While watching the inane
vice-presidential debate the other night, I nearly swallowed
my gum when I heard vice-presidential challenger John Edwards
say, "I agree that we needed to invade Afghanistan." I had had
pretty much the same reaction earlier when his running mate
John Kerry had informed a worldwide TV audience that, despite
the high number of innocent people killed in Fallujah and
other cities, he would attack Iraq "much harder" than the
current mass murderer in charge of America's latest immoral
This demonic double whammy hammered home in my
mind that for the U.S. election of 2004, there is no real
opposition, no genuine choice, only differences in styles of
mass killing, and a message to the world that America is
united behind its curdled policies of utter injustice and
contempt for everyone on the planet.
The absence of a
presidential candidate who would even begin to admit to the
truth of America's lies dooms us here at home to a dark future
of permanent war, and the rest of the world to random
extermination depending on the resources they may possess that
others more powerful may covet.
The indelible message
to the world is that since there is no candidate calling for
actual peace and an accurate understanding of the processes
now turning the world into a shooting gallery, that all
Americans unanimously favor this all-out push toward world
domination, and preemptive obliteration of all who stand in
their greedy way.
But is this really the case, or is
this merely what America mainstream mass media say is the
case? In other words, do we as supposedly free people really
control our own destiny, or do others control it for us in our
While it seems true that the peace coalition in
the United States seems miniscule in this era of increasing
corporate control of the mind, it is perhaps instructive to
look at the behavior of the American people before and during
past wars to get a better idea of what's actually going on
here and now.
I am reminded of the trenchant essays of
Scott Nearing in 1916, when he pointed out that Woodrow Wilson
was the peace candidate who vowed to keep us out of the
European war, then shortly thereafter, after a hysterical
newspaper campaign vilifying fictitious German baby eaters,
got us into the War to End All Wars.
Or the
behind-the-scenes manipulation of Japan which compelled it to
invade Pearl Harbor, which Franklin Roosevelt then used as an
excuse to attack Germany.
Or the famous Gulf of Tonkin
incident which 40 years later we learned never happened, but
at the time was used to rationalize a U.S. invasion of Vietnam
that produced millions of deaths in a pointless war that to
this day no one can adequately explain?
Or the young
lady, later learned to be employed by the Hill & Knowlton
ad agency, who came to Washington to tell the world that
babies were being ripped from their incubators by Iraqi
soldiers in a campaign to convince Americans that we should
start bombing Iraq. That now-disproved bit of theater happened
almost 15 years ago, yet we have not stopped bombing Iraq ever
How many of you out there still believe that
you actually control what happens in your own lives? And how
many of you have reached the point where you have decided the
time is long past that something be done about this?
The controlling mechanism of this present burst of
American aggression throughout the world is of course the
tragedy of 9/11, an apparent attack by foreign extremists on
American landmark that to this day has never been adequately
investigated or explained.
And yet, the American
people have by and large accepted their government's clumsy
story without a peep of a demand for documentation, provable
evidence, or a thorough investigation. Why?
The great
9/11 coverup must be considered in the context of previous
political events in which the American people accepted the
facile lies of its leaders without demanding more information
or an honest accounting of these extremely suspicious events.
Or, more succinctly, had Americans demanded more
forthright explanations of the three big assassinations back
in the 1960s - JFK, RFK and MLK - it is very likely that none
of these subsequent catastrophes to the American conscience
ever would have happened. But we didn't. And we still don't.
As a result, the war machine rolls on, with the mayhem
creeping ever closer to home.
Almost no one I know of
believes the official version of what happened in the murder
of President Kennedy. After 40 years of discussion, it seems
like Michael Collins Piper's "Final Judgment" furnishes the
final word on the matter, that JFK was dusted because he
demanded Israel open its nuclear facilities for inspection,
and that he wanted to diminish the power of the Federal
Reserve, so these two entities got together and concocted an
elaborate scheme to blame a CIA groupie for the crime and used
a CIA hit team to do the deed, with the fatal shot actually
being fired by the driver of the presidential limo. You
haven't read that in the New York Times lately, have you?
Once JFK's successor LBJ took over, there was a rapid
rise in the amount of money funneled to Israel, a trend that
since has never diminished, even though Israel destroyed an
American ship (another famous noninvestigation) and basically
took over the American political system through bribes and
blackmail. Again, no mainstream media coverage of that.
Jump to the 1990s, right after the Bush family
completed its plundering of America's savings and loan
industry, adding billions to the family bank account. Not much
in the newspapers about that, and certainly not the real
The 1990s began with the invasion of Panama
(actually it was '89), about which NBC reported 45 Panamanians
died, but an Oscar-winning documentary later revealed a death
toll of 4,000.
Then came the Gulf War, when the U.S.
told Saddam Hussein it was OK to invade Kuwait, but later
bombed the hell out of him for doing it. There was some
coverage of this, but most Americans didn't pay attention to
Then came World Trade Center 1, where two FBI
informants gathered a couple of other Egyptians together to
drive a truck full of explosives into a New York City parking
garage. America's mainstream media called it a terrorist
Then came Waco, which was kind of like
Vietnam, in that today no one can really explain why it
happened or what was the dark secret behind the government's
massacre of 84 (or 103) men, women and children who just
happened to be esoteric religious fanatics. The only thing
most of know for sure is that the government lied before,
during and after the event, and the mainstream managed to
cover it up, despite covering it live.
Then an FBI
sniper fired a bullet through the head of a young mother
holding her baby, and the mainstream media said the government
was fighting a white supremacist terrorist in Idaho. The
sniper later received a medal.
Then the Murrah
Building in Oklahoma exploded and the government blamed a
glazed-eyed white Patriot for doing it. Funny how McVeigh
supposedly used a truck full of fertilizer parked outside the
building, yet the building exploded outwards. But again,
mainstream media and the federal judges ignored all the
contrary evidence and quickly (supposedly) fried the fingered
Six years later came 9/11, and most Americans
have never even thought about the facts that their government
quickly destroyed the evidence and never - NEVER! - conducted
an investigation into how those buildings fell and WHO did it.
The government simply named the perpetrators it chose to name
(all of whom probably were using false identities), and began
making war on other countries which had no clear connection to
the fingered false identities.
What is wrong with this
picture? And worse, what is wrong with the American people
that they have conceded control of their own destinies to a
process and a government that is so clumsily incompetent that
it can't even invent believable stories for their citizens to
swallow? And yet we swallow, endlessly, pathetically.
Do you suppose it's TV? If people can sit and watch
the lame imitations of life they see on the boob tube and
think this is actual, real life, can they swallow their
government lying to them and believe it's the truth? Is that
what's going on here?
Or is it the schools? Are our
school curricula so manipulative and mind-controlling that
people who attend 12 years of U.S. schools not only can't
think critically but can't even identify complete lies which
are paraded before their faces?
Is this what is
Whatever is happening, it is leading to the
death and demise of everything we hold dear.
American manufacturing base has been destroyed and most decent
jobs are being shipped overseas because American labor has
priced itself out of existence.
Mass consumption food
is no longer safe to eat because of food additives and lack of
government regulation.
You can't drink tapwater
anywhere in America anymore, but President Bush insists
environmental regulations are too stringent.
all of America's vaccinations are tainted by mercury and other
harmful substances, which create brain damage in children and
sudden death in adults. Yet we line up, ever docile, to take
them, and the maladies they bring.
Our soldiers, when
they're not being killed by an outraged enemy fighting for its
own freedom against their corporate oppressors, are being
killed by the ammunition they are forced to handle and the
vaccinations they are ordered to take. Still we wave our flags
and gladly sacrifice our children.
Wait ... this is a
very long list; let's get to the point.
We have
forfeited control of reality to our mass media. How many times
have you heard someone say, "I don't believe something is
really real until I see it on television. Then I know for sure
it's really happening."
This is the new American
paradigm, both a fear of independent self-determination and a
horror of not being part of the crowd. People are afraid to
think for themselves, and to question what is being rammed
down their throats as consensual truth.
It turns out
what is being rammed down our throats is killing us, and not
thinking for ourselves will, in very short order, lead to our
own deaths, because the plan is to reduce the population to
what they call sustainable levels, and the chances are very
good that you are not part of that plan.
This all
could have been avoided if somebody, way back when or even
yesterday, had had the courage to stand up and say, "This is
not what is really happening. You are lying to us." Said it to
the media and/or the government in sufficient numbers.
But we didn't. With each lie they get away with, the
lies simply get worse, the death toll gets higher. Now we've
reached the point where the government is openly trying to
kill many of us, and we're sitting there smugly saying, "Well,
this doesn't really affect me." Or "Perhaps some other people
need to be excluded in the interests of the health of the
human race."
Well, Bunky, that person, whether you
realize or not, sooner or later, is going to be you.
You had a chance to stop it - even now you do - but
you didn't, and you don't.
And all because you let
other people tell you what reality really is. The rule is ....
if you can't make your own decision, they'll make it for you.
And surely you know what their decision will be.
time you speak with a politician, or a government employee,
talk as if your life is on the line. Because it is.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf
Coast of Florida. Mostly he writes essays that appear in
various websites on the Internet. These have been collected
into two anthologies, "America's Autopsy Report" and "The
Perfect Enemy." For information go to http://www.johnkaminski.com/
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