
 Nickel Ranttm:
 Singing the Prussian Blues

by Edgar J. Steele

October 29, 2005

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My name is Edgar J. Steele.  This is a Nickel Rant.

I don't like it when friends of mine get attacked by others.  I get angry when those attacks are unjustified, especially if they employ lies and innuendo.  I get downright furious when the objects of those lies are children.

Enter Lamb and Lynx Gaede.  Twins.  Friends of mine.  Little girls.  And, let me tell you, I am fit to be tied over the treatment being accorded these little girls by a variety of media and anti-White racist hatemongers, scumbags, every single one of them!

The girls' sins?  Let us count them up together:

They are cute as buttons.

They sing pretty well.

They compose their own music a great deal of the time.

They are thirteen.

They are not ashamed of being White and they write some of their songs about that fact.

They are articulate, opinionated and possess the courage of their convictions.

Did I mention that they are only thirteen?  That is thirteen...as in 13.

I first met Lamb and Lynx two years ago in Sacramento, at the IHR Zundel Revisionist Conference.  That was the first time I heard them sing and I was enthralled with the two eleven-year-olds that I met during the intermission.  The then-current issue of Resistance magazine featured them on its cover, so I bought a copy and had them autograph it for me.  They were endearingly flattered.  I like to think that I was their very first fan to ask for autographs. 

(Here is a scan of that very cover...)      

This magazine cover is relevant because it evoked a few "movement" on-line forum comments criticizing it for being sexy.  I suppose some could take it that way.  Some perverts, that is.  Mark Potok, of the Southern Poverty Law Center, made the mistake of referring to that picture as being "salacious," during a recent Fox News Channel edition of Dayside (click here for a 9 mb, 7-minute video of that segment). 

What did I think of Potok's remark, asked the hosts.  My reply:  "I think that anybody who saw that picture and would characterize it as Mr. Potok just did, has got a problem."  Did I mention that the Gaede twins are just thirteen?  Or that they were just eleven when that picture was taken?  Children.  We're talking about children here, folks. 

How would you feel about someone viewing a picture of your children, fully dressed, legs completely covered with opaque tights as in the magazine cover photo used by Resistance, who then suggested that he found it sexually provocative?  I have a daughter not much older than Lamb and Lynx and my response would be downright disagreeble, perhaps physically so.

Yes, they are very pretty girls.  No question about that.  But, there is no question about the fact that they still are children, either.  If you feel lustfully toward children, then you had best keep it to yourself when around normal, healthy adult Americans.  Like me, for example.  Most of us have the same response, and the rest truly do have a problem - a clinically psychological problem.  I am already on record as advocating the death penalty for anybody who commits even a single act of child molestation, which I admit is a bit further than most would go.

What began the current national media hooha over the twins was an extended segment done on them by ABC's Primetime magazine show, aired on October 20.  A more grievous example of yellow journalism, of editing for effect and not truth, does not come to my mind.  Trust me when I tell you that I have seen and even been the subject of some pretty vicious, hateful and false media coverage, too.

ABC followed the girls around for an extended period, and questioned them at length.  Then they cut out everything except some particularly suggestive inquiries by the interviewer, such as what they thought of Hitler.  Their answer:  "He had some good ideas."  Or why they penned a song which called Rudolph Hess a "man of peace."

Here, girls, let me provide the explanations that I am sure you gave, but which were edited away - the explanations that support your sentiments and that I know you already possess: 

Hitler did have some good ideas.  A lot of them, in fact.  Hitler took post-WWI Germany, mired in poverty, unemployment and misery and turned it completely around in a single generation.  He put people to work, reinstilled pride in them nationally and overcame the fact that Germany no longer had a viable currency by conducting international trade by barter (for example, trading German locomotives for Argentinian beef).  Hitler singlehandedly pulled Germany out of the deepest segment of a worldwide economic depression.  Of course, Hitler then went on to do a great many other things, some of them truly bad. 

John F. Kennedy once wrote of Hitler:  "(W)ithin a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived.  He had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made."  Prelude to Leadership: The Post-War Diary of John F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy (1945)

Now, if a man who went on to become President of the United States of America could say that about Hitler, then why can't a well-read teenager say that "he did some good things?"

As for Rudolf Hess - early on in WWII, Hess flew a small plane to Britain in an attempt to broker a peace agreement.  The British imprisoned Hess, ran him through the Nuremberg kangaroo court, then finally executed him in Spandau prison some forty years later.  Hess went on this mission without permission from Hitler or, even, with Hitler's knowledge.  Now, though he once was Hitler's number-three man, is it so hard to characterize him as a man of peace, after all is said and done?

There was a great deal more, just like the foregoing.  By the end of the program, I was ready to shoot my TV set.

Then, the other night, Sean Hannity, of Fox News Channel's Hannity and Colmes, partnered up with Jeffrey Gardere, a Black psychologist who, based strictly upon what he saw in the ABC Primetime program, stated that the girls' mother should be charged with child abuse and the children taken from her (for instilling a sense of racial pride, I suppose, though he avoided pointing to anything specific which underlay his professional "opinion").

The girls began to receive threats.  That was when April Gaede, the girls' mother, decided that enough was enough and asked me to serve as the family's spokesperson and, needs be, as their attorney for any necessary litigation connected to the media circus that had developed.  I was quick to accept and promptly jumped into the fray.  The family has moved to an undisclosed location and refuses to participate in media interviews or, even, give statements until the current storm blows over.

Welcome to free speech, American style.

Invited onto MSNBC's Scarborough Country the other night, opposite the same Dr. Gardere, the hack who gave so glib an opinion to Sean Hannity, I started off by challenging the host's opening characterization of the twins as being neo Nazis who are spreading a message of racism and hate.  That did not endear me to him. 

Joe Scarborough allowed me only a minute or two to present the twins' case, during which time I pointed out that theirs is a message of hope and White pride, not one of hatred of other races.  Not getting what he wanted, Scarborough cut my microphone off while Gardere expounded his "opinion" about child abuse yet again.  This time, however, Gardere began to cover his bets by backing off his recommendation that the girls be taken from the mother.  Progress of sorts, I suppose, but certainly not on anything approaching a level playing field.

Here's an interesting point about Dr. Gardere:  He has authored a book entitled Smart Parenting for African Americans, in which he repeatedly advocates that Blacks instill a strong sense of racial pride in their children.  Yet, for doing the same thing, white parents are guilty of "child abuse," says Dr. Gardere.  Can you say "insufferable hypocrite," boys and girls?  His book was one of "Oprah's Picks," which guarantees best-seller status.  Do you suppose Oprah will be having me on to discuss my book, Defensive Racism?  Do you suppose that mine will be one of "Oprah's Picks?"  Do you suppose that pigs can fly?

Here's what I think.  I think Dr. Gardere should be brought up on ethical charges by any and all professional societies to which he belongs for quackery and for rendering professional opinions with no basis whatsoever, opinions which led directly to the endangerment of children through threats of physical violence by others who heard his opinions and relied upon them.  If those little girls end up being injured in any fashion as a result of all this uproar, rest assured that I will file suit against him for having engineered those injuries.  In fact, Gardere should be arrested as a domestic terrorist under the Patriot Act.  Fair is fair, after all.

Then, just a couple of days ago, came the Fox News Channel Dayside segment referenced above, in which I finally was allowed at least equal time to that accorded the gun hired to come in and crucify the Gaede children.  Watch it and judge for yourself the outcome.  Frankly, I think that Potok was done for once he revealed himself as having lustful feelings for little girls.

Since then, I have participated in a handful of radio interviews and will be posting links to archived interviews on my website's main page as I come up with them.

Upcoming, as of this moment: 

Sun, 10/30, 7:00pm PST (probably about 7:20 pm), Fox News' "The Big Story" (TV - Fox News Channel) (expect the establishment to throw another paid attack dog at me during this one)
Mon, 10/31, 5:00 pm PST, The Political Cesspool, http://www.thepoliticalcesspool.org/ (Internet radio)
Wed, 11/2, 11:30 am PST, The Howie Barte Show, WHJJ (920 am, I think), Providence, RI, http://www.920whjj.com/main.html  (Broadcast radio - not sure if they simulcast or archive on the Internet)

There is lots more that I could tell you about Prussian Blue.  There is a great deal more anger I possess that can and should be vented in the twins' defense.  They deserve better, by far, than what they have received from American media.  Like so many of us, but they are just children, don't forget.  Let's save that for later, after I have calmed down a bit and after you have had a chance to listen to and/or view some of the interviews.

More than anything else I have seen lately, the Prussian Blue case illustrates how, unless we actively participate in the demise of our own race, we are deemed guilty of hatred and racism, according to current Western media conventional wisdom.  Of course, you know who runs every last little scrap of media in America today, don't you?

My name is Edgar J. Steele.  Thanks for listening.  Please visit my web site, www.ConspiracyPenPal.com, for other messages just like this one.


Copyright ©2005, Edgar J. Steele

Forward as you wish.  Permission is granted to circulate both the written and audio version of this Nickel Rant among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications.   The audio version of this Nickel Rant may also be freely used in its entirety by for-profit broadcasting entities, but is not to be included in any recorded format which then is sold to others.  The audio version may be rebroadcast, either live or archived on the Internet, either copied or linked directly to my web site, profit and nonprofit alike, so long as it is used in its entirety.  In fact, I encourage any and all radio hosts to use it freely.  Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.


On-Line link to this rant in HTML format:  http://www.conspiracypenpal.com/rants/blues.htm 



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