Improbable Cause

by Edgar J. Steele

June 5, 2003

Anti-Semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in the non-Jew by the Jewish group. 
The Jewish group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world...
the root cause is their use of enemies they create in order to keep solidarity...
   ---  Albert Einstein, quoted in Collier's Magazine, November 26, 1938

In the 35 years that I have supervised others, I have learned a number of hard lessons.  I have learned, for example, that there comes a time when one must be that a**hole called "the boss."  To do so effectively, I have learned, one must maintain a certain distance from one's subordinates.  

I also have learned that the key to managing is ensuring that subordinates feel they are being treated fairly, both in absolute terms and relative to their contemporaries.  

I have learned, as a result, that employee theft almost always is grounded in a sense of entitlement, because one feels underpaid, underappreciated or cheated in some way.  It's a victim mentality.  The victim, whether justified or not in his outlook, seeks revenge and compensation, feeling that he deserves it.

Did you take a company pen home today?  If so, look deep enough and you will find that you did it because you felt entitled to it in some way.  Did you embezzle a thousand dollars?  Yep.  Entitled.  Maybe they passed you over for a well-earned raise.  Did you cheat your company's stockholders of millions by granting yourself and your hand-picked Board of Directors cronies excessive salary and/or stock options?  Entitled.  It's all the same, differentiated only by degree.

I have learned as well, the hard way, that the kindest thing that a**hole called the boss can do for light-fingered victim/employees is to fire them straightaway and press criminal charges where possible.  Otherwise, the victim just extends his victim status by continuing to externalize all his woes and shortcomings, blaming them on others, thereby further entitling himself to whatever isn't nailed down.

The 1959 movie, "Never Steal Anything Small," in which James Cagney played a waterfront thug and would-be union president on the make, said it best.  Though appealing as ever, this is one of the few Cagney roles in which he never seemed to elevate himself to good-guy status.  The penalty is the same, was his message, so make it truly worthwhile.  In fact, make it big enough and you likely will end up being called a tycoon.  After all, you're entitled.

That's why there has been such a huge upsurge in black crime and general dissatisfaction over the past couple of generations.  They're victims.  Everybody says so:  Martin Luther King, Jr., Je$$e Jack$on, Al Sharpton, Bill Clinton, all the liberals, the legal system, anybody who supports affirmative action.  Blacks are entitled.  They certainly believe it today, which is why they are so angry.  It also is why they riot, loot stores at the drop of a hat and demand slave reparations, though none ever were slaves and despite the fact that those from whom reparations are demanded never have owned slaves.  

Yes, ultimately it is our fault.  Not because we victimized blacks, though in a strange sense we did just that because we allowed them to don the mantle of victimhood.  We know how to fix things, but too few of us possess the mettle to follow through.  Too few of us have what it takes to be that a**hole called the boss.

And it is also why we are busy "making the world safe for democracy" by extending the "War on Terrorism" from one Arab country to another.  No, not because America has been victimized by the Arabs.  Because the people who make the decisions and communicate, nay, propagandize them, to the American public, consider themselves victims.  You know who I'm talking about.  Zionists.  Yes, jews.

There's no victim like one who elevates what can only be called a tragic loss of life into the Crime of the Millenium, grossly exaggerating its effects and calling it the Holocaust, though there have been far more significant losses of life just in the past century, and often at the hands of the very jews who claim victimhood today (over 20 million white Christians in communist Russia, for example).

They slaughter Palestinians wholesale, using tanks, bulldozers and missiles against rock-throwing children, yet it is the Israelis that have been wronged, somehow.  They move onto Palestinian land, yet somehow it is the Palestinians that are the interlopers.

The American Administration just approved rules to allow the further concentration of media outlets into fewer hands, even, than already exist.  Probably doesn't much matter, since the American media already is uniformly controlled by the Chosen and marches in lockstep with the American government, also controlled by the Chosen.  Simply a consolidation of already-existing power.

Recently, Paul Wolfowitz, US Deputy Defense Secretary and generally-acknowledged architect of America's current Middle East policy, made the startling admission (startling only to those who get their news solely from the controlled media) that going after Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was simply the "bureaucratic excuse for the war."  (Quoted in the May issue of Vanity Fair.)   Yesterday, Wolfowitz took things a bit further through the looking glass by inferring that the Iraq war was because of its oil:  "(E)conomically, we just had no choice in Iraq. The country swims on a sea of oil."  (Quoted in the UK's Guardian Unlimited.)  Today, he is backpedaling furiously, claiming he merely meant that America had no alternative because Iraq had economic independence, in contrast to North Korea, which doesn't.  Yeah...right.

I'm reminded of Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown's comment early in his tenure as California's governor several years ago:  "A little vagueness goes a long way in this business," referring to the business of politics.

The current uproar over America's motivation for the Iraqi war simply is a diversion, a smokescreen to protect the real reason, which increasingly is being mentioned around America's water coolers:  We invaded Iraq because Israel wanted us to do so.  Because Iraq is one of its sworn enemies.  Everything we do in the Middle East is based on that, you know.

Indeed, everything America does anywhere these days is for the pleasure of the Chosen, of which Wolfowitz is a leading member.  That's why we have embarked upon our first war of aggression.  Because we're entitled.  Because we're getting even for the 9-11 disaster.  In reality, we are exercising the imagined rights of the world's eternal victims, zionist jews; the real perpetrators of the World Trade Center collapse, simply another in a long string of Israeli false flag operations.

The end justifies the means is the battle cry of the Chosen.  Kill 'em all, they say - after all, they're entitled because they're the victims here, regardless of how things may look.  

Shoot that unarmed boy in the head for throwing rocks.  He deserved it.  Bulldoze those homes - that'll teach 'em.  Kill the American interlopers - they deserve it for not supporting Israel's victimhood.

That's why the "Holocaust" is so important to them.  It helps to preserve their racial sense of victimhood, thereby justifying all that they do which is so reprehensible.  

That's why it is so important that rock-throwing Palestinians be viewed the aggressors against their tanks, jets and nuclear missiles.  

That's why it is so necessary that they be depicted as suffering at the hands of American antisemites.  They're entitled, you see, because they are the victims.

That's why hate laws must be passed.  To jail their persecutors, of course, and keep them ever the victims.

That's why Christianity must be eradicated from America.  Because it makes them uncomfortable.  Makes them victims.

In the past, police needed a reasonable suspicion of illegal activity even to stop you.  Then, they required a higher degree of evidence, called probable cause, of such illegal activity to justify arresting you and/or applying for a search warrant.  Today, with the neocons (just another disguise the Chosen have taken for themselves today) firmly in control, there is no need for any of that and they have made the Patriot Act the law of the land in justification.

Used to be, we needed a Declaration of War from Congress to make war.  Today, with the Chosen firmly in control, Congress has abdicated its Constitutional duty and allows the necons' figurehead, Bush the Second, to make war on any whim.  Used to be, Congress required something like probable cause.  

Today, Bush needs only improbable cause, supplied by America's jewish handlers, in the form of Paul Wolfowitz and his brethren.  Like the nonexistent weapons of mass destruction.  Because they deserve to.  Because they are the victims.  Because they are entitled.  That's why.

The only way they can continue to feel entitled is to continue to feel victimized.  That's why it will never end.  That's why they will goad us into victimizing them, again and again.  And, if we won't do it for real, then they will imagine that we did, just as they imagine being victims of the Palestinians.

One of these days, white America will awaken to the fact that it has become the real victim.  Gotta wonder what will happen when we finally accumulate the nerve to become that a**hole called the boss.

It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date,
That the Saxon began to Hate.
    -- "The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon," by Rudyard Kipling

New America.  An idea whose time has come.


"I didn't say it would be easy.  I just said it would be the truth."
            - Morpheus

Copyright ©2003, Edgar J. Steele

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