How George Bush Made Me into a Liberal Love Slave
by Edgar J. Steele
September 23, 2004
"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los
Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially
true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether
real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence...When presented with this scenario, individual
rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being
granted to them by the World Government."
--- Dr. Henry Kissinger, Nixon's Secretary of State,
addressing the Bilderberger Conference, Evian, France (1991)
are going to get a lot worse before they get worse."
Lily Tomlin
I almost did it this time. I swear. I almost put my foot right through the TV screen. George Bush was addressing the United Nations just two days ago. Bush clearly laid out the plans of America's Zionist masters for total world conquest through the New World Order - America writ large, but not even the wretched America that our beloved country has become. Rather, the vision of tomorrow's America, courtesy of George Bush marching straight down the path he has followed for the past four years:
"We will stand with the people of Afghanistan and Iraq until their hopes of freedom and security are fulfilled. These two nations will be a model for the broader Middle East..." said Bush. (emphasis supplied) Picture millions of suicide bombers, if you can.
But, it isn't enough that we turn the entire Middle East into a war zone, patterned after the genocide conducted by Israel against the Palestinians. Bush also announced that "(t)he United States and Italy have proposed a Global Peace Operations Initiative. G-8 countries will train 75,000 peacekeepers, initially from Africa, so they can conduct operations on that continent and elsewhere." (emphasis supplied)
Excuse me? Elsewhere? As in...Nebraska, say? Oh, yes - that's right. We're walking point on the global initiative against antiSemitism, aren't we? HR4230, introduced by the House Committee on International Relations, makes the US State Department responsible for monitoring and combating antiSemitism everywhere in the world.
When we get through fighting Israel's fight in the Middle East, then we're going to fight it everywhere else. Oh, come on - nobody believes we went into Afghanistan and Iraq because of 9-11 anymore. Even American congressmen, quislings all, are acknowledging that we are there to advance Israel's interests.
And the peace in downtown Wichita will be enforced by African "peacekeepers?" Like those spearchuckers now committing genocide against all whites in South Africa and Zimbabwe? Lay in the gunpowder, boys, because it looks like we're going to be needing it.
I wanted to discuss Bush's repeated invocation of human dignity and how America opposes "oppression, corruption, tyranny, bigotry, terrorism and all violence against the innocent," but my gorge keeps rising so much that I simply can't go into it today. Besides, do you really need me to remind you that those are the very things growing like Topsy throughout America today?
So little time, so much about which to rant: The impending military draft of our children, to be sent to die in Arab hellholes. Governmental blackmail of servicemen to reenlist or immediately be sent to Iraq. Massive AWOLs of those ordered to Iraq. Government arguments for closed appellate court hearings concerning laws so secret that nobody is allowed to know their terms, though we are subject to them. American helicopters strafing crowds of unarmed Iraqi civilians in the streets of Baghdad, killing women and children with reckless abandon. WWIII's spark being struck by Israel.
Sigh. Let me sit down right here for a moment and check my blood pressure.
You only think things are different today. As always, history would be our greatest teacher, if only we paid attention. Because we never do, history repeats itself endlessly.
This map of Florida is for those who
think that Bush has a mandate from God:
No, I'm not serious about anybody having a mandate from God. But, it's no less plausible than Bush's proclamation that he was chosen by God to lead America's bloody march through the Middle East.
Not that the Democrats are any
better. They simply are the other side of a single coin. In some
ways, Kerry is worse than Bush, though we simply must not allow Bush to
continue after what he has done to America. Go to the following links to
read chapters from the best-selling book about Kerry, "Unfit for Command":
Chapter 3 - The Purple Heart Hunter
Chapter 5 - More Fraudulent Medals
Chapter 6 - A Testimony of Lies
Chapter 7 - Meeting with the Enemy
Chapter 8 - Kerry's Antiwar Secrets
I found Chapter Seven's revelation that Kerry traveled to Paris to secretly meet with Communist Vietnamese leaders while he was still a naval officer to be particularly illuminating. That means during wartime, Kerry consorted with the enemy - literally. That is treason punishable by death under military rules. Treason. Think about it. We aren't talking Oval Office blowjobs here, folks, the sort of thing for which we impeached Bill Clinton. Treason.
Michael Moore makes some pretty cheesy documentaries: cheesy in that they are riddled with lies and innuendo in support of his political outlook. Some say that about my essays, now that I come to think of it. But, with me you get hyperlinks. With Moore you get none of that. Even so, I enjoy reading his stuff. It reminds me of a time when I was so much younger, so much more naive, so much more idealistic, so much more liberal - so much more...stupid. His current column is no different - entertaining and superficially lucid while it argues for liberals to hold their noses and vote for Kerry. In many ways, Moore and the far Right have gone full circle and now are meeting on the other side, as I noted last year in Michael and Me. Not quite, though I am right in there alongside all those liberals, screaming about George Bush.
This time, vote like your life depends upon it. It does, you know, more than at any other time. Vote against both Bush and Kerry. There are other candidates. A lot of people like Ralph Nader, and with good reason. Myself? I'm voting for the Constitution Party's Michael Peroutka. Why? Because the Constitution Party best mirrors my political outlook.
Mind you, nobody comes close to being ideal, in my book. For example, if I were suddenly made America's ruler, I would immediately bring home every single American serviceman, then cut the Federal government to 10% its current size, prosecute virtually every current Federal officeholder and lobbyist in Washington, prohibit enforcement of all racial preferences, pardon all political prisoners, cut off diplomatic relations with, and financial support of, Israel, cancel the UN's building lease and eliminate the Federal Reserve Bank. Then, after a good night's sleep, I would really get to work...
Now, that's the way I want a Presidential candidate to talk!
New America. An idea whose time
has come.
Copyright ©2004, Edgar J. Steele
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