Make a
by Edgar
J. Steele
August 27, 2005
file of this column:
(9.0 mb, 53 min)
streaming mp3
Interview: 8/26/05 - Rick Adams' Radio Free
mb, 120 min)
Don't miss this one >>> Recent Nickel Rant:
8/11/05 - "You Knew I was a Jew"
streaming mp3
(Following is the full text of my address to the Aryanfest '05 confab sponsored by Volksfront and Blood and Honour, held in Portland, Oregon, August 20, 2005. This is not a strictly literal transcript. Rather, I fleshed my speech notes out into this written piece.)
The sound quality of this piece is not up to my normal standards due to the outside venue, where my pickup microphone had to compete with a monster PA system, generators and the wind (I had not thought to equip it with a wind sleeve). Also, I purposely included a couple of minutes after the end of the speech so that you might hear the organizer announce that they were donating, not just the entire net proceeds to Afrikaner Charities, but the entire gross proceeds.
I saw the local Portland news regarding today's
event. They described it as being attended by hate-filled racists and
supremacists. I'm glad they warned us. We need to be on the lookout
in case anybody like that shows up and tries to make trouble.
And, I'm glad to see so many of our friends from the police department present,
as well. I wish they were a little closer, in fact, so that they could
hear our message and see us for what we are: concerned Americans.
Concerned about the future of our jobs.
Concerned about the future of our country.
Concerned about the future of our children.
We are here to benefit Afrikaner Charities. Why? Because nobody else
in America cares about them, that's why. I see TV ads pleading for funds
for little black African kids. Nobody calls that racist. Why is
it racist to care about little white African kids?
Why did Portland's TV news describe Afrikaner Charities as "white supremacist?"
What is supremacist in caring about little white children? Why aren't all
the other African charities racist because their funds go only to Blacks
(actually, mostly to the organizers and so-called African leaders, but that's
another story)? By the way, the entire proceeds after actual costs today
go directly to the people being benefited, something you never will see with
Black African charities.
Why are the forces pushing tolerance in America so intolerant of our caring
about little white children? Why do they ignore our white cousins who are
beaten, raped and murdered as part of what can only be described as a campaign
of genocide on the part of Black-run countries in southern Africa? It's
not like we are forcing them to do anything. Certainly not like the way
they force us, via our taxes, to fund Black Africa's campaign of terror against
White Africa.
Why is it wrong for us to get together in private like this and have a little
innocent fun of our own, with our families present, while raising money to
benefit that part of Africa truly forgotten by America? White
Africa. Who are the real racists around here, anyway?
We in America have come to believe that merely resisting being oppressed and
divided by the very racist policies of America's ruling class is, in itself,
racism. In America today, standing up for the right to be white is called
being racist. In other words, unless we participate in our own racial
genocide, we are racists. I not so respectfully disagree.
Let's take a few minutes to review what's going on in South Africa today (all
statistics are from
In the year 2000, South Africa was the second
deadliest country in the world, with 30,000 murders per year.
Per capita - .49 per 1000 vs. .04 per 1000 in the US, second only to Colombia
(unless you count what America has been doing in Iraq as murder, of course).
Today, that figure has swelled to 40,000, pushing South Africa firmly into the
Also in the year 2000, South Africa was second in rapes, with a total of 53,000. Who was number 1? Hold onto your seat, because this is one of many statistics that your government does not want you to know about: America was number one, with 89,000 total rapes, the majority committed by the poor, downtrodden minorities, of course. The largest victim group in America? White women, of course.
Meanwhile, back in South Africa: due to the
lesser total population, it led the world in rapes per capita by a wide margin:
1.19 per 1,000 versus America's .3. Today, the incidence of South African
rape is much higher than in 2000, with a rape occurring every 28 seconds, or a
total of nearly 200,000 per year.
A mind-numbing fact about South African rape is that so much of it is committed
on children, particularly little female babies. Why? Because Blacks
there superstitiously believe that having sex with virgins will cure them of
AIDS. Between the revival of cannibalism in Africa and this sort of
mentality, do you see why Blacks never could muster up the brains cells, even,
to invent the wheel?
A Land Summit held in South Africa just two weeks ago saw the government expound a policy which will require the forced expropriation of productive farmland from whites, just has been going on in neighboring Zimbabwe for years. Already, a great many white farm invasions, including murder of the White landowners' families by Blacks, have been taking place in South Africa. The reports and pictures coming out of Zimbabwe have been worse, but it is a few years farther along this path.
Southern Africa used to be a land of plenty, but now
starvation has become commonplace. Many like to attribute the starvation
there today to "years of bad harvest, erratic weather and the devastation of
AIDS," conditions which are becoming typical throughout Africa. Our media
neglects to note that this famine has been self-inflicted. They don't say
a word about how the vast farms of southern Africa, in particular, which fed
Africans until now, have been lain fallow. Because it is the Black
Africans doing it, you see.
A great many of White southern Africa's farmers, so productive that they had
been supporting far more than the population of their own countries, have been
removed from their farms, if not killed outright, due to the racist policies of
the black South African government. This campaign of genocide is almost
complete in Zimbabwe and now getting underway in earnest, just next door in the
country of South Africa.
"Kill the Boer, kill the farmer," is a phrase first uttered by former ANC member
of Parliament Peter Mokaba. Now it is the mantra shouted aloft by crowds
of blacks at all manner of public meetings and demonstrations. The South
African Human Rights Commission notes that this slogan is not hate speech, but
merely a manifestation of "their constitutional right to free speech."
More than 2,000 of southern Africa's farmers and farm workers and their families
now have been murdered by roving bands of young African blacks.
Authorities stood by and literally watched the "ethnic cleansing," a euphemism
for genocide. The remaining white South Afrikaners are unable to leave
their country because other countries, notably the USA, erect impassable
immigration barriers to whites, while allowing a flood of nonwhites across their
You don't hear about the carnage in South Africa because it is politically
incorrect to note the murder of whites by blacks anywhere in the world today.
South African President Thabo Mbeki called the execution of white farm owners
and workers, "the final stage of the revolution." Final because,
presumably, they now are running out of white people to slaughter.
Less than two weeks ago, President Mbeki was quoted in the South African press
as saying, "I had the opportunity to see the country from the air. I saw
where the rich white people live, and next to it where the poor black people
live." Mbeki did not explain just how it was that he knew the race of
the occupants of the houses, just by looking at the roofs.
Deputy South African President Mlomo was quoted at the same time as saying,
"We have lessons to learn from Zimbabwe - how to do it fast. So we might want
some skills exchange between us and Zimbabwe, to get some of their colleagues to
help us here with that." Presumably, he was referring to the roving
Black death squads responsible for the wholesale slaughter of White farmers'
families in Zimbabwe, for there are no other skills apparent in that
now-devastated and starving country.
All those TV commercials depicting the fly-ridden, emaciated black children of
Africa fail to note that these kids would be well fed if the White South African
farmers had been left alone. I know, those kids didn't kill the farmers
and slaughter the livestock and cut up the farms to squat on and eat the seed
corn in the sheds and so on, but there is a limit to those for whom I will feel
responsible. African Blacks, both those in government and those in the
death squads, are responsible. They have killed their golden-egg-laying
goose and have nobody to blame but themselves for today's lack of food.
Of course, we in America who were so instrumental in driving whites out of
political power in South Africa must shoulder some responsibility, too.
American liberals formerly opposed to companies doing business with South Africa
have morphed into neoconservatives. Now they seem to care only about
killing the enemies of Israel (including hundreds of thousands of Arabic
children). They certainly show no concern about the murder of white
children in South Africa.
And now America is expected to feed Africa, though that continent possesses the
most verdant soil in the world which, if cultivated properly, could serve as
breadbasket to the rest of the human race. Just as we have created a
welfare class in America, which will persist so long as we continue the
handouts, and which is an undeniable magnet to hordes of illegal immigrants, now
we are expected to extend that mentality to other countries, as well.
It isn't working here. It won't work there.
They wanted total self determination. Now they want all whites killed or
driven from their countries while we open our borders to them. What's
more, now they are coming to America in record numbers and demanding a share of
this country, as well.
Just as you can see South Africa's future by looking at Zimbabwe's present, so
can you see America's future now at work in Southern Africa.
South Africa is the very last country in Africa producing enough food for its
own people, but that will not last, given the course now set by its government.
And there will be no coming back, a fact which has not yet occurred to those
presiding over a starving Zimbabwe. The Whites murdered or driven from
their farms never will return.
The Blacks have proven themselves incapable of producing more than a fraction of
what the White farmers showed is possible. The farms formerly productive in
white hands have collapsed, with the seed corn eaten by squatters, along with
the livestock. The subsistence farming methods of Black squatters are a
far cry from the modern farming methods employed by the former White owners and
incapable, even, of supporting the squatters, themselves.
And it is a myth that land taken from Whites merely is being returned to the
original Black owners. There were few, if any, Blacks in the areas settled
by Whites who started arriving in 1652. Today's southern Africa Blacks
primarily are descended from those imported since that time from other parts of
Africa to help work the land under White stewardship.
Even while that criminal in the White House pledges more billions of taxpayer
dollars to fling into the gaping maw of Black Africa, we see that, in Africa,
Whites are expected to yield to Blacks completely. Get out or die,
in other words.
Meanwhile, in Western countries such as America, Britain, Germany and, even,
Australia, Whites again are expected to yield to Blacks and other so-called
minorities. It is not yet get-out-or-die time in America, but that can be
seen down the road when Blacks, Mestizos and other assorted third-world trash
become the majority, just as now is occurring in southern California, New Mexico
and Texas, where they are beginning to demand that we get out.
Why? Why on earth do we allow this to happen, not just in Africa,
but now in America and, in fact, in all Western countries? Well, it is
part of a much bigger agenda, an agenda for which it is necessary that those of
European ancestry yield their role as leaders of the world.
Indeed, they have removed us from leadership of our own country. Next,
they want us to yield up leadership of our own race. In fact, they want
our race to go extinct. Unless things change, that is exactly what will
It as all about control. Of us. Because we present their only
threat, just as we have, time and again, all down through history, as they have
been ejected from one country after another.
I am talking about Zionists in general, of course, and Jews in particular.
Zionists include those like that traitor in the White House, upon whose head
responsibility for the maiming and death of so many of our sons and daughters
must be laid. And I don't mean just Jews like Wolfowitz and Pearl, the
chief architects of our current debacle in the Middle East. I mean all
Jews, for two reasons.
First, because even those who do not actively help the Zionists provide the
Zionist Jews cover when they fall back into their ranks, to hide behind their
Jewishness and fling the charge of anti-Semite at the rest of us.
And, second, because it is genetic. The compulsion to control others, to
get on top of them, to take advantage and force others to their will is inbred
from thousands of years of culture. Even the good ones will produce kids
who will want to cheat your kids out of their lunch money.
Because it is the Zionists who are at fault, so, too, is it Israel's interests
that they seek to advance and protect. That, of course, is the real reason
we are in Iraq, of course: to expand Israel's hegemony in the region.
Not because the Iraqis trained Al Qaeda, because it turned out they hated Al
Not because Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction, because it has been
conclusively proven that it did not.
Not to stop Saddam, because they got him a long time ago.
Not even to secure the oil fields, because we haven't done it and now oil
costs more than twice what it did before the war.
We are in Iraq to advance Israel's interests, just as so many of us have been
saying since before the war. Is there really anybody left in
America who does not think so?
Oh, and there is yet another reason why they are doing to America just what they
are doing: to make money. Always, they find a way to make
money. Always. That is the one great constant.
Even though the world's elite already own almost everything, it sticks in their
craw that we have anything left, at all. So, on what must appear to them
to be the last lap around the Monopoly board of life, they plan to get it all,
the same way they took almost everything from us during the first Great
Used to be, when they got too far atop a country and got thrown out, they would
just move to another country and do it all over again, just as they now have
fled Russia for America and now are sucking her dry. Well, since they seem
bent upon nothing less than total world domination this time around...this
time, they better have a new planet picked out.
How are they doing it to us? The same way they have done it to nations
since time immemorial: through immigration, money control, control of the
professions, imposition of political correctness and control of the government.
I don't really need to cover with this audience how they have taken over the
legal profession, the American media and, even, government at every level, do I?
And, of course, they are in the final stages of breaking our backs financially
through the crash of the dollar, just around the corner.
When they can't prosecute us directly for what we say or think, they trump up
charges and prosecute us indirectly. Just ask Matt Hale, who was convicted
of solicitation of the murder of a Federal judge merely because he did not
protest loudly enough to the undercover agent who proposed the crime in the
first place. If you don't think 40 years is a sentence reflective of Matt
Hale's political beliefs, then you simply do not understand the concept of
political prisoners. Matt is simply the latest in a long line of political
prisoners in America today. Nor will he be the last, either.
In Washington, DC, they literally are on the verge of passing the latest version
of the ADL's Hate Crime law, which will, I predict, lead to the shutdown of
Internet sites like mine and the complete elimination of radio shows which
disagree with the government line.
The charge of hate is used selectively, of course. Lesbians spread their
hatred of men but never are charged, while feminists teach young girls that all
men are potential rapists.
Blacks taunt whites with names like "honky" and "cracker," without
Jewish written scriptures overflow with hatred of Jesus Christ and Christians.
Say the "N" word while white and go to jail.
Burn a cross while white and go to jail.
Challenge Holocaust lies with the truth and go to jail.
And it is not enough that Zionists control America. They have to reshape it to suit themselves. Virtually every recent case that involves removal of Christian symbols from society is brought and/or prosecuted by a Jew, usually with a Jewish judge presiding.
For the sake of the feelings of 2%, all the rest of us must yield our cultural heritage and sacrifice our children on the altar of political correctness. Removing "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance. Taking down plaques of the Ten Commandments. Removing crosses from public venues. Taking Christ out of Christmas, first, then Christmas out of the year-end holidays altogether.
Hate laws are a singularly Jewish invention, foisted on an unsuspecting public so as to preemptively remove the possibility of criticism of themselves. Now, anti-Semitism is being added to the proscriptions of hate laws in America.
They have thrown America's borders wide open to the
third world. Indeed, they have made clear that NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA and
other alphabet soup obscenities merely are steps toward the complete removal of
borders from North and Central America altogether. Next stop: the
Here's the very latest outrage, fresh from the border war being fought by
ordinary citizens along America's southern border, because Bush refuses to obey
the law: Just yesterday, it was announced that Casey Nethercott, a former
leader of the patriot group Ranch Rescue, had lost his 70-acre ranch to two
illegal immigrant Salvadorans whom he and others had stopped from crossing
another's land.
What's more, Mr. Nethercott has started a five-year
prison sentence for mere possession of the firearm with which he protected
property and which he used to force these two illegal immigrants to stop.
Possession? Why? Simply because he had a prior felony from
California due to an assault conviction.
What's more, those illegal immigrants have been issued visas for having
cooperated in Mr. Nethercott's prosecution!
No - you heard all that just right. They are taking our land from us
and giving it and residency visas to the criminals violating our borders as a
reward for breaking the law by entering America illegally and trespassing upon
our land. What's more, they are throwing some of us who protest into
Their agenda sees to the eviction of Americans from rural areas throughout
America, to be concentrated into large cities. Expect this sort of thing
to accelerate, too, now that they have expanded the law of eminent domain beyond
all known boundaries via that Kelo Supreme Court decision last month.
Their agenda seeks to destroy the traditional American family and religious
infrastructure. Why, just this past week, the US Census Bureau announced
that single-parent families now outnumber two-parent families in America for the
first time ever.
Their agenda encourages homosexuality and pedophilia by separating children from
their parents. While acceptance of homosexuality already has been forced
upon Americans, that merely is a step along the path to break all barriers
between adults and children regarding sexual relationships. Today, we hear
American psychiatric groups debating whether child sex is even indicative of
disease at all.
A very recent report entitled "Psychiatric Association Debates Reclassifying
Pedophilia," discusses decriminalizing sexual contact between adults and
children. Some mental health professionals attending an annual American
Psychiatric Association convention this past May in San Francisco proposed
removing several long-recognized categories of mental illness - including
pedophilia, exhibitionism, fetishism, transvestism, voyeurism and sadomasochism
- from the profession's standard work: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders.
A Russian know for some pretty wild Internet postings, Sorcha Fall, very
recently made a sobering assessment concerning America: "Our tears
could not help but fall as we witnessed the total humiliation and degradation of
these once proud and free peoples. Truly I must tell you today that the United
States has been completely destroyed and only exists as a name, and can no more
be spoken of as a land of freedom, opportunity or blessed by God. For
surely He has forsaken this land and in its people's eyes one sees only fear."
Pretty bad, I know, but there are things that we can do.
Stop for a moment and ask yourself why the press and the establishment go to
such lengths to silence dissenters like you and I? Why do they smear us in
the media? Why do they jail our leaders? Why do they make such a
One of the best answers to those questions was given voice by a 1960s
Czechoslovakian rock band, The Plastic People of the Universe, banned in its own
"They are afraid of the old for their memory,
They are afraid of the young for their innocence
They are afraid of the graves of their victims in faraway places
They are afraid of history.
They are afraid of freedom.
They are afraid of truth.
They are afraid of democracy.
So why the hell are we afraid of them?
For they are afraid of us."
That is why, ladies and gentlemen: They are afraid of us! And, if
they are afraid of us, then they must see the power within us to make change in
this great country. Be proud that the grimy, malevolent and violent
power of Bush and other Western leaders has been exposed by us and that, behind
their bravado, they are afraid of us.
They are afraid of Cindy Sheehan.
They are afraid of Casey Nethercott.
They are afraid of Matt Hale.
Stand tall and be proud that they fear us, because that means we have the power
to make a difference. And ask yourselves this: If they are afraid
of us, what in the hell do we have to fear from them?
Even so, we must be careful to operate within the bounds of the law. We
can do nobody any good from the inside of a prison cell. It is
increasingly easy to go to jail these days, too. Advocating violence is
all that it takes. In fact, today you needn't even be the one advocating
the violence. Just ask Matt Hale.
To be arrested under Patriot Act II, one merely has to be accused by bureaucrats of providing support to groups designated as terrorist organizations, even if one is unaware of that group's activities.
Besides, with our fellow citizens becoming more and
more like bit players in an Orwellian plot, we must be subtle in order to gain
their attention. We must gain their respect. We can awaken others,
but we must be sensitive to their needs and their fears. Indeed, until the
time for action arrives, there is nothing else we can do, other than lead our
lives and provide strong, moral examples for our children.
Ask yourself what you can do to make a difference.
I talk a lot about objectives. They really are key. With objectives, you
can chart your course.
And commitment means everything. How many here
are committed to making a difference for their families and America? How
many are 50% committed? 75%? 85%? 95%? 100%?
I commend all but the 100% for your effort - for trying so hard. That may
sound strange, but it takes no effort to be 100% committed - in fact, it is the
easiest thing in the world to do.
How many of you are in a relationship right now that you are "trying" to make
work? Why is trying so hard? Because there is no trying.
Consider the light switch, which is either on or off - there is no "trying to be
on" position.
Do you remember the Jedi master, Yoda, in the Star Wars movie, Revenge of the Jedi? There Luke
Skywalker was, in the swamp, balanced on one hand, with Yoda standing on Luke's
foot and with Luke trying to lift his little space ship out of the muck
and the mire. It moved a bit, then fell back, as Luke, too, fell down and
Yoda went tumbling. "I am trying, Master Yoda," said a plaintive
Luke. And what was Yoda's response? Who remembers? "That is
why you fail," he said. "There is no trying. There is only
The toughest thing in world is to be 95% committed to something. The
easiest? 100% commitment.
We need to increase awareness without trying so hard. We must have our
objectives clearly in mind in order to be able to set aside our own needs.
Rather than pound, merely ask a question and let them guide you.
Ask: "Seen the movie The Passion of the Christ? What did you
think of the outcry by Jewish groups trying to get it shut down?" Then
simply be quiet and let them guide you to the conclusion you already have
Ask: "Is anybody in your family out of work? What do you think of our
factories going to China?" Let them tell you why it is a bad thing.
Ask: "Can you afford health care? What do you think of illegal
immigration? Did you hear about Casey Nethercott, who went to jail and
lost his ranch to two illegals he stopped on his own property?" Let
them swell up with righteous indignation and convince you that this illegal
immigration must be stopped and reversed.
Moderate your tone...set aside your ego...listen to others. Nudge them
along with questions. I learned this in the courtroom. Juries don't
like being told where to must nudge them along toward the conclusion
you seek.
Convincing people doesn't have to be difficult - in sales terms, just find a
need and fill it. And, like salesmen - after all, we all are salesmen for
our ideas - we must be persuasive. That means being non threatening, which
means we must be predictable in the way that we look and the way that we act.
Dare to be normal!
You can do this...anybody can.
Are you willing to make a difference? You're a
part of something much bigger than yourself and your proud of it.
What are you willing to do? Risk relationships? Talk about
influential books with friends? Raise money for a good cause or to support
those who do and say what you cannot? Only you can decide.
Gandhi said:
"First they ignore you,
Then they laugh at you,
Then they fight you,
Then you win."
I cannot advocate an uprising against America's government, though that really
is what is required. Nor do I think such an uprising would be illegal
under the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. However, an
uprising would be dealt with swiftly and severely, believe me. But, we do
not have to worry about mounting a confrontation with our own government.
I believe that our country's current path will see much of the world unite
against America, with the result that our current overseers will be toppled from
power by a combined foreign military force. Unfortunately, that will
involve the deaths of a great many of us.
In the alternative, we stand on the brink of a
financial apocalypse that not only will cause us to start numbering our
Depressions, but will make it impossible for our current rulers to continue in
power. Either result will be painful for the average American, but not so
painful as the subjugation that awaits us on our current path.
As a lawyer, I'm inside the system. Everyone says the system is broken.
You don't know how bad things really are.
We've got to make a change in America. Maybe we won't succeed in making
change, but we surely can deserve to succeed.
Make no mistake. We are at war. War for our very existence.
If there must be trouble, let it come now, so that our children might
live in peace. In the immortal words of David Lane, "We must secure the
existence of our people and a future for White children."
Let us fight the fight. Let us suffer defeat, if defeat it
must be. To win a war, one must risk death. That might seem scary,
but to have nothing worth dying for...that is not living at all. Put aside
fear. There is a limit to physical pain and suffering, but there is no limit to
fear. Take it from me, in 20 years you will regret what you didn't do here
and now far more than what you did do.
It was William Wallace, as played by Mel Gibson in the movie Braveheart, who
said, when rallying his army to fight the British: "Aye. Fight and you
may die. Run and you will live - at least, a while. And, dying in your
beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days, from this
day to that, for one chance - just one chance - to come back here and tell our
enemies that they may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom?"
I cannot advocate a violent revolution or I would be disbarred. But,
that's exactly what the likes of William Wallace, Thomas Jefferson and George
Washington would do today if they were still among us. I like to think
that, if we were to bring them back to life today, tomorrow they would buy a
road map, a bazooka and a red Cadillac Convertible, then set out for Washington,
What I advocate is being prepared and awakening others to what is coming.
What's coming? Not worldwide empire, American style. What's coming
is America's comeuppance. I think it will go badly for the NWO crowd and,
consequently, for America, too. But that will create an opportunity we
don't currently possess - an opportunity to start over.
America worked once as a constitutional republic. It can work again.
Don't despair at how difficult the road ahead might seem to be. None other
than Dale Carnegie pointed out that the most important things in the world have
been accomplished by people who kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope
at all.
Do you know the real difference between success and failure? Success
merely requires that you get up just one more time than you get knocked down.
The only real failure in life is in giving up, you know.
I'm glad you are here. I'm glad you risk so much to make a
difference. I'm glad so many are willing to give so much.
I'm proud to call you friends.
We don't all have to be the same. We don't all have to have the same
abilities. We don't all have to share the same beliefs. Dare to
be different...even from one another.
I don't know the key to success, but I do know that the key to failure is in
trying to please everybody. Heaven knows that I don't manage to do that.
Have a strong moral compass and hew to it. Make character and honor your
byword. They come from within, remember. Character is not worn.
Honor is not tattooed onto one's skin.
My client and friend, the late Pastor Richard Butler, said: "Remember,
if you've ever worked for anything, if you ever stood for anything, you stand
for it with all your life. They can take away from you every material
possession. But there's one thing they can't take from you. That's
your honor. The only thing you can do with your honor is forfeit it.
You have your honor from the day you're born 'til the day you die,
unless you forfeit it yourself. Therefore, my honor is my loyalty."
We all have a role to play. Don't despair at your own talents. Don't try
to be better than anybody else. Just try to be better than yourself.
Just do that, and they will never break our spirit. They will never
silence us. They will never take our freedom.
Together, we can touch lives.
Together, we can awaken America.
Together, we can make a difference.
Copyright ©2005, Edgar J. Steele
Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate
among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet
sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications.
Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.
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