The Wicked Stepgovernment
by Edgar J.
March 7,
And let us reflect
that, having banished from our land that religious intolerance
under which mankind so
long bled and suffered, we have yet gained little if we
a political intolerance as despotic, as wicked, and capable of
as bitter and bloody persecutions.
- - Thomas
Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801
Much is
made these days of ours being a government of laws, rather than of men.
The difference is bound up in the concept that men are subject to
bias. At best, we tend to see the world as we would like it to be, not how it
really is. Often, our wishes are born of personal desire or, worse, avarice.
Being subject to law supposedly ensures that we are all treated equally. That's
the theory.
But, there's a problem with
theories. For example, in theory, Communism appears to be the greatest
socio-economic system around. In practice, need only look to the
shambles made of one of the greatest countries in the world during the last
century by Communism: Russia. Other examples abound: Cuba, for instance.
Academicians excuse examples of
Communism-as-failure by sniffing, "Well, they just didn't do it right." Do it
right, say the academics, and it will work just like the textbooks say. That's
why they are academics, of course. Those who can't do, and all that. They just
don't get the notion that if something requires laboratory conditions
to succeed, it will fail in the real world.
Murphy's law applies in the real
world but apparently not in the rarefied atmosphere of academe. It takes
a towering intellect to create a towering house of cards.
Communism does look pretty good on
paper. In practice and in small groups, communism even seems to work pretty
well. That's just what a family is, after all. From each according to their
ability and to each according to their needs.
Families depend upon their leaders
(parents) to be benevolent dictators, and there's the rub. Families without
benevolent dictators can be merely unpleasant; those with tyrants or criminals
in charge can be hell on earth. Stepchildren, in particular, know this.
Countries are no different. It's just a matter of scale. Look at what Stalin
That's why we strive to eliminate
the personal element from the way in which we are ruled - a government of laws,
in other words. And we go our merry way, supremely confident that we have done
all that we can to ensure truth, justice and the American Way. That's the
Reality, again, is something
Because we allow men to write those
Because we allow men to interpret
those laws.
Because we allow men to decide when
those laws will be enforced.
Because we allow men to decide where
those laws will be enforced.
Because we allow men to decide
against whom those laws will be enforced.
Because we allow men to sit in
judgment of other men accused of breaking those laws.
And, of course, we allow men to
carry out the judgments that are rendered.
The result can be every bit as
tyrannical as that suffered by Russians under Stalin's iron grip. Only it isn't
as widespread. It occurs sporadically in America today. Suffered by some
individuals in all places, such as the politically incorrect. Suffered by all
individuals in some places, such as those ruled by corrupt county or parish
bosses. Suffered by everybody everywhere, as with the general disarming of
Americans taking place today, while government at every level seems to be arming
everybody with any sort of uniform. Or with the total elimination of civil
liberties of any sort in certain places, like airports.
That's how someone like Lonny Rae, a
client of mine, can be sentenced to jail for a pure thought "crime," in a
harbinger of things to come to all of us, as a poorly-conceived statute is
capriciously applied and arbitrarily ruled men. Men who ignore the
First Amendment, as they do now the entirety of the Constitution under which
America was founded.
That's how Brian and Ruth
Christine, also clients of mine, can have their children taken away for specious
child neglect charges, because their kids were skinny like themselves and not
fat like the normal kid today. Because they fought back against a corrupt rogue
state agency - composed of men - they now face life in prison. Because laws
conceived by men are stretched to apply to a situation not considered by those
men...stretched by other men.
The average American refuses to
believe that it happens at all, of course. "We're a nation of laws, not of
men," they respond. "Truth will out." Sure. In your dreams. Maybe. Maybe
Lonny Rae and Brian and Ruth
Christine are casualties of the nation-of-laws myth, casualties that we
conveniently ignore by pretending that, somehow, we aren't told the whole
story. They must be the bad guys, else they wouldn't be in court. After all,
we are a nation of laws.
Get this: We are a nation of men,
just like every other nation before us and every other nation that ever
will follow.
Ours is a
nation of men using the nation-of-laws shibboleth as a mantra to keep its
citizenry in check. So long as our leaders are benevolent and have our best
interests at heart (or think they have, at least), things kind of stumble along
ok. That's why we allow John Ashcroft to tighten the screws of justice as he
has, of late. That's why we allow a travesty like the appallingly-named Patriot
Act to be enacted. Problem is, laws tend to travel in one direction only:
toward ever-greater control.
So long as Dad is a nice guy, the
family gets on fine. However, if ever Dad gets replaced with a wicked
stepfather, then things can spiral out of control very quickly, owing to the
impressive controls at his disposal.
The stage now is set. How long
before a wicked stepgovernment emerges and assumes control via the awesome
mechanisms put in place during the current administration and its predecessor?
How long before what is happening in
pockets of society today, to the likes of Lonny Rae and the Christines, begins
to happen to all of us? Believe me, they are not isolated occurrences, either,
like they would have been even 10 or 15 years ago.
As an attorney, over the past few
years I have seen a groundswell of corruption yielding up an ever-increasing
tidal wave of casualties just like my more noteworthy clients today.
However, most people can't get
lawyers because they don't have one or two hundred thousand dollars to throw at
a trial. (And, no, having a public defender is not anything like having a
lawyer.) Virtually every lawyer today is more concerned with income and image
than with justice. And they are overwhelmingly the ones who become judges, of
course, and politicians and elected officials. Even public defenders.
Especially public defenders.
Corruption and oppression have
spread like a cancer through the American body politic. They have metastasized
to every facet of American society, such that surgery alone will no longer
suffice. Nor, I fear, will the political equivalent of chemotherapy or
radiation effect a cure without killing the patient, as well. It's
If ever you want to know where
you're going, just turn around and take a look at where you're coming from.
Look at what America has been doing to other countries, of late. Look at our
undeclared war-that-will-never-end. Look at what America is doing to Lonny Rae,
Brian and Ruth Christine and to countless others throughout America today. Look
at the Patriot Act and what has been done to the constitutional republic
established by our forefathers. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to project
the trend line to its obvious conclusion.
We need a new America
New America. An idea whose time has
"I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it
would be the truth."
- Morpheus
Copyright © Edgar J. Steele,
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