September 12, 2001
Some have asked my take on yesterday's horrific events, knowing that I
started this series of communiques as a sort of post-graduate course in the
examination of mass conspiracies of a political flavor. It was a
little-kept secret that I am writing a book on that subject by
installments, posted to this list as I went along. The ultimate objective is
to reveal the hand of the forces that now guide this country and intend to
rule the world. Good luck getting it published, of course.
Lately, I have allowed these missives to be hijacked into a reporting of the
goings-on of my high-profile legal cases, which is fine since they are
of import and interest to far more people. And, my clients in
those cases are in reality victims of the very forces that I seek
to unmask, anyway. Eventually, those cases will wrap and I will get
back to constructing my Unified Conspiracy Theory. If it isn't too
late, that is.
But, I simply can't not say anything about this. I can't be silent while
so many morons, many in high government positions and the rest in media, drone
on about measured responses and tracking down the perpetrators and bringing
them to justice. I'm way too pissed off.
I'm mad as hell...that anybody would kill so many innocents
to make a political statement.
I'm mad as hell...that so many passengers meekly stood by while some
loonies with pocketknives, of all things, drove those jetliners into
I'm mad as hell...that so many being interviewed are calling
for a crackdown, requiring us all to give up more of our personal liberty to
gain a bit more security. David McCullough, author of the current
bestseller, "John Adams," particularly infuriated me with that
advice when he spoke up yesterday. I've come to expect it of our
government officials and the leftist media, but not of someone who has so
thoroughly studied and understood one of the true patriots of modern times.
I'm mad as hell...that Senor Bush and others in his government
promise to "track down" and "bring to justice" the
"cowardly perpetrators" of this cataclysm, as though it were some
second-rate burglary. To hell with justice. I want vengeance,
and I want it spades.
I've explained to my son that the only thing a bully understands is
force redoubled and applied directly to his nose. In my son's
presence, I have excoriated school officials for telling him to turn the
other cheek. I have pledged to support and protect him for responding
in kind to bullies. I will not let him down. Nor will I let my
country down for acting similarly.
The other day I sent Senor Bush an email, calling him a traitor
and demanding his resignation. Too bad he didn't do just
that, because I don't think Dick Cheney would be wimping out like this.
Of course, Clinton didn't resign when I asked it of him, either.
This was an act of war, done in the only way possible against
America today. Done by the only ones who can get away with it - with
an organization that transcends national borders. And they
were anything but cowards, Senor Bush.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Like it or not,
we are now at war. History may well record this as the seminal
event in the start of World War III.
Ok. So we agree? Kick butt. But whose?
Though I am tempted to take a shot at our having opened our
borders to the third world, while posting a "keep out" sign for
Europeans, as being a root cause, I doubt it was hungry Meskins at the
controls of that 767 when it plowed into the south tower.
Interestingly, none of the cell-phone callers referred to the apparent race or
nationality of the hijackers, giving rise to an inference that they looked
like most everyone else aboard - white, in other words.
How about the Ayrabs? The Democratic Front for the
Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) reportedly has claimed responsibility.
While originally based in Syria, the location of the DFLP's current headquarters is
unknown. It receives financial and military aid from Syria
and Libya. It operates in Syria, Lebanon, Israel and the occupied
territories, per the Israeli-based Interdisciplinary Center.
The DFLP claimed responsibility for an Aug. 25 attack against an Israeli
military post in the Gaza Strip that left three Israeli soldiers dead.
Until now, the DFLP has operated only within Israel, the West Bank and
the Gaza strip, with typically small-potatoes stuff. Originally
split from the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of
Palestine years ago, the DFLP recently reconciled with
both the PFLP and Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat.
Though I can't understand why the DFLP would want credit in the
first place, I confess to being unable to fathom the Islamic
mindset. Somehow, I just can't buy that the DFLP, or the Palestinian
Authority, or any of the Arabs, pulled off something like this.
Of course, if the passengers had reported that boys with rocks had hijacked
the planes, then I might get behind their story, but then, just who was at
the controls when the planes broke their programmed flight plan and
eventually banked into the towers? Obviously, not the original flight
Why on earth leave behind flight manuals in Arabic, as has been reported,
even if you are on a jihad? A little like the murderer flipping
his business card onto the corpse as he walks out the door.
Did China do it? Korea?
Patriot nuts? And the nuts are starting to climb out from
behind the shrubbery again. Someone sent me the following this
morning: "Happened on 9/11...First plane to hit was flight
11...11 crew members on the first plane...WTC resembled a big number
11." Yeah, right. Pass me the Maalox, please, because I've
been this way before. And I've lost track of the number of people who
have emailed me excerpts from Revelations 18.
Did our government do it? Seems awfully horrific, even for the
gang that couldn't shoot straight. There were reports yesterday
of secondary explosions just before the total collapse of each tower, but no
mention again by the media of such - shades of Oklahoma City, but no
reports of big, yellow Ryder trucks. Remember that, at a
minimum, the FBI and ATF knew of OKC in advance and, more likely, actively
participated in the bombing, just as they did in the 1993 attempt on the
World Trade Center. Don't forget what they did at Waco or Ruby Ridge,
either, or a number of other lesser-known acts of tyranny against America's
own. Our government has already demonstrated a taste for the
blood of its own citizens.
Did Israel do it? Remember the Liberty ship that they intentionally
tried to sink and blame on others? This has already fomented
hatred for Islamics in our country and could well force us to join Israel
at a time when public opinion was going in the opposite direction.
Immediately after the carnage yesterday, Israel publicly supported America
and called for a unified response against all things Arab.
The stock market has been in a controlled crash that the
Fed and the "plunge protection team" haven't been able
to stop. The economy is in extremis with
recession/depression, like a ship locked in a collision path with another
that it is too cumbersome to duck. There will be hell to pay
with all the defaults and bankruptcies coming. Gold has been
controlled for years and been showing signs of breaking out. COMEX,
the exchange where precious metals were traded, was located in the
World Trade Center. Social Security has become just another form of
welfare for too many of the undeserving and teeters on the brink of
A war right now would be very convenient on a number of counts and for
a number of interests, both within and without this country.
Likely, Osama Bin Laden had something to do with this, but does it
really matter? To the Arabs, America and Israel are the same. In a
very real sense, they are absolutely correct, of course. America is Jewish
controlled now, at all levels. America IS the Jews.
Without America, Israel would never have come to be and would, in any event,
have been snuffed out of existence long ago. Without America, Israel
would die a horrible death tomorrow.
Here is the Islamic credo: kill the infidel. To be a
nonbeliever is to be an infidel. It is a holy war to them, a jihad.
To them, it's them or us. Besides, we have been kicking them around
way too long to now be their pals.
We bombed Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Serbia. We invaded Iraq,
Grenada and Panama. Then we left their leaders in power, anyway.
We took sides in the Mideast; we are indisputably the world's bully - just
ask anybody except Israel and Britain. Recently, it was the US and
Israel, only, that dissented and walked out of a UN peace conference.
Much as I hate the UN, what does that tell you?
Like it or not, we and Israel have our futures bound together.
There is no changing that.
We have made ourselves into the most hated country in the world
- and for good reason. This tragedy yesterday didn't happen, as Senor
Bush said, because we are the shining land of liberty. We aren't, in
any event - we are the shining land of TV sets, beer and take-out
pizza. This happened because we have been the assholes of the world
for way too long, because we have been arrogant and because we have been wrong.
This happened because we have been taken over from within by people that see
that the only way to remain in power is to conquer the rest of the world -
one-worlders, that is - America writ large, but without the Bill of
We brought this on ourselves, truth be told. And, no, it wasn't lax
security or defensive capability. Nobody attacks Switzerland, you
might have noticed. We don't need an anti-missile defense for this
sort of thing. Metal detectors won't register plastic knives.
Body cavity searches at the boarding ramps will not disclose murderous
intent. And gun confiscation won't stop this, either, though that
was being noised around by some of the usual miscreants last night.
Indeed, had a passenger or two been armed, do you suppose those planes
would have reached their targets?
A broken CDROM can be as lethal as a pocket knife - even the most
casual traveler knows how many laptop computers come out once the planes
rise above 10,000 feet. Or a pen stabbed into the neck...remember
the assassin in Godfather II that used the temple of his
"unreachable" victim's glasses to stab him in the jugular?
Nope. There is no defense to this sort of warfare. None at
If you want to be loved more, be more lovable. That's the best
defense. But, we have to deal with the here and now, with what is,
not with what could have been.
There is only one possible response to the events of September 11:
in the teeth - anything less shows us up for the weak sisters that
we truly have become. We must wade in and take over a country or two.
Else we must nuke them, which will precipitate WWIII. Else, we roll over
and it continues. Say, Syria and Libya. Afghanistan, for good
measure. That's what we have to do now. Right now. Tonight.
But we won't.
We will roll over. It will continue. WWIII will happen
anyway. We will lose. So will everybody else. Lots of us
will die. No more TV. No more beer. No more takeout.
There is a way to fix things, though. It starts with cutting ties to
Israel and joining the world in condemning its behavior. That will
require that we first oust the entire "leadership" of our country
(you know, all those guys and bluehairs that dove for cover yesterday morning,
then came together and sang 'America the Beautiful' when it was obviously
safe for them to come out of hiding), right on down to the local level.
And telling 90% of all government workers to get a real job. We will
also have to wrest control of the media - all of it - from the interests that
now possess it. And completely change the banking system to
eliminate the Fed and its many travesties. These things will only happen
with a civil war, of course. I have trouble envisioning all of us
lemmings coming together to peacefully effect these changes. And a
vote? Yeah, right. You forgot about all those immigrants, didn't
you? And government workers. Mind you, I am not advocating the
overthrow of our government, just saying what it will take to avoid WWIII.
Eventually, though, these things will happen. And America will get
carved up into Balkan-sized countries, probably along racial lines of one sort
or another. I want my children to be in the one that erects the
U.S. Constitution as the law of the land, has so small a government that an
income tax is unnecessary and denies the vote to any citizen that
receives a government check for any reason. Long before that happens,
though, I and those who talk as I do will have been picked up by what
America is in the process of becoming and silenced...permanently.
Meanwhile, break out a cold one and let's see what's on the tube tonight.
"I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it
would be the truth."
- Morpheus
Copyright © Edgar J. Steele,
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