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Daryl Bradford Smith interviews
Charlotte Iserbyt
A former top bureaucrat in the Department of Education who complained about the detrimental changes being made to school curriculum. She wrote the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, which can be read here:
Instead of encouraging students to investigate issues, learn a useful skill, contribute to society, they are becoming androgynous adults with detrimental attitudes.

Is our school system lousy because of incompetence of school officials, or by design? Could there really be a conspiracy this big and horrific?

Click your right mouse button and select download.

Smith's rant, Mar 31, 2006   1.3 mb

Charlotte Iserbyt, Mar 31, 2006   7.2 mb

How can we expect to take care of our nation when we have a school system that is dampening curiosity and encouraging detrimental behavior?