Brown vs. the Bored
by Edgar J. Steele
May 14, 2004
Two generations. That's all it took to transform the leading public educational system of all time into something on a par with third-world countries. Fifty years. Just a lousy fifty years. After hundreds of thousands, even millions, of years of evolution, it took just fifty years to devolve into something on par with Senegal.
And now, the remaining human capital of America's former educational investment is being tossed on the scrap heap, thanks to NAFTA, GATT, WTO and the New World Order of America.
Meanwhile, the last gasp of America's intellectual prowess, its great University system, increasingly is reserved for foreigners (who pay more in tuition), illegal immigrants (who pay little or nothing) and, of course, "minority" students, upon whom endless advanced placement (all out of proportion to anything resembling merit) and full-ride scholarships are lavished. Jews, who comprise fully half the students at American Ivy League schools like Harvard, are counted as white, therefore the reported figures for true European Whites are skewed well beyond their true nature. What is happening to White Americans of European extraction certainly rhymes with "skewed."
White Americans, the very descendants of those who created America's great Universities and for whom they specifically were created, either are shunted aside in favor of far-less-qualified "minority" students or simply cannot afford the cost of attendance. Public schools today cost what private colleges did in my day. Today, many college Graduate School classes, both public and private, are conducted without a single white face present! In my day, I would have been relegated to menial labor, but for the facts that (1) college was cheap enough for me to get by on part-time employment and (2) I was granted entry based upon my intellectual and academic merit.
In fifty years, virtually all of America's top industrial and professional positions held today by qualified white Americans will be filled by multi-hued beneficiaries of that odd form of racism called affirmative action. Except for those held by Jews, of course, which will continue to be held by, you guessed it - Jews. Long before then, however, America will self destruct through sheer incompetence, because you simply cannot keep savages out of the seed corn.
You think not? Look at what is happening today in Zimbabwe (nee Rhodesia) and South Africa, wherein the white intelligentsia recently was replaced by blacks (often through murder, quite often accompanied by rape and, occasionally, even cannibalism). The first thing they did upon stealing the white farms was, literally, to eat the seed corn and butcher the production livestock. Today, they have the hubris to exclaim that they haven't enough to eat and then demand that the UN (America, that is) feed them. (See Let Them Eat Cake.) Think it can't happen here?
If America's controlled media would report it, you would hear of the staggering levels of black-on-white murder and rape that occurs here already, at a rate in excess of fifty times that committed by White Americans. Of course, it won't be reported, because they know that the wholesale slaughter of America's black population would begin the next morning.
To think, it all began with a single US Supreme Court case, issued fifty years ago on May 17: Brown vs. The Board of Education of Topeka, which overturned the "separate but equal" mandate of its prior ruling in Plessy vs. Ferguson, which itself was issued fifty years prior to that day. In denying Plessy's claim that racial separation marked blacks as inferior, per se, the previous Court quite accurately stated, "The argument also assumes that social prejudices may be overcome by legislation, and that equal rights cannot be secured to the negro except by an enforced commingling of the two races. We cannot accept this proposition. If the two races are to meet upon terms of social equality, it must be the result of natural affinities, a mutual appreciation of each other's merits and a voluntary consent of individuals." In both my personal and professional opinion, the Plessy decision was one of the last rational statements on race uttered by an American court.
In 1954, the Brown court stood the Plessy decision on its head, ruling that, after all, equal rights could result only from an "enforced commingling," in an end run straight out of the Marxist playbook.
The Brown court also marked a turning point in American jurisprudence. At last, the US Constitution was cast aside and the court directly engaged in what it, itself, previously had referred to as "legislating." What's more, its legislation was based upon specious sociological theorizing, too, not law, not evidence and not facts. Absolutely without a legal basis, fifty years of history also now have disproven the possibility of there having been any factual basis for the Brown decision. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has moved well into the territory of nonstop legislation, especially the legislation of morality (actually, the lack of morality, some would argue). Marx and Lenin must be smiling, up...on America, from wherever they are these days.
Fifty years. You be the judge. Supporters of the Brown ruling maintain that the American racial gap has been partially closed during the following fifty years. That is true, but not because the Brown court's ruling had any validity whatsoever. It didn't. It is because the result has been to dumb down the white race so much as to narrow the gap and produce the illusion of improved racial equality. Never mind that the American educational system has been destroyed in the process. Never mind that American White European history has been rewritten, nay, erased. Never mind that the birthright, the legacy, the very promise of White American youth has been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.
Here's a fact that you can take to the bank: There are differences in the races quite aside from the obvious physical appearance and capability differences. Those differences result primarily from genetics, not environment (nature, not nurture). I develop this fact extensively in my upcoming book, due out this summer, In Defense of Racism. And I am not the first, simply among the more vocal just lately.
Hernnstein and Murray conclusively documented racial IQ differences in their landmark work, The Bell Curve (1994). No, it has not been discredited. To the everlasting chagrin of the liberal establishment, every study and test designed to discredit The Bell Curve has served only to buttress its results. IQ tests devised by blacks, for blacks, employing exclusively black references, idioms and imagery, when given to both whites and blacks, reveal precisely the same IQ differences between the races as traditional IQ tests. Facts are facts.
Does this make Blacks inferior to Whites as human beings? Absolutely not. That is a conclusion pressed only by the very racist leftists in America today, in explanation of why they demand that racial parity in test scores be achieved. That is like White America demanding that white runners finish in a photo tie with the Kenyans at the Boston Marathon. Facts are facts. Wishes will not make things any different. Get over it.
Oddly enough, it is the very right wingers who get accused of being racists who are, in fact, the least racist because they generally do not see lesser IQs as being a mark of inferiority. Yet another demonstration of how far through the Looking Glass America has come, such that so many things are precisely the opposite of what they may seem...and regardless of what the Red Queen educational establishment might declare, as well.
Not surprisingly, racial differences in IQ are what result in the very real and generally intractable racial differences in educational achievement. No amount of busing, no reduction in the teacher/student ratio and no amount of money thrown at schools will make the slightest difference in this outcome. Facts are facts, as the past fifty years have proven. In Washington, DC, which has the highest per-student expenditures on public schooling and some of the lowest teacher/student ratios in the country, the 1998 SAT disclosed that, while 54% of "Whites scored at or above proficiency in reading...only 9% of the Blacks and 11% of the mestizos did" (Blacks and the SAT). This result is duplicated all over America, and at all grade levels.
Yes, this is the same testing regimen that has shown a narrowing of the gap between whites and blacks in recent years: The SAT, or Scholastic Assessment Test, the new, politically-correct name for what used to be known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test, a title which had to be changed to reflect the political ideology that there are no racial aptitude differences. But, the narrowing did not come about as a result of black improvement. On the contrary. White achievement scores have declined, to be sure, consistent with the abysmal decline in educational quality received in America's public schools over the past fifty years (no child left behind means no child out in front). Of more importance, however, the SAT's scoring template has been jiggered to create the illusion of a narrowing gap.
In 1995, the SAT scoring approach was "recentered," a purposely convoluted process which resulted in the arbitrary addition to White scores of 100 points, while Black scores were elevated by 130 points (Asians got 90 points and mestizos 120 points). This overall increase, aside from the absolute advantage awarded to skin color alone, caused the percentage differences to decline, of course, which is what is crowed over by the liberal educational establishment.
This rejiggering of test scores in 1995 to narrow the percentage gap highlights yet another important element of SAT scoring: padding. Each student receives 400 points simply for showing up...another device designed solely to reduce the percentage differences in racial scores. When the 400-point padding and the 90-130-point "recentering" bulges are removed, the percentage difference between Whites and Blacks mushrooms from 39% (a significant number in its own right) to a staggering 69% (Blacks and the SAT), or a raw score of 328 for Blacks and 554 for Whites.
Incredible, isn't it? Actually, the truly incredible thing is how far the Red Queen educational establishment is willing to go in order to delude the American public, and itself, into believing that it is doing its job, when the test results lead one to precisely the opposite conclusion.
Nor does the myth about family income hold water. Parents' income has next to no effect upon the outcome of their children's test scores (see, generally, The Black-White Test Score Gap, by Jencks and Phillips, 1988).
Is the dumbing down of White America and the smokescreen covering racial test score differences accidental? No. Nothing is accidental. Designed to compensate for racial inequity? No, that never was the intent, as even a cursory glance at testing scores both then and now will disclose. Why, then? Because fifty years ago is about when the coup that now is reaching completion in America began in earnest. That was when the Jewish financial cabal decided it was possible to take over America as completely and thoroughly as it had Russia a mere half century prior to that time. Key to that goal was the removal from power of the White European stock that founded America and had been firmly in control ever since.
Bush is finished. We knew that when Kerry suddenly was cut out of the herd of eight Jewish and/or married-to-a-Jew Democrat candidates, literally overnight. The recent hooha over the Iraqi prison atrocities sets Bush's demise in stone.
Kerry, whose grandfather changed his name from Kohn to Kerry, will be our next President. Kerry, wed to the Heinz heir, whose pre-Heinz maiden name was Teresa Thierstein Simoes, a surname almost as kosher as Kohn. Our next President is the very tip of the coup d'etat: a Jewish President with a Jewish wife. Their seizure of American power now is all but complete.
Next come the laws mandating prison for expressions of anti-Semitism (several now are pending before Congress). Death for anti-Semitism will follow, mark my words, just as it did in early Twentieth-Century Russia. At first, it will be masked, as other laws are misapplied, just as today's hate crime laws are misapplied as hate speech laws. Now that the average American has come to believe that hate speech is illegal, the laws (also pending before Congress) outlawing pure speech are being put in place. It will happen the same way until "Say the J-word and die" becomes a reality. Just ask 20-80 million Russian Christians - oh, sorry, you can't ask them because they are all dead, killed by Russia's Jewish masters last century, many if not most simply for being anti-Semitic (and being Christian is all that it takes to be marked as anti-Semitic).
I preach about caring about root causes, not symptoms. Black American supremacy is a symptom of what truly is wrong with America. Black supremacy has been used to weaken White America, to loosen its grip on the levers of power.
Nevertheless, May 17 commemorates an important turning point for both Black supremacy and the subjugation of White America - the Brown vs. Board of Education court ruling. There will be a significant rally held by a consortium of racially-conscious groups on Saturday, May 15, 2004, in Topeka, Kansas, near the Monroe School National Historical site, where it all began. The point is to protest the forced racial integration that has had so devastating an effect upon the American educational system in general and White America in particular. Go here for information on this rally, which I encourage you to attend and support, if at all possible.
I would encourage you to return on Monday, May 17, to demonstrate against the ceremony at Monroe Elementary School, in which George the Second will grovel and pander both to Black America and his Jewish masters, but you would be arrested for doing so. At best, you would forcibly be bused by the feds to the "approved" protest area, which by Federal law now can be up to a mile away (didn't know that law was passed a year ago, did you?).
Be warned that there are some exceptionally politically-incorrect people supporting the rally on May 15, though I am assured that there will be none of the spectacle of uniformed Nazis or Ku Klux Klanners that the media so loves to vilify. Look, regardless of how anybody feels about groups out of favor with the mainstream, most of those groups actually have some valid points to make. Many of them are vilified only by the controlled media and, usually, for false reasons. I have known them all, believe me, and it is a neverending source of amazement to me just how little difference there is between the most radical and the most moderate white people. It is time for all of us to stop being part of the problem and start being part of the solution, even if it means that we stand shoulder to shoulder with someone with whom we disagree about a few things. Certainly, when something as important as the future of our children is concerned!
Remember that what is being protested is the Black and Jewish racism erected against White America, all of which has resulted from the affirmative action, quotas and racial preferences which resulted from decisions such as Brown vs. Board of Education. I have written at length about this alliance before, as in The Most Perfect American Holiday, but space does not permit examining it in detail today.
Simple racial equality is all that is being sought today by White America, simple equality in opportunity, despite what the controlled media would have you believe.
What we have been forced to shoulder is equality in outcome. Problem is, it's the Black outcome that Whites are receiving, not the other way around. Used to be, Johnny could read and 'Rastus couldn't. Now, Johnny can barely read, while 'Rastus still can't. The cabal astride America will not be happy until neither Johnny nor 'Rastus can read, since it simply is not genetically in the cards for both to be able to read well. Only then will we have true racial equality, to their way of thinking. In truth, then is when we will be too stupid to challenge their authority over us. Then is when our enslavement will be complete.
Brown vs. the Bored, that's how the case really should be remembered. No, not as in the disinterested, but as in the screwed.
It is no crime to demand racial equality in America...unless you are white, of course. That is what must change. Stand up and be counted. Make a difference. Demand equality - true equality.
New America. An idea whose time
has come.
Copyright ©2004, Edgar J. Steele
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