
   This is the only source for the absolutely free, somewhat regular and almost always peripatetic newsletter from Edgar J. Steele, occasionally referred to as "Attorney for the Damned."

   Steele always discusses politically-incorrect issues of general import and often illustrates his colorful and lively ranting with aspects of the higher-profile cases being handled by his law firm.

   Frequent updates and in-depth reports on some cases, designed to provide a viewpoint rarely afforded those who aren't actually sitting at counsel table during trial.

(Click here for brief biography and picture)

New Nickel Rants: Mr. Mental Explains: Derivatives, Calculus and Other Simple Concepts (Mar 7)... You (yes, you) Can Make a Difference (Jan 30)... The R3volution is Dead - Long Live the Revolution! (Jan 14)... New Columns: The State of the Revolution (Feb 17)... Fairly Unbalanced (Dec 31)...

Mar 14 - Market Update:  Cardozo was WRONG!!!

More charts than normal are coming my way as people attempt to get a grip on the surging (and purging) financial markets.  Straight analysis by charting past price movement is what is known as "technical analysis."  Consideration of the full host of underlying assumptions, corporate changes, earnings-per-share and the like, falls under the rubric "fundamental analysis."  Technicians and Fundamentalists have been at odds over the correct approach ... forever, it seems.  As usual, the truth lies somewhere in between.

Famous New York appellate judge Benjamin Cardozo, later a US Supreme Court Justice, once observed (about his Palsgraf vs. Long Island Railroad Company opinion) that he judged best, the less he knew about the parties beyond the relevant case facts.  He preferred not, even, to know their names.  His approach is revered today by almost every lawyer and judge but myself, it sometimes seems.  Cardozo's Palsgraf opinion, perhaps more than any other judicial case in American history, set the limits on simple negligence tort cases and is the centerpiece of every law school's first-year Torts class.  I thought Cardozo was wrong when I studied him in law school and, today, I am sure of it. 

For nearly 30 years, I have been meaning to get a T-shirt printed up that states, simply, "Cardozo was WRONG!!!"  It would have played better, had I done so during law school.  Now it simply would be the ultimate obscure in joke.

The investment analog to Cardozo's approach to judging is called "technical analysis."  No doubt, he was a Republican.  The late Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, on the other hand, represents the opposite end of the spectrum.  More recently, the late Chief Justice William O. Rehnquist represented to me the diffident stiff in judging.  Both Douglas and Rehnquist had nasty habits of authoring strictly logical opinions that were perfectly orderly except for single paragraphs, buried deeply, which amounted to "he waved his hands and it magically appeared."  I long have dismissed all ridiculously-liberal judicial opinions as "Douglas opinions" and equally-ridiculously-conservative opinions as "Rehnquist opinions."  Real judging requires consideration of both ends of the spectrum.

Cardozo, by all accounts, lived and died a cold, impersonal and lonely man.  Douglas, on the other hand, laughed a lot, traveled, made no apologies for his abject liberalism and died married to a young babe.  You choose which approach seems to work best on a personal level.

There is a time and a place for everything.  All things in moderation, especially moderation, in other words.  This applies to investing, too, not surprisingly.

I respectfully suggest that technical analysis, by itself, truly is useful only in "normal" or "made-to-seem-normal-because-manipulated" markets.

When things change fundamentally, technicians sit on the sidelines, at best.  At worst, technicians tend to buy high and sell low in huge bull and bear markets. We are in the midst of the most fundamental change seen in financial markets in modern times.  Now is the time to temper with fundamentals, else charts will kill you all day long.  In other words, all chart-based market timing approaches suck these days.

I now am retired.  My solution, since I view this as the greatest silver bull ever, is to buy on dips and never sell squat on perceived peaks.  The last time I had anything with which to buy, silver dipped just below $12.  Now I intend simply to ride it until I die or silver hits $100 (adjusted for inflation), whichever comes first.

So far, so good. 

When "Easy Al" (Bad Credit? No Credit? Come on down!) Greenspan spoke of the stock market's "irrational exuberance" 13 years ago, yet did nothing, letting the Dow surmount 5000 and thereby kill me and my naked S&P 500 shorts, I knew we were in trouble.  I started buying gold a year later, a coin or two at a time, as I could afford them.  Then I started buying silver 8 years ago and laid in a good foundation while it was beneath $5. 

A little over 2 years ago, I went "all in," selling all the gold I had bought and using the proceeds to buy silver at $7.  I have added to that silver with all the funds I have had come available (including borrowing) since then, whenever the price got taken to the cleaners.  I have to take some down here and there for living expenses, but I'm continuing to roll the bones, day after day.

People keep emailing me to ask, "Is this a good time to enter the silver market, despite the recent price runup?"  Always, "Every day is a good day," is my response.

I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

What to do with our empty hours, once investing becomes so ... easy? There always is Internet porn, of course.


Mar 6 - Market Update:  Short and Sweet

Silver is over $20 per ounce for good.  The dollar index is headed for 70, kicking and screaming every step of the way.  That's just the near term. 

Long term:  Can you spell "Moon," Alice? 

Mid term - this Fall, perhaps:  $30 silver, widespread homelessness, poverty and WWIII.  I predict a very harsh winter for next year.


Recent Columns and Nickel Rants (text and streaming audio files)

new >>> Mar 7 - Nickel Rant: Mr. Mental Explains: Derivatives, Calculus and Other Simple Concepts   mp3 audio
new >>> Feb 26 - Fun with Numbers  (Market Update 08-04)
new >>> Feb 26 - Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead!  (Market Update 08-03)
new >>> Feb 17 - The State of the Revolution   mp3 audio  (5 mb, 47 min)
Feb 8  - Will the Silver Market Pull Up Its Shorts to Cover Its Growing Crack?  (Market Update 08-02)
Jan 30 - Nickel Rant: You (yes, you) Can Make a Difference!!!   mp3 audio
Jan 22 - Snuck Up on Me  (Market Update 08-01)
Jan 14
- Nickel Rant: The R3volution is Dead - Long Live the Revolution!   mp3 audio
Jan 7  - Nickel Rant: F**k Fox!   mp3 audio
Dec 31 - Fairly Unbalanced
Dec 28 - Fox News Excludes Ron Paul
Dec 23 - You Only Think You Own Much of Anything
Dec 16 - Well Done - And Thank You!!!
Dec 16 - We Can Do It!  And We WILL Do It Because We MUST Do It!!!
Dec 16
- Nickel Rant: Ron Paul or Revolution!   mp3 audio  YouTube Video Montage
Dec 14 - The New Dollar   mp3 audio  (4.6 mb, 41 min)
Dec 11 - The Sky Already has Fallen
Dec 5  - Nickel Rant: BernieBucks   mp3 audio
Nov 7  - The MMUSDIP is Never Wrong
Nov 5  - Nov 5 - Ron Paul Day 
Nov 4  - Ron Paul - Our Last Chance   mp3 audio
Oct 29 - Nickel Rant: Lead - The Other White Metal   mp3 audio
Oct 22 - But ... Things Look so Normal, Martha
Oct 21 - Nickel Rant: I Know I Don't Know   mp3 audio
Oct 17 - 6 Million ... and Counting
Sep 30 - Nickel Rant:   Mr. Mental Explains - The US Dollar Index  mp3 audio
Sep 23 -
Nickel Rant:   Fight Crime: Shoot Back  mp3 audio
Sep 20 - Market Update 7-14
Sep 14 - Yet Still More Old Whine in New Battles   mp3 audio  (2.6 mb, 23 min)

Sep 17 - Market Update 7-13
Sep 12 -
Nickel Rant:   The Dollar in the Punch Bowl  mp3 audio
Sep 7 Market Update 7-12
Aug 27 -
Nickel Rant:   Abe Foxman: Holocaust Denier   mp3 audio
Aug 22 - Tipping Point  mp3 audio  (3 mb, 27 min)
Aug 16 - Market Update 7-11
July 26 - Market Update 7-10
July 11 - Market Update 7-9
July 11 - Nickel Rant:  Dead Country Walking   mp3 audio

June 28 - Market Update 7-8
June 14 - Nickel Rant:  Please Don't Throw Us in the Briar Patch!   mp3 audio
May 20 - Hell, No - I Won't Go!!!   mp3 audio  (1.6 mb, 15 min)
May 6 -
Nickel Rant:  Never Fry Bacon When You're Naked   mp3 audio
Apr 17 - So Much for Business as Usual  (Market Update 7-7)
Mar 25 - "Jesus Had it Coming..."   mp3 audio  (3 mb, 28 min)
Mar 24 - Splish, Splash - the Dollar's Taking a Bath!  (Market Update 7-6)
Mar 16 - Like a Rock! (Market Update 7-5)
Mar 13 - It's the Dollar, Stupid!  (Market Update 7-4)
Mar 2 - Trust in the Force  (Market Update 7-3)
Feb 27 - I Just Love the Smell of Stock Markets in Mourning (Market Update 7-2)
Jan 27 - For Market Technicians (Market Update 7-1)
Jan 23 -
Nickel Rant:  Obama? Yomama!   mp3 audio
Jan 15 - Marchin' Lootin' Killin' Day   mp3 audio  (3 mb, 28 min)
Jan 14 -
Nickel Rant: Brain Worms   mp3 audio

Note:  While free distribution of written and recorded columns is granted to all private individuals and not-for-profit organizations, the audio versions of Nickel Rants may also be freely used in their entirety by for-profit broadcasting entities. 

Selected Public Speeches (text and streaming audio files):

8/20/05 - Aryanfest '05:  Make a Difference!    mp3 audio    (9 mb,  53 min)
- Duke Unity Conference (David Duke intro)
Together, We Can Take Back America    mp3 audio    (9 mb,  40 min)
4/24/04 - IHR Zundel Revisionist Conference (Harvey Taylor intro):  The Truth Hurts   mp3 audio    (8 mb,  73 min)
6/20/03 - Barnes Review/American Free Press Conference:  Injustice for All  mp3 audio  (5 mb, 42 min)
6/22/02 - Council of Conservative Citizens (Sam Dickson intro)
The Death of Free Speech    mp3 audio   (10 mb,  58 min)

Selected Archived Interviews:

Video --

12/5/05 - CNBC' The Big Idea w/Donny Deutsch (re Prussian Blue)  wmv video  (45 mb, 42 min)
10/26/05 - Fox News' Dayside (re Prussian Blue)  mpg video  (9.0 mb, 7 min) 

Streaming audio files --

12/28/07 - James Edwards' Political Cesspool (30 min - fast forward to about minute 33 for start of interview)
10/1/07 - Michael Badnarik's Lighting the Fires of Liberty  mp3 audio   (14 mb, 120 min)
6/28/07 - Michael Badnarik's Lighting the Fires of Liberty  mp3 audio   (14 mb, 120 min)
11/3/06 - James Edwards' Political Cesspool (23 min - fast forward to about minute 36 for start of interview)
3/3/06 - James Edwards' Political Cesspool (25 min - fast forward to about minute 34 for start of interview)
10/31/05 - James Edwards' Political Cesspool
(45 min)
10/29/05 - David Zublick's America Talks (60 min)
/05 - Rick Adams' Radio Free America   mp3 audio   (13.6 mb,   120 min)
/05 - Rick Adams' Radio Free America   mp3 audio   (13.6 mb,   120 min)
/05 - Rick Adams' Radio Free America   mp3 audio   (13.6 mb,   120 min)
7/7/05   - Rick Adams' Radio Free America   mp3 audio   (13.6 mb,   120 min)

4/29/05 - Rick Adams' Radio Free America 
 mp3 audio   (6.8 mb,   60 min)

4/25/05 - Thorn/Giuliani's Wing TV   mp3 audio   (2.7 mb,  24 min)
3/14/05 - Peter Shank's Peter Principle  (re the entrapment of Matt Hale)    mp3 audio   (4.7 mb,  40 min)

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Donations to help with the cost of our efforts may also be mailed to Edgar Steele, PO Box 1255, Sagle, ID 83860.  Until the politically incorrect begin to get a fair shake in America, and because of unfairly-applied income tax regulations, I regret that your donation cannot legally be deducted on your tax return.  I must also make the following statement, to ensure that I do not run afoul of IRS regulations and to avoid being charged with misuse of funds, for which some patriot leaders falsely have been charged and imprisoned:  your donation is a gift to me, personally.

Buy copies of Defensive Racism - An Unapologetic Examination of Racial Differences, which extensively addresses the problems confronting America, now is available through www.Amazon.com (please consider going there and posting a review if you already have read it), though you can get a $5 discount by ordering directly from the publisher.  Additional significant quantity discounts will be applied during the order process. Visit www.DefensiveRacism.com for more information and on-line ordering information or simply click below (for an autographed copy, simply write "Sign mine" into the comments section of the on-line order blank): 


Defensive Racism, a book by Edgar J. Steele - Now shipping!

Selected reviewer and reader comments:

Michael C. Piper:   "An eye-opening and honest, no-holds-barred look at race relations in America today...should be read by as many Americans...as possible."

"...penetrating analysis...clear and logical...authoritative...get >"...painful and scary...like an enema for the Patriotic Movement:  long overdue."

Dr. Ed Fields:  "...Mr. Steele is perhaps the most dynamic speaker and writer in the right wing." 

David Lane:  "Comprehensive enough to awaken anyone who isn't determined to keep their minds closed to reason."

Michael J. Polignano "...compulsively readable, incisive in its analysis, and deft in its marshalling of factual evidence...so good, I would recommend it to my own mother."

Billy Roper:   "...everything you need to know about the last century of world history in one chapter, 'World War III'..."

Mark Farrell :  "If you read just one book this year, let it be Steele's.

Don Harkins:  "The fact that it is a "fun" read completely took me by surprise."

"Defensive Racism" is both entertaining and easy to read...yet very to the point.  I was surprised to see my teenage daughter reading the book at a friend's house and complaining because we didn't have a copy so she could finish reading it.  Now that's an endorsement of an engaging writing style!" -- "Marcus Aurelius," posted on Amazon.com
"...buy this book - now.  The chapters dealing with money and economics are worth the cost alone." -- Matt Spencer

"...the most important that I have read in a very long time." -- Laurie

"You gave me a stimulating punch of Anglo-Saxon patriotism."  -- Cdr. Steve Edson

"I read the book overnight and could not put it down. I have been taught this kind of thing all my life by my parents but this is the first time I have ever seen it in print like this." -- Heather Collins

"Defensive Racism is a literary educational masterpiece...and should be read by every free thinking White man, woman and child all across the globe.  Indeed destined to be, the cure for blindness."  -- Pastor Morris L. Gulett

"I have been reading your book, and can hardly put it down...Your summary of the two world wars and the first depression are the best I have read, as you give the reasons behind these events, which have never been very clear until now...You are doing a magnificent service for those of us who are struggling to understand what is happening in this republic." -- Douglas Whiddon

I have just finished reading your book.  It is excellent...I think your book is the book for the current times for anyone wanting enlightenment." -- Kenneth Wade

"Much more than I expected..." -- Fred Wahlstrom

"...everyone in this country ought to read it..."  --  Hazel Poole

"Got your book and loving it."  --  James  Seumas

"...Steele has written a book that explains what racism really is, and if it is natural, and what is in store for America.  I highly recommend this book.  I found his writing style very easy to read and understand, and basically, I believe that he speaks and writes the truth...something not heard in the mainstream media..." -- Bob Stewart, posted on Amazon.com 

"(His) best writing ever...Bold and ultra-controversial..." -- Jonathon

"Steele writes with a blowtorch." -- Tony

"A real eye opener.  As usual, Edgar Steele does his homework and leads us in the right direction." -- L. Giarratano, posted on Amazon.com

Visit www.DefensiveRacism.com for details, sample chapter excerpts, full text of reviews, more reader comments and on-line order information.

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Copyright ©2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Edgar J. Steele