
  Back Up the Truck, Boys and Girls!
by Edgar J. Steele

April 20, 2006

Let's see just how quickly this new list management system works in disseminating emails.  Thus far, only a fraction of my former list has clicked through and reconfirmed.  This email goes to only that fraction.  All future emails will be going only to reconfirmed list members.

In case you haven't heard, right now the precious metals markets have been hammered badly in what clearly is an attempt by the illegal cartel to get them back under control enough to liquidate their short sales.  How have they done this?  By more massive short selling, that's how.  They are going to fail, because the whole world now is in on the act and buying, hand over fist.  At this moment, the spot price of gold is down 2%, to $621 per ounce.  However, silver is down a huge 13%, to $12.67.

If you've been hoping for a correction and regretting not getting on the silver bandwagon, this really is the time to back up the truck and buy silver with both hands!

You'll need to go into your local bullion dealer and write him a check on the spot or make your Internet call with a credit card number right now.  The market closes in the US in a little under an hour, though the extended, overseas market continues through the night and all dealers will continue to quote from its spot price throughout the day.

Please pass the word to others that they need to reconfirm to stay on my list.  Forward them this email and have them click on the following link to resubscribe from scratch, needs be:

For a free Subscription, please Click Here or paste the following into the address window of your browser:  http://visitor.constantcontact.com/optin.jsp?m=1101275093426

I have added two new categories to the list, leaving the main one as "political/social rants and columns."  You can also sign up for "investments and money" and/or "North Idaho Issues."  Please consider going via the above link and modifying to add yourself to either of those categories, too.  Eventually, notices like this will go only to those signed up for investments.  Also, while you're there, please give me your name and address, if you are inclined to do so.  When Internet censorship comes, it will come without notice and that will be all that I will have with which to communicate with you - and I will communicate with you, rest assured.


Copyright ©2006, Edgar J. Steele

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