kills us. Our favorite
example of unhealthy packaged foods is flavored chicken feet wrapped
in plastic sold in China, with an expiration date of 3 years. We
eat junk just as bad - only the names of the chemicals have been
changed to protect the innocent. Get off it! We have to
know what we are putting in our mouths and minds. No excuses!
Or simply do dumb stuff like smoking and eating endless junk food
and then be surprised when we get sick. Remember this decision
for abusing our bodies selfishly affects those around us.
Choices and consequences, but make sure you are only hurting
12 - Malaria:
Malaria is the
world's # 1 killer. Malaria is moving north to colder
climates. If traveling in malaria zones it is important to
avoid contact with mosquitoes by covering up at dusk. There
are good natural insect repellents that work in addition. Choose
rooms with screens on the windows and fans if possible and a net to
sleep under is mandatory. We eat 3-4 cloves of chopped, fresh
garlic on our salad daily (see above), take 6 drops of wormwood/artemesia
daily with our 'green drink', and once a week take "Malaria Off"
homeopathic remedy (Monday) and on Thursday take an Ayurvedic remedy
(Sudarshan Ghanvati). We also take 3 drops morning and evening
of MMS. We are in malaria zones for years and want to keep
strong. Besides these herbs and the garlic help build a
stronger immune system and rid the body of parasites.
Thanks for listening.
This isn't a religion or regime, just things to consider. We
do all that we can and learn as we go. If you've learned one
point to try, it has been worth it That's all anyone can do -
lighten up and do your best. It IS worth it. May we all
enjoy the benefits of improved, vibrant health soon.
And so it
invite you to share your ideas with us. Drop us a note and let
us know how you are doing. We always love to hear from you.
Take care. Keep Smiling.
Lighten up and just do your best.
Love, xoxoox
Nancy & Joseph

Simple organic chemistry. Cancer, osteoporosis, viruses
& diseases thrive in an acidic body. Rice is surprisingly
acidic and should be used sparingly.
Now That's
Garlic !

Back to Homepage
A sign in Phnom
Penh, Cambodia:
Go Vegan. Save the Earth!
14 - Positive Comments Received on our Health Page:
"All I can
say is WOW.....thank you very much for referring me to your health
page link.
I just spent the last 2 hours reading on your notes, and the MMS
story. I will have to take more time to research all of that
information, but I am very interested in a lot of
the notes that you and Joe listed.
I don't think I could completely take myself off of the current
"western" treatment plan that I am on because I would become
handicapped if I did, but I would be interested in educating myself
on other options out there. (Has since given up all doctor's
chemical treatments and is healthy again!)
I think for now becoming a complete vegan is a big step for me. To
be honest, I don't miss eating meat or dairy one bit.
You two are
the most inspiring and interesting people that I have ever met in my
life, and I believe that we meet certain people in life for a
Thanks again,
and I will be sure to stay in touch".
* * * *
* * *
"Thank you Nancy, and must also compliment you and Joseph that the
two of you have really touched my life in a very special way.
I would almost call it fate!
I try to
share your story with whomever is willing to listen, or is dealing
with a medical issue in their lives.
I also wanted
to mention how much I loved the “Power of Now”. Looking back at it
now, that book really helped me a lot. It also assisted in my
complete recovery of becoming a better person.."

Deadly Fluoride is in every container
of salt for sale!!! We stood drop
jawed when we realized what was happening in Central/S. America.
Everyone uses salt so everyone is forced to consume this insidious
chemical. Opposition to fluoride in drinking water or dental
products has just been circumvented. Of course first a public
education program about the benefits of fluoride sweeps the
country. What's next? Google fluoride to research what
is about. Don't be one of the millions worldwide who just
believe what they are told. The future of our planet lie in
hands of 'Free Thinkers'!
We have been the guinea pigs. We are enjoying traveling the
world without the 'normal' health problems for our age. These
ideas represent our accumulated experience of staying healthy during
non-stop travel for over 10 years. We will not be held responsible
for any of the information contained herein. Check with your
doctor, lawyer, preacher, politician, luggage salesman or Aunt
Thelma before taking these recommendations. This is a free
website - you get what you pay for! |

Check out that flower petal salad! Joseph (58) and Nancy (51)
enjoying a tasty Vegan lunch at the 'Bee Farm'.
(Bohol Island, Philippines - 2007)

Mouthwatering market. (Indonesia)

Hanging with the locals and making a 'big' purchase -
guaranteed organic. (N. Vietnam)

We always gather a crowd when bargaining hard for the best
produce in the market. Serious business, then hoots of
laughter. A win-win deal. (Laos)

Caught in the act of cooking over a wood fire.
Nothing but the latest equipment. (Cambodia)

Relaxing with the family after we cooked a vegan
dinner together, Balinese style.

What a character! This 'chef' in Shangri-La, China would don
his hat, put on music, and serve sumptuous vegan fare from
vegetables Joseph bought at the adjacent market. We always
gathered a crowd, especially when we would slow dance
between the 2 tiny tables in his food stall. So much
fun with the locals.

Mom & Pop posing at the Muslim restaurant where we
worked around hanging sides of goat and prayer mats;
while cooking our meals for 6 weeks in Kashgar. We
brought them a large watermelon and treats the last
night and had a little party with our new friends.
This experience all started with them saying,
"No, we cook only meat!!"

Happily heading 100 ft. up the tree to get our daily coconuts.

Food on the go - buses, trains, planes! With a bag of
2 plates, a knife and 2 spoons we have a healthy, tasty lunch.

Daily quiet time is so important. (Sumatra)
15 - Exercise:
We walk miles, climb and lift weights daily (well baggage that is).
We start everyday with the simple 5-10 minute Tibetan Rites Yoga.
Because it is uncomplicated, short, and not a big exercise ordeal
that would get shelved after a few months, we have used this
practice for 12 years, (myself for over 20 years now). I was
taught to do each rite correctly but swiftly. Nagging neck and
back problems dissolve as flexibility and muscle strength
improve. Why do we believe that getting older demands a
decrease in mobility and an increase in annoying illnesses? If
we change the way we look at life and get the 'aging' paradigm out
of our minds and vocabulary, life completely changes. We
met a 94 year old woman in Hilo who does these stretches daily, and
was hopping around like a spring chicken. Because the Tibetan
Rites are gentle and slowly increase from 3 each a day (5 min.) to
21 each a day(10 min.) any person can gradually increase their
flexibility and undo years of stiff muscles or seized-up or
arthritic injuries. After a serious neck injury from a car
accident I spent 20 years continually going to chiropractors.
I have not been to a chiropractor more than 6 times since starting
these exercises. Keeping the neck vertebrae and muscles fluid
stops painful problems from developing. Self responsibility
again. Instead of putting out all that time and money for a
chiropractor to 'fix me' I learned through patience that I could
heal myself. Not bad for someone on heavy pain killers years
ago and surgeons pushing to fuse my cervical vertebrae. Same
for a knee injury "requiring surgery". Never had the surgery
and 2 years later my body healed the cartilage. Many injuries
require additional surgeries to correct further problems - often
caused by the surgery. Most knee problems are simply carrying
too much weight. When you give your body what it needs to heal
amazing things happen; even new cartilage and stronger bones
develop. Aches disappear. Never Give Up!
Because this thousand year old yoga routine thoroughly stretches all
the muscles, organs, vertebras and opens the energy meridians of the
body, we stay limber, can sleep on any mattress or floor, and hike
miles without thinking about it. We notice a big difference if
we miss doing the 5 Tibetan Rites (plus a few extra stretches and
back exercises) and Thank God daily for being able to do them.
Live Long & Prosper!
16 - The Five Tibetan Rites
Rite 1
Stand erect with arms
outstretched, horizontal to the floor.
Spin around clockwise
until you become slightly dizzy.
Gradually increase
practicing from 3 up to 21 repetitions per day for each
Rite 2
First lie flat on the
floor, face up.
Fully extend your arms
along your sides, and place the palms of your hands
against the floor, keeping the fingers close together.
Then, raise your head off
the floor, tucking the chin against the chest. As you do
this, lift your legs, knees straight, into a vertical
position. If possible, let the legs extend back over the
body, toward the head; but do not let the knees bend.
Then slowly lower both
the head and the legs, knees straight, to the floor.
Allow all the muscles to
relax, continue breathing in the same rhythm.
Breathe in deeply as you
lift your legs and breathe out as you lower your legs
Rite 3
Kneel on the floor
with the body erect. The hands should be placed against
the thigh muscles.
Incline the head and
neck forward, tucking the chin against the chest.
Then, throw the head
and neck backward, arching the spine. As you arch, you
will brace your arms and hands against the thighs for
After the arching, return
to the original position, and start the rite all over
Breathe in deeply as you
arch the spine, breathe out as you return to an erect
Rite 4
Sit down on the floor
with your legs straight out in front of you and your
feet about 12 inches apart. With the trunk of the body
erect, place the palms of your hands on the floor
alongside the buttocks.
Then, tuck the chin
forward against the chest.
Now, drop the head
backward as far as it will go. At the same time, raise
your body so that the knees bend while the arms remain
straight. The trunk of the body will be in a straight
line with the upper legs, horizontal to the floor.
Then, tense every
muscle in the body.
Finally, relax your
muscles as you return to the original sitting position,
and rest before repeating the procedure.
Breathe in as you raise
up, hold your breath as you tense the muscles, breathe
out completely as you come down. Continue breathing in
the same rhythm as long as you rest between repetitions
When you perform the
fifth rite, your body will be face-down to the floor. It
will be supported by the hands, palms down against the
floor, and the toes in a flexed position.
Throughout this rite,
the hands and feet should be kept straight. Start with
your arms perpendicular to the floor, and the spine
arched, so that the body is in a sagging position.
Now, throw the head
back as far as possible.
Then, bending at the
hips, bring the body up into an inverted 'V'. At the
same time, bring the chin forward, tucking it against
the chest.
Breathe in deeply as
you raise the body, breathe out fully as you lower it.
Books about the "5 Tibetan Rites"
Ancient Secret of the "Fountain of Youth"Book1
Legend has it that hidden in the remote reaches of the
Himalayan mountains lies a secret that would have saved
Ponce de Leon from years of fruitless searching. There,
generations of Tibetan monks have passed down a series of
exercises with mystical, age-reversing properties. Known as
the Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation or the Five Rites, these
once-secret exercises are now available to Westerners in
Ancient Secret of the Fountain Of Youth. Peter Kelder's book
begins with an account of his own introduction to the rites
by way of Colonel Bradford, a mysterious retired British
army officer who learned of the rites while journeying high
up in the Himalayas. Fountain of Youth then offers practical
instructions for each of the five rites, which resemble yoga
postures. Taking just minutes a day to perform, the benefits
for practitioners have included increased energy, weight
loss, better memory, new hair growth, pain relief, better
digestion, and just feeling younger.
The Five Tibetans : Five Dynamic Exercises for Health,
Energy, and Personal Power
Kilham brings to The Five Tibetans nicely written chapters
about kundalini, the chakras and an especially insightful
instruction on the role of breathing while doing each rite.
Short, straight forward and excellent. |

A sample of part of our Laotian "cheat sheet." We ask
someone to write these words in their native language,
then we laminate it. We pull it out of our pockets, point
and "Voila", instant communication. It leads to many
interesting conversations and makes our lives around
markets, restaurants, and homes of new friends much
easier. Compose a blank for your next trip.
18 -
Favorite International Vegan Recipes (60+):
Sprouts: pour hot water over
green mung beans (or other beans). Millet (alkaline & rich in
B-17)/alfalfa seeds just cover in tepid water. Soak 12 hours or
overnight. Drain into a container with holes in the bottom (on
the road cut off a water bottle & invert), rinse daily with purified
water, allow to sprout 24 hours or more. Make a new batch of
living food every day. Easy, do anywhere. Traveling days
we just wrap the draining jars in zip loc bags and tuck them into
our food bag. As soon as we get to a new room we air them out
and start soaking that day's batch of sprouts. We even made
little 'shower caps' of netting that fit on top of the containers to
keep bugs off overnight.
Always start with fresh ORGANIC
fruits and vegetables. Use fresh herbs and spices if possible.
Prepare the vegetables with love and have everything ready before
cooking. Cook fast with gas to preserve flavor and nutrients.
Only lightly cook maintaining the crunch, using a tiny bit of
organic coconut oil followed by adding water to steam. Create
a colorful, eye pleasing, tasty work of art. Invent an
international menu borrowing all the great tastes from cultures
around our planet. Add greens such as spinach leaves or new
local greens to every meal. Put them and quartered tomatoes in
one dish together and add only the last 2 minutes of cooking.
Every dish starts the same easy
*Thoroughly wash veggies to remove dirt or any chemicals, and
prepare and chop ahead of time. It is handy to lay them on a
tray so you can choose what you need in order of cooking.
*Heat 1-2 Tbs. of virgin cold pressed coconut oil in a wok or
seasoned steel pan (never use aluminum), (cold-pressed virgin
olive oil is the 2nd choice)
*Brown 6-8 chopped cloves of garlic, 1 onion, possibly fresh ginger
*Add vegetables in order, those needing more cooking time to less;
first matchstick carrots &potatoes, cut eggplants, squash, 3 minutes
later diagonally cut green beans, cauliflower, mushrooms, bamboo,
*Stir constantly to brown veggies and give flavor then add a cup of
water around the sides to prevent sticking and to steam the
vegetables. The idea is to use minimum oil and to only blanche
the vegetables, retaining their crispness and nutritive value.
Add more water if necessary, depending on recipe. If at home
use an oven to eliminate oil all together for some recipes.
Never deep fry anything. Boiled oil is deadly. Locals
overseas are always amazed that a tasty meal can be produced without
cups of oil.
*Add sea salt, spices to taste, fresh herbs if available.
*Fresh chili / cayenne pepper is good for the heart. Figure
out what type added to a dish creates the right amount of heat for
flavor. Serve additional hot sauce on the table for people to
add to suit individual taste.
*Everything must be slightly cooked or peeled to get rid of bacteria
when overseas. Place cleaned greens, tomato wedges, snow pea
pods, bean sprouts, in a bowl to add the last 2 minutes. Cover. Turn
gas off immediately and serve. Welcome to the world of fresh,
crispy, tasty, healthy vegetables. Enjoy!
Rejoice at
the variety around the world.
It is interesting that most countries have a staple to fill the
people up: plantain (green bananas), pasta, potatoes, rice, beans,
Also every country has a food
that is 'wrapped' up: Chinese eggs rolls, Thai salad rolls,
Italian ravioli, El Salvadoran pupusas, Middle Eastern kebabs,
Mexican burritos, Tibetan momos, European stuffed dumplings,
Peruvian empanadas, Russian
pirozhki , Croatian
povatitsa (bread with poppy seed or walnut filling), Greek
Spanikopita (Spinach pie), Indian somosas, etc.
Eggplant ala different
countries: Italian eggplant parmagina or baked half eggplants with
tomato sauce with baked potatoes, Nicaragua cooked veggie salsa on
top of slab of grilled eggplant - served with sautéed mushrooms,
potatoes and salad. Thai green curry with eggplant. Middle
Eastern hummus and babaganoosh (grilled soft eggplant).
Chinese strips of eggplant sautéed with onions and spicy sweet chili
sauce. Indian yellow eggplant curry. As we have discovered the
same vegetables are available worldwide. Add different
international spices and each meal is a taste sensation. And
on and on ........................................
Chinese Stir Fry:
Heat the pan or wok, add 2 Tbs of coconut oil, throw in 6 cloves of
chopped garlic and one onion, brown. Add sea salt, 1 Tbs fresh
ginger, one fresh chili, spices. Have all vegetables cut
fairly small, except snow peas, and ready to just drop into the hot
wok. Choose vegetables with low water content. Cut
matchsticks of carrots, diagonal green beans, small florets of
cauliflower or broccoli, snow peas, etc. At a high temperature
it only takes several minutes to cook the veggies. Stir
Constantly! Cook vegetables in order of length required to
cook. 3 minutes after onions & carrots, add beans, drained
baby corn, mushrooms, cauliflower, etc. The last 1 minute add
fresh snow pea pods, bean sprouts, greens, slivered red pepper.
Add in above order, each a minute shorter cooking time, to maintain
crispness. Add soy sauce and toasted sesame oil and/or seeds to
taste(1Tbs) but not water. Keep stirring!
Stir, cover and turn the gas off before they cook too long. Do
Not Overcook! Eat Immediately with a serving of rice.

Indian Curry/ Vegetable Masala:
Start same as above, including root vegetables such as cubed winter
orange squash, potatoes, carrots, greens. The secret is using
good quality, genuine Indian curry powder. There are many
spice combinations (see below); some are real hot. Try
different. combinations. Add small quick cooking dahl or lentils to
the vegetables for a thicker sauce. For a creamy sauce add
half a cup of fresh or canned pure coconut cream. It
transforms the sauce from good to delicious.
For a traditional Indian
thickener grind together equal parts (1/4 c) raw cashews, powdered
coconut and (1/8 c.) ground sesame seeds. Brown onions and
garlic in the pan with oil. Add 2 cubed tomatoes, and stir in
curry powder and 2 Tb. of mixture above made into a paste. Add
a little water and vegetables cut up small. Cook until
vegetables are tender Serve with rice, chapattis or papads.
Indian Potato & spinach curry (Aloo
Boil 4 cubed potatoes, drain & set aside. Wash 1-2 lbs
of spinach 3 times, cut fine and steam until soft. Sautee 2
medium onions, 1 head garlic, 1 t diced ginger in 2 Tbs of oil until
golden. Add 4 cubed tomatoes, 1 teas salt, 1 t. cumin powder (jeera),
1 t. chili powder, 1/2 t coriander powder (dhania), 1/2 t. turmeric
powder (haldi) and cook 10 minutes.. Mash & add steamed
spinach and cook till it blends. Add cooked potatoes.
Serve with rice and chapatis.
How to make fresh coconut cream:
Find a vendor of fresh, hard coconuts in the market. Have them
crack the coconut into a bag and catch the liquid. Have them
grind the remaining meat. Combine both bags in a shallow pan.
Add additional warm water, maybe a cup or 2. Massage together.
Squeeze moisture out of coconut and discard pulp. Strain out
the rest of the fiber with strainer. Put aside to add the last
5 minutes of your recipe. Once opened the coconut and juice
only last several hours, even in the fridge. Cooked it lasts
overnight if cooled in the fridge. I always try to make fresh
coconut cream but you can also buy it in the can. Make sure
there are no chemicals or cow's milk products. They sneak
dairy whey, milk caseins, sugar, and chemicals into everything
nowadays. You can substitute coconut cream or coconut milk in
anything you currently use milk in now such as tea, coffee (try to
wean off of coffee), mashed potatoes, soups, desserts, etc.
Thai (Tom Ka) Soup:
Start same as above, onion and garlic sautéed, but the key is fresh
sauté 1 inch slivered fresh ginger or galanga ginger rounds if
Add 1 cup fresh Thai basil leaves, pounded lemongrass cut in 2 inch
lengths, 4 fresh keefir lime leaves to the browned veggies such as
eggplant, 1 cubed potato, baby corn, diagonally cut green beans or
straw mushrooms. Add 1 cup water to cook.
When veggies are done pour 1 can or 2 cups of coconut cream, not
milk, over the soup. Bring to a boil. Dish up
immediately. Squeeze the juice of 1 small fresh lime
(depending on size) over each bowl.
If you can't get access to fresh Asian herbs, stop by a Thai
restaurant and ask them where to buy them. Substitute dried
herbs if necessary - and even 1/2 c. fresh Italian basil if Thai
lemon basil isn't available. I used to grow everything in our
yard in Hawaii. We even got the start of a galanga ginger root
from the Thai restaurant in Kona. Specialty shops sell Tom Ka
paste - use sparingly as it may be strong. 1/2 teas. combined with
the vegetables and coconut CREAM above will give the same flavor.
Remember to squeeze fresh lime in each bowl before serving.
Thai Vegetable Curry:
Start same as above, adding match sticks of carrots and potatoes.
Add coconut cream, and Thai curry paste to taste. (Check
to see how hot it is before adding too much). Later add
bamboo, baby corn, green beans, or whatever vegetables look good;
finally snow peas, greens, sliced red pepper and tomato wedges,
keeping the vegetables crispy. Sprinkle chopped cilantro and
green onions on top and serve over rice.
Thai Stir Fried Vegetables and Cashews:
Start same as above, quick fry non watery vegetables as with Chinese
Stir Fry but adding fresh Thai herbs (lemongrass, coriander, sweet
chili sauce, ginger, garlic, soy or mushroom sauce, white pepper, if
available). Cut matchsticks of carrots, diagonal green beans,
small florets of cauliflower or broccoli, snow peas, etc. Add in
above order, each a minute shorter cooking time to maintain
crispness. Tomatoes or eggplant, etc are too watery for stir
fry. Use dried herbs as a back up (see Tom Ka Soup above)
Don't add bean sprouts or sesame oil. Stir in 1 cup of raw or
roasted cashews at the end. Serve with rice or noodles.
Pad Thai Noodles:
In separate pan slowly brown small cubes of tofu. Start same
as above, fry a few mixed non watery vegetables, green vegetables,
mushrooms, add tofu and pad Thai sauce. Dip pad Thai rice
noodles in boiling water for 1 minute. (Not longer or they
will lump in a ball). Drain. Immediately toss rice
noodles in with sautéed vegetables, add 1 cup bean sprouts last 30
seconds. Cook until warm but still crunchy. Squeeze lime
juice over each plate and serve.
(To make the Pad Thai sauce put
1 T. tamarind paste in 1/4 cup hot water. Add 1T. ketch up or
tomato paste & honey, chopped garlic, 2 Tb. soya or mushroom sauce,
1T sweet chili sauce. - You can substitute 1 T. red curry paste with
1 T sweet chili sauce, & soya sauce. Add salt & chili to
Indonesia: Mie Goreng or Nasi Goreng:
Indonesian fried rice or noodles with vegetables:
Start same as above. Add another Tbs. of oil to fried onion &
garlic, stir in finely chopped vegetables and cook, stirring
constantly. Add soy or teriyaki sauce, chili, 1 Tbs. tomato
sauce, ketchup or similar. Finally toss in precooked chilled
rice OR noodles stirring constantly. Squeeze fresh lime over
each serving and garnish with tomato &cucumber slices.
Bali: Steamed Vegetable Salad with
Coconut, Urap Sayur ( 6 servings)
For coconut mixture
30 g (11) red chilies
5 g (8) thai's bird eye chilies
1/4 tsp shrimp paste or (soy sauce/Aminos)
50 g (9) shallots
20 g (3) garlic cloves
35 g fresh turmeric, washed and peeled
50 g palm sugar, shaved (or honey)
1/2 tbsp tamarind pulp
2 cups water
1/4 cup cooking oil
4 kaffir lime leaves
300 g freshly shredded coconut
For salad
100 g cabbage, blanched
100 g long beans, blanched
300 g (1) cucumber, peeled and sliced
100 g beansprouts, blanched
Alternatively, the following vegetables can be used : spinach,
cassava leaves, papaya leaves, velvetleaf ("genjer")
Red and white crackers
Blend chilies, garlic,
shallots, shrimp paste or soya and turmeric using electric
blender or pound using mortar and pestle till very fine
Mix water, tamarind pulp and
palm sugar or honey in a bowl. Stir till shaved sugar melt.
Break pulp with spoon or fingers till no lumps. Strain the
liquid and remove excess tamarind peel, seed, etc
Heat cooking oil over high
heat on a wok till smokey. Stir fry the chili paste and kaffir
lime leaves for 5 minutes. till slightly brown
Add sugar mixture to the
wok and cook till it boils
Add shredded coconut and
mix well. Lower heat and cook till the liquid dries up,
continually stirring, for 10 minutes
Remove kaffir lime leaves
and keep the coconut in dry container
Mix a portion of all
vegetables in a bowl, add 1/4 cup coconut and mix well with a
fork and spoon. Serve with sliced cucumber, boiled eggs and
steamed rice
For 2 cups of vegetables, 1/4 cup of coconut would be the ideal
Decrease the amount of chilies called for if less hot urap is
If freshly grated coconut is not available, use commercially
packed shredded coconut and add 1/4 cup coconut cream to every 1
cup shredded coconut. Use a variety of colorful
Fried Spicy Tofu or Tempe:
Just cut up tofu or tempe and carefully and slowly fry with onions
and garlic, until brown, stirring a lot. Add chili, teriyaki
sauce, soy sauce, or whatever spices you like to taste.
Fresh tomato sauce: Fry diced onions and garlic in coconut oil.
Add cubed fresh tomatoes and cook until thickened. Serve next
to the tofu or tempe.
Serve with Sam bal: Pound or blend up fresh chili, shallots,
and fresh cubed tomatoes. Serve with sliced cucumbers.
Eat only occasionally as soya products aren't what they used to be.
Buy ONLY organic - to ensure that they are not GMO (genetically
modified) Large companies have jumped on the health band wagon
and flooded the market with unhealthy soy products. Choose
organic tofu, tempe, soya sauce, etc. Serve these soybean
products with rice and mixed vegetables
Khmer Amok from Cambodia:
Brown tofu or tempe as above in onions and add 1/2 cup coconut cream
and some red Thai curry paste. Cook down the liquid to a
thick paste. Serve with rice and mixed vegetables.
Potatoes: substitute fried,
boiled, mashed, or potato patties for rice:
Rice is acidic and should be used only occasionally ( see chart on
alkaline foods to the left). Brown rice is better than white,
but requires longer cooking. Potatoes are vegetables and
alkaline. Potato patties: just grate potatoes and squeeze off
excess moisture. Mix in chopped onion and garlic, fry until
brown in a non- stick pan with little oil. Substitute coconut
cream for milk (or use the water used to boil the potatoes) in your
mashed potatoes - add chopped garlic, green onions or even Japanese
wasabi for zest. See above.
Sikkim Mountain potatoes:
Precook and cool large cubes of 6 potatoes. In a frying pan
that doesn't stick add a little oil and brown a large amount of
onions and garlic, while browning the potatoes until crispy.
Mix up 1 tablespoon of ketch up, 1/2 teas vinegar, 1 teas sweet
chili sauce, 1/2 teas soya sauce. Cut up 4 tomatoes in wedges
and add to the sauce. Add all to the browned frying potatoes
and cook only until the tomatoes are warm but firm. Sprinkle
with cut up green onions.
Laotian Tofu Delight:
Slice 3 large cloves of garlic over a 4 in cube of hard organic
tofu. Squeeze the juice of one lime over the top of both and
set aside for 5 min. Brown tofu & garlic in oil (on both
sides). Add 2 Tbs soy sauce and 1/4 cup of fresh sesame seeds.
Serve tofu cube on a leaf of lettuce, spoon sauce from pan over the
tofu. Garnish with cucumbers, cilantro, and tomatoes.
Everest Eggplant & Mashed
Potatoes, (with coconut cream, garlic and or wasabi):
Start same as above, brown eggplant (cut in 3 inch by 1 inch
rectangles) with onions, garlic and 1 Tbs. fresh slivered ginger and
one chopped chili. Add 1 cut up tomato and 1/2 cup water. 3
min before done add:
1 Tbs. soy sauce or teriyaki sauce, salt, 1/2 tsp. cider vinegar , 1
Tbs. ketchup. The last 2 minutes add wedges of 3-4 fresh
tomatoes and strips of 1 large red bell pepper. Steam greens
to serve on the side.
Serve with mashed potatoes. Dice then boil the potatoes, drain
reserving liquid. Add some liquid, some coconut milk and mash.
Flavor with sautéed garlic, salt, and 1/2 cup chopped green onions.
Throw in a little Japanese wasabi (hot horseradish) for a little
spice in your life.
Spaghetti or Italian pasta:
(we try to avoid white bread or pasta - eating it only one time a
week. There is now a good selection of whole grain or gluten
free pasta available)
Start same as above, sauté eggplant, add mushrooms and 1 chopped
fresh tomato. Add a little water and fresh basil or dried
Italian herbs to taste. Add one can of tomato paste near end
and simmer. Add tomato wedges and greens for last 2
minutes. Prepared sauces are full of beef by-products, cheese,
chemicals, MSG, etc. Making your own sauce is healthier,
lighter, and tastier. Add sun dried tomatoes and sliced olives for some zip.
Serve over well drained pasta.

Sautéed Eggplant 'Parmigiana'
with Fresh Tomato sauce:
Slowly sauté thick sliced eggplant in olive oil until brown.
You may roll in bread crumbs to coat if desired. Top with a dash of
soy parmigiana.
At the same time in another pan brown 1 chopped onion in olive oil
add several chopped tomatoes, fresh basil, sea salt,
cayenne, garlic. Cook down until thickened. Spoon over
sliced eggplant and serve with salad and brown rice or potatoes.
Balsamic Salad Dressing Recipe:
To make my salad
dressing, I start with equal parts of quality, organic oil and vinegar (keep in mind
that both olive oil and balsamic vinegar have a lot of imitators).
3/4 cup of flax seed oil
1/4 cup of coconut oil
1/2 cup of balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
6 tablespoons turmeric
1 table spoon basil
Two teaspoons unrefined sea
Two teaspoons fresh ground
Two tablespoons Dijon mustard
Do it all to taste if you want,
but stay heavy on the turmeric; it’s very good for you, and it’s the
most important ingredient to this recipe.
This salad dressing will have even the pickiest kids eating
vegetables. It’s very versatile. Use it as a dip, a marinade, or
whatever. It’s amazing. (Thanks to George
Zesty Pasta Salad:
Cut all the good, fresh salad ingredients you can think of into
small cubes: beets, carrots, cucumber, green onions, tomatoes, green
or red pepper, greens, 3 garlic cloves, etc. Add sprouts,
calamata olives, sundried tomatoes, cayenne and other spices to
flavor, 1 cup of cooked spiral pasta. Mix up a dressing of
organic olive oil and organic balsamic vinegar, 1 tbs vegan
mayonnaise, to pour over the salad before serving. Quick & easy.
Stove Top Pizza a la Zach:
(learned at a pizza party of Peace Corp volunteers in N. Uganda!)
Ingredients: 2 t dry yeast, 1 t salt, 2 cups grainy flour, 1 t
sugar,1 cup lukewarm water ,Spices to taste: Garlic, rosemary, chili
powder, white pepper...
"First, dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water with your sugar and
salt. After this mix into the other ingredients until you have a
dough consistency. I like to wait a few hours to let the dough rise,
but cooking it in a frying pan does not necessarily make this
necessary. After rising roll the dough out, throw some olive oil in
your NON Stick pan, toss in the dough, wait until golden brown on
the bottom, flip, reduce heat, cover, and let bake to taste (usually
only a few minutes)."
Sauce: sauté onions, garlic, tomato paste and 1 chopped tomato - add
basil, oregano, salt, chili.
Toppings: Fry in olive oil onions, garlic, small cut up
eggplant, peppers (capsicum), cut sun dried tomatoes, mushrooms cut
in three parts, 1 chopped tomato, 1 cup spinach chopped and spices
to taste: basil, oregano, pizza spices, salt, chili. (Throw
any of your favorite toppings in the mixture i.e. artichokes)
When the crust is brown flip it over. Cover with sauce.
Add sautéed toppings. Top with soy parmesan, fresh basil
leaves, tomatoes sliced thin. Cover for 3 minutes, then cook
until a bit crispy. Watch it doesn't burn. This, of
course, could be put in an oven, 400 degrees F. You can also
roll out unfrozen whole wheat bread dough and after rising bake
until slightly brown. The trick is to put the sautéed
vegetables on a cooked crust, then you can pile the topping on and
it cooks without burning. The final touch is sprinkling more
Italian spices, chopped fresh basil, chopped onions, sun dried
tomatoes, all covered with fresh sliced tomatoes. My mouth is
watering just writing this!
Awesome Homemade Pizza Crust to bake (or cook on the stove top in
the bush in Africa):
Pre heat oven to 400
Sift into bowl:
2 c unbleached organic flour
1/2 t sea salt
1/2 c whole wheat flour
stir in 1 pkg (1/4 oz) dry yeast
make a well in the middle and add in:
3T olive oil
1 c lukewarm water
Mix until a soft dough forms - knead gently for 5 minutes
Roll out onto lightly greased cookie sheet, allow to rest for 10 min
Bake for 5-7 min
Remove from oven and add prepared sautéed ingredients above
Bake a further 15 minutes until golden
Mouth Watering Portabella
Mushroom Sandwiches
Quick, easy, yummy
Slice Portabella mushrooms (or other mushrooms you prefer) and
marinate in 1 T soy sauce, 1 t balsamic vinegar, 1/4 t basil, chili,
white pepper, and other spices to taste
Sautee in 1 T olive oil, Also sauté 1-2 sliced onions
separately . Add chopped spinach over cooking onions to wilt
Toast the bun (Italian focaccia or other hard buns work the best)
add mushrooms, onions, spinach, chopped green onions, sundried
tomatoes, or anything else that sounds good to you.
Serve with potatoes of your choice and green salad. Delicious.
It's the steak sandwich without the steak. Just as tasty and
so much healthier.
Brown onions and garlic. Add 1 cup water, 2oz tomato paste, 1
Tbs soy sauce, chili powder to taste, salt, vegetable bouillon, 1
cup kidney beans, 1/4 cup cut green beans, 1/2 c. chopped celery and
leaves and 1 can whole mushrooms cut in half, 1 can whole tomatoes.
The last 3 minutes add 2 cups chopped spinach or greens, 3 tomatoes
cut in wedges, 1 chopped green pepper and 1-2 cups cooked spiral
BBQ'd Vegetable Shish Kebabs:
Marinade vegetables in sauce made of olive oil, spices, chili, 1
Tbs. tomato sauce or ketchup, soy sauce (organic, fermented), grated
ginger. Choose firm vegetables so they will stay on the bamboo
skewer while roasting over the fire, such as chunks of eggplant,
onion, tomato, peppers, mushrooms. Cook slowly over coals
while basting with the marinade. Serve with rice and corn on
the cob roasted over the fire. You can BBQ with any of your
friends at the beach. The biggest problem is that they want to
eat your veggies with their meat or fish!
Pan roasted Mediterranean Vegetables:
Start same as above; slowly roasting or pan frying eggplant strips,
onions, red bell pepper strips and mushrooms; in garlic, chili and
olive oil. When roasted add fresh or dried Italian
spices. Fresh chopped basil is the best. Put vegetables
between sliced fresh bread and grill. (or serve with rice or

Vegetarian Chili:
Start same as above; add chopped eggplant, celery, mushrooms, and a
large can of kidney beans. Add chili powder to taste, 5-6
chopped tomatoes and maybe some TVP, texturized vegetable
protein made of organic soya. In Indonesia add crumbled tempe.
Cook until done and as usual add greens and tomato wedges the last 2
minutes. When traveling in Africa we just buy beans from the
local little cafe as it takes them 3 hours to cook over the fire.
GreekVegan Moussaka:
Mashed potatoes replace cream sauce and ground lentils
replace lamb in a casserole that serves a crowd. Real Greek Moussaka
takes 3 hours to make, so don't expect anything "greek" to take less
time than that. This recipe is good to use up last night's mashed
potatoes (just so they aren't watery).
5 large russet potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks (3 ½ lb.)
¼ cup plus 2 Tbs. olive oil, divided
1 large onion, chopped (1 ½ cups)
2 15-oz. cans chopped tomatoes (drained)
2 medium eggplants, sliced
3 tomatoes, thinly sliced
1. Cook potatoes and garlic in boiling salted water
10 minutes, or until soft. Drain, and reserve
liquid. Mash with 1 t. olive oil and 1/4 cooking
cooking liquid. Season with salt and pepper.
Heat 2 Tbs. olive oil in saucepan over medium heat.
Add onion and oregano, and sauté 5 minutes. Add
tomatoes, lentils, bay leaf, cinnamon stick, and 3
cups potato cooking liquid. Cover, reduce heat to
medium-low, and simmer 45 minutes, or until lentils
are tender .Drain if excess liquid. Remove bay leaf
and cinnamon, and purée lentils in food processor
until chunky. Season with salt and pepper.
Make sure mixture is thick.
3. Place eggplant slices on paper-towel-lined
baking sheet, and sprinkle with salt. Let stand 30
minutes. Rinse, and pat dry. Sautee until tender and
drain. Also sautee zuchinni.
4. Preheat oven to 350˚F. Coat deep 13- x 9-inch
baking dish with oil. Spoon 1 1/2 cups lentil
mixture into bottom. Top with eggplant, followed by
zucchini and tomatoes. Spoon 2 cups lentil mixture
over top. Spread half of potatoes over lentil
mixture. Top with remaining eggplant, and lentil
mixture. Spread remaining potatoes over top, making
sure to cover completely. Bake 1 1/2 hours, or until
top is browned. (Thanks: 'Vegetarian Times'.)
Middle East and
North African:
African or Middle Eastern
spiced mixed vegetable stew:
Start as above, choosing a variety of fresh vegetables that catch
your eye. Try different combinations. Add ethnic spices,
lentils, and chili to flavor.
Egyptian Platter:
Buy pitas bread, humus & falafel mix at your nearest health food
store. Mix falafels and fry patties slowly until crispy.
Drain and set aside.
Heat the pita bread in the oven.
Caramelize 2 onions. Slowly fry thin slices in oil until
golden brown. Drain in paper and set aside.
Cut 4 eggplants in wedges. Fry one cut up onion and 3 cloves
diced garlic in oil. Add eggplant, salt, and chili to taste
until tender. Add 2 diced tomatoes at end, fry until browned.
Make a platter with fresh tomato slices, lettuce, cucumbers, and
diced onions & caramelized onions. Put humus, falafels, and
eggplant in bowls. Serve with warmed pita bread.
makes 20 balls
Smash & mix in a large bowl
- 1 400gr
can chickpeas.
- 1/2
large onion, roughly chopped (about 1 cup)
- 2
tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley
- 2
tablespoons finely chopped fresh cilantro
- 1
teaspoon salt
- 1/2-1
teaspoon dried hot red pepper
- 4 cloves
of garlic crushed
- 1
teaspoon cumin
Sprinkle 1 teaspoon baking powder over mixture
& add 4-6 tablespoons flour and/or a little bulgur until the
dough forms a small ball & doesn't stick to your hands.
Chill for minimum one hour.
You can substitute 1T. ground flax seed mixed with 3 T liquid
to thicken like adding an egg instead of the flour. Stir until
- Coconut
or olive oil for frying - add more flour if they fall apart when
cooking. Brown in shallow oil, turning carefully so they
don't break apart. Drain on paper. Put in pita bread
and add the following:
- Chopped
tomato/cucumber/onions/salad (not overseas) for garnish
- Tahini
(ground sesame sauce thinned with water), hummus (see below)
salad and pita bread
Note: Egyptians omit the
cilantro and substitute fava beans for the chickpeas.
Blend together until desired consistency:
- 1 (15
ounce) can garbanzo beans, drained, liquid reserved
- 3 cloves
garlic, crushed
- 1
teaspoons ground cumin
- 1/2
teaspoon salt
- 1 teas.
- 1
tablespoon olive oil
- juice
from 1 lemon (or more to taste)
Prepare falafels as above. Warm a pita bread, add falafels, hummus,
thin garlic sauce, chopped tomatoes, onions, lettuce. Or substitute
a hard roll for the pitas and make a falafel burger. Add fried
Lebanese Garlic Sauce
I lined pita shells with this sauce and loaded them up with chicken,
lettuce, tomato and roasted peppers and onions. Just make sure you
aren't coming face to face with anyone for the next month or so...
WHEW! Garlic!"
3 small russet potatoes
1 head garlic ( 12-14 cloves. It's a LOT. Be afraid.)
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
1/2 tablespoon salt
1/2 cup olive oil
Peel the potatoes and boil in water until soft. Mash and let
Crush and peel a whole head of garlic. Cut into quarters. Place
raw garlic in a heavy duty blender with the salt and lemon
juice. Pour a light layer of oil onto garlic. Puree the garlic,
salt lemon juice on high and begin pouring a slow steady stream
of the rest of the oil through the blender's handle hole until
everything has mixed.
At this point, you'll have extreme garlickiness (new word),
which some people like, but for "texturizing", you'll need the
Add the mashed potatoes, about 2-3 tablespoons at a time and
mix. Continue adding/blending potato until the sauce is mixed
well and the consistency that you want.
Transfer to a bowl and allow to chill completely in the
fridge. After about an hour, the flavors will blend together
Tunisian Cous
cous with Seven-Vegetable Stew:
Total:1 hr 5 min
Active:30 min
Yield: 4 to 6 servings
3 cloves
garlic, smashed
2 small
turnips, peeled and quartered
1 medium
yellow onion, quartered lengthwise, root end intact
1 large
carrot, peeled and cut into 2-inch chunks
1/2 fennel
bulb, thickly sliced lengthwise, root end intact
1/3 cup golden
1 tablespoon
peeled, chopped, fresh ginger
1 tablespoon
kosher salt
2 teaspoons
each ground cumin, paprika, and sugar
1 1/2
teaspoons ground turmeric
1/8 teaspoon
ground cloves
1 cinnamon
stick, snapped in half
2 cups water
1 pound
butternut squash
1 small
zucchini, cut into 2-inch rounds
1 (15
1/2-ounce) can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
4 sprigs fresh
flat-leaf parsley, tied together with kitchen string
1 cup canned
whole peeled tomatoes, with their juices
2 cups cold
1 tablespoon
unsalted butter
1 teaspoon
kosher salt
1 1/2 cups
uncooked couscous
1/2 cup sliced
almonds, toasted
(Tunisian hot sauce)
For the stew: Put the garlic, turnips, onion, carrot, fennel,
raisins, ginger, salt, cumin, paprika, sugar, turmeric, cloves, and
cinnamon in a large soup pot with a tight-fitting lid. Add 2 cups
water and bring to a boil over high heat; cover, reduce the heat,
and simmer until the vegetables are somewhat soft, about 10 minutes.
Halve and seed the butternut squash and cut it into wedges. Tie
parsley sprigs together with kitchen string. Add squash, zucchini,
chickpeas, and parsley sprigs to the pot. Using your fingers and
working over the pot, tear the tomatoes into big pieces and add them
to the pot with their juices. Simmer the stew, covered, until it is
slightly thick and fragrant, and the vegetables are fork tender but
not mushy, about 15 minutes. (You can test the vegetables a bit
sooner, remove them as soon as they are tender, and return them to
the pot when you are ready to serve. All the vegetables should be
tender enough to cut with the side of a fork, but still hold their
shapes.) Remove cinnamon sticks.
For the couscous: Bring water to a boil with the butter and salt
in a small saucepan. Stir in the couscous, pull the saucepan off the
heat, cover, and set aside until the water has been absorbed and the
couscous is plump, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and fluff
with a fork.
To serve, spread the couscous over a large serving platter and,
using a slotted spoon, mound the vegetables in the center. Pour some
of the broth over the vegetables and sprinkle with the almonds. Pass
the remaining broth and the harissa, if desired, at the table.
Fresh Jordanian lemon and mint drink:
Squeeze the juice from a
lemon. Put water and a little honey in a a blender. Add lemon juice and several stems of fresh
mint. Blend until frothy. Serve in a tall glass over ice.
Garnish with a few leaves of mint. Refreshing on a
hot summer day.
Marinated Bean Salad Ingredients:
minced onion
3 medium
cloves garlic, pressed
2 cups
fresh green beans cut into 1-inch lengths
2 cups or
1 15 oz can (BPA-free) lima beans, drained and rinsed
2 cups or
1 15 oz can (BPA-free) kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1 large
ripe fresh tomato, chopped
chopped fresh basil (or 2 tsp dried basil)
chopped fresh oregano (or 1 tsp dried oregano)
chopped fresh parsley (or 1 tsp dried parsley)
fresh lemon juice
2-3 TBS
extra virgin olive oil
salt and
cracked black pepper to taste
onion and press garlic and let sit for 5 minutes to bring
out its health-promoting benefits.
Fill the
bottom of a steamer with 2 inches of water.
steam is building up in steamer cut green beans.
Steam for
5 minutes. A fork should pierce them easily when they are
Drain and
rinse canned beans. Let beans sit in colander for another
couple of minutes to drain excess water.
Mix all
ingredients together. If you have the time, let it marinate
for at least 15 minutes. It can keep in the refrigerator for
a few days. Keep on hand for a quick meal.
Ethiopian Curried Lentils
Prep and Cook Time: prep time: 15 minutes; cooking time: 30
1 cup orange lentils, washed
4 cups + 1 TBS vegetable
1 medium
onion, chopped
3 medium cloves
garlic, chopped
2 medium
carrots, diced
into 1/4-inch pieces
2 medium
celery stalks,diced
into 1/4-inch pieces
2 cups finely
chopped kale
or swiss chard
2 tsp curry powder
1 15 oz can diced tomatoes (do not drain) or 4 chopped fresh
chopped fresh cilantro
salt and black pepper to taste
Rinse lentils in strainer and sort through, removing debris.
Chop onions and garlic and let sit for 5 minutes
Heat 1 TBS broth in medium soup pot.
Healthy Sauté
onion in broth over medium heat for 5 minutes stirring
frequently, until translucent.
Add garlic, carrots, and celery. Continue to sauté for
another couple of minutes. Add curry powder and mix to bring
out its flavor.
Add rinsed and drained lentils, 4 cups broth and tomatoes.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium low, and simmer
uncovered until lentils and vegetables are tender, about 5
minutes. Add kale and simmer for another 5 minutes. Add
cilantro and season with salt and pepper to taste.
Serves 4 You could always skip the curry powder and just add
Braggs liquid aminos, sea salt and a little cayenne to taste –
enjoying just the flavor of the lentils
You can substitute boiled garbanzo beans or chickpeas in the
above recipe. A traditional Ethiopian dish, served on a
big flat spongy pancake or 'injera', could have fresh chopped
onions and tomatoes, chickpeas or lentils (attar), potatoes and
carrots (diniche) chopped cooked spinach, cooked beets, cabbage
and onions and carrots fried, and sauces of shiro (spicy red
sauce from chickpea flour) misiir and goman in the center.
Tasty! A plate of these great fasting food delights is
also sometimes served with a crusty roll, but if you are
Ethiopian it is injera breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
Ethiopian Lemon Lentil Salad:
1 cup orange or brown lentils, washed
4 cups + 1 TBS vegetable
1 medium
onion, chopped
3 medium cloves
garlic, chopped
2 medium
celery stalks,diced
into 1/4-inch pieces
1/2 cups finely
chopped kale
or swiss chard
salt and black pepper to taste
1 cup
fresh lemon juice
chopped fresh cilantro 1/2 chopped green onions
Sautee onions, garlic, celery, add broth and cook lentils
until done. Add kale the last couple of minutes. Cool
lentils. Stir in lemon juice, cilantro and green onions.
Great flavor.
Simple Ethiopian Spaghetti Sauce:
Brown an onion and garlic in olive oil (rather than cheap
vegetable oil)
Boil water and throw in 6 fresh tomatoes.
Remove the skins and chop them into a fine puree. Add to cooked
onions and sauté. Add chili powder to taste. Put on
top of cooked pasta. The best thing the 5 year occupation
of Ethiopia by the Italians accomplished. They also make
yummy vegetarian pizza.
Red Sea
Eggplant and potatoes:
Sauté chopped onions and garlic in oil. Blend 4-5 tomatoes in
a blender. Add to pan. Add a pinch of cummin and kuzbara
(coriander) salt and chili. Chop 4-5 potatoes in cubes.
Cook until tender. Put aside.
Sautee 2 large
eggplants in oil until soft. Drain on paper towel and put
aside. Sauté chopped onions and garlic in oil. Add 3-4
chopped tomatoes, 1 large chopped green pepper. Cook until
soft. Mash the eggplant and add to the sauce. Heat and serve
on a plate with potatoes. Make an Arabic salad with chopped
(in small cubes)
tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers and onions. Drizzle with lemon
juice, salt, cayenne. Serve with
fresh olives.
double crust pizza:
We even had a
magnificent pizza pie, 2 golden crusts filled with all the tasty
ingredients. Two crusts were rolled out and placed one on top of
the other. The outer edges were pinched to form a thick edge. the
top crust was cut in 8 pieces and opened up like a sun. Thick paste
and fixing were added and the individual sections were folded back
in a decorative design. Olives were pressed into the now sealed
crust and the whole pie was baked until golden.
I can
garbanzo beans drained
1 avocado
1 t. olive oil
juice of 1 lemon or lime
salt & pepper
Perfect dip with carrot or celery sticks or as a topping for
Moroccan flat bread or lavosh. Spread on toasted bread (maybe
gluten free)
Add sliced tomatoes, lettuce or spinach,
alfalfa sprouts on top.
Moroccan Eggplant with Garbanzo
1 large onion, cut in half and
sliced thin
5 medium cloves garlic, pressed
1 medium red bell pepper, cut in
1-inch squares
1 medium eggplant, cut into
1-inch pieces
pinch of red pepper flakes
2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp garam masala
2 cups or 1 15 oz can garbanzo
beans (BPA Free)
1 15 oz can lentils, drained
1/2 cup tomato sauce
1-1/4 cups + 1 TBS vegetable
1/2 cup raisins (optional)
1 TBS chopped fresh cilantro
salt and black pepper to taste
Slice onion and press garlic and
let sit for at least 5 minutes to bring out their
health-promoting benefits.
Heat 1 TBS broth in a 10-12 inch
skillet. Healthy Sauté onion in broth over medium heat for 5
minutes, stirring frequently. Add garlic, red bell pepper,
eggplant, garam masala, and turmeric. Stir to mix well for a
minute, and add broth and tomato sauce. Stir again to mix,
cover, and cook over medium low heat for 15 minutes, stirring
occasionally, or until peppers and eggplant are tender.
Add garbanzo beans, lentils, red
chili flakes, and raisins. Simmer for another 5 minutes. Season
with salt and pepper. Top with chopped cilantro.
Serves 4
African Food:
"Obama Stew": (learned over the
fire on safari)
Make a tasty vegetable curry as above, (must have egg plant, green
peas, slivered carrots and fresh tomatoes) minus the coconut milk or
potatoes. In addition to curry powder add 1/8 t. cloves, 1/8
t. cinnamon, 4 cardamom, and fresh chopped chili for some zest.
Stir in 1/4 cup chopped cilantro at the end. Serve over plain
rice or with boiled potatoes.
Boil potatoes with 1 cup of fresh green peas (sold hard, shelled in
the markets). The last 5 minutes add 2 cups of cut up Swiss
chard. Mash together. Add salt and white pepper to
taste. You can also add grains, sweet potatoes, cassava,
cooking bananas, corn kernels, whatever and mash it in. Mokimo
is usually quite dry and needs to be served with vegetables in
sauce. In Africa this is made with green plantains instead of
potatoes, a staple here.

Boil 2 cups of cleaned, dried green mung beans until soft. In
a pan sautee
garlic &onions, when brown add 3 chopped tomatoes, salt and white
pepper. Mix in with the drained mung beans. Serve with
Silcha -Steamed Spinach:
Sautee onions and garlic, steam the greens and mix, along salt and
white pepper to taste.
Sautéed Mixed vegetables:
In a small restaurant it would be mainly fried cabbage, carrots, and
onions but we add a variety of vegetables to spice up the meal.
Add mild curry powder or chili to taste.
Boil red beans until soft. Retain some liquid and add sautéed
onions and garlic, salt and white pepper, chili, and 2 Tablespoons
of tomato paste. Mix and serve with the above 4 items. Serve
over steamed rice.
Zanzibar Curry:
Mix regular curry powder, 1/2 t. cumin, 1/2 t. cinnamon, 1/2 t.
tumeric, salt, 1/2 t. white pepper, and 1 cup tomato sauce over
sautéed onions and garlic. Add 1/2 cup coconut cream and mixed
chopped vegetables. Cook until veggies still crispy Serve with
chapati and rice pilau.
Spicy Rice pilau:
Sautee onions, garlic, add greens, cilantro, finely chopped carrots,
beans, etc. in coconut oil Add sea salt, one finely chopped
chili or white pepper, 4 pieces cinnamon bark and 6 whole cardamom.
Add cooked cold rice and cubes of 2 cooked potatoes and fry.
Sprinkle with cilantro leaves.
Spicy Red Beans in sauce:
Boil beans of your choice until soft. Drain and reserve water.
In a fry pan fry 1 large cubed onion, 3 diced cloves garlic with 2
diced tomatoes in 2 Tbs oil. When brown add salt, chili, 1/2
tsp curry, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 Tbs tomato paste to taste.
Slowly add 1/2 cup of cooking water just until thick gravy.
Add beans and serve.
Fried Cabbage & Onions:
Sliver 1/2 cabbage, 1 carrot, 2 onions. Fry onions and 3
cloves diced garlic in 1 Tbs coconut oil, add cabbage and carrots
and cook slowly until brown and tasty. Add salt, 1/4 teas mild
curry powder (if desired - although the flavor is nice without it.)
and 1 t. soy sauce. Serve with above dishes.
Zanzibar Spice Chai:
To 1 quart water add 1 teas ginger powder, 1 teas cinnamon, 1/4 teas
nutmeg, 5 whole cloves, 4 whole cardamom, 1 teas grated zest of
orange or orange rind. Boil for 5 min and strain. Add 1
can coconut cream and serve with lite cookies for a treat. Serves 4.
Ugandan Vegetables in Groundnut
(Peanut) Sauce:
Make the vegetable curry listed above. At the end add 1-4
Tablespoons of peanut butter without sugar to taste, to make a
creamy sauce. They also add half & half ground nut (peanut)
butter and tahini/sesame (sim sim) to greens. Serve with
boiled or baked sweet or Irish potatoes

South African Brie or B.B.Q.:
Potjieke: Brown onions and garlic in oil in the bottom of a
heavy cast iron pot with a tight lid. Add carrots, squash,
potatoes plus a can of tomatoes, tomato paste & kidney beans.
Add spices to taste. Cook slowly over a fire while enjoying
the conversation. The last 5 minutes add cut up greens and
tomato wedges.
Shish Kebabs:
We learned quickly that a S. African brie consists of mainly meat.
We bought a package of bamboo skewers and layered on small onions,
garlic, green pepper chunks, mushrooms and tomatoes. Marinate
with oil and sauce if possible. Cook slowly, carefully so they
don't drop into the coals. Great with a potato wrapped in foil
in the fire or corn cooked in the husks over coals.
Jamaican Vegetarian Rasta Food:
Jerk Tofu:
Fry tofu in oil until crispy and brown. Add fried onions,
garlic and sprinkle with jerk spice mix. (A special Jamaican mix of
spices used to rub on meat before smoking over the fire).
Rasta Chunks:
Fry TVP organic soy chunks in a tiny bit of oil with onions, garlic,
cubed carrots, small cut green beans. Add coconut cream and
cook down until thickened. Add salt, pepper, cayenne, a dash
of jerk spice.
Boil ripe ackee for 10 minutes until softened. Always make
sure the ackee doesn't get too soft as it falls apart. Fry
onions and thin sliced fresh red and green peppers - add ackee and
spices and sauté for only 2 minutes. (Ackee is gathered when
it drops from the tree and splits open. Tastes a bit like
chunks of vegan scrambled eggs.)
Mixed Curry:
Make a mixed vegetable curry (see above) but using a light curry
seasoning mix. (standard curry such as Magi) Add red beans for
a change.
Boil yellow yams, purple sweet potatoes and green bananas. Add a
spoonful of each of the above. Add a fresh salad made of
shredded carrots & beets, and topped with sliced onions & tomatoes.
Add Bob Marley's reggae music, dress in yellow, green and red, and
enjoy. Ya Mon!
C*ban Yellow Squash in Coconut Cream:
Fry onions and garlic in coconut oil. Add spices and small cubes of
yellow squash. Brown squash then add a can of coconut cream
and cook until the squash is soft adding a cup of cut up greens the
last 2 minutes.
Cook red or
black beans with onions, a spoon of tomato paste and spices to
taste. A pressure cooker only takes 30 min or almost 2 hours
by regular boiling. Mix with rice at the end.
C*ban Vegan
Bean Soup:
Brown onions and garlic in the bottom of a pressure cooker.
Add 2 tbs tomato paste, salt, soy sauce, chili and red or black
beans in water (less for a thicker soup). Cook until almost
soft then add cubed potatoes, yams, carrots, cut green beans and
Central, South and
North America:
Mexican Taco Salad:
On a plate place in order:
Mashed hot refried beans with fried onions and chopped fresh garlic
and a little chili powder, (lettuce if available, never overseas,)
sprouts, chopped peeled cucumber, mashed avocado guacamole (cubed
red onions, chopped tomatoes, fresh lime juice, fresh cilantro) top
with peeled, cubed fresh red tomatoes and chopped cilantro and green
onions. Ring the plate with organic corn chips.
Cook rice until sticky. Form into balls.
Fill with spiced fried onions, garlic and vegetables.
Flatten and fry in a little oil until brown. Serve
with salad and beans.
Another variety from Peru: Cook
mashed potatoes until just right (not too stiff - not too runny.
Form into a ball or patty. Open up the side and insert sautéed
onions and an olive. Close up. Gently fry in coconut oil until
brown all over. Serve with coleslaw and a slice of tomato.
Coconut beans and rice:
Cook red beans, with light salt and pepper, for several hours and
set aside. Grate coconut or cook rice in coconut milk.
Add beans and mix. Beans and rice are the staple diet for
Central and South America. Rice and beans are served
separately at dinner, then mixed and served with eggs or homemade
cheese for breakfast. One easy meal for Mom to prepare.
Pupusas - El Salvador:
Pupusas are a traditional dish from El Salvador.
Pupusas are corn tortillas with a filling - usually cheese (pupusas
de queso) and beans. Pupuasas are cooked on a griddle,
and served with a pickled cabbage slaw called
curtido and thin tomato sauce (salsa roja).
Prep Time:
30 minutes
Cook Time:
15 minutes
Time: 45 minutes
About 6 pupusas.
3 cups masa harina (corn flour for making tortillas)
1 1/2 cups warm water
1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)
1/2 cup refried beans (optional)
• chopped grilled onions
any type of DRY sautéed vegetables to add
In a large bowl, mix the masa harina with the water and salt,
stirring well. Add more water if necessary to obtain a soft dough
that does not crack around the edges when flattened.
Let the dough rest, covered with plastic wrap, for about 15 minutes.
If using the refried beans, place them in a blender or cuisinart and
process until smooth and a thick paste.
Divide dough into about 6 pieces.
Form a ball of dough, then make an indentation in the ball. Place
filling of choice in the indentation, and carefully wrap dough
around the filling to seal. Flatten ball into a disk, about 1/4 inch
thick, being careful to keep filling from leaking out of the edges.
(this takes a little practice).
Wipe a very small amount of oil onto the surface of a heavy skillet
(cast iron works well). Heat the skillet over medium heat, and place
the pupusas in the skillet. Allow to brown on each side, like a
tortilla, flipping as necessary. Remove from heat and serve warm
with pickled vegetables, salsa, guacamole and salad.
Potato taquitos- Guatemala
Fill a tortilla with thick mashed potatoes mixed with fried chopped
onions. Roll up and flatten a bit. Brown both sides in a
little oil -Not deep fry. Serve hot on a plate with salad,
guacamole, chopped tomatoes and onions, jalapeños, beans salsa.
Or make up any veggie filling with ('dry' vegetables) you want first
sautéing chopped onions, mushrooms, green peppers, throw in a
jalepeno, cilantro and spice to taste. Add to corn tortilla
and roll up. Brown quickly and serve or put on a baking sheet
and bake for 20 minutes until crispy.
Smash avocados in a bowl
Add raw chopped onions, salt, chile, chopped fresh cilantro
Squeeze a full lime in the bowl - mix
Add chopped fresh tomatoes and mix
Cheater's Guacamole:
2 avocados
1/2 cup salsa
Lentils Menestras - Ecuador:
Boil one pound of lentils until almost soft.
In a separate pan brown brown one large onion and garlic.
Add a few greens, 1 chopped tomato,
salt, pepper and chili to taste.
Drain the lentils with a tiny bit of liquid remaining, add
to the pan of onions and cook for a couple of minutes.
Serve with mashed potatoes, vegetables and salad.
Great leftovers and lots of protein. A life saver for vegans
in the local market stalls.
Papas Relonandos: Peru
Take left over dry mashed potatoes - form into an oblong ball.
Open one side. Fill with caramelized onions and a green olive
or two. Close up. Sautee in oil until brown.
Arepas: Venezuela
Corn or maiz flour, water and salt. Mix in a ball, flatten out
to about 3/4 inch thick with oil on your hands, about 4 inches wide.
Fry until lightly browned in oil in a frying pan. Let cool.
Cut in half. Fill with whatever you want. We would
recommend beans, salad, sautéed eggplant, etc. Locals fill it
with chicken salad, meat or plastic ham or cheese. Served with
green plantain cut in 1 inch sections and deep fried.
Oven Baked
Be Creative. Sometimes, when it is cool outdoors, I long for a
meal slowly baked in an oven. Make up a lightly oiled baking
dish of golden yams, orange winter squash, purple sweet potatoes,
potatoes, onions cut in half, whole large garlic cloves, etc.
Sprinkle with sea salt, white pepper, chili or any spices you want.
Serve with steamed corn on the cob and salad. Spread a dab of the
new, great tasting organic soy butters (Earth Balance is the best)
available in your health food store. You will find that if you
buy organic vegetables they don't need to be hidden by butter.
They taste great just lightly cooked.
Follow directions on the noodle package. Substitute spiced
crumbled tofu and spinach for cottage cheese. Use a heavy flavorful
sauce and lots of onions, garlic and sautéed vegetables such as
eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes in the layers.
Bake slowly, then brown the top noodles that have been covered with
sauce and sprinkled with soy parmesan cheese substitute - one of the
only soy cheeses that tastes real, under the broiler. Let sit
for 5 minutes before cutting. My mouth is watering just
writing this.

Baked Eggplant:
Rather than pasta, slowly bake/grill eggplants cut in half
lengthwise. Top with flavorful, heavy sauce and vegetables and
enjoy. Add sun dried tomatoes to the sauce for a richer
flavor. Top with soy parmigiana. Serve with salad.
Baked vegetables:
Spread olive or coconut oil in the bottom of a baking dish.
Wash and cut carrots, onions, squash, potatoes, yams. Rub each
piece with a tiny bit of oil and sprinkle with sea salt and a dash
of cayenne. Bake until golden brown. Serve with corn,
salad and pan fried eggplant with tomato sauce.
Vegetable pies or Greek
Spanikopita (Spinach pie) :
Make up a vegan dough following a recipe. Make the filling:
either thick, tasty vegetable stew or spinach, crumbled tofu,
onions. Make pockets, crimp. and bake; or fill a pie tin with
the mixture and roll out a crust for on top and/or bottom.
Bake until golden.
Gami’s Wheat Graham Bread, Best
in the World
'Gami Bread' is a legend. The richest, moistest dark bread recipe
you will ever find. Easy to make:
2 pkgs rapid
l-l/2 c. warm water
2 c. scalded soy milk or any vegan milk substitute.
(cool until still warm but not too hot to kill the yeast)
1/3 C. shortening, such as soy butter
l/2 c. raw brown sugar
l/4 c. natural molasses
2 T. sea salt
3 c. graham or whole wheat flour
1 cup cracked wheat hearts
4-l/2 c. unbleached flour
You may substitute (deleting equal amount of flour) another ¼ to ½
cup of seeds
Soften yeast in warm water. Heat soy milk. Combine soy milk,
shortening, sugar and salt. Cool.
Add softened yeast, graham flour and beat well. add unbleached
flour. Knead until well mixed.
Let rise until double then shape into loaves and bake after dough
rises in pans.
Makes 3 or 4 loaves. Bake 375 degrees 40 to 50 min until brown.
Tapioca cooked in coconut cream, topped with fresh mango:
Cook tapioca in water until thick. If you wish add a tiny bit
of honey to taste. Pour fresh or canned coconut cream over and
stir. Serve warm. Top with fresh cut mango or other
fruit of the season.
Berry pie:
Find a crispy vegan pie crust recipe or oatmeal crumble topping.
Roll the crust out between wax paper and line a pie plate.
Fill with apples, berries, strawberries and rhubarb, or any fruit.
Sweeten with a little honey if necessary. Bake until the smell
makes you take it out and have a piece piping hot.
Serve with hot custard made with coconut cream, thickened with agar
agar, cornstarch or tapioca flour.
Gami's Best Vegan Pie Crust:
1/12 cups unbleached flour
pinch salt
1/3 cup coconut oil
2-4 Tablespoons coconut milk
roll out on floured board or
between waxed paper
Vegan Fruit or Apple Crisp:
Lightly grease a baking dish. Peel and slice 6 apples into the
dish. Pour and mix through juice from 1 small lime or lemon
and the juice and seeds from 2 passion fruit. You could
combine any fruit such as mango, apples and blackberries,
strawberries and rhubarb, be creative. Don't add sugar (except
a little honey with the rhubarb).
In side dish mix 1 cup granola,
1 tbs Earth Balance organic soy margarine, 1 tbs whole wheat flour
and 1/2 t. honey if you want it sweeter. Smooth over the top
of the fruit and bake for 30 min. Simple and delicious.
Serve hot with coconut cream drizzled and fresh raspberries as a
Coconut cream sauce to pour
over desserts:
Mix 2 tsp organic corn starch with 1/4 cup water and 1/2 teaspoon
honey in a jar and shake. Bring one can of organic coconut
cream to a boil (minus 1/4 cup to add to Celestial Seasons Bengal
Spice tea with dessert).
Slowly stir in the water and cornstarch and stir constantly until
boiling. Adjust amount of cornstarch to vary the thickness of
the topping. Cover and serve warm poured over pies, etc.
Vegan Chocolate Mousse:.
To a package of organic vegan mousse from the health food store add
one package Silken tofu, cocoa powder and honey to taste into a
blender with a little bit of water. Whip and serve chilled
with shaved
dark chocolate.
Baking is easy now with all the
vegan egg/sugar replacements available at the health food stores.
Excellent recipes are available on the internet for vegan baking.
Best to start with one of those as converting recipes doesn't always
work until you get the hang of it. Boxes of egg replacements
last a long time or substitute 1 T. ground flax seed plus 3T water
for 1 egg in a recipe. Never use white sugar - it is a poison
to your body. Cut sugar amount in half. Substitute 1/2
the amount with honey or use agave or 1/4-1/2 t of stevia to replace
half of the required sugar. Substitute coconut oil or Earth
Balance Organic soya margarine. There are non-dairy chocolate
chips available.
Elda's Moist, Eggless Vegan
Chocolate Lover's Cake with Chocolate Sauce:
In a bowl mix 1 cup of coconut or olive oil
50ml or 1/5 cup white vinegar
2 t.vanilla
2 cups hot water
Sift together in another bowl:
3/4 cup cocoa powder
3 cups unbleached flour
1 cup sugar (substitute raw sugar, honey 1/4 cup, stevia or agave)
2.5 teaspoon baking powder
1 t. soda
1/2 t. salt
Mix together with a fork until wet. Bake in oiled 9x13 pan for
20 min at 350 degrees F. A shallow cake but moist and
delicious. Drizzle each piece of cake with chocolate topping
below or coconut cream topping above.
Chocolate topping:
1 cup sugar (substitute raw sugar, honey 1/4 cup, stevia or agave)
1 cup warm water
60 ml or 1/5 cup margarine
1/5 cup cocoa powder
Shake 50 ml or 1/4 c cold tap water in a bottle with 50ml or 1/4 cup
cornstarch. Add to mixture, stir until simmering.
Drizzle over each piece of cake before serving.
250 ml equals 1 cup
The World's Best Chocolate
Chunk Cookies:
(For when you have to have a rare fix!)
Preheat oven to 350 - lightly
grease 2 cookie sheets - bake 8-10 min
Combine in order until creamy:
1/2 cup Nature's Balance
Organic Soya Margarine
1/4 cup raw sugar or honey or stevia substitute (see above)
replacement for 1 large egg (see above)
1/2 t vanilla to taste
Sift on top of mixture:
3/4 c. organic unbleached or whole wheat flour (a little less if
adding a lot of goodies)
1/2 t sea salt
1/2 t baking powder
1/2 t baking soda
1/2 c rolled old fashioned oats
(if desired)
1/4 c dark raisins
1/4 c unsweetened coconut flakes
1/4 c pecans or walnuts
1/4 dried dark cherries
1 c dark chocolate chips or chunks
Be creative - Make a double batch and add different ingredients
Just make sure that your creamy mixture is wet enough for the dry
goodies you add. Let the warm cookies sit on the cookie sheet until
hard, then on a wire rack. That is if any are left!
Flaxseeds in place of eggs
in baked goods or falafels, etc.
To replace one egg:
1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds
3 tablespoons water (or other liquid)
Stir together until thick and gelatinous.
Keep the ground flaxseed in the freezer
to keep it fresh.
Surprise No Bake Watermelon Cake:
•Whipped cream, whipped topping or best Coconut Whipped cream (Paleo Version)
•1 Large Watermelon cut in a circle like a cake
1.Cut your watermelon in the shape of a double layer cake.
2.Pat the watermelon down with paper towel to dry it.
3.Frost it with whipped cream or coconut whipped cream
4.Add Almonds to the side
5.Decorate the top with fresh fruit of your choice. I like
raspberries and blueberries.
6. Enjoy immediately!!
Get Wild!
- Try new flavors -
There is no such thing as boring or 'same old' food! Go
The ancient Romans bartered
slaves for them. They enthralled Alexander the Great.
Cleopatra seduced Caesar with them. The Arabs risked their
lives trading them. Columbus discovered America while
searching for them. The Dutch and English empires fought
for India for them. And eventually the British conquered
and ruled India for almost 200 years, making a booming business
of them.
They were not gold, pearls,
diamonds, slaves or even land; they were spices that made India
the richest nation in the ancient world. Legend has it
that the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon in Jerusalem 1000BC
and gave him gifts of gold, gems and spices. The Romans
claimed that the streets of Rome were strewn with saffron,
celebrating Nero's entrance to the city. Spices have been
forefront in some of the greatest adventures in history.

Just strolling through the
markets here it is soon apparent that spices are still important
in India. (In Thailand fresh herbs define every dish
also). Mountains of fresh or dried spices line the stalls
everywhere. Ginger, garlic, pepper, red chili, caraway,
fennel, fenugreek, turmeric, mace, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and
even vanilla create a riot to our senses. Every Indian
kitchen wouldn't be caught without a fresh supply of these
'gems', and the flavors of globally sought after Indian cuisine
vary according to the region in India where they are grown.
Ayurvedic medicine encourages chili for good blood flow.
If you know someone having a stroke or heart attack have fresh
cayenne pepper on hand and immediately mix 1 Tablespoon in warm
water and have the person drink it. That simple thing
alone has saved hundreds of people in documented cases.
This simple spice also stops bleeding. Ginger prevents
dyspepsia (indigestion), garlic reduces cholesterol and
hypertension & pepper serves as an antihistamine.
Turmeric, the bright yellow powder, is considered the most
important spice in India, serving from a coloring (watch your
teeth), an antiseptic and reducer of joint pain inside & out, to
even a cosmetic. The day before a traditional Indian
wedding the bride and groom cover themselves in the yellow paste
to purify their bodies.
Today India is still the
leader in the global spice market. Approximately 2.75
million tons, valued at $4.2 billion U. S. is produced a year.
Used in every Indian kitchen, every day, I know as I have cooked
in scores of them, only nutmeg, cardamom and the ultimate,
saffron are used for special occasions and in moderation.
Saffron, produced only in Kashmir, prized for it's delicate
flavor, it requires the stigmata of 1500 crocus sativa
flowers to make one gram, hence it's exorbitant price ($1000 a
lb. Luckily only a few strands flavor a dish of saffron rice).
It used to be that every
Indian housewife would grow or purchase the spices, dry them,
and mix up their favorite combinations. Equally important
in a mixture are chili, black mustard seeds (rai), cumin
(jeera), turmeric (haldi), fenugreek (methi), ginger (adrak),
and garlic (lahsan). Now it is easier to simply buy
a premixed masala garam (hot mixture of 5 or more) in the market
or supermarket worldwide. Masala Chai is green tea with a
mixture of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, and
pepper. Try coconut milk and skip the sugar for a
sumptuous healthy finish to the vegetable curry you just
created. Never use the word boring or 'same old' to
describe your cooking again!
Bon apetit