We Can Take Back America!
by Edgar
J. Steele
June 16, 2004
Click here (streaming mp3, 9 mb, 40 min) for the abbreviated and edited audio version.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Some say that patriotism
is old fashioned. Some think that
love of country is out of date. Some
consider the slightest show of sentiment
toward one's homeland to be naive.
But always, she has been my
million people throughout the world died in WWII.
75 million. Yet, we are
supposed to honor and remember only 6 million?
Out of 75 million!!! Just 6
million...Most of whom never even existed in the first place!
Nobody asked, but I've
got a somewhat different take on the Holocaust:
Why would Germany, fighting a war on two fronts...with fuel
scarce...short of all resources...ship millions of Jews by railroad...hundreds
and thousands of camps specially-built, just to hold them...feed them...clothe them in order to keep track of
them....just so they could KILL them?
It doesn't even begin
to make sense. If the Germans had wanted to kill the Jews, they would have
done it just the way the Russian Jews killed well over 20 million Russian
Christians earlier in the century...With a bullet to the base of the skull,
wherever they were found.
Now it is revealed that
American troops, under orders from on high, humiliate, torture and sexually
degrade prisoners of war. American
troops shoot innocent Iraqi civilians...more than 10,000 of them, so far...many
of them women and children.
Our heritage has been squandered for the sake of Jewish
empire. Yes – Jewish empire,
Torture is what
We have become
everything that
Last month, when my son
told me that, at school, he no longer stood for the Pledge of Allegiance or rose
when the flag went by, I replied, “Son, don't confuse
I told him, “Pledge
allegiance to the
Ladies and Gentlemen,
modern self government originated with the Pilgrims, as written into the
Mayflower Compact. That was to
grow into
Truth always used to be
an absolute defense to the any charge.
Not any more, though. Not in
the field of defamation and, now, not in the new field of thought
A legislating Supreme
Court has declared a great many things not even to be
speech and, therefore, not deserving of the First Amendment's protection.
Obscenity laws – “not speech.”
Yet, somehow, dancing nude on a table in public is
protected free speech. Commercial
speech, as in advertising – “not speech.”
Flag burning used
to be symbolic speech, then it wasn't – and now, it is again.
Who knows what it will be tomorrow? This
alone shows how we have become a nation of
men and not of laws.
Hate used to be
something kids did on the school grounds. Then,
somehow, it became an enhancement for sentencing criminals.
Now we have laws charging hate as a crime itself, separate from any other
Until recently, hate
crime laws required a physical act. Courts
were fond of saying, “We don't prosecute
just speech in
The line is being
blurred in application of the hate crime laws.
The courts strain to find any excuse to punish the thoughts being
expressed. This is the way it's done, folks.
Once people get
used to thinking it's illegal to say the word “nigger,” then they pass the
law that actually makes that a crime, just
as they are trying to do in
Leftists say there is
no difference between hate crime enhancement and direct hate speech law.
Oddly enough, I agree...but for a different reason.
I say, that's why the laws should be rescinded.
And application of hate
crime laws really work only in one direction – I had a client recently in
southern Idaho, Lonny Rae, who was charged under Idaho's hate crime law for
having hurled a racial epithet through an empty doorway into which had
disappeared a hulking black man who just had assaulted his wife:
“Tell that nigger to get out here, cuz I'm a gonna kick his butt.”
He said it once.
The black man who
injured his wife never was charged with anything, but Lonny Rae faced five years
in prison for what he said. We
finally prevailed on appeal of the conviction on a lesser-included offense, but
that was a technical victory only. I'll
take it. It's rare enough that the
politically incorrect win in
As Americans learn
every day, all over
Today we focus on
intent...tomorrow it will be effect, just as it now is in Canada. Just ask Nusrat Hussein, publisher
of a
It is a hate crime
today in Canada
to say that fewer than 6 million died in the Holocaust or, even, merely to
question some detail about the official Holocaust story, which
has been proven to be largely a pack of lies.
Just ask Ernst Zundel, who sits in jail for that very crime.
Canadian House of
Commons Bill C-2, now pending, makes it illegal simply to watch any Arab TV
Channels, like Al Jazeera, off a satellite.
This is true!
The penalty? An incredible
$15,000 fine and 1 year in prison. They
pretend the law is to discourage signal piracy, but why make it illegal to
intercept a signal not otherwise available?
The Toronto Police Dept
issued a press release recently, stating that it is “hate speech” merely to state that “Zionism equals Nazism.”
In France, a TV comedian recently was charged a $10,000 fine
simply for criticizing
This just in:
Good news from
But things are going
the other way in
And, now there is
HR4230, just introduced by the House Committee on International Relations.
It makes the US State Department responsible for
monitoring and combating anti-Semitism everywhere in the world.
Today, we can protest
our President and Vice President only in designated “free speech zones,” which
can be up to a mile from anywhere either happens to be speaking.
Today, Say the N word,
go to jail. Tomorrow, Say the J
word, go to jail. The day after
tomorrow? Say
the J word, die. You think it
can't happen here? You
are wrong.
It has been forgotten
that the first thing the communists did after seizing power in
What we see happening
in the area of speech in
What we see elsewhere
is coming to
What we've done in
We're taking huge
US casualties...we're being lied to, just like we were in
freedom fighters are defending against a Marxist takeover of their country.
We call them terrorists and insurgents.
How can you be an insurgent
in your own country, fighting an invader?
This simply is propaganda at work.
say that, if you want to take the measure of a man's character, just give him
some power. Well, just
look at George Bush.
and Ashcroft have declared their critics to be traitors and they warn the rest
of us to watch what we say. The
media is totally under the control of the politically correct today – the
“inner party,” if you will...our
Zionist rulers...Jews!
Orwell's fantasy has become the media's reality.
Today, Whites are depicted as stupid
and racist, while blacks are both noble and witty.
Homosexuality is a desirable lifestyle, Christians are
narrow-minded bigots and Patriots are traitors.
Orwell was
right, you know. It was just his timing that was off.
Orwell said, "War
is Peace" – Today, we have perpetual war to "keep the peace." Today,
war is peace.
Orwell said, "Freedom
is Slavery." Today, we yield civil
liberties in the name of domestic security. Today,
freedom is slavery.
Orwell said, "Ignorance
is Strength." Today, we accuse those
asking questions of being unpatriotic. Today,
ignorance is strength.
Orwell's "Ministry
of Peace" waged war. Today, our Defense
Department conducts nonstop wars that we start.
We have gone
beyond even George Orwell with our version of Newspeak.
is nothing conservative these days about conservatives.
Now, conservative means bigger
government and more control.
there is nothing liberal about liberals any more
- who fall all over one another to surrender personal freedom.
Liberal used to mean favoring personal freedom and liberty.
diversity requires that everyone think the same. We
destroy countries in order to save them
– as in
It is our
Child Protective Services that facilitate wholesale child kidnapping, abuse,
rape and murder. I've handled a few
of these cases and I know what I'm
talking about.
We support and
create totalitarianism, then call it democracy, both at home and abroad.
Anti-Semites, in truth, have become simply those
of us who are hated by jews. A great many
Christians have become singularly unChristian toward those with whom they
there are none so intolerant as those who preach tolerance.
Already, right
here in
To be arrested
under Patriot Act II, you merely have to be accused by a bureaucrat of providing
support to groups designated as terrorist organizations, even if you're unaware
of that group's activities.
legal system will look like today's military tribunals.
Tomorrow, thought control will look like today's hate crime laws.
And it is not
enough that Zionists control
the sake of the feelings of 2-1/2%, all the rest of us must yield our cultural
heritage. Removing "under
from the Pledge of Allegiance. Taking down plaques of the Ten
Commandments. Removing crosses from public venues. Taking Christ out
of Christmas, first, then Christmas out of the year-end holidays altogether.
Hate laws are
a singularly Jewish invention, foisted on an unsuspecting public so as to
preemptively remove the possibility of criticism of themselves. Now,
anti-Semitism is being added to the proscriptions of hate laws in
borders are kept wide open to a flood of illegal immigrants, apparently to
dilute the White population, thereby making us more easily controlled. Yet,
there is a furious struggle to jail those who criticize Jews. Contrast
this policy imposed upon
And consider the money
With those
statements, Mr. Bush made clear where his loyalties lie. With
I'm quoting him, I can't resist telling you what Mr. Bush
said while speaking at a Gridiron Club dinner in
George W. Bush
is inarticulate and politically inexperienced, yet he becomes
He gained the
Presidency without winning the popular vote.
His election
was decided by judges who overruled the popular vote count in a state governed by his own brother. Coincidence?
you believe in coincidence?
Or, does the word "coup" come to mind?
Today, we have a dictatorship
with only the illusion of democracy; not even a pretense of a Republic anymore.
The judiciary makes law as directed by the
executive rules absolutely. Legislators
simply steal, from the top of the heap for the new priesthood:
the legal profession. Lawyers
are the privileged class today and they are destroying America
To win a war, one must
risk death. That might seem scary,
but to have nothing worth dying for...that
is not living at all.
Put aside fear.
There is a limit to physical pain and suffering, but there
is no limit to fear.
Take it from me, in 20 years you will regret what you didn't
do here and now far more than what you did
was William Wallace, as played by Mel Gibson in the movie Braveheart,
who said, when rallying his army to fight the British:
“Aye. Fight
and you may die. Run and you will live - at least, a while. And,
dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the
days, from this day to that, for one chance - just one chance – to come back
here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they will never
take our freedom?"
despair at how difficult the road ahead might seem to be.
other than Dale Carnegie pointed out that the most important things in the world
have been accomplished by people who kept on trying when there seemed to be
no hope at all. The only real failure in life is in giving up,
you know.
I'm glad you are here.
I'm glad you risk so much to make a difference.
I'm glad so many are willing to give so the distinguished
speakers here today. I'm proud to
call you friends.
We don't all have to be
the same. We don't have to have the same abilities. We don't have to
share the same beliefs. Dare to be different...even from one
Together, we
can take back
New America. An idea whose time
has come.
Copyright ©2004, 2005 Edgar J. Steele
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Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.
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