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[DIR]! - The London Times, 1984 - 98 Million Africans Inoculated with AIDs Tainted Smallpox Vaccinations By the WHO/ -
[VID]Vaxxed; From Cover-Up to Catastrophe - Del Matthew Bigtree, Mark F. Blaxill, Michaela Blaxill 2016.mp4597M
[VID]Bill Gates Surprised by Eugenics Question.mp4 68M
[PDF]Aluminum in Vaccines 1 - Dept of Health & Human Services May 2000.pdf 20M
[PDF]Aluminum in Vaccines 2 - Dept of Health & Human Services May 2000.pdf 13M
[VID]Bill Gates - Our NEW World Climate Expert on TED Wants Depopulation Through Vaccines of 15 percent.mp48.3M
[VID]Bill Gates says Reduce Population 4 TIMES!.mp48.0M
[PDF]Mercury, Immunizations and the Global Vaccine Agenda - David Ayoub 2005.pdf3.4M
[PDF]The Poisoned Needle, Suppressed Facts About Vaccination - Eleanor McBean 1957.pdf1.4M
[PDF]Murder By Injection - Eustace Mullins 1988.pdf1.2M
[PDF]Homeopathic Alternatives to Vaccination - Keith Scott-Mumby.pdf322K
[DOC]Mercury in childhood vaccines - VALERI WILLIAMS.doc 51K
[PDF]Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary 2007.pdf 31K