America Reloaded

by Edgar J. Steele

May 27, 2003

Resentment is a two-way street. It exists both at the top and bottom. For a given racial/ethnic mix, government or private-sector intervention merely shifts resentment from one group to another. It is as if there were a conservation of resentment principle operating. In a meritocratic culture all the resentment is from the bottom. Chopping away at the meritocratic ideal by introducing equal-outcome components like affirmative action reduces resentment in one group, shifting it to another.
    --- "2048," La Griffe du Lion, Volume 2, Number 4, April 2000 ( )

I took my children to see "Matrix Reloaded."  Because the first movie was such a grand combination of action, philosophy and political revelation, I looked to this sequel for even more of a good thing.  I was wrong.

The original movie depicted humanity walking in gross deception, manipulated and used by the true masters of the world.  The sequel is nothing of the sort.

Where "The Matrix" was subtle, "Matrix Reloaded" is obtuse.  Where "The Matrix" was profound, "Matrix Reloaded" is superficial.  Where "The Matrix" was an action film, "Matrix Reloaded" is a comic book come to life.

As I sat there in the theatre, realizing that all but a couple of the movie's good guys were black, whereas all the villains and stupid people were white, I saw how "Matrix Reloaded" is really an allegory for what America has become - "America Reloaded," if you will.

How ironic that I have taken a line from the original movie as my tag line.  Or not.  After all, the first movie still is just as good as before, just as profound, just as much an echo of life as it has become.

In a sense, though, so is the sequel.  Analogies can work on many different levels, all at once.

America Reloaded, too, is a pale imitation of the original.

America Reloaded glorifies blacks at the expense of whites.

America Reloaded is superficial and preoccupied with action.

America Reloaded is endless babble with a pretense of sophistication, underlain by a reality of decay and moral depravity.

How appropriate that the last bastion of humanity, the secret underground city of the humans in the "Matrix Reloaded," the only hope for the human race, is entitled "Zion."  Since the movie's makers are jewish, it is no coincidence, of course.

America has become Zion.  Early in the movie, there is a recalling of all the ships of Zion to their home port, with a monster party then taking place.  The music literally consists of jungle drums.  A huge crowd, easily 50% of which is black, gyrates sexually and jumps around in a manner reminiscent of all those old Tarzan movies.  

"Matrix Reloaded" and America Reloaded are both racist in the extreme, in that they vainly glorify one race over another, far out of proportion to reality.  No amount of propaganda will make blacks the intellectually superior beings depicted in either.  

"Breeding shows," as they say and, like it or not, there are significant differences between the races.  Otherwise, blacks would occupy only 12% of the positions in professional sports.  Blacks also would possess 12% of the Nobel Prizes.  And blacks would not commit 50 times the violent crime of whites (1/7th of the population, yet committing 7 times as much violent crime as whites - do the math).  And jews would not occupy virtually every single media power position in America as well as the lion's share of political, business and banking power points.

I am sick of the very racist attitudes of liberals like the makers of the "Matrix Reloaded," which results in affirmative action because they fundamentally believe that, otherwise, black people can never compete as equals. 

I am sick of white people being discriminated against, in favor of any ethnic group. 

I am sick of the media bias against whites and in favor of blacks, which results in the rare white-on-black crime being headlined and the monstrously-disproportionate black-on-white crimes being not reported at all or simply submerged into the background noise.

We have suffered affirmative action due to a false sense of guilt about the treatment of blacks we never knew by whites with whom we have nothing in common except skin color.

We didn't realize we were merely trading places with those that had been discriminated against in the past.

Schools teach to the bottom of the classes, integrated by court order, then keep lowering the standards so that students appear as smart as ever.  We know better.

Nobody left behind means nobody out in front. 

We have sacrificed our children to a false sense of guilt in pursuit of intellectual equality that never will be achieved.

We suffer massive levels of crime that did not exist even 30 years ago, overwhelmingly at the hands of "people of color."

Though our media and government do everything possible to skew the statistics, we know who is to blame. 

In the last 30 years, 45,000 Americans have been killed in interracial murders, overwhelmingly black on white.  Almost as many as the number of Americans lost in Vietnam and many more than killed in Korea. 

There is a very real war - a race war - being waged in the streets of America.  

"Matrix Reloaded" ends with the legend, "To be concluded."  Thus "The Matrix Revolutions" is set up, to be released later this year.

America Reloaded also is to be concluded.  Problem is, it won't be as entertaining.  Nor, I predict, will it result in a black intelligentsia running things.  And, as for a sequel with "Revolutions" in the title...well, that is allowed only in the movies.

New America.  An idea whose time has come.


"I didn't say it would be easy.  I just said it would be the truth."
            - Morpheus

Copyright ©2003, Edgar J. Steele

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