if you read between the lines you'd know that I'm just trying
to understand the feelings that you lack. I never thought I
could feel this way and I've got to say that I just don't get
it. I don't know where we went wrong but the feeling's gone
and I just can't get it back! —
Gordon Lightfoot
lot of you have been asking why I haven't written anything
lately. My jaw
dropped about three weeks ago and damn few words have come out
of my mouth ever since. Mostly I've been asking for food, lots
of food. And watching a lot of movies, the black and white
ones, film noir, trying to pretend I don't live in this world
of 2004. I think this is what many people do when they reach a
certain age, when current events overtake them and they can't
cope with it, and try to take refuge in the
But let's face it. I can't cope with this reality. It's
more than I can handle. The best phrase to describe it?
Incredulous stupefaction. My head just wags back and forth
involuntarily these days.
Some of my friends say I simply read too much bad news.
Since the 9/11 deception, there's been anthrax, Afghanistan,
Patriot Act, and Iraq, to list the major chapters that go
along with perhaps the worst of all the atrocities, that
neverending story about the mass murder of the Palestinians
that the world seems so good at ignoring. And I've been
writing about all this ceaselessly for the past couple of
years. And I don't mean to demean all those wonderful people
who have written to me in appreciative support, but hell,
there are six billion people in the world, and most of them
are not listening, or doing anything constructive to stop this
juggernaut of carnage that is really the world's dominant
moneymaking operation.
Strife makes money for the rich losers who foment it.
And it's getting me down to the point of
What hope exists if people who profess to adhere to the
principles of the good life remain
For me, this recent paralysis really began with the Abu
Ghairab prison revelations. Attaching that poor Iraqi man to
electrical wires. That's a photograph that ranks with Jack
Ruby plugging Lee Harvey Oswald, with the Challenger
explosion, with that little naked Vietnamese girl running
screaming from napalm in the ranks of the most famous pictures
in American history. Any American that doesn't feel an
overwhelming sense of shame is a complete sociopath.
Unfortunately, it would seem that a majority of the American
populace — as well as virtually all its leaders — are exactly
that: mealymouthed chickenshit perverted immoral sadistic
sociopaths. And many of them carry holy books and insist these
atrocities are justified.
If the objective of the great Zionist Illuminati
Masonic conspiracy is to completelty demoralize Americans, the
prison scandal was the thing that did it for me. And I'm not
one who has exactly tried to hide his head in the sand over
time. I've tried to deal with all the facts in a forthright
9/11 was an inside job covered up by politicians we
elected and media we read every day.
The anthrax attacks came from our own government, but
no one was prosecuted.
The Patriot Act was a clearly provable act of treason
in which virtually all of our Congress
Afghanistan was target practice on hapless nomads to
reestablish the drug trade that is run by the
And Iraq. Poor Iraq. The American presence in Iraq is
what? What do you want to call it?
deliberate attempt to show the world what will happen to it if
it opposes American financial totalitarianism? Your residents
will be shot down in cold blood. Those who survive will be
stripped naked and raped if they're female, humiliated if
they're male. Ghoulish American soldiers will trifle with the
corpses of your relatives and make photographs to send home to
their friends to prove they're insane.
America robbed Iraq of everything it had, its riches,
its dignity, its health, its future. This is the real message
America is sending to the world. If the rest of the world
doesn't stop America in its tracks, right now, the world has
no future. Or, the future it has will be the rubble of the
Gaza strip and the makeshift cemeteries of
Imagine. Turning Yankee Stadium into a giant makeshift
cemetery. That's what real people — husbands and moms and
orphaned children — are contemplating today in Fallujah. The
brave people of Fallujah who repulsed the great American war
And then the images of Abu Ghraib and the new American
gulag that stretches around the world return. These prisoners
have no rights and face torture, even though their captors
know they are innocent. This is the new (?) American way, a
disgusting reality that most Americans refuse to
It is one thing to pretend you don't know American
prosperity has been gained by the exploitation of millions of
Third World peasants. It is quite another thing to know that
the American military practices a policy of torture and
indiscriminate murder everywhere in the
And so, like me, Americans turn away from the psychotic
spectacle, unable to cope with it.
But we all ought to think twice about doing this, about
not facing the reality of what is happening now. Because if we
turn away from this, we're only inviting the same sick thugs
to do the same sick stuff to us.
If we leave George W. Bush in charge — or for that
matter, if we elect John Kerry — we guarantee that we all will
be prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison, in one stark form or
The paradigm is, of course, Nick Berg. There are so
many questions about that sorry beheading episode that an
accurate analysis of the whole event remains impossible. But
what is obvious is American involvement. The powers that be
had this man killed to create a public relations episode to
take the media focus off its appalling torture and murder of
imprisoned Iraqi innocents.
Do you
realize what this means? It means that it is now OK for the
U.S. federal government to come into your home and kill you
because they then will tell a story to the public explaining
what a threat you were to Homeland Security. If you think this
is farfetched, I suggest you watch the Nick Berg carefully
video and contemplate your own future. (Hint: you have
Who will be held responsible for this horrific act? We
know the policy of emotionally devastating prisoners of the
U.S. war machine came from the very top of the organizational
chart. We know that this stunt was ordered by the same power
freaks who staged 9/11 to cram a state of permament war down
our throats.
And yet we accede to it. What can we DO about it? we
ask. We pretend we are powerless.
In my mind, George W. Bush is already guilty of mass
murder and treason for what he did — or didn’t do — about
9/11. As commander in chief of the war machine, he must also
take responsibility for Nick Berg, a deliberate murder for
propaganda purposes. I wonder if God told him to do it, just
like God told him to invade Afghanistan.
Doesn’t it chill you to know that the life of an
American citizen can be squandered in this way, so cynically,
with all the public facts about so twisted? Please contemplate
the chances that something like this could happen to
And continue to ask the question: who is to be held
responsible for all these murders, these endless murders? Who
do you think?
In my need to escape this bleak news-scape these days,
I contemplate a movie made more than a decade ago that, like
all good movies do, reflects what is happening now. It was
called “In the Mouth of Madness,” made by that controversial
Grade-B horror movie guru John Carpenter. And it depicts a
progressively horrific sequence of inexplicable murders woven
into a tale about some psycho and his holy
The astonishing punchline at the end reveals that the
people who are watching the movie in horror are actually the
same people who are IN the movie committing the bloody
You can imagine the wide-eyed hysterical laughter when
the main character realizes he is the person in the movie
doing the killing. In fact, if you watch the evening news
tonight, and then go into your bathroom and stare into the
mirror, you can probably re-create the scene
Spread the truth about war and
terrorism to others who are either misinformed or
misguided by the mainstream media and the current
administration. It is not enough just for you to
know the truth. You must make others aware. Together we
can all make a difference and change the perilous road
we are currently on. Please support freedom of
information and expression. Help bring true democracy
back to America.
Buy one or more of these bumper
stickers today, give them to your friends. Don't be
afraid to let others know what you think and how you
- Tony Naz, Webmaster and Administrator of
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