Subversion:  ÔBeyond AuthorityÕ


A book by Common PurposeÕs Chief Executive, Mrs. Julia Middleton


ÒLeadership in a Changing WorldÓ Published by Palgrave Macmillan

In itÕs 163 pages, under a dark cover featuring a maze, Mrs. Middleton  outlines her brand of leadership training, which is sold by her ÒcharityÓ for millions, most of it our taxes, to over 30,000 people largely in the public sector.  

   Her leadership is Òone that can cope in unfamiliar territoryÓ, Òwhere leaders are taken beyond the closed doors of their own organisations.Ó Into, of course, Common Purpose meetings - behind closed doors. In CP terms, Òbeyond authorityÓ means to abuse the authority of your paid employment for control and private gain.  ÒBeyond authorityÓ is Mrs MiddletonÕs phrase for dissolving democracy, and sheÕs doing it on a vast scale.


ÔCharityÕ for the powerful

    We quickly learn that MiddletonÕs charity is very different from others. Middleton seems obsessed with power, wealth and money, be it with Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, UBS, Natwest, Lehman Brothers, The Young Foundation, Unilever, KPMG, The Financial Times, Imperial Tobacco, the chairman of the Law Society, Chief Constables, or a host of named elitist individuals. As Sir Derek Higgs, Chairman, Alliance and Leicester plc says on the rear cover Ð ÒJulia Middleton has a contacts list to die forÓ.

    In his Foreword, Sir David Bell, Chair of the Financial Times, attempts to explain Middleton and her works in terms of leaf people, forest people, alchemy, and magic. He praises Charles Darwin.

  The undertone is certainly humanist, and with an encroaching darkness, it directs people to undertake continual change, thus destroying the old, without specifying anything to change to.  Confusion and inactivity results. CP has used this well established Frankfurt School subversion technique on the NHS, which it has paralysed, and on the Conservative Party. 

   In the book itself the word ÔconspiracyÕ is used repeatedly to describe the process of Common Purpose networking, and the reader is even asked if the Ôdark artsÕ apply. There is no Christian charity in this book, and with its wealthy clients, CPÕs charity status should be revoked immediately.


Personal background

  Educated overseas in the USA and France, Middleton is an international educational product; she refers to time spent in Manhattan, she doesnÕt mention she shared  an elitist French school with the head of the United Nations, nor her time at the London School of Economics, the Industrial Society, or the Marxist, think-tank DEMOS.

     She admits to domestic disorder, her children seem to have been largely left alone, and she does not mention her husband Rupert Middleton, a Robert Maxwell man, once Group Director of Manufacturing for Trinity Mirror newspaper group.


Concealing the purpose

 Little of MiddletonÕs text is her own. Her book is comprised of a myriad of linked quotes from the wealthy, powerful, political elite on the subject of ÔleadershipÕ.  She is very impressed by Blair, Clinton, and German bankers.

   Whilst German bankers are great, the British are warlike, cold, and they are the worst at (human) feedback. She adds that the English are people who Ôlike to take canned food with themÕ to Europe. White males appear suspect.


Hatred of Britain

    Karl Marx, and the Chinese general and authority on the philosophy of warfare, Sun-Tzu, are quoted. She has been given sound advice by a former Chef de Cabinet of the European Commission. The book leaves you with the impression that Mrs Middleton is a communist with a hatred of all things British. That wouldnÕt matter if Common PurposeÕs inner sanctum didnÕt control £214 billion, or one quarter, of BritainÕs budget through the NHS and her 8,000 quangos.


Fifth Column

   Excited by the use of a Ôfifth columnÕ to drive forward change through the House of Lords, Mrs Middleton is keen to blur and break down boundaries between individuals, organisations, the public and private sectors, who then will need to Ôbreak out of their organisational silos,Õ to form partnerships and act. The language is reminiscent of a form of Gramscian soft fascism, where western democracies can be overturned by undermining traditional beliefs and values, and the slow secretive merging of the public and private sectors into a state controlled partnership.


Incitement to criminality  

   In reality operating outside authority for the police, and many others, means operating illegally and without accountability. This does not bother Middleton however, who urges Common Purpose leaders to create their own legitimacy. She quotes organisations as Stranger 1 and Stranger 2. But why are these strangers so shy? Are they financial contributors, do they have political agendas?

    If readers sense something sinister at work, I agree. Middleton does not really explain how, when she took over, she was able to raise £500,000 in a few months, and continue to receive huge donations from big business. She  does not tell the reader how her Advisory Boards in each City select members for the Common Purpose elite. We know about half are selected for the inner sanctum - those who can be compromised, those who can be bribed with big salaries in quango or non jobs, and those who will lie to conceal CP activities.    But she does give a hint as to how the chosen are classified Ð ÔSunsÕ (people of established power and influence), as ÔStarsÕ (those of rapid but unpredictable rise to power and influence), and as ÔMoonsÕ (those individuals of diminishing power). Those who will not help Common Purpose, or who challenge it, are called ÔBlack HolesÕ.

Fraudulent agenda

   The Ôblack holesÕ who oppose are to be dealt with. Techniques include shaming, embarrassing, harassing, wearing them down, ignoring and bulldozing. The picture of her selection techniques is not good, but it is actually much worse in practiceÐ neither is the reference to Òborrowing great East German phrasesÓ such as from Hans Reckers Board Member of Deutsche Bundesbank.  Phrases such as Ôuseful idiotsÕ and Ôexpert idiotsÕ.  You canÕt help comparing her views to those of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. 

    Mrs Middleton has risen to select people for senior posts in BritainÕs public sector. She says sheÕs independent - but is clearly working for the hand over of power to the EU, which was organised from the old Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, now Ruth KellyÕs department of the Communities. Common Purpose was originally set up in 1970 by the Conservative Party, the EUÕs primary instrument inside the UK


    Has this book inspired me? Most certainly Ð to warn all those I can to watch out for the Ôfifth columnÕ that is MiddletonÕs elitist Common Purpose.  A criminal organisation with a subversive, corrupt and deeply fraudulent agenda. If not stopped, you wonÕt be able to work in government without first joining Common Purpose,  the EUÕs Communist Party, and it is now close to controlling BritainÕs local government and our justice system.


Brian Gerrish. 07841 464 187