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Daryl Bradford Smith
talks with Giovanni of
Giovanni worked with, but he has recently been wondering about their strange behavior.

Conspiracy Central does not allow people to post audio files from Daryl Bradford Smith on their site. Is it because Daryl Bradford Smith is a lying racist who is causing fights in the truth movement?

Or is it because Conspiracy Central is trying to suppress the truth?

How do you know who to trust?

Giovanni did what people around the world should be doing. Specifically, he decided to look into the issue rather than blindly accepting the explanation that he got from Conspiracy Central. He decided to talk with Smith and Hufschmid.

Click your right mouse button and select download.

Smith's rant, June 19, 2006   2.4 mb

Giovanni's questions, June 19, 2006   9.9 mb

Some of the issues discusses:
Have you seen our article about


Is Daryl Bradford Smith an anti-Semitic racist for accusing Jewish Zionists of being at the top of the criminal conspiracy behind 9/11 and other crimes? Or is he merely looking at the evidence and making a rather obvious conclusion?

Smith believes the evidence is overwhelming that Zionists are behind 9/11:


Is Hufschmid jealous that the Loose Change video is getting a lot of promotion?

Why is Hufschmid saying that we should investigate the people involved in loose change and the 9/11 movement?

Also, take a look at our timeline of 9/11, and notice that even the American Free Press newspaper abruptly decided to stop selling Hufschmid's book:

The evidence suggests the criminals are trying to get control of the 9-11 movement:

Some people at Conspiracy Central were trying to negate the effect of Benjamin Freedman by saying that his speech in 1961 was to a group of Nazis.

First of all, consider that the Nazis in America are actually controlled by Zionists:

Second, consider that we don't really know who he was speaking to.

Third, many people who expose corruption have given speeches to a wide variety of audiences. Does it matter if some people in the audience call themselves communists, Nazis, born-again Christians, atheists, Republicans, Democrats, or Jews for Jesus? When somebody exposes corruption, are they supposed to handpick the audience and ensure that only a certain type of people are present?

Listen to Benjamin Freedman's speech. It might help you understand why people are trying to discredit him: