Zionist Watch: The Writings of Patrick Grimm

May 31, 2007

The Devil Is On the Doorstep

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:30 pm

By Patrick Grimm

There is an old axiom that informs us that “the devil is in the details.” This is, at its most basic, a piece of wisdom reminding us to read the fine print when signing contracts or hearing information and promises that seem “too good to be true.”

But what do you do when the devil is not in the details? What is to be done when the devil is not furtive, is not using stealth anymore, but is perched instead on the doorstep and knocking in a hostile and bellicose manner? This is our trouble, for the devil is no longer content to work behind the scenes, subtlely tugging at a string here and there to induce the dance he desires. Now the devil’s attacks are open, brazen, barefaced, tawdry and unblushing in their intensity.

Big, huge hulking Jewry is done with playing the covert game to get what they want, and what they want is to run the whole world and they are so very close to achieving their sinister promise in this regard. They are proud to say “We are going to own you Goyim!” They never blush, they never apologize and they never ever back down from their frontal assaults on our rights and our Constitution. Strewn across the internet like so much garbage, like pools of toxic chemical waste, are the hitmen for their cause, already waiting with excuses, lies, indulgences and subterfuge for their brethren that debauch us.

Let me be very clear in my words. The agents of Big Jewry lie as naturally as they breathe. They don’t even give it a thought. For them to even consider lying as something immoral would be like a fish contemplating deeply the reality that it is surrounded by water. It’s a given. Their falsehoods, double-speak and duplicitousness are part of their make-up as sub-humans. Calling these devils part of the human family is much too generous and liberal. They are part of the “brood of vipers” Jesus Christ warned us of right before the smart boys of the Talmud knocked Him off to quiet His tongue. They can never bear the truth being told about them, but we can see that Christ had the last laugh, if you can even use such terms when referring to the Savior. The devils of Judaism killed every ancient critic they ever had, and they would love nothing more than to do the same today. These Satanic beings are at war with all humanity, and the truth, as always happens in a war, must become the first casualty.

The Beelzebubs of Big Jewry don’t want dialogue. I figured that out a long time ago. They won’t engage in dialogue because the truth is not on their side. The truth has never been on their side. Instead, as they hover like ghoulish gargoyles or scavenger birds at the door, they wait to rip us asunder. They are done with code words against us and hiding their identities. They want a war with Gentiles, at least of the Cold War variety. The shooting hasn’t started yet, but the war of words certainly has. I am more than ready to give them the war they crave, like they have craved so many other wars (WWI, WWII) in the past.

Judaism, Big Jewry, Zionism and Jewish supremacism are all part of the devilish Mephistophelian blueprint they have for our world. They won’t be needing us for much longer and soon these demons will put the final nail in the coffin, both figuratively and literally. The door will swing open, they will emerge from the doorstep to claim us and end us. We have allowed this to happen. Our Faustian bargain, our pluralistic tolerance for their crimes and their diabolical deeds will finally draw the curtain on our existence.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We must call a ‘devil’ a ‘devil’, and there is nothing more devilish and evil than Jewish excess. The human cost they have extracted from us like Shylock’s “pound of flesh” is more than anyone should have to bear. But bear it we have, often with a smile and often with our arms and pocketbooks wipe open to pay for it all. No more, you Judaistic demons, no more! I won’t be silent. I will engage in the war against the hellhounds of Big Jewry because I know that I am on the side of light and they sit, as they always do, on the side of darkness and disinformation and distortion and death.

So I say to the Evil Ones, the loathsome and vicious and perverted minions of the hell that is Judaistic thinking, the garbage heap that makes up their mentalities and minds, bring on the war! I will speak the truth and I will draw you out, even if that means gluing a penny to the floor. Come on into Zionist Watch and prove who you are with your insults, your gutter language, your sick scatological obsessions and your filth. You make a far better case for opposing and battling the Jewish agenda than anything I could say. But whatever you do, bring on the war!

“You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

-Jesus Christ

May 30, 2007

Spitzer and the ‘Deballing’ of Masculinity

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 5:34 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Did you know that a Jewish psychiatrist (and that includes about 90% of psychiatrists) Dr. Robert Spitzer invented the whole sham diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder? Would you even think that it could have been any other way? The ADD and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) labels have been branded on our children like scarlet letters and the bureaucracy and the education czars and apparatchiks have used this faux psychiatric diagnosis as an excuse to drug our young people. Since boys are more likely to exhibit all the symptoms of ADD or ADHD, they are the first guinea pigs used by the social engineers that run our warped leftist government schools.

They are, in a word, “deballing” our young boys in America, and with the help of pills and pharmaceuticals, are making them pliable and submissive servants of the one-worlder agenda that the Jews are forcing on us, whether we like it or not. Our American boys, who will one day be adult men, are being scolded for their aggressiveness, their ebullient free-spirited behavior and their masculine traits. In other words, they are being censured for everything that makes a male a male. They must be feminized, softened and weakened so that they can be controlled. They must become more like girls and women, because girls and women are more submissive, and are more governed by feelings, rather than logic and the “will to power.” This is a travesty that all of us should be ashamed of. We Gentiles allowed this to happen, allowed our kids to be doped up and dumbed down by the National Education Association and many other neo-Communist bodies who are mostly run by insanely liberal Jews at the highest levels.

But this is not the whole story. This Jewish psychiatrist who wrote the fraudulent book on these pseudo-disorders has apparently found a conscience or has modified his views in the face of mounting evidence that this whole fiasco has been an orchestrated farce. “Dr Spitzer, professor of psychiatry at Columbia University in New York, now says the classification led to many people being diagnosed as medically disordered when their mood swings and behaviour were simply normal feelings of happiness and sadness.” [1] Well, good work, Bob! You are confirming what many of us have been shouting for years! Conservatives for about the last decade have given dire warnings that this whole ADD-ADHD movement is about controlling recalcitrant youngsters, chiefly boys, more than any real concern about mental or psychological maladies.

Creativity is being killed by the drugging of our male offspring. If you looked into the past you would most likely find that a lot of the most difficult children ended up being the most creative. Today, they would be lobotomized and robotized with a daily dose, a daily drugging to kill their will to behave as nature intended.

A blogger on Media Watch puts it best when she (Geraldine) says “Well done Media Watch for exposing the fraudulent story about Dr Spitzer and ADHD. Those of us with a keen interest in ADHD have been putting up with this sort of thing for the last twenty years, and it has done immeasurable harm. It promotes unscientific attitudes to this disorder, and encourages those who peddle products and therapies that do not work. The victims in all of this are those with ADHD who have to bear the stigma of a disorder that has been regarded for too long as “fair game” for lampooning and misrepresentation. As with the story about brothels, the tendency of the media to sensationalise the issue, while at the same time moralising about it, is objectionable. I hope that they will be more considered in what they say in future.” [2]

I say, amen and good night to the Jewish-tinged doping of American, British and many other nationalities of young people. C. S. Lewis states wisely that “We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.” [3]

It is high time that we make a 180 from the road to destruction that we are headed down, burning rubber in a six-cylinder engine as we race to our demise. If Robert Spitzer can be man enough to admit his error as a doctor, then surely our educrats and mafioso teachers’ unions can do the same. And isn’t it funny that the ADD-ADHD arc of evil emanated from the same source as the homosexual rackets, the feminist con game and the abortion industry blood merchants? Lately, when someone points out that a Jew or a handful of Jews is backing some new sort of subversion, I take a deep breath and calmly say “But of course they are. Could it be any other way?” No, it really couldn’t be.

[1] http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23388389-details/The+great+ADHD+myth/article.do
[2] http://www2b.abc.net.au/tmb/Client/Message.aspx?b=33&t=33&a=0&ps=20&m=1156&dm=1
[3] http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/cslewis132782.html

May 27, 2007

The Blame Game

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 11:25 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Can we be strong, or are we forced to be dependent “on the kindness of strangers”? Those strangers are the alien forces among us, those who bestow their blessings upon us, the media kingpins, the entertainment masterminds, the gurus of both self-help and self-congratulations. We can talk, complain, harp and thunder in rage against Zionism, but in so many ways, we only have ourselves to blame. We can try to lay the whole burden of guilt on Zionist Jews and radical Jews and extremist Jews who truly do run an immense cross section of this country. But what then? We have allowed it to happen, haven’t we? We have been silent, uninformed, misinformed, cowardly, cowed, afraid of ruffling feathers.

You don’t like the perversion pouring out of Hollywood? Then why are more Gentiles not producing films, TV programs, documentaries and other works of art of the highest quality? We have abandoned the field and others, those who have values and moral compasses alien to most Americans have seized that field and they have achieved unquestioned, undisputed success there. Who can blame them? They are money people. They have made money their god, and it is a false god. That is not the issue. We have not stepped up to the plate ourselves. We have been content to let others play the game, and they have now won that game.

So you don’t like the art being flung upon the public, championing ugliness, malformed concepts and degenerate lifestyles? What are you doing to make your country a more beautiful and comely place? If all you do is scream and shout at the depravers, I doubt you are doing much of value whatsoever, are you?

The fact of the whole matter is simple, as most truths are. The Jewish supremacists have a lot to answer for, but in a very fundamental way, so do we. We have chosen to be “talkers” but not “doers.” We have stepped out of the picture and consigned ourselves to the fact that we are not bright enough, committed enough, dedicated enough or rich enough to run our own United States of America. It’s just not true. White people created the foundations upon which we stand. We are more than up to the task of preserving our republic, but it takes more than complaints. It takes action, hearty, honest and open-ended debate and creations, gifts that enrich our people, rather than despoil them. The zealous among the Jews have given us the sour, twisted moral code that lurks like bile within their hearts. We must do better than that. We can’t do it by simply playing the blame game. Create, exist with a purpose and a mission and become the change. Your world can be better, but it must come from you, me, ALL OF US.

Scapegoating, while sometimes necessary, is often fruitless when glancing at the big picture. The big picture is much like a good painting. It is full of juxtaposed images, all glowing with their own individual brilliance. We must be those images, those splashed-about colors in a universe, a world and a country that has been stained and flecked with darkness. Stand, create, embody the change you desire, the change you yearn for. Fashion those things which are noble, honest and good, no matter what your talents are. If you are an artist, uplift people with your work. If you are a speaker, speak words that enrich and embolden. All of us must do what we are best at doing.

May 26, 2007

Morris Dees and the SPLC: Agents of Big Jewry

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 6:24 pm

By Patrick Grimm

What is Big Jewry? It is the interconnected network of Jewish organizations, think tanks, lobbyists, supposed “civil rights groups”, charities, media outlets, particular newspapers such as the New York Times and their partners and brothers-in-arms in the bloated federal bureaucracy. Big Jewry may not be monolithic on every issue of public moment, but they generally take pro-Zionist, pro-Israel, pro-illegal immigration, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, pro-”free trade”, pro-affirmative action positions. They are quite anti-Christian, anti-church, anti-free speech, anti-Gentilist and when it comes right down to it, anti-American. They are pro-Jewish and not much of anything else matters to them. The Tribe comes first and foremost. The rest of their stances naturally follow from this vantage point. They will fund and further the causes that weaken us, and what weakens us puts them squarely in the engineer’s seat of the American cultural train wreck.

I am going to pass over some of the more obvious Jewish groups I have cited before and discuss one particular organization that is run by a gang of perverts, degenerates and hucksters. I am going to call them out for the filthy anti-American thugs that they truly are. I refer of course to a group with the misnomer The Southern Poverty Law Center. It is ironic that a political propaganda mill with this name has spent years raking in tens of millions of dollars promoting illegal immigration, anti-white racism, homosexuality, the de-Christianization of the US and every other sick far-left cause that is ripping America apart at the Constitutional seams. This “poverty” group has nothing to do with assisting or empowering the poor and downtrodden and everything to do with lining the pockets of elitist Jews and tossing some of the profits back into the coffers of Big Jewry.

The Southern Poverty Law Center

The SPLC is ostensibly a political group fighting for equal rights, particularly for minorities, but a closer inspection of this oft-cited leftist rat’s nest reveals a darker agenda. The SPLC is, more than everything else it might be, an anti-white and anti-freedom law firm. It was founded by two Jews, Morris Dees and Joseph J. Levin, Jr. We can now turn to Wikipedia for a description, albeit a slanted and deceptive one, of the SPLC. Wikipedia states warmly and probably with a Jewish smirk: “The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is an American non-profit legal organization, whose stated purpose is to combat racism and promote civil rights through research, education and litigation.” [1] Well, how wonderful!

With wailing whines about the supposed threat of a “growing” Ku Klux Klan and white power groups who are, in the eyes of SPLC, on the rise, this center uses fearmongering and scapegoating as a fundraising drive for their self-serving racket. But you have to hand it to Dees and Levin. Their scare tactics and alarmist website and mailings have kept the leftists hopping. They have also kept these same leftists writing and mailing big checks to the SPLC. In a 2000 issue of Harper’s Magazine, Ken Silverstein wrote in an article entitled appropriately “The Church of Morris Dees” that “Morris Dees doesn’t need your ‘financial support’ because “the SPLC is already the wealthiest ‘civil rights’ group in America.” [2] Just how rich are Dees and his fellow shyster-in-crime, Joe Levin? Silverstein estimates that the Southern Poverty Law Center has a war chest totaling over $120 million, with the center ostentatiously spending over $5.76 million on fundraising alone. I guess “poverty” pays, doesn’t it?

Big Jewry’s Agenda

What is the complete agenda of the Southern Poverty Law Center? I would describe it in my own words as “much like the American Civil Liberties Union, only with more chutzpah.” But let’s take a closer look.

Cliff Kincaid informs us that “The Southern Poverty Law Center, which supported the ‘hate crimes’ bill, is so extreme that it lists the conservative Christian Traditional Values Coalition (TVC), a coalition of churches, on a map of ‘hate groups’ because of its opposition to special rights for homosexuals. The TVC is listed on the same page with the Ku Klux Klan and the Nation of Islam.” [3] Much like the ACL-Jew and the ADL, the SPLC endorses homosexual so-called marriage and the endorsement and celebration of homosexual behavior in our society. Like so many other wings of Big Jewry, they readily label anyone who dissents from their hard-left line on this issue as a “hater” and simplistically lump them in with Klansmen and others who are seen as beyond the political pale in America.

As I’m sure you can predict, their views on other crucial issues are just as knee-jerk and predictable. In fact, the SPLC is yawningly predictable. Here is one boring excerpt from their website, attempting to brand opponents of illegal criminal immigration as bigots. “Behind the recent upswing in anti-immigration activism are an array of groups, including the 10 listed here. Most of these groups regularly work together, and their leaders frequently hold cross-memberships in several organizations at once. Some of the groups have clear ties to openly racist organizations, and even some of those that don’t still espouse thinly disguised bigotry.” [4]

You see, according to Big Jewry, to not want to be invaded, conquered and dispossessed is the same as racial discrimination and bigotry. The SPLC wants wide open borders so the Third Worlders can rush in. In fact, Dees and company have even taken to providing these lawbreakers legal assistance, rewarding them for their criminality. It’s hardly shocking. Dees and Levin support open borders for every nation, save Israel.

Perhaps you haven’t heard this absolutely insane and outrageous story related to Dees and his Jewish gangsterism. It is lengthy, but is essential reading. Here it is:

“Two miles from the border with Mexico, U.S. citizen Casey Nethercott’s dream ranch is now the property of Edwin Alfredo Mancia Gonzales and Fatima del Socorro Leiva Medina, both illegal immigrants from El Salvador.

And Nethercott didn’t sell it to them. They took it by force, after trespassing on it to sneak into the U.S. All orchestrated by Dees.

Dees’ legal squad used American courts to put Nethercott in jail and transfer his property to the illegals he tried to keep out.

According to the New York Times, Nethercott bought the Arizona ranch, ‘Camp Thunderbird,’ in 2003 for $120,000, his entire savings. He used the 70-acre property as headquarters for Ranch Rescue, a group like (and connected with) the Minutemen, which tries to keep our borders safe–since our government will not.

In March 2003, Nethercott and Ranch Rescue caught Mancia and Leiva sneaking into the country on a ranch near the Texas border. Even Mancia and Leiva admit that the Ranch Rescue members gave them cookies, water, and a blanket, and let them go after an hour.

But they accused Nethercott of threatening them and hitting Mr. Mancia with a pistol. Instead of trying the illegals for trespassing and kicking them out, Texas prosecutors tried and convicted Nethercott of gun possession by a felon (he previously served time in California for assault), and he is now serving five years in a Texas prison.

In prison for the gun possession charge, Nethercott was unable to defend himself against a civil lawsuit filed by Dees and his gangster mob of lawyers on behalf of the illegals who claimed post-traumatic stress for their hour of cookies and water.

Dees took Nethercott’s ranch to pay the default judgment of $850,000 against Nethercott (in addition to $600,000 garnered against two other men).” [4]

And the antics, avarice and moral anarchy of Big Jewry go on and on and on into a hellish infinity. They aren’t going to stop what they are doing. They will continue to sell America down the river as long as they continue to make a buck, or millions of bucks, doing it.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a literal Fifth Column in the United States, and having already burrowed their way into the structure of this country, will eat away at it like a persistent termite. These racketeers are the Fifth Columnists of American and world Jewry, lacerating whites, suing, defunding and punishing them, making them second-class citizens in a nation now owned wholesale by Zionism.

The political low ground that the SPLC has staked out on every partisan squabble makes them especially pernicious. Dees and his Communist minions are so far to the left, they are almost horizontal. They hate Christianity, white rights, the traditional family, border control, gun ownership, free speech, free expression (unless it is pornographic), patriotism, nationalism and any sense of moral absolutes in the populace at large.

Who Is Morris Dees?

Let’s be clear on this. Morris Dees is a Jewish radical leftist pervert, degenerate, sexual deviant and a proud and flagrant adulterer to boot. Dees is also an alleged child molester. Strong words, I know, but the evidence bears them out.

Here are a few pertinent quotes from a report on Mr. Dees, detailing some of his immoral and dishonest behavior:

“Maureene was literally forced to file suit for divorce in March, 1979, because of Morris’ obstinate refusal to give up his mistress who he was then supporting and who had become pregnant by him. However, Maureene did not give up her marriage easily. Prior to Morris’ permanent involvement with the McGaha woman, Maureene had endured a long series of degrading incidents which evidenced Morris’ voracious and eclectic sexual appetite. Since early in their marriage, Morris repeatedly bragged to Maureene that with his looks and his money he could have any woman he wanted, and he constantly bragged about women propositioning him.”

“Later in the marriage he repeatedly told her of women that he had had sexual intercourse with during the marriage (R. 354). He said further that he enjoyed trying to turn on gay people and he expressed a desire to have an experience with a gay.” [5]

It is also alleged that Morris Dees had a sexual relationship with a homosexual man named F. Charlie Springman after the man would not give in to Dees’ requests that Springman have sex with Dees’ wife, Maureene. But this is not the worst of it. There is strong evidence pointing to the fact that Dees sexually molested his stepdaughter and engaged in an incestuous relationship.

James Tucker of American Free Press tells us:

“Quoting from the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals, CIV2114 (1979), the brochure says: ‘Of all the damning indictments against Morris Dees, the worst comes from his closest connection. He was sued by his ex-wife, Maureene Bass Dees, who alleged that he had committed incest with his stepdaughter and future daughter-in-law.’” [6]

Another site states, referring to a now defunct weblog detailing Dees’ criminal shenanigans: “It contains a wealth of articles from mainstream papers about the activities of SPLC and even deposition excerpts from Dees’ ex wife alleging some pretty perverted things, such as three-ways and child molestation.” [7]

Any Google search on Morris Dees will render countless accounts of his molestation of his stepdaughter, as well as his bisexuality, homosexual liasons, his adultery, womanizing and “swinging.” These are serious charges, especially when leveled against a blowhard who spends his time indicting others for imaginary “racial” attitudes and thought crimes, and for only wanting to defend their heritage.

To sum it all up, Morris Dees and The Southern Poverty Law Center are just one more tragic politically correct play, one directed by the greedy agents of Big Jewry who flaunt all their ill-gotten wealth. In the case of Dees, we can clearly see that their fortunes have been attained by literal thievery, by stealing from the American people through shakedowns, persecutions, aiding criminal illegals and by embarking on, for lack of a better word, recurrent neo-McCarthyite (and Joseph McCarthy was right, by the way) witch hunts of their ideological adversaries. Dees and his ilk must be stopped and only by becoming “the party of exposure” can we hope to end his unlawful hijinks that are defrauding and impoverishing our republic. This article is at least a good start as we move in the direction of disentangling ourselves from the web of Jewish supremacism.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Poverty_Law_Center
[2] Ken Silverstein, “The Church of Morris Dees,” Harper’s Magazine, 1 November, 2000, No. 1806, Vol. 301; Pg. 54 ; ISSN: 0017-789X. Text can be viewed at the Federation for American Immigration Reform website here (scroll down). Harper’s article verified in D.F. Oliveria, “Dees can Buy Poverty Center a New Name,” Spokesman Review, Feb 12, 2001.
[3] http://www.nationalledger.com/artman/publish/article_272613179.shtml
[4] http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=19289
[5] http://www.zianet.com/web/dees2.htm
[6] http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/even_with_morris_dees.html

May 25, 2007

We Are Making A Difference!

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 11:17 pm

By Patrick Grimm

As I look around at great blogs on the internet and see the comments posted and the responses evoked by countless articles, I know that we are making a difference. We are exposing the truth about Zionism, Jewish supremacism and the hatred and destruction oozing like a deadly chemical from the Jewish community.

Great blogs like The West’s News From The West, Chris Womak’s PC Apostate and one of the newcomers, Jayne Gardener’s site entitled The Canadian Paleoconservative Primer, are like a breath of fresh air in the midst of the suffocating regime of Jewish censorship and media white noise. All of us will continue to speak out and expose the Big Lie of Big Jewry. Abe Foxman, we aren’t going away! In fact, when this is all over, you are going to be the big loser! You are going away! We are going to awaken the American people and the world to the crimes of your Zionist gangsters! You won’t succeed! In fact, you will be driven from power and you can then slink away to Israel, a defunded and deballed Israel, with your tail between your legs.

I have been amazed and pleased by the responses to much of the articles, op-eds and research pieces that we are disseminating across the internet world. Whether it is pulling away the false front of the radical homosexual movement and revealing it as an intrinsically Jewish agenda to debase our country, or simply revealing the hatred that exists for Gentiles among many Jews, all of us are doing our best to open and enlighten minds. We will continue to do so and we will win. Of this I have no doubt.

May 24, 2007

Jayne Gardener Has Arrived!

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 11:55 pm

Jayne Gardener is the charming, wise and icon-smashing writer who has designed a delightfully subversive blogspot titled The Paleoconservative Primer. “Primer” is the right word to describe Ms. Gardener’s new political endeavor, since she is bound to give a thorough education to the benighted among us. She is also determined to smash the false gods of reflexive Canadian liberalism and socialism and the equally fallacious idols of Jewish supremacist media power and Zionist control.

Jayne Gardener is a native-born Canadian who has since moved to the United States. Jayne is chagrined and dismayed by the state of her home country, as she rightly should be. She is courageous and unafraid of calling out the charlatan leftists and radical egalitarians who now grip Canada solidly by the testicles. She is also not adverse to the idea of insulting and mocking the fraudulent Jewish-run movement that calls itself “modern feminism” for its hatred, its intolerance and its sheer lunacy. Feminists of the contemporary variety should correctly be labeled as “haters”, “bigots” and “misanthropes.” Jayne is unafraid of wielding such harsh language as a weapon and unleashing it ferociously against her political and ideological enemies.

If you want a new perspective, a unique female paleoconservative perspective, then The Paleoconservative Primer should be added promptly to your Favorites list. Jayne Gardener is a voice of reason crying in a world filled with sundry trendy and chic leftisms.

Don’t miss out on this fascinating and unapologetic journey into the mind of an un-PC Canadian. (They do exist, you know.) Head straight to http://thepaleoconservativeprimer.blogspot.com and discover that there actually are a few Canadians with functioning brains in their heads.

Patrick Grimm

The Enemies Within

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:28 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Big Jewry seeks to steal, kill and destroy in the same exact way that the Bible tells us that the Evil One intends to do these things. Big Jewry is armed with a bankroll rivaling the Almighty. They intend your (the European-Americans) demise as a people. These are the “enemies within” our nation that Marcus Tullius Cicero, the great Roman orator warned us of so many centuries ago. His famous quote deserves repeating here:

“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague.” [1]

We are plagued by Big Jewry, its minions, its media, its confidence men among the Goyim and all its unspeakable iniquitous works. Illegal immigration is only the tip of an ominous iceberg of titanic proportions. Nearly 99% of all the societal sicknesses you see being foisted upon us are being delivered (with postage due) courtesy of one unified whole. It’s not necessarily the Jewish people as a group who are wholly to blame, though one wishes that the decent among them would speak out against their leadership, but it is Big Jewry we have to fear. It is the kosher grand wizards of international Zionism who are funding this horde invasion of a formerly majority white nation.

It is my job, my duty and indeed my pleasure to inform you of these facts. I won’t shut up about any of this until every American fully grasps what is at stake and who is tightening the screws on our people. Big Jewry has emboldened every perversion in the United States, they have caused most of the world to hate America, not because America is still so good, but because America is becoming more Jewish in the way it operates. We are shipping our vile, base and appalling entertainment all over the globe and we wonder why the Muslims hate and despise us. We wonder why they aren’t impressed and why many of them will do anything to hurt us. Moral people in European countries are also shocked and repulsed by what is flowing like sewage from a spigot out of Hollywood and into their homes.

America is now a Judeocracy and what that means for us is endless war for endless empire, not a monocultural nation, but a multicultural one, and every kind of degradation and degeneracy known to man. We are thoroughly Judaized, in our thoughts, our attitudes and our permissiveness and moral relativism. Can this honestly be disputed anymore? I don’t believe it can be. Looking at America from a certain angle, a space alien visiting our country could say “They are all Jews!” Aren’t we? We have turned from God to materialism and the pursuit of money and pleasure. These are Talmudic precepts and they are killing us. We have transformed into Mammonites, literal worshippers of mammon, that, not coincidentally has almost become worthless thanks to our Federal Reserve.

I don’t want to be a Jewish country anymore. I want to be an American country again, the one our wildly idealistic Founding Fathers envisioned and the one Ronald Reagan hoped for when he spoke of a “shining city on a hill” invoking the history of the Puritans and their belief in divine Providence. The United States of America was respected and looked up to once. Can it happen again? I don’t know, but what I do know is that the Jewishness of this nation-state is the worst part of it, the part that the world’s peoples loathe. We must reclaim what we once were. That means getting the beast of Zionism and Big Jewry off our backs. It means standing, fighting and declaring openly and proudly that we will be controlled, manhandled, brainwashed and cajoled no longer, least of all by a sick alien force that has no allegiance but profit, perfidy and the power of the purse.

[1] http://www.angelfire.com/md2/Ldotvets/Quotes.html

May 23, 2007

It’s All About Big Jewry, Baby!

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 4:30 pm

By Patrick Grimm

The establishment and the Hebrew media magnates are treating the upcoming amnesty of twenty million illegal Mexican immigrants as something almost noble, exquisitely beneficial and as American as apple pie. They want you to believe that, much like a flu shot, this is being done for your own good. They are almost trying to convince you that this is the American thing to do. “This country is made up of immigrants, after all!” George Bush, John McCain or Ted Kennedy might declare with a self-assured snort of condescension. But I won’t go into that right now. The attitudes, the elite snobbery of our out of touch politicians is to be expected, and nothing you say or write is going to change their hermetically sealed minds.

The more important consideration in this whole sordid matter is an elementary question. Who benefits from amnesty being bestowed on millions of poor Mexican Third Worlders, who bring their backward culture, their poverty mindset and various dangerous and incurable diseases into our “melting pot” nation?

1. Big Business

The first group who benefits is the most obvious. It is the companies, the businessmen who have no scruples. They want cheap labor, they want to cut corners and pinch pennies, even if they are breaking the law. They know our compromised government will do nothing to punish their unethical hiring of lawbreakers and miscreants. These are Bush’s true constituents, those who funded both of his presidential campaigns and who line the pockets of the Republican so-called cognoscenti and pour millions into the neo-con think tanks who agitate for policies that are inimical to the US’s true interests and well-being. These are the same folks who are more than glad to ship the job base out of this country if they can make a few extra dollars of profit. They are shameless, and in an ethical nation-state, they would be locked up as criminal traitors. But no, they are the shysters and bigwigs who keep the political ship afloat, no matter how rough and choppy the waters become.

2. Big Liberalism

The second group who benefits from a flood of illegals is the Left of the Democrat Party. These anti-American ideologues are sheer conniving opportunists. They care about nothing more than grabbing and holding on to the levers of government. Amnesty for criminals breaking into the United States only guarantees them a steady stream of uneducated and uninformed voters. There is also a built-in advantage for the leftist end of the spectrum because illegals are going to be more likely to utilize welfare programs, food stamps and free health care services when they show up in emergency rooms with real or imagined ailments.

These are natural Democrat voters who are unabashed at crashing our borders and then latching their mouths onto the teat of governmental dependency. They are people who love a hand-out that is both undeserved and actually stolen from native-born Americans who might require some temporary assistance. If real Republicans honestly think that these Mexicans, who are sucking up precious resources and billions confiscated from American workers, are going to vote for a platform of small government, lower taxes and deregulation, then they are either incredibly and unforgivably stupid or they have taken their usual naivety to a petrifyingly preposterous extreme.

3. Big Jewry

What is the third group who benefits, and perhaps benefits more than the previous aforementioned two? Why, it’s the Jewish supremacists and the Zionists, of course! I’m sure you predicted that that was coming in this piece, but it all bears repetition, again and again and again, until the American people at last discover who is orchestrating the alien horde invasion of their once venerable nation. It’s the Jews, Jews, Jews! It’s the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Defense League, the American Jewish Congress, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and many, many more. What do they all have in common? That’s easy. They are all pleased, actually orgasmic would be closer to the mark, about this bipartisan bulldozing of America’s sovreignty and national borders. Why? They are on the verge of ecstasy because they are watching the white race, European-Americans die away. A multicultural fragmented country will be so much easier for them to control and string along like mindless sheep. Whites will be just one of many competing groups.

Who is doing this? These are the true-blue Jews, the Marxists, the Communists, the one-worlder socialists, the neo-conservative Israeli fanatics, the real dyed in the wool Bolshevik types, the Talmudic haters, the sixties Trotskyites. These are the Zionist extraordinaires. These are the very Jewish lunatics who run our TV media, our newspapers, our universities, our government and almost everything else of consequence, yet are never going to be contented and comfortable until they run it all, until not one faction of smart white folks are remaining to challenge their supremacy and the clamp down that they are planning for all of us.

That’s why they yearn for loads of Mexicans and every other kind of Third Worlder to transport their squalor, their backwardness and their criminal violence into clean white neighborhoods and towns until European-Americans have no place else to go and no country left to take pride in. Don’t you understand that the extremist Jews are funding this whole drive for open borders and are actually aiding the Mexican thugs who traipse arrogantly into the USA, giving them money, legal assistance and providing them subterfuge? They are doing it openly, smugly and proudly, without a glint of irony in their eyes, simultaneously supporting displacement in “the Jewish country” for poor Palestinians. But who in the world is even slightly surprised by their nervy hypocritical chutzpah anymore? I’m not.

So who benefits? Three groups: Big Business, Big Liberalism and Big Jewry. Who benefits the most? In the long run, Big Jewry does. They are in this for the long haul and nothing matters but the Tribe’s success. If amnesty damns the rest of us, they will keep up the damning. After all, it will ensure the Chosen’s survival and their dominance will be assured. Big Jewry will still be fueled, fired-up and fouling this country when the white race is but a nostalgic memory in a discarded history book. Even when the benefits for Big Business and Big Liberalism are exhausted and dried up, Big Jewry will be cackling as they are “king of the hill, A number one, top of the heap”, even if they ravage and steamroll all of humanity to get there. They literally don’t give a damn who they damn. I mean, why should Big Jewry want to rule over a resisting populace who hates and resents them when they can rule over squabbling groups of ill-educated people who don’t even realize Big Jewry exists?

It always seems to be “heads, Big Jewry wins” and “tails, Big Jewry wins.” This go-round may be no different. If amnesty does not happen this time and there is no ultimate cashing in for Big Business, Big Liberalism and Big Jewry, it is going to be quite predictable. Big Jewry will use their many arms of media to portray American opponents of illegal immigration and amnesty as akin to the Ku Klux Klan and the Nazis of World War II. Big Liberalism and the Democrat Gentile front men that Big Jewry appoints will step forward to parrot the message and the talking points that Big Jewry assigns them. Big Business will contribute much of their dollars to the effort, knowing that it will assure them cheaper labor in the near future. The next President, one put into place by Big Jewry and one even more pliable than George Bush, will promise his donors (Big Business and Big Jewry) that he will deliver what they want. The amnesty bill will be signed into law and Big Jewry will declare it a victory for American democracy, pluralism and diversity on the nightly Big Jewry newscast. They won’t even wince when Israel tosses a Molotov cocktail or three into a Palestinian kindergarten or two just on a wacky Yiddish whim.

Isn’t it wonderful how America works? The triumvirate of opulent greed, tawdry opportunism and sheer ethnocentric hate-laced racism work like a well-oiled machine to wreck and derail us. Big Jewry is the biggest villain in this tragedy, but not the only one on the stage. To defeat them and win a victory we must continue to shout and raise our voices in protest, rage and dissent. We must also write and tell the truth on the internet as well. Big Jewry is the one running this malformed machine of avarice and bigotry, even as they ally themselves with others foolish or greedy enough to throw in their lot with these twisted Zionistic creatures. To throw a wrench into the works, they must be exposed if the United States is even to have the slightest hope of being rescued from the political and cultural morass we are entrapped in.

We must stop Big Business, stop Big Liberalism, and most of all, stop Big Jewry. This is a trinity, a godhead made in hell, akin to the threesome of Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. The only difference is that this political trinity makes the Unholy Trinity of Christian eschatology seem like a walk in the park.

May 22, 2007

Zionism, Judaism and Noel Ignatiev

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 4:40 pm


By Patrick Grimm

Is the enemy simply Zionism, or is the enemy of our people Judaism or “Jewishness” as well? Many critics, writers and bloggers I have corresponded with seem to believe that the war being waged against us is not just about Zionism, a movement begun by Theodor Herzl in the late 19th century, but extends far and wide, encompassing the darkest tenets of the Jewish faith. It runs much deeper than just a political ideology fashioned out of the ashes of many centuries of justified Gentile outrage at Jewish excesses, hatred and criminality.

I’m not trying to put too fine a point on it, but there are Jews working within the political world of the internet who are fiercely anti-Zionist, but are still striving and laboring to dismantle white European-American civilization, which they liken to a “caste system” that confers privilege on any individual simply because they are white. http://racetraitor.org is one such venue, and its originator is (please don’t be shocked) a Jewish man named Noel Ignatiev. Wikipedia, that good ol’ reliable booster of Zionism refers to Ignatiev thus:

“Noel Ignatiev first became politically active in Students for a Democratic Society. When that organization split, Ignatiev became part of the Third-worldist and Maoist New Communist Movement, forming the group Sojourner Truth Organization in 1970. Unlike other groups in the New Communist Movement, the STO and Ignatiev were also heavily influenced by the ideas of C.L.R. James.

Ignatiev later became professor of history at Harvard University before moving to the Massachusetts College of Art, where he currently teaches. His academic work is linked to his call to ‘abolish’ the white race, a controversial slogan whose meaning is not always agreed upon by those who debate his work. Ignatiev, a Marxist historian, earned a Ph.D. from Harvard in 1995. His dissertation, published by Routledge as the book How the Irish Became White, was advised by prominent social historian of American race and ethnicity Stephan Thernstrom. Prior to becoming an academic, Ignatiev worked for over twenty years in steel mills, farm equipment plants, and machine tool and electrical parts factories. Ignatiev is the co-founder and co-editor of the journal Race Traitor and the New Abolitionist Society.” [1]

Noel Ignatiev, a radical Marxist ideologue with the most left-wing of credentials has spent a lifetime truckling to horrific dictatorships and tyrannies all over the world. The fact that this would qualify him for a professorship at Harvard is an unsurprising non-event.

There has been some controversy over whether Ignatiev is actually Jewish, but here Paul Craig Roberts and a major newspaper seem to confirm that he is. Roberts also points out the hypocrisy of anti-white, so-called anti-racist firebrands like Ignatiev. Roberts tells us:

“The Washington Times reports that Dr. Ignatiev is himself Jewish. If Jewish intellectuals and Israeli political leaders can be believed, Jews have a cultural and racial consciousness. Israel is the Jewish homeland, and Israelis seem determined to keep it that way. Can anyone imagine a gentile at an Israeli university founding a magazine devoted to abolishing the Jewish race?” [2]

Point taken, Paul. But what is the entire philosophy of Mr. Ignatiev and his Race Traitor publication? There is no better place to find this out than the website run by this Communist throwback whose mind still lives in the drug-blurred 1960s. Here is his mission statement quoted in full:

“The white race is a historically constructed social formation. It consists of all those who partake of the privileges of the white skin in this society. Its most wretched members share a status higher, in certain respects, than that of the most exalted persons excluded from it, in return for which they give their support to a system that degrades them.

The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race, which means no more and no less than abolishing the privileges of the white skin. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue, domestic and foreign, in US society.

The existence of the white race depends on the willingness of those assigned to it to place their racial interests above class, gender, or any other interests they hold. The defection of enough of its members to make it unreliable as a predictor of behavior will lead to its collapse.

RACE TRAITOR aims to serve as an intellectual center for those seeking to abolish the white race. It will encourage dissent from the conformity that maintains it and popularize examples of defection from its ranks, analyze the forces that hold it together and those that promise to tear it apart. Part of its task will be to promote debate among abolitionists. When possible, it will support practical measures, guided by the principle, Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.” [3]

This all sounds so reminiscent of Jewish anthropology, another discipline that fell to Jewish hegemony and was subsequently politicized. Franz Boas’ ideas on race are consonant with professor Ignatiev’s and almost provide a springboard for the Race Traitor project. There are many statements made by Ignatiev that could easily have been lifted, almost word for word from Boaz, who was more a Jewish activist than a real scientist. Boaz was a radical racial egalitarian (all races and ethnicities are equal, except for Jews, who are superior) and his ideology is still with us to this day, and affects almost every national “conversation on race”. His views played no small part in creating the groundswell support of the civil rights struggles. Marquerite Holloway comments on his work and inadvertently on his legacy:

“Early in his (Boaz) collecting, he determined that the skulls within one tribe varied so considerably that there was little hope of establishing ‘fixed racial characteristics.’ His later studies, which demonstrated great physical differences between first-generation European immigrants and their American children, reinforced Boas’s conclusion that the ‘old idea of absolute stability of human types must … evidently be given up, and with it the belief of the hereditary superiority of certain types over others.’” [4]

Isn’t this exactly the framework that we now work within in America? Honesty over racial differences, even glaringly obvious statistical ones are only discussed in private whispers or are swept under the rug completely. Easily proven evidence of disproportionate minority criminality is dismissed with platitudes like “There is only one race, the human race” or “Don’t we all bleed red?” or “We’re all children of God, aren’t we?”

But back to the point at hand. The truth is, the enemy is not Zionism, but Judaism or “Jewishness.” Otherwise, you wouldn’t see anti-Zionist and even rabidly anti-Israel Jews like Noel Ignatiev trying to wreck our society with their poisonous propaganda. This is the sad fact of the matter, folks. Their propaganda has succeeded. It is not Zionist propaganda, but simple Jewish propaganda based on hate of the “Other.” This has a long history in Judaism, which is the only “religion” based on ego and self-worship. After all, Christianity is named after its founder, Jesus Christ. Buddhism is named for its originator, Buddha. Judaism is the only religion that advocates for a group of people, Jews, to raise themselves to the status of little gods.

Apparently, Noel Ignatiev sees himself in a god-like fashion. If he didn’t, he would not be agitating for students and academics to “study whiteness in order to abolish it.” [5] His Jewish hatred is what drives his “anti-racist” movement, though he himself would probably vehemently deny this fact. Ignatiev most likely received his “light unto the nations”, “superior-to-thou” complex in his mother’s milk. Like Boaz, Marx, Marcuse and countless other Jews who have laced the well of intellectual inquiry with arsenic, Ignatiev feels that he is entitled, he has the right to deconstruct everything that white people have built up over the centuries and like a jealous child who didn’t get a piece of the birthday cake, he will infantilely label it “undeserved skin privilege” or a “caste system” akin to India’s.

To be honest, I don’t believe that most blowhards and self-promoters like Ignatiev even truly believe most of what they assert. They only toss off their crackpot theories because of the damage and division they bring to their age-old enemies. There is nothing sincere about this Jewish “divider-and-conqueror” except his animus and his loathing of white people. I would counsel against taking him seriously, but he and others like him have gained ubiquitous and dastardly power in the schools and universities of America and are spreading just this type of anti-intellectual tripe to our children and our impressionable college students. They are closing, not opening the minds of the young and instructing them to hate their own heritage. What Ignatiev and other leftist teachers are doing is deadly serious. We ignore it at our own peril.

Is Zionism all we have to fear? Absolutely not. Judaism of both the secular and religious wings should be feared and fought just as ardently. It has become politically correct to use the word “Zionist” to denote something you don’t like that just happens to be Jewish. But it is sheer cowardice to go no further than this. Jewishness or Judaistic thinking, personified by the likes of Mr. Ignatiev, is malevolent and it is eating away at our foundations. The acrid acid of these evil ideals has begun to devour us. At the very least, it has atrophied our will, our strength and our ability to resist.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noel_Ignatiev
[2] http://www.vdare.com/roberts/harvard_genocide.htm
[3] http://racetraitor.org
[4] http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1134/is_10_106/ai_53479059
[5] http://racetraitor.org/abolishthepoint.html

May 21, 2007

The Dark Night Is Enfolding

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 5:12 pm

By Patrick Grimm

We had a good run, didn’t we? It was fun while it lasted. But now America is winding down, like an old heart without too many beats left in it. There isn’t much time remaining. The sun is setting and the dark night is coming. The experiment was successful for a while, but we mixed in the wrong “chemicals” and now it’s going to blow up in our collective faces.

Yeah, inventing the automobile was pretty sweet. The Wright brothers were some smart boys, and they weren’t even Jewish (imagine that). Landing on the moon was a well-financed lark. Winning the Cold War over Soviet Communism validated America for a while, but the good times are gone.

Traitors now run the White House, the Congress and the Senate, as well as all our other institutions. Our Jew wars are stretching us thin and killing our boys and girls. Our jobs are leaving, our economy is hollowed out and our sovreignty has been breached and compromised long ago. We are manipulated and controlled by a foreign power and we actually pay them with our own hard-earned money for the privilege! Our nuclear secrets are being sold off, auctioned off to the highest bidder by these Jewish Zionist thieves and traitors.

And now, George W. Bush, the worst President to ever sit in the Oval Office, has so thoroughly given himself to Israeli interests abroad and Jewish Zionist interests at home that he will bend over backwards to do their bidding. Bush won’t call it quits in the Zionist proxy battle on the ground in Iraq, but he is glad to call it quits when it comes to our southern border, doing exactly what his masters tell him. He wants to protect Iraq and make sure an oil pipeline runs from that Middle East hellhole right into the most nefarious nation ever fashioned by murder, rape and mayhem, the rogue, criminal, apartheid, terror state of Israel.

Bush is poised, ready, willing and able to sell this country out for the last time. Why do I say the last time? Because once he signs this amnesty bill, America is finished. Our white European-American racial makeup willl disappear forever, down the memory hole and into the dustbin of history. All our accomplishments, our grand, wonderful inventions will be forgotten. Our children will walk as strangers, a visible minority walking amongst the dreck of society. A hostile and violent majority will commit violence against them, even in the very nation their white fathers constructed for white people.

But Bush doesn’t care. He is sitting on top of the world, wealthy beyond imagination and will gladly help our Jewish banker foes, their neo-con allies and the Jewish liberal social engineers who are animated by nothing but hate for everything this country once stood for. No more can we sustain this treachery. The traitors are inside the gates of the city, not outside. They are going to rip this nation into a bunch of fragmented pieces, sell off what they can and then run the remains from behind the scenes.

The night is enfolding, enclosing like phantom arms around us. I think it is too late to stop the topple into the abyss. Perhaps I’m wrong, but I don’t think so. The darkness is as thick as an anesthetizing fog, a fog bringing unclear thought and brain malfunction. The slogans, the phony patriotism and the police state are all that we have to look forward to. I won’t be silent, but I think the damage is done. I pray to God that I am mistaken.

May 20, 2007

Jewish Supremacism: The Big White Rabbit in the Room

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:15 pm

By Patrick Grimm

In the delightful Mary Chase play Harvey, Elwood P. Dowd is seen as the amiable town eccentric. Dowd’s biggest foible in the eyes of the townsfolk is that he has a friend, what most would call an “imaginary friend”, who is a 6′1 1/2″ tall big white rabbit. Dowd spends most of his time frequenting the local bars and sitting and drinking with the rabbit, who is a pooka named Harvey. A “pooka” is simply a friendly spirit who appears in animal form. After having disrupted his sister Veta Louise Simmons’ social life by showing up at her social soirees and introducing her upper crust friends to Harvey, which none of them can see, she finally has enough of Elwood’s quaintness and takes him out to be committed to a sanitarium, a mental institution, with the misnomer Chumley’s Rest.

As the play progresses and hilarity ensues, we finally come to learn that Harvey is not a figment of Elwood’s drunken imagination, but a real entity that can be seen by several of the other characters as well. Elwood is not crazy, loony or scatter-brained. He actually sees what is really present. He can gaze at the reality that other eyes cannot spot.

I only mention this particular play because I am currently starring in it, not as Elwood P. Dowd, but as the doctor. While rehearsing one of the scenes several days ago, I had a revelation. This play is a perfect, and almost allegorical illustration of what is going on in America. Like Dowd, there are a few of us who can spy the truth of the Jewish supremacist control that is being exercised against our heritage, our religion and our deepest held and most sincerely felt beliefs. We try to introduce other people, other folks in our respective towns and cities to this truth, this reality of Talmudic Judeocentric dictatorship that is crushing down on all of us.

But like Elwood, we are dismissed as crazy, as strange, or even worse, as hateful, twisted and menacing for even striving to make blind eyes see what is right in the room with them. They won’t see the big white rabbit, the pooka of Zionism, tall and hulking and obvious as it stands and conquers us day by day. The only difference between Harvey and Jewish power is that Harvey was a mischievous and inoffensive spirit who had magical powers that were used to make people’s lives better. Zionist authority may be mischievous in a capricious Napoleon-complex “I am a little god” sort of way, but it is not inoffensive. It is odious, onerous and embittering and its magic (power and money) is never used for our benefit.

When we mention this power, when we speak of it repeatably, unashamedly and often bravely, all of us, like Elwood P. Dowd, are threatened. We are told to shut our mouths, shut our eyes and shut our hearts to what we know to be palpable and concrete. And if that doesn’t work, as it hasn’t in Europe, we are jailed, fined or beaten in the streets by Zionist goons. Just as Dowd was driven away to be committed, we are delivered, as Ezra Pound was in the twentieth century when he was institutionalized, to the gulag. We are on the verge of this in America, but even if prison is not a guarantee for the anti-Zionist dissidents in the US, PC speech codes, workplace propagandizing and threats and boycotts by well-heeled Jewish criminals surely are.

Jewish supremacism/Zionism is the big white rabbit we can witness, even when no one else can. But like Dr. Chumley, who finally met Harvey and was illuminated to his presence, people are waking up. They are seeing that we are right. We aren’t schizophrenic, mentally ill or the victim of drunken delusions, any more than Elwood P. Dowd was when he turned and talked to an individual others thought was thin air. To get others to glimpse, even in part, what we see, the truth will have to be proclaimed from the rooftops. Polite and formal introductions to this specter will no longer be sufficient. I don’t recommend being as gracious and cordial as Dowd when greeting folks with the truth of the pooka of powerful Zionism. But I do think responsible language is in order if we expect others to acknowledge the rabbit that has been hanging out in the parlor of America’s house for far too long.

May 19, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 1:58 pm

By Patrick Grimm

I come across many outstanding blogs which capture my attention with great articles, links and vital information arguing against both Zionism and the radical cultural leftist idiocies which the Jewish extremists bestow on our society like a smiling dosage of Strychnine. The maladies of multiculturalism, the devastation of deconstructionism in the academy and the ravages of the radical Communist homosexual agenda are all symptoms of what I call “the Zionist disease.” They are all brought to us courtesy of our convivially-challenged Jewish ‘friends’ in the media, in the universities and in the intellectual community. But hey, with friends like the radical Jews and their Zionist state of Israel, who really needs enemies, right? But the only cure to the “Zionist disease” is the antidote of truth, the administering of facts and data to the uninformed and ignorant mind.

And that brings me to my first hearty recommendation since creating this subversive little unassuming blogspot several months ago, constructed during a fit of anger at the latest Jewish supremacist cultural atrocity (and there are so many I don’t even remember which one was the straw that broke the camel’s back). If you really want to access a great blog archiving the Jewish leftists’ latest punctiliously precise shots at our freedoms and liberties as Americans, whether it be the global warming socialist racket, the grab for our guns by the one-worlders or the brainwashing of our children with Derrida-deconstructive dreck, you will find it all at one place. Head for News From The West at http://newsfromthewest.blogspot.com and learn about every facet of the anti-American agenda and its literal revocation of our very Constitution. The_West, a stylistically insouciant, but deeply committed patriot, has not only posted cutting edge news items, essays and expository from other sources, he has also written a string of articles and commentaries himself, detailing the adroit attempts to shred our rights, our liberty and our Christian heritage. Don’t wait for the socialist Left, with the prodding and funding of Judaistic jingoists, to take everything you hold dear. Inform yourself, create a consensus amongst your friends and family, and fight for your liberation. News From The West is a powerful tool in the battle to open the eyes of our people after the anesthetizing effects of an alien-controlled media. Check it out today.

May 18, 2007

Humility Is Not A Jewish Trait

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 4:24 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Evil Zionist torture advocate and O.J. Simpson double murderer defender, Alan Dershowitz once stated “Humility is not a Jewish trait.” [1] Well, no kidding, Alan! We can see that as plain as the Jewish nose on your face! And apparently the rest of civilization is coming to agree with your opinion too.

It’s not just the Palestinians who are disgusted with Jewish chutzpah and Jewish arrogance and hubris. More and more people are awakening to the “Jewish Problem”, and in case you haven’t noticed, there is no historical equivalent to the dilemma caused by the “Chosen.” The truth is leaking incrementally out. There is no “Italian Problem”, no “Irish Problem” and no “Christian Problem.” Heck, there isn’t even a “Muslim Problem”, or at least there is no common phraseology to describe it. But the “Jewish Problem” remains. Why?

There are a few reasons for this lingering crisis, and I believe Alan Dershowitz’s glowing description of Jewish smugness, specialness and elitism is the biggest and most insurmountable one. His recommendation, indeed endorsement of sheer unmitigated pomposity is disgusting.

Need an example of Jewish self-chosenness and undisguised egotism? Here’s one of the world’s most powerful Jews, caught in a scandal at the World Bank, raging against his accusers who are rightfully appalled by his criminality. It is this insolence and superciliousness that is the chief mitigating factor in the low view most of the world takes on all things Jewish. So typical:

“An angry and bitter Paul Wolfowitz poured abuse and threatened retaliation on senior World Bank staff if his orders for pay rises and promotions for his partner were revealed, according to new details published on Monday.

Under fire for the lavish package given to Shaha Riza, a World Bank employee and Wolfowitz’s girlfriend when he became president, an official investigation into the controversy has found that Wolfowitz broke bank rules and violated his own contract - setting off a struggle between US and European governments over his future.

Sounding more like a cast member of the Sopranos than an international leader, in testimony by one key witness, Wolfowitz declares: ‘If they f*** with me or Shaha, I have enough on them to f*** them too.’” [2]

The self-important personalities of many Jews, those who don’t believe they have to follow the same rules as the Goyim, have become quite common to observe in our contemporary world. Andrew Winkler, the brilliant founder of one of the internet’s most vital anti-Zionist websites http://ziopedia.org explains it best:

“This leads me to the conclusion that Jewishness is in fact a state of mind, a mythical sense of chosenness and superiority over your fellow human beings. Another way of putting it is being Jewish is - as anyone can confirm who has ever come across a Jewish settler in the Occupied Palestinian territories - a pathological mental condition, on par with schizophrenia and psychopathy.” [3]

Is Jewish haughtiness, chauvinism and pride a “mental condition” as Winkler seems to believe? It seems to be. Examples of it abound when you begin to peruse the literature and history of the Jewish people. Here are a few appropriate quotes:

“The Jew who has cut off his traditional religion,” wrote J. O. Hertzler, “… and has become an agnostic or atheist, is still considered to be a Jew and probably still, unconsciously, holds to the tribal spirit of superiority even though he no longer observes the ceremonial minutiae.” [4]

Jewish author Eric Kahler, with no apparent intent of self-reflective sarcasm, recalls that

“One day when I was discussing the problem of anti-Semitism with Austrian-Jewish poet Richard Beer-Hofmann, he said to me: ‘I am not at all astonished at the fact that they hate us and persecute us. But what I cannot understand is why do they not marvel at us more than they do?” [5]

With pronouncements like this, who needs Nazis and Jew-loathing Arab peoples to disseminate anti-Jewish hatred? The Jews help achieve this result so much better with their own galling self-congratulatory statements. Yet they still seem incapable of understanding why most of the earth’s peoples are not enamored of them and don’t worship at their feet. Organized Jewry seems perplexed, and I don’t believe they are faking this perplexment. I posit that it is genuine. Many Jews truly don’t seem to comprehend the reason for why they are not better received and more well liked. As the saying goes “Look in the mirror!” Throw away the holier-than-thou, more-chosen-than-thou, more-intelligent-than-thou mindset. Get rid of it and join the community of man. Find commonality, rather than Chosenality and I guarantee that things will run much more smoothly for you.

But they won’t, they can’t. Winkler refers to Jewish bigotry towards others as akin to alcoholism, and he seems to have nailed it. The supremacist Jews can’t toss away the drink of disdain for Gentiles and the self-glorification of the Tribe. If they were capable of it, most of them would have done it by now. The celebration of conceit found in the Dershowitzes and in rabbis like Shmuley Boteach, a cigar-chomping religious leader drunk on his own perceived superior wisdom, seems here to stay. It’s almost like it’s ingrained in the DNA, and perhaps it is. The impulse to always control, always manipulate and always subjugate, will not be disappearing any time soon, mainly because the god-like superiority complexes found in the Jewish population are not waning.

So go ahead, Alan. Keep talking about how much more special, how much brighter, more enlightened and moral and affluent you are. Keep choosing yourself and degrading others and see how far you get. Just watch the “anti-Semitic” backlash grow around the globe, the resentment build in America and Europe and the rage boil over like a pressure cooker in the Middle East where Jewish chutzpah is most apparent and obvious. Then you can cry out for help from the very hand you have been gnawing on for decades. Of course, you will be guiltless and pure as the driven snow all over again. You will be blameless and sinless once more, but since you in reality aren’t, history will be reshaped and rewritten to say you were. One suggestion: “Get over yourselves, and get on with the task of being charitable and humble human beings.” If you don’t learn to humble yourselves, you can bet that the next thousand years won’t be much better than the first three.

[1] Alan Dershowitz Chutzpah 1990
[2] http://english.people.com.cn/200705/16/eng20070516_375035.html
[3] http://newsfromthewest.blogspot.com/2007/05/jewish-consciousness-and-river-of.html
[4] Hertzler, p. 68
[5] Kahler, E., 1967, p. 1

May 17, 2007

The Idolatry of Judeo-Christianity

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 3:39 pm

By Patrick Grimm

The death of the Reverend Jerry Falwell gives us a moment to contemplate that sinister movement within Protestant evangelicalism deemed “Zionist” and to reflect on the deconstruction it has wrought on true Christianity. Falwell, Hagee and other clerics have whole-heartedly supported this movement and given it both moral and financial backing. This is the sad reality of modern evangelical and fundamentalist thought, or in this case, lack of thought or genuine reflection.

But is Zionism and its backing by the Christian Right, both by leaders and laypersons, where it really begins? No, I would say that it is decidedly not where it begins. I think this skewering and obscuring of true biblical truth begins with a little event I have coined “the coming of Judeo-Christianity.” What is Judeo-Christianity exactly? One internet blogger puts it best when he breaks down the tenets of this relatively new movement. Here is the first one. He states:

Here are some of the key characteristics of it:

God’s Chosen People. Judeo-Christians first and foremost acknowledge that God’s Chosen are not those who He has elected from the beginning of time to share eternity with him but are those who claim to be the blood descendants of the Hebrews – modern day Jews. Modern day Jews, be they Orthodox, Reformed, Liberal, or as Atheistic as Madeline Murray O’Hare, have Judeo-Christians wrapped around their fingers. Judeo-Christians think God will curse those who oppose followers of the Talmud; a book exclusively for Jewry which claims God’s Son is boiling in excrement. If ever a group has been characterized by members who have committed the unpardonable sin – blaspheming the Holy Ghost – it is Jewry. Yet Judeo-Christians not only do not oppose Jewry, they think they walk on water. They even take them as their primary identity – Judeo. Authentic Christianity acknowledges that God’s Chosen people are the Elect; those He has chosen to save from damnation by his sovereign, and to us mysterious, will, through the sacrifice of his son.” [1]

Judeo-Christians have tied themselves to today’s anti-Christ politically organized Jews. The fact that these Jews were labeled in the Bible as enemies of the Gospel, and the fact that their forebears were the very ones who beat and killed early Christians, is conveniently omitted from the historical purview of Judeo-Christians. Jerry Falwell, in his groveling before this united front of radical Jews, made sure never to condemn their founding of the homosexual movement, their disproportionate bad faith efforts in the abortion slaughter, or the fact that Jews operate most Communist front groups in this nation, including the American Civil Liberties Union (founded by one Gentile and four Jewish attorneys) and the Anti-Defamation League. But he opposed all of these movements at the same time that he paid the piper of Jewry, and was rewarded handsomely when he received a Lear jet from Israeli Jewish supremacist Likudite terror lord, Menachem Begin. [2] Talk about double-minded! The Bible states that “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” [3] It is this double-mindedness, this scattered scope, this foolish inconsistency that has marked Christian Zionism and Judeo-Christian political jockeying for the last three decades.

Another writer details the mindset behind this kind of thinking when she states:

“It is long past time to examine the most basic and misunderstood premise that fires the huge religious sub-set that calls itself ‘Judeo-Christianity.’ Whether its celebrity Christian leaders admit it or not, the crux of Judeo-Christianity is the conscious practice, if not the stated belief, that eternal life, or spiritual salvation, is somehow attached to the worldwide political agenda known as Zionism. Into the Judeo-Christian’s subconscious has been implanted the belief that ‘the love for Israel and Jews worldwide characterizes all true Christians.’ (See: A Letter from Sherry)

Some who hold this Judeo-Christian view of the Middle East think of themselves as ‘dispensationalists’ or as pre- or post-millennialists, but we simply use the expression Judeo-Christian, as we have throughout this series.” [4]

This belief, this assertion by Judeo-Christianity that “the love for Israel and Jews worldwide characterizes all true Christians” is in a word, anathema to true faith. The first duty of all believers, Jerry Falwell and John Hagee notwithstanding, is to love Jesus Christ and do His will above all else. That historically has characterized all “true Christians.” To bind ourselves to anything bigger than this is to miss the glorious message of the Gospel and the sacrifice on Golgotha. We should not love one group (Jews) disproportionately to the rest of humanity. We should be known for our love and charity, but as one Australian Christian states, and this is pertinent when applied to Jewish anti-Christian activism and chicanery “Love is not a carpet under which to sweep people’s sin. Rather it is a light which can reveal sin and lead a sinner to God’s love, mercy, and grace.” [5]

Oh, how indulgent Falwell, Hagee, Robertson and all the rest have been toward the crimes of the Jews. Jerry, John and Pat are ever ready to keep mute and silent about Jewish wrongs, and what have they received from the Jewish community for their silence, their complicity and all the money they have poured into the Israeli apartheid state, which even now has driven most Palestinian Christians from their homes and destroyed their places of worship? [6] I dare say they have received little more than bones and thin gruel. They have also been portrayed as buffoons, haters and bigots by the Jewish media apparatus, in spite of the blessings they issue forth from the pulpit regarding Israel and its land grab. As Clare Boothe Luce reminded us “No good deed goes unpunished.” [7]

But here is the biggest fallacy, the blundering “cognitive dissonance” that is Judeo-Christianity. The New Testament teaches Christians to “love God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” [8] But this is the opposite of what today’s Zionized Christian misleaders teach us. They literally tell their congregation that to speak ill of any Jew, any Jewish behavior or misbehavior, or to tell the truth about the dastardly deeds and sinfulness of the rogue state of Israel will bring an immediate curse from God. This is John Hagee’s exact view and this is blasphemy. This is the elevation of one group, unbelieving and Christ-hating Jews, to a position of semi-worship by Gentile followers of Jesus. This is an elevation that is undeserved and actually works in opposition to the message of the Gospel. It also goes against common sense. No group, race, ethnicity or heritage is above criticism. Or at least that used to be the way America worked.

Judeo-Christianity is a strange cult, a curious alliance, exemplified in the names of queer-sounding (and I mean strange) political groups with names like the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. On their website you can read the tribute paid to Jerry Falwell by a Christ-denying Jew, Rabbi Eckstein, who praises the reverend for his slavish support of Israel and for coming to speak at the rabbi’s synagogue, a place of worship which holds to a Talmudic hatred of the Lord Jesus Christ. [9]

Their Jewish Talmud teaches that Jesus Christ is now being punished in hell in boiling semen for his sins, and will be for all eternity. Elizabeth Dilling, a Gentile scholar of Judaism, writes in her notes that the Talmud states that “Jesus ‘committed bestiality,’ ‘corrupted the people,’ is ‘turned into hell.’ [9] The Talmud is also clear that Jesus is “in hell where His punishment is ‘boiling in hot semen.’ [10] You can read more of Dilling’s exegesis of the Jewish opinion of Christ here. [11] The point is, these are some of the people Falwell and the other Judeo-Christians broke bread with. It’s a despicable reality of the unholy alliance between Christianity and Judaism/Zionism. The fact that Falwell encouraged this alliance is even more heartbreaking. To wish godspeed to the sick sycophants of Talmudic Jewry would have to be classified as a grievous sin, but one that Judeo-Christianity and its figureheads have engaged in with all the relish and abandon of a cheap street whore who loves her tawdry work.

On the occasion of Jerry Falwell’s death, I would be remiss if I did not at least note that the renowned televangelist did take biblical positions on abortion, homosexuality, and the death and resurrection of Christ. Falwell also worked to provide a home and a free education for young girls who became pregnant and decided not to have an abortion. We can at least be gracious and give a little credit where credit is due. These are good Christian deeds, and Falwell should be commended for them.

But on the polarizing subject of the Gospel of Judeo-Christianity, Israel, Zionism and Jews, Falwell was wrong, dead wrong, and his contributions to this debate were malignant and harmful, though I believe that Falwell was as confused and deceived as millions of other Christians. I won’t, however, give him a pass, because he was an educated man who was old enough to know better, but I won’t demonize him either.

To shake ourselves loose from the noose constructed by the falsities of the thoroughly American ideology of Judeo-Christianity, we must first ask whose agenda this ideology serves. The answer to this query is patently obvious. It serves the Ecksteins, the Judeophiles, Israel, Likud and Zionist theocrats and Zionistic expansion. It surely doesn’t serve Christ, the Gospel, the Church or American and Palestinian Christians. It only fattens the wallets of both Gentile and Jewish opportunists, providing an endless money supply to our Jewish enemies and the Elmer Gantry evangelists who dominate the sphere of religious broadcasting.

In a sane world, Judeo-Christianity would wither on the vine. But that is not the world we live in. Only with truth-telling and cold bulls-eye accuracy in our words can we break the power of the Big Lie that has seized hold of countless churches, ministers and parishoners. When Judeo-Christianity topples from its place of reverence in America, only then can we illuminate our people with the truth. When that truth finally takes hold, then the false idol of Jewish Supremacism will tumble from its place of prominence and all the idolators eyes will snap open at last. May it come sooner rather than later.

[1] http://fallenfreedom.blogspot.com/2006/06/what-is-this-thing-called-judeo.html
[2] http://www.cmep.org/Alerts/2004March31.htm
[3] James 1:8 King James Version
[4] http://www.whtt.org/articles/010411pw.htm
[5] http://members.datafast.net.au/sggram/f371.htm
[6] http://www.davidduke.com/general/2121_2121.html#more-2121
[7] http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/clarebooth125511.html
[8] Matthew 22:37 New American Standard Bible
[9] (Talmud Sanhedrin 105a; Exhibit 106 and Exhibit 107)
[10] (Talmud, Gittin 57a; Exhibit 202)
[11] http://www.come-and-hear.com/dilling/chapt03.html

May 16, 2007

Falwell, Scofield and the Dreadful Direness of Dispensationalism

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 6:35 pm

By Patrick Grimm

I am not going to engage in the kind of harsh rhetoric emanating from many in this movement since the recent passing of the Reverend Jerry Falwell. Falwell’s legacy, in my opinion, is a mixed bag. I try to make it a habit not to trash ministers, even if I disagree with many of their positions. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. I would cheerfully join in if the ridicule was being heaped on pseudo-reverends like stone-hearted black racists Jesse Hijackson or Al Sharpton, or crazed Penecostal charismatic lunatics like Kenneth Copeland or Benny Hinn. These folks are shysters, plain and simple. There is no other way to label them.

But I can at least commend Jerry Falwell for his pro-life and anti-homosexual stances, though his views and theology regarding Israel and modern-day Jews were wrong-headed and dangerous. Falwell, like so many contemporary evangelical evangelists and televangelists, was a victim of faulty and misguided theology, emanating first and foremost from his embrace of the Zionist footnotes that the Scofield Reference Bible is replete with. As that reliable Zionist organ, Wikipedia accurately tells us “The Scofield Reference Bible promoted dispensationalism, the belief that between creation and the final judgment there were seven distinct eras of God’s dealing with man and that these eras were a framework for synthesizing the message of the Bible. It was largely through the influence of Scofield’s notes that dispensationalism grew in influence among fundamentalist Christians in the United States.” [1]

The theology of dispensationalism is a phony siren song. Sadly, many well-meaning Christians, and I do include the Reverend Falwell in this camp, were taken in by its apocalyptic pronouncements. The Scofield Reference Bible was pieced together by Cyrus Scofield. Scofield is described here:

“As a young con-artist in Kansas after the Civil War, he met up with John J. Ingalls, an aging Jewish lawyer who had been sent to Atchison by the ‘Secret Six’ some thirty years before to work the Abolitionist cause. Pulling strings both in Kansas and with his compatriots back east, Ingalls assisted Scofield in gaining admission to the Bar, and procured his appointment as Federal Attorney for Kansas. Ingalls and Scofield became partners in a railroad scam which led to Cyrus serving time for criminal forgery.” But it gets more troubling than this. “Untermeyer introduced Scofield to numerous Zionist and socialist leaders, including Samuel Gompers, Fiorello LaGuardia, Abraham Straus, Bernard Baruch and Jacob Schiff. These were the people who financed Scofield’s research trips to Oxford and arranged the publication and distribution of his concordance.” [2]

This is the individual that has been lionized by fundamentalist rapturists and evangelical Zionists like Falwell. Scofield was assisted by crooked Jews and opportunistic Zionist ideologues right from the beginning. Few Christians know that the Scofield Reference Bible was funded by Jews who cared nothing about biblical accuracy or religious scholarship, but only wanted to use Cyrus Scofield as a pawn to rush through the founding of the modern state of Israel, no matter what it took. Scofield’s footnotes were only to be utilized to hoodwink biblically ignorant believers into embracing and making the Zionist project their own.

C.E. Carlson lays out the Jewish, Zionist scheme best:

“The scheme was to alter the Christian view of Zionism by creating and promoting a pro-Zionist subculture within Christianity. Scofield’s role was to re-write the King James Version of the Bible by inserting Zionist-friendly notes in the margins, between verses and chapters, and on the bottoms of the pages. The Oxford University Press used Scofield, a pastor by then, as the Editor, probably because it needed such as man for a front. The revised bible was called the Scofield Reference Bible, and with limitless advertising and promotion, it became a best-selling ‘bible’ in America and has remained so for 90 years.” [3]

That Falwell, Hagee, Robertson and many others would go along with this plan is hardly surprising. After all, the Scofield Reference Bible has made powerful inroads into the minds and theological worldviews of millions of Christians. The “subculture” is now a majority. The Zionist brainwashing of the American church is one of the saddest legacies of Scofield and his Zionist handlers. That so many read the Bible and understand it through this prism is a travesty and a tragedy, and explains, more than any other phenomenon, why the United States and its churchgoers often seem so monolithically pro-Israel and pro-Jew.

Arthur Bruce Bawer makes a good attempt to deconstruct the Scofield footnotes and exegesis when he writes:

“The Scofield Reference Bible looks like a lot of Bibles: Each page contains two columns of scripture separated by a narrower column of cross-references. What distinguishes it from most Bibles is that it also contains extensive footnotes. These footnotes add up to a highly tendentious dispensationalist interpretation of the Bible. There are whole books of Scofield’s Bible in which the annotation is minimal, almost absent; but in other books there are pages on which the annotation takes up far more space than the text. Like Jefferson’s Bible, then, Scofield’s Bible is an extraordinary act of audacity. But the two men came at Scripture from utterly opposite directions. Jefferson sought to preserve Jesus’ moral teachings and to remove materials (including accounts of miracles and prophecies) that seemed to him ahistorical and thus, as Jaroslav Pelikan has written, to ‘find the essence of true religion in the Gospels.’ Scofield also sought ‘the essence of true religion’, but he located this essence not in the moral teachings of the Gospels but in the miracles and prophecies, most of them located outside the Gospels. Jefferson’s chaff, in short, was Scofield’s wheat.”

Bawer notes the disingenuous nature of Scofield’s endeavor:

“The Scofield Reference Bible was a brilliant idea. Over the centuries, countless theologians had written learned books in which they grappled with the complex, ambiguous, often contradictory meanings of scripture. But Scofield plainly knew two important things about the people he wanted to reach. One: They didn’t read books of theology, but they did look at their Bibles (if only occasionally). Two: they didn’t want to grapple with complexities and ambiguities and contradictions: they wanted certitude, orthodoxy.

This Scofield gave them in spades. His footnotes never offer up different possible interpretations of a text; instead, they set forth, with an air of total authority, a detailed, elaborate, and consistent set of interpretations that add up to a theological system that few Christians before Darby could have conceived of — and that, indeed, marked a radical departure from the ways in which most Christians had always believed. Yet Scofield brazenly proferred his theology as if it were beyond question. And he presented it as if it were traditional, and as if every other way of understanding the true nature of Christian belief marked a radical departure from the true faith…. The chutzpah here is mind-boggling.” [4]

Chutzpah is the appropriate terminology, for the Scofield Reference Bible has Jewish fingerprints and influence all over it. That fact that all of its countless footnotes are so friendly to Jewish and Zionist interests is not by coincidence. It was planned this way right from the beginning. Jettisoning Jesus’ harsh pronouncements and thundering denouncements of the Jewish leadership of his day, Scofield simply juxtaposed his own hackneyed interpretations alongside these clear and foreboding words, perhaps smilingly, as he nudged Christians in the direction of dire Zionistic collusion.

Jerry Falwell, in his lifetime of preaching and ministry, followed the path that Scofield hollowed out for him. Despite the aspersions that Falwell cast on the “secular Left” and “abortionists” and “homosexuals” he never named the enemy. That enemy was organized Jewry, of both the secular and religiously Talmudic variety. Falwell even agreed to employ the term “Judeo-Christian”, an oxymoronic phrase conjured up in the shadowy halls of Jewish criminal groups and organizations like the ADL and others. But at the behest of Abe Foxman, frontman for Ziocriminality, Jerry made frequent references to our “Judeo-Christian heritage” the “Judeo-Christian roots of America” and sundry other inaccurate phraseologies. This is vintage Scofield.

The Reverend Falwell, who I believe was a well-intentioned man, was taken in. There can be no doubt of that. He bought, hook, line and sinker, the Scofieldian “truism” that today’s unrepentant, stiff-necked anti-Christian Jews, of both the American and Israeli vein, were still “God’s Chosen People.”

This flies in the face of centuries of Christian teaching on apostate Jews, and contradicts the clear words of Martin Luther, the venerable father of Protestantism, who stated in words that would be described as poisonously anti-Semitic today.

“I had made up my mind to write no more either about the Jews or against them. But since I learned that these miserable and accursed people do not cease to lure to themselves even us, that is, the Christians, I have published this little book, so that I might be found among those who opposed such poisonous activities of the Jews who warned the Christians to be on their guard against them. I would not have believed that a Christian could be duped by the Jews into taking their exile and wretchedness upon himself. However, the devil is the god of the world, and wherever God’s word is absent he has aneasy task, not only with the weak but also with the strong. May God help us. Amen.

Luther went further:

He did not call them Abraham’s children, but a ‘brood of vipers’ [Matt. 3:7]. Oh, that was too insulting for the noble blood and race of Israel, and they declared, ‘He has a demon’ [Matt 11:18]. Our Lord also calls them a ‘brood of vipers’; furthermore in John 8 [:39,44] he states: ‘If you were Abraham’s children ye would do what Abraham did…. You are of your father the devil. It was intolerable to them to hear that they were not Abraham’s but the devil’s children, nor can they bear to hear this today.” [5]

How did we drift so far from our theological moorings in the United States of America? How have we gotten to the point where no evangelical will condemn the sins of the Jewish people? Why would Falwell never point out the obvious, that the leftist movements he despised and rightly saw as destructive to America’s moral framework were emanating from one group dedicated to the eradication of Christianity? Why could the Reverend Falwell never bring himself to condemn these anti-Christ Jews who own the Left lock, stock and barrel? Three reasons: the Scofield Reference Bible, dispensationalism and Zionist-imbued theology.

Excuse me for not piling on in the tarring and feathering of Jerry Falwell, especially right after his sudden death yesterday, but I can’t help but think that Falwell and others of his fold are more misguided than villianous. I don’t think that this TV preacher, whose stands against abortion, homosexual sin and liberalism (all worthy positions) was an intentional agent of radical Zionism. I believe that Falwell, like countless patriotic and good Americans, was duped and led astray by unsound doctrine.

If that position doesn’t make me anti-Zionist enough (and I think Zionism is pure evil) then so be it. But even a flawed man can be commended for the good deeds he did perform. He can at least be complimented for speaking against the manifestations of Jewish control and manipulation, even if he did not name the beast aloud.

I am simply trying to conduct myself in a manner that I hope is consonant with true Christian charity. Jerry Falwell was on the wrong side of the Jewish question, but do his other beliefs count for nothing? Before we decide to slander and defame him, we must ask ourselves “What are we doing to make sure that the rest of America doesn’t fall for the Zionist agenda and all its concomitant schemes?” The propaganda has been mostly successful, to be sure, and the fact that even our interpretations of the Holy Scriptures have been skewed and distorted, shows how adroit the Jewish supremacists have been in subverting true Christianity. Like everything else they touch, it has been made moot and harmless as doctrine. Christianity, the Americanized brand of it, has drifted far from the counter-cultural subversive teachings of a radical “anti-Semitic” Christ. We must recapture the truth. This doesn’t mean that criticisms of Falwell’s teachings are not in order. But excuse me if I don’t wish him hellfire and brimstone on the day of his death. To do so adds nothing to our credibility, our validity or our ideas.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scofield_Reference_Bible
[2] http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/hoax/scofield.htm
[3] http://christianparty.net/scofield.htm
[4] http://www.911-strike.com/christian-zionists.htm
[5] http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/luther-jews.html

May 14, 2007

Seeing the Truth and Waiting

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 6:16 pm

By Patrick Grimm

There is a saying that goes “God sees the truth, but waits.” Perhaps he does. Perhaps he tarries until the appropriate time and then unleashes his wrath and fury on a humanity experiment gone awry. And who could blame him, right?

There are people who also wait. They see the truth, the ugly truth about Jewish extremism, they understanding the unfolding nefariousness of Zionist world domination. They can spy the racism (and I mean real racist hate) of radicalized Jews in America, in Israel and around the globe. But they don’t want to talk about it. It makes them uncomfortable, it makes them ill at ease. So they say and do nothing. They are silent bystanders to the train wreck of the Judaization of the modern world. They work, they love their wife and kids. But they are still mute and eyeless and even tongueless before this monster of Judaism.

But there are others. These are the “talkers” and the “doers” in this movement. They talk about Zionism and Jewish supremacism to any soul who will listen to them and will be open-minded enough to heed their words and their message. They write, compose and construct polemics, op-eds and research pieces detailing the devastating realities of the thousands of years of Jewish misdeeds committed against Gentile peoples of every race, creed and ethnicity. They won’t be silent, even though they sometimes fear, in the dark of night, that eventually the price of exposing these things could be catastrophic. But that is the cost of doing business.

I am not placing myself into the category of the brave and courageous “exposer” of Jewish hatred. I am simply writing and asking questions. I am a somewhat educated man, but there are many in this movement who do this will a lot more finesse and gravitas than I am capable of mustering. I try to tell the truth as best I see it, and let the chips fall where they may.

The question is simple. Do you “see the truth, but wait” or are you speaking, uttering the truth, sometimes horrendous, sometimes hideous, shining a light upon the facts, the reality of our contemporary dilemma and travails? Even if you are not a writer, post some articles by others. Create a blog. Get involved. The time is ticking away and America is being purposefully transformed and redefined and will soon morph into a multicultural hell on earth, where our traditions, our institutions and our heritage will be spat upon by invaders who take our place in the land our fathers built up with their genius. At the top of it all will sit the Ashkenazi Jew, smirking arrogantly and saying with a beaming grin “Well, you let me do it, didn’t you?” Hopefully we will be able to say “No, I didn’t. I didn’t keep quiet. I didn’t remain mute. I will not go quietly into the dark night of Jewish rule and Gentile slavery!”

When our children and our grandchildren look back upon our lives, brief and fleeting as a vapor that vanishes in a millisecond, what will they say? Will they curse us? Will they condemn us for our cowardice? Or will they say “He did all he could do in his moment. He made the world a better place and preserved our great republic for posterity.”?

Dear friend, do not wait. The future of our people is in your hands and on your head. It is a burden and a duty placed upon each of us, right this moment, right this second, in this very time. This is not a game, a hobby or a quirky pasttime. It is the tableau of our lives and our culture. Don’t let this window close without honestly doing all you can. The time is now.

May 13, 2007

Truth Lies

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 6:08 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Truth lies buried
It waits for the brainy excavator
To dig it like a diamond from the ground
And then upon finding it
The Anti-Defamation League will arrive
In their German-made Mercedes Benzes
With their side locks and shylocks
To shoot him execution style through the head

May 12, 2007

Quotable Quotes of Patrick Grimm

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:48 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Quotable Quotes

“Circumstance pays reality’s debt.”

“An enemy is an honest critic, sometimes.”

“The art of being an actor is the art of using magic without manipulation.”

“Ignorance is surely frightening, but willful and conscious ignorance is to be feared most of all.”

“A vast mental storehouse of knowledge can never compensate for a lack of wisdom, common sense and personal integrity.”

“To act bravely is still to be an actor. To behave in a courageous fashion simply means to ‘act’ outwardly heroic while being inwardly frightened.”

“A relentless and healthy nationalism coupled with European-American pride in our bountiful heritage is the death knell for the Jewish supremacist chokehold that is strangling our people and poisoning us at the very roots of our civilization.”

“In order for us, the white European people to survive as a people, we must truly love truth as dearly as we love the very oxygen we breathe.”

Sam Zell and the Incredible Shrinking Pie

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:18 pm

By Patrick Grimm

They are never satisfied, never sated and never comfortable. As they sit in the seats of highest power in America, they have a craving. This craving, like a relentlessly powerful thirst, can never be slaked. To which ‘they’ do I refer? I refer to those who hold the ultimate power over us. These are the owners of our media organs, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX News and almost every newspaper we read. Everything placed before our eyes is controlled, filtered and censored for our consumption. The Zionist Jews have almost eaten the whole pie, but you can be 100% sure that they will not even leave the leftover crumbs for Gentile consumption. The pie isn’t growing. It’s shrinking. It’s shrinking because it has been consumed by one greedy, hungry and rapacious group. That group is organized American Jewry.

As the last shards of American media slip forever into their hands, their hold over us tightens until it borders on a suffocating stranglehold of domination. Alex Drummer tells us that “NOT so long ago, the very idea of the Tribune Company, owner of the Chicago Tribune, Newsday, Baltimore Sun and the Los Angeles Times falling into Jewish ownership would have looked preposterous.” [1] But no more. Sam Zell, the ethnically Jewish tycoon, has now gobbled up the Tribune Company, the Chicago Tribune, Newsday, the Baltimore Sun and the LA Times in fast order. To have any news outlet unmolested by Hebrew ministrations is just too unthinkable a concept in today’s America. So the last Gentile holdouts must be broken, weakened and taken, all in a group effort so carefully and brilliantly orchestrated that no one seems capable of or willing to stop it.

Sam Zell, according to another Zionist outlet, Wikipedia “is a U.S. born billionaire and real estate entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Chairman of Equity International, a real estate private equity firm. With an estimated net worth of US $4.5 billion, he is ranked as the 52nd richest American by Forbes. In March 2007, Zell bought Tribune Corporation, publisher of the Los Angeles Times and owner of the Chicago Cubs.” [2] Now Zell, like so many other Jews who take ostentatiousness and fabulous storehouses of money for granted, is going to make sure that every newspaper you read gives you news and current events through a Jewish lens, that you see contemporary goings-on with Jewish spectacles that Zionists will place upon the bridge of your nose.

Curt Maynard has said it before and probably said it best in his recent article Let’s Talk About Jews and Elections when he states “I’ll make this short. Jews dominate the media period. This is not an anti-Semitic canard, a false accusation, a bigoted remark, or an uninformed opinion. This is an empirical fact.” [3] He also cites the valuable study called Who Rules America?
The Alien Grip on Our News and Entertainment Media Must
Be Broken [4] that makes the case that almost every news outlet in this country has been cornered by one group, and one group alone. That group is the Jews.

Why do I mention Sam Zell, which Forbes ranks as number 52 out of the list of the 400 richest Americans? [5] Why do I bring up the fact that probably 95% of our media is controlled by Jews who are not at all shy about promoting and trumpeting Jewish interests? I discuss all of this because I want to make you aware that we are being prepared for holistic Jewish hegemony and domination. The dictionary describes “holistic” as
1. Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts.
2. Concerned with wholes rather than analysis or separation into parts [6]

Jewry is united. It is, in a word, holistic in its ambition and its yearning for complete and total control. It’s a group strategy, as Kevin MacDonald defines it in his book, The Culture of Critique. Stephen Steinlight of the American Jewish Committe stated emphatically to a Jewish audience while discussing Jewish opinions on immigration that “For perhaps another generation, an optimistic forecast, the Jewish community is thus in a position where it will be able to divide and conquer and enter into selective coalitions that support our agendas.” [7] This is an astoundingly honest statement, to be sure, but one crafted only for Jewish ears to hear. This “divide and conquer” strategy and “triangulation” on the part of Jewish partisans goes along, part and parcel, with their grabbing up of every last vestige of America’s once supposedly “independent” media. The Zells, the Steinlights and all the rest, are merely good foot soldiers in this all-encompassing endeavor.

In short, it is far simpler and vastly easier to “divide and conquer” and to “enter into selective coalitions” when you manipulate and manage the very venues used to frame the message. As I said before, this hungering and thirsting after, not righteousness in this case, but wholesale dominion of America through the medium (media) that transmits the message (Zionist propaganda) has garnered impressive returns for the Jews of this country. The group evolutionary strategy seems to be reaching its final, and not coincidentally, its most successful stage. When that stage is at last complete (and that time is rapidly approaching because the pie is almost devoured) there will be no more need for covert coalitions and dividing and conquering. No, it will be crunch time and crush time. We will all be slaves to a tiny elite with no allegiances but their own avarice and their own Jewish racist tendencies. European-Americans specifically will finally viscerally feel the heavy boot of Jewish extremism and Jewish hate weighing down upon their collective chests, and believe you me, this reality will be palpable and impossible to ignore. It will also make breathing (survival) very, very difficult.

[1] http://www.davidduke.com/general/more-major-newspapers-in-american-acquired-by-jewish-extremist-publishers_2148.html#more-2148

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Zell

[3] http://pcapostate.blogspot.com/2007_05_01_archive.html

[4] http://www.natall.com/who-rules-america/

[5] http://www.forbes.com/lists/2006/54/biz_06rich400_Samuel-Zell_98EF.html

[6] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/holistic

[7] http://www.cis.org/articles/2001/back1301.html

May 11, 2007

The Subversive Nature of Laughter

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 4:50 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Two Orthodox Jews were walking down the street and came upon a Christian church. In the front window of the church there was a sign promising $1000 to any individual who converted to Christianity. The two Jews talked for a bit and finally agreed that one of them would go into the church, pretend to convert and they would then split the thousand dollars between them. So one of the Orthodox Jews went inside the church and was gone for quite a while. When he finally came outside and approached his friend, his friend asked him “Well, did you get the $1000?” The other Jew replied with a disapproving glance “Is that all you people care about is money?”

Humor is subversive. It is subversive because it sometimes slaughters our sacred cows and pillories the shibboleths of our culture. That is one reason why many oppressive regimes, think Chinese Communism under Mao Tse-Tung, banned laughter and jokes. We see much the same thing happening on many of our college campuses, where “inappropriate laughter” and “politically incorrect jokes” are forbidden and sometimes punishable with suspension, expulsion or propaganda classes in “diversity training” and “multiculturalism.” These little sessions are supposed to shock recalcitrant students back into the repressive quasi-Marxist postmodern mindset of the university intelligentsia, at least in the humanities departments of those “institutions of lower living.”

But why is humor so subversive? It is so subversive because all good humor, mirth and jest, for it to work, must contain a grain of truth. A good joke can only elicit a laugh from an audience if that joke rings truthful and authentic. A joke about Jewish blue collar workers or Jewish farmers would not seem authentic or funny to the listener because there is little in the real world that would confirm its validity. Humor, especially racial or ethnic humor, uncovers the truth, and unapologetically shoves stereotypes to the fore. But as I often note, all stereotypes are at least partially accurate, or they wouldn’t be stereotypes in the first place. Enough people over a long period of time have noticed certain traits and particular characteristics about this group or that group, and those traits and characteristics have been replicated by said group enough that they are engrained in the minds of the populace. How could it be otherwise?

The war against laughter is perhaps one of the saddest facets of the “politically correct” and the “realistically incorrect” battle being waged in our society. For Jews, blacks or any other ethnic or racial entity to attempt to ban or censure jokes which are simply a given amongst the majority of us, is to move this war against laughter and merriment far beyond “political correctness” and into the realm of pathological insanity. Look at this country and you can measure the amount of freedom you have by how free you are to joke about racial and ethnic mores and personality traits. A joyless and humorless and laughterless society is probably going to be a repressed society. Frowns and fear and grimaces typically accompany a police state. But a country with a hearty, light and insouciant sense of humor signifies health, stability and virility. Which way are we headed? If recent media events (Imus) and the intellectual climate on our college campuses are any indication, we are headed the way of the China of the 1940s.

Humor unshackles us, liberates us and frees us from the straightjacket of convention and mundane predictability. It allows us to chuckle at each other, at ourselves and at all the little things that make each of us unique. To ban or silence such banter will only impoverish our souls and create a world with no innocuous outlets of release. Is it any wonder that the leftists, the Zionists and the one-worlders are more than ready to control our words, silence our voices and condemn us to a universe without jokes?

May 10, 2007

Coming Soon on Zionist Watch

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 5:35 pm

Most of the pieces I write here at Zionist Watch are simple opinion pieces, and I feel that this is the best way to reach the reader with the truth. I simply assert my own views. However, I will be posting a research article in the near future, focused chiefly on the Frankfurt School and its impact upon our country and our language. Hopefully, I will have it completed quite soon and when I do, I will place it on this forum for your perusal.

Thanks again for your time, your comments and your support. Everyone, keep up the good fight. As Dylan Thomas once said “Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” May we all do exactly that. Be well and take care.

Yours truly,
Patrick Grimm

May 9, 2007

Vanilla or French Vanilla?

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 5:46 pm

By Patrick Grimm

The zombie state of America still believes, still holds to the child-like and naive notion that it has a choice. When you pull that lever, dear American, you still think you are choosing between two diametrically opposite candidates, don’t you? Rudy Guiliani vs. Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney vs. Barack Obama or some other match-up really causes you to get emotional, like it’s conservative against liberal, just like the old days. But it’s not. Voting for either of the two major hijacked parties is about as much of a choice as picking between vanilla and French vanilla at your local ice cream parlor.

Here are the choices: You can choose between a pro-Zionist neo-conservative party made up of the Bill Kristols, the Wolfowitzes and the Perles, or you can select a pro-Zionist neo-liberal party made up of the Thomas Friedmans, Dershowitzes and Reichs. Either gang you decide on for your leadership is going to give you the old thing you are so used to, sick of and repulsed by.

You are going to get for all your ardor, money and support a few predictable things. You will be receiving as a revolting present, open borders, multiculturalism, growing bloated government and more of your civil liberties yanked away by bureaucrats. What else will you get? Let’s see now. You’ll get more degradation of white European culture and the attacks on Christianity will continue unabated with no politician having the balls to speak out against this frontal assault from Hollywood and the media. You will also receive, courtesy of your tax dollars more spineless, gutless politicians who will say nothing about the rabid hatred and violence being spawned in black America and unleashed upon our people on a daily basis, in the way of rapes, robberies and murders. And, oh yeah, you’ll get more wars in the Middle East, all for Israel’s sake and Israel’s benefit.

Why is this the case? Why is it nothing more than vanilla or French vanilla when you vote? Why does it seem that we have no place to turn? Simple, really. One group controls both parties right from the top, thanks to the fact that we have an unending flood of campaign cash flooding the coffers. If we had publicly financed political campaigns, funded by taxpayers, the corruption and the owning of our congressmen and women and our Senators would end.

The Republican Party, which we will designate vanilla for their blandness, gets 40% of its money from Jewish neo-con Zionist contributors. The Democrat Party, obviously French vanilla because of its similarity to French socialist parties, gets 60-70% of its dollars from Jewish leftist Zionist contributors. It’s a sick shell game, and either shell you raise will result in the same prize, the same bought and paid for politicians chained hand and foot to the Zionist powerbrokers who have run this country down like an old shoe. You don’t have a choice. You just think you do.

But some will protest “I vote for Republicans because they are the party of Reagan and Goldwater.” No more, dear naive voter. Thanks to the Jewish take-over of Republicanism, the party speaks with a Jewish voice for Jewish interests and concerns and inhabits the left-wing of the spectrum when it comes to social issues. Remember RNC head Ken Mehlman, an Orthodox Jew who recently chaired the RNC? What kind of a backward world do we live in when a religious Jew, a member of one of the most hateful branches of Judaism, operates the machinations of a majority white Christian party?

Alas, when it comes to conservatism, all is lost. You know it, I know it, so let’s just lay the cards on the table and admit the truth. The truth is that the conservative journals have been coopted. They have been taken. National Review, the most respected conservative periodical in this country founded by the venerable William F. Buckley, has been taken. Neo-conservative fanatical pro-Israel Likudite Jews now steer the magazine to endorse their increasingly liberal and anti-American viewpoints. I won’t even comment on the American Spectator and the Weekly Standard. The phony Trotskyites purged those publications of dissenters long, long ago. There is no real conservative agenda being pushed in the United States any longer. It’s open borders, multiracialism and the War Party platform. This is what passes for “respectable” conservative opinions.

So when you march out of your house next year with a steely look in your eye, bound and determined to make a difference, remember this. It doesn’t matter a whit which candidate you vote for. You are emboldening the Zionists, no matter which side of the fence you come down on. You don’t believe me. Well, pull that lever, write in that name or punch that button on the computer screen. Then see what you get. I suppose you’ll be surprised, shocked and mortified when the next President is a middle-of-the-road bland fraud just like the current occupant of the Oval Office and the one who preceded him. Here’s the menu, folks. Vanilla, perhaps? Or would you prefer French vanilla?

May 6, 2007

Brainwashing ‘Em Early

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:25 pm

By Patrick Grimm

The Anti-Defamation League, the verminous perverts and deviants at B’nai B’rith are brainwashing ‘em early. Who are they brainwashing? Why, they are brainwashing our young children, the future leaders of this once great country with pro-organized Jewry and pro-Zionist propaganda material. Here is one entry at the website of the Beast that calls itself a civil rights organization, though the only civil rights they ever agitate for are an expanded license for Jews and their misdeeds and ever shrinking social and political freedoms for Gentiles or non-Jews. It reads:

Understanding Judaism and the Jewish Community (Grades 3 – 6)

Rationale: The purpose of this lesson is to provide a basic understanding of U.S. Jews and Judaism. Using the children’s book Mrs. Katz and Tush by Patricia Polacco and applying research, teamwork, and presentation skills, students will be introduced to the cultural, historical and religious aspects of the Jewish community. By acquiring a basic understanding of Judaism and the Jewish community, students will be able to speak knowledgeably about the religion and the community and respond to any stereotypes about Jews that may hear using facts they learned.

Note to teachers: While this lesson is focused on Judaism, the format can be adapted for other religions, such as Buddhism, Islam, and Native American spirituality. When teaching in a public school, it is important to recognize that teaching about religion (in a secular, religiously neutral and objective manner) is not a violation of separation of church and state as mandated by the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment, but that the teaching of religion (by promoting one religion over another or participating in faith-based rituals or practices, such as prayer), is unconstitutional. Religious diversity is part of the growing diversity in the U.S., and for many students, religion plays a significant role in their identity development. Parent letters can help assuage any concerns you and the school may have about introducing curriculum on religious diversity. [1]

This is more ADL double talk. The paid liars (and they do it so instinctively) and fanatical foot soldiers of B’nai B’rith are going to make sure your child’s mind is insulated from any negativity about Jews and only hears praise and adulation about their glowing accomplishments in America. Any “stereotypes” will be swept away with the application of those magical words “anti-Semitism”, “canards”, “blood libels”, etc. etc. etc. It’s almost boring how confoundedly predictable they are getting. Couldn’t they occasionally surprise us?

Notice too that your kids, being taught in socialist schools paid for by your own tax dollars can be instructed on “Buddhism, Islam and Native American spirituality” but in a majority “Christian” country, can not even learn about the beliefs of the majority of our Founding Fathers. Two percent of our population, most of whom are radicalized enemies of a truly open and democratic society, can dictate to the American people what can and cannot be spoken of in their own schools. It would be akin to us going to Israel and telling them that their Jewish schools could not use the Torah or the Talmud in their curriculum. And why shouldn’t we be able to tell them exactly that? We are paying for the anti-Christ filth that is poisoning the hearts and minds of Israeli young people, only incrementally increasing their hatred and sense of “separation” and ramping up their chutzpah in direct proportion.

No, this is the sickness of a country (the United States) which lets the minority, a miniscule minority, rule over us with a rod of iron. I, for one, have had enough of the ADL and their shyster lawyers in the ACL-Jew dictating to the rest of us what we can think, feel, teach our children or talk about in our very own schools. Enough! Every member of the ADL, the ACL-Jew and all the rest of the sewer groups should be tried under RICO statutes. These individuals should then be deported, preferably to Israel right before we defund that piece of garbage they call a democratic state. Keep your Jewish hands off our children and then take your Jewish money and your Jewish lies and get out!

[1] http://www.adl.org/education/curriculum_connections/spring_2006/spring_lesson_1_2006.asp?cc_section=lesson_1

May 5, 2007

The Protocols and You

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:59 pm

Pictured here: 1992 Russian language imprint, adapting Eliphas Levi’s portrayal of Baphomet image

By Patrick Grimm

So you believe the Jewish media pap that goes something like this: “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are a forgery and a fraud. Anyone who believes in their validity is an irrational, hateful and insane anti-Semite.” Well, think again. Whether a group of Jews or some Gentile sat down and composed the Protocols, they are dead-on accurate and they provide the exact narrative that you see playing itself out today, right in front of your disbelieving eyes. Everything in this century-old playbook is coming to pass even as we speak and converse about it. The Jewish Zionist template is the same as it’s always been, and guess what, faithful reader? They aren’t going to stop. We are going to have to stop them, first by exposing them and shredding their pseudo-piety and phony shibboleth “Chosen” arguments.

Below is just one excerpt from the Protocols that will illustrate to you just how well the Jewish laid plans are progressing along their dire course, the consequences for the rest of us be damned. Oh, but I suppose all the little Jewish civil rights groups would simply label these truths as a “canard”, one of their favorite terminologies that they fetch from the bag of tricks when someone turns the heat up. No, it would probably be a “blood libel” as every other foray and examination of Jewish wrongdoing is conveniently named. To read the entire disgusting Zionistic display simply go HERE (and I do advise doing that). Well, here is the excerpt promised:


4. NOT A SINGLE ANNOUNCEMENT WILL REACH THE PUBLIC WITHOUT OUR CONTROL. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.

5. If already now we have contrived to possess ourselves of the minds of the GOY communities to such an extent that they all come near looking upon the events of the world through the colored glasses of those spectacles we are setting astride their noses; if already now there is not a single State where there exist for us any barriers to admittance into what GOY stupidity calls State secrets: what will our positions be then, when we shall be acknowledged supreme lords of the world in the person of our king of all the world ….

6. Let us turn again to the FUTURE OF THE PRINTING PRESS. Every one desirous of being a publisher, librarian, or printer, will be obliged to provide himself with the diploma instituted therefore, which, in case of any fault, will be immediately impounded. With such measures THE INSTRUMENT OF THOUGHT WILL BECOME AN EDUCATIVE MEANS ON THE HANDS OF OUR GOVERNMENT, WHICH WILL NO LONGER ALLOW THE MASS OF THE NATION TO BE LED ASTRAY IN BY-WAYS AND FANTASIES ABOUT THE BLESSINGS OF PROGRESS. Is there any one of us who does not know that these phantom blessings are the direct roads to foolish imaginings which give birth to anarchical relations of men among themselves and towards authority, because progress, or rather the idea of progress, has introduced the conception of every kind of emancipation, but has failed to establish its limits …. All the so-called liberals are anarchists, if not in fact, at any rate in thought. Every one of them in hunting after phantoms of freedom, and falling exclusively into license, that is, into the anarchy of protest for the sake of protest….

There it is, folks. The ‘We Control the Press’ dictate has already been achieved. In fact, it is now axiomatic that media is a Jewish domain. Their control of our thoughts and “ways of thinking” is a foregone conclusion. When they state “If already now we have contrived to possess ourselves of the minds of the GOY communities to such an extent that they all come near looking upon the events of the world through the colored glasses of those spectacles we are setting astride their noses,” we can now safely proclaim “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED” for our Jewish kings, lords and masters! Most Americans see events, people, places and things through Jewish eyes and think “Jewishly” in ways that are probably more subconscious than explicit.

Indulge me for one minute more and read another portion of this evil document. The plan goes something like……….


2. At the same time we shall not omit to emphasize the historical mistakes of the GOY governments which have tormented humanity for so many centuries by their lack of understanding of everything that constitutes the true good of humanity in their chase after fantastic schemes of social blessings, and have never noticed that these schemes kept on producing a worse and never a better state of the universal relations which are the basis of human life …

3. The whole force of our principles and methods will lie in the fact that we shall present them and expound them as a splendid contrast to the dead and decomposed old order of things in social life.


5. IN COUNTRIES KNOWN AS PROGRESSIVE AND ENLIGHTENED WE HAVE CREATED A SENSELESS, FILTHY, ABOMINABLE LITERATURE. For some time after our entrance to power we shall continue to encourage its existence in order to provide a telling relief by contrast to the speeches, party program, which will be distributed from exalted quarters of ours …. Our wise men, trained to become leaders of the GOYIM, will compose speeches, projects, memoirs, articles, which will be used by us to influence the minds of the GOYIM, directing them towards such understanding and forms of knowledge as have been determined by us.

Now haven’t they been pretty darn successful? Give ‘em some credit now. They have indeed kept every Goyim failing forever before our eyes, while erasing their own roles in some of the biggest government killing machines in the annals of human history. As I said yesterday, they have portrayed Old Gentile Values as churlish and boorish and archaic, while substituting them with New Jewish Values which really are churlish and boorish, as well as evil and cynical in nature. They have thrown every misdeed of Christianity in our faces for decades, while managing to conceal the racist ethnocentrism of their Jewish Babylonian Talmud and its hateful diatribes against Christ and Christians. And yes, they have crafted a “senseless, filthy, abominable literature” for our consumption. In addition to Jewish pornography, they have debased our universities with absurd and socially crippling ideologies like post-modernism and Marcusian Marxism that have torn us away from our intellectual and spiritual moorings. It has all be intentional. It hasn’t happened by accident.

So the next time some guilt-peddling philo-Semitic liberal or some neo-con-loving, Jew-worshipping fraudulent conservative tells you that the Protocols are just the ramblings of anti-Semitic Jew-haters, why don’t you ask that person “Well, have you read them?” You can be sure they haven’t, because anyone who is open-minded and honest would find the Protocols eerily, creepily judicious and unerring in their pronouncements. These fragments aren’t enough to convince you? Read the entire volume and if you still aren’t sure of their validity, then you can proudly place yourself in the ranks of the Judaized Americans. It’s a big club and you’ll be right at home with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and all the rest. Just remember that the price of admission to this club is your mind, your heart, your soul, your freedom and your country. Have a good evening now.

May 4, 2007

The World We Knew

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:24 pm

By Patrick Grimm

“Over and over, I keep going over the world we knew,” Frank Sinatra sings plaintively in his pitch-perfect legendary baritone as I sit here before my computer. Like the Chairman of the Board, I too survey the world in which I live and compare it to a different, almost diametrically opposed world that my parents and grandparents inhabited. Is the world they knew–and ‘knew’ rings with a pensive sense of passing like a long-gone train vanishing like a dot in the distance, the sound of its engine seeming to herald a bygone era–nothing more than a shimmering dream that we woke up from? Or is today’s world more akin to a nightmare that we will never awaken from? I think the second question rings closest to the truth. Is the world we knew dead? In a word, ‘yes.’ Yes, it is, but like that train simile, it won’t be rumbling back across those old familiar tracks again once it has passed.

What of the world we know now? What makes it so different from the world of say forty or fifty years ago? I’ll do the minimalist explanation without going into sociology (a Marxist Jewish science) or the psychology (a Freudian Jewish science) of the American people and simply state that our values have been replaced. Perhaps ‘replaced’ is too passive a term to characterize what has happened to us, much of that happenstance happening while we were either slumbering under delusions of good will or away laboring at trivial trivialities. Our values, American and Western mores, have been replaced, but they have also been extinguished, like a mildly flickering candle flung beneath Niagara Falls. Some examples:

Old Gentile value
The Christian religion is the backbone of America’s cultural, social and political life. It should be placed in a position of honor within our society. It is one of the greatest building blocks of both America and Western civilization.
New Jewish value
The Christian religion is a violation of the sacrosanct “separation of church and state” and should be banished from our institutions, our schools and our government. Christianity is offensive to those of other faiths and especially to those of no faith (think Jewish atheist Michael Newdow). However, the Jewish religion, including menorah displays and Passover celebrations should still be lauded and the Jewish religion should receive unique and special treatment and be funded in Israel, the Jewish state, with taxpayer moneys.

Old Gentile value
Human life is sacred and should be protected, both at the beginning of life and at its ending as well. Abortion is morally wrong and should be discouraged, if not outlawed completely in American society.
New Jewish value
The Talmud states that a fetus does not become a human person until the head exits the mother’s womb. The Talmud also clarifies that a Gentile life is worth nothing compared to a Jew’s life. Abortion, as well as pure infanticide should be funded with taxpayer dollars. Abortion is a sacrament and the most sacred right a woman possesses.

Old Gentile value
Homosexuality is a deviant lifestyle as well as a morally repugnant and reprehensible one. Homosexual sex is against the moral order and should be condemned by all. Sodomy ranks among the worst of sins. It is an abomination.
New Jewish value
True romantic love between two humans, regardless of their gender, should never be condemned. It should instead be celebrated. Only bigoted or intolerant persons would censure gays or lesbians, therefore we must have mandatory diversity training and indoctrination and brainwashing for youngsters in the public schools. Only then can they arrive at the “right” conclusions on this matter. (And the ADL is actually concocting the very pro-homosexual curriculum used by many government schools.)

You can stop, sit down and contemplate every single issue of public moment. Compare the traditionalist “old Gentile value” position on that issue to the “new Jewish value” now being pushed in our media, our schools and our newspapers. They are, as I said earlier, diametrically opposed and they cannot be reconciled. “The world we knew” which Sinatra sang apart, albeit it in a different context, is the very world that the Jewish owners of this country have exterminated, replaced or rewritten in every venue of our public life. There is not one tiny crevice of our heritage intact now that they have left uncovered, inviolable or unearthed and untouched. And they haven’t stopped at ‘touching’ our heritage. It has been out-and-out molested by the Talmudically-invoked charlatans who masquerade under the radar of most of our citizens. They have molested our values and have also molested and screwed with the minds of our innocent and precious children. Old Gentile Values stressing modesty, chastity, moderation and charity have been dressed down, befouled and sullied by the Jewish-published textbooks and Jewish curriculum.

Now we have kids in school reading books by perverts instructing them on the joys and wonders of anal sex, fisting, felching and other perversities too putrid and feculent to even speak of. We have children who are pre-teens engaging in illicit sexual practices, and actually being coached and cheered on by websites run by Jew groups like Planned Parenthood. When abortions, sexually-transmitted diseases and unwanted children show up on the scene, our verminous Jewish social engineers still won’t admit that perhaps Old Gentile Values are preferable to vile New Jewish ones. In fact, these maladies, these social sicknesses only send the Jewish destroyers speeding faster and more break-neck down the same crooked and destructive path. Could it be that they know their “solutions” don’t work? Of course they know it. They love abortion and STDs and homosexuality because these things kill the white race that they loathe so intensely and so rigorously in their hearts.

The world we knew, or perhaps our parents knew, is gone. Get used to it. It is gone because Old Gentile Values have not been juxtaposed beside New Jewish Values. No, that would not be sufficiently solipsistic for the Talmudic Jews. Gentile values have been driven from the playing field and only one set of rules now defines and directs the game. You know that the Jews will permit no competitors or compatriots to the Chosen and their Order.

New Jewish Values are almost taken as axiomatic by anyone 25 or younger in this country. They aren’t even old enough to remember the tiny shards, the fractured leftover remnants of Old Gentile Values that anyone over 30 can faintly recall. These youngsters truly believe things have always been this way, that this is what passes for normalcy. It is not. I can still remember a culture that had some modicum of shame left in it, reserved for those who broke codes of decency and social order. I can remember when open marriages and out of wedlock pregnancies were frowned upon and homosexuality was still largely in the closet. No longer. Now New Jewish Values, foreign, alien, sick values have come to the fore. They have won the day and we, alas, at least for the moment, have lost. I don’t say that we can revive Old Gentile Values wholesale. That seems too ambitious a project to me. There are far too many of the masses who have been sold on them, especially among the young, stupid and brainwashed. What we can do, however, is at least show the noxious and malevolent nature of New Jewish Values, their social costs, their spiritual costs and pray and hope against hope that someone will see the truth and the light. That is our task and our weighty obligation as Americans.

“Over and over, I keep going over the world we knew.” I do too, Frank, and I’ll take that world any day to the one we have, a world stricken, blighted and heinously raped by the ravages of Talmudic Jewish meddlings. These meddlings have replaced the Old with the New, the True with the Fake, and have left us and our country much poorer as a result. Old Gentile Values or New Jewish Values? Why, it’s as easy as choosing between Life or Death. And that’s what’s so all-encompassingly scary about it. Most folks have already implicitly or explicitly made their choice, either by choosing Death or by not choosing at all, thereby letting our meddlers make the choice for them.

The world we knew has passed; the New World has been birthed by our Jewish midwives, blood spattered all over their greedy hands, yet their fingers still aching and yearning to shed more. There will never be enough Gentile blood to satisfy their Talmudic hate, and the world we have, as opposed to the world we knew, will still not be depraved and perverse enough to satisfy them. It will have to be debased further, dragged deeper down into the dregs and the muck, until most of its inhabitants will never again make petty Gentile distinctions like Old Gentile Values or New Jewish Values. ‘Perversion’ will no longer be a strong enough word to begin to epitomize what they have fulfilled, but words like ‘perversion’ will still be banned as being too ‘judgmental’ or ‘intolerant.’ As bestiality, necrophilia and other unmentionable acts are at last liberated from the shackles of prudishness and priggish “Victorianism” we will finally see what a Jewish-spawned cesspool sewer of a world looks like. It won’t be pretty and you won’t want to live in it. In fact, it will be as different from “the world we knew” as heaven is from hell.

May 3, 2007

A Hearty Recommendation

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:32 pm

By Patrick Grimm

I don’t often recommend things, whether books, websites, music, etc. However, I will heartily endorse a fabulous book by the eminent and scholarly Michael Collins Piper (American Free Press) entitled The New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in America. The New Jerusalem is a relatively slender volume, but a volume chock full of information that one would find almost impossible to locate or assemble on one’s own, no matter the amount of arduous research on the topic. Piper lists and exposes the Jewish Zionist powerbrokers who bankroll the Israeli lobby, the Jewish PACs, Jewish universities and trusts, as well as every other type of ethnocentrist power player political movement.

This book contains some surprising revelations, some I’m sure I have not even gotten to, seeing as how I have a few more pages to go. Piper ties together the New York-Israeli criminal connections and even delves back into early 20th century history to explain how the Jewish mob begat the far less powerful Italian mafia. When it comes to organized crime, Al Capone had nothing on Meyer Lansky or Edgar Bronfman, the liquor mogul. In fact, compared to these two mammoth kingpins of criminality, Capone was a piker.

Some of Piper’s assertions are intriguing, but always footnoted and backed up with evidence. He shows clearly how billionaire Donald Trump “The Donald” was basically groomed by Jews with far more clout in Las Vegas, Nevada than he possessed, and that he was helped by tying himself to Zionist Hebrews.

If you want an intellectual work that will inform, challenge and sometimes shock you, this is the book for you. Michael Collins Piper is one of the most crucial thinkers in this movement and this particular composition of his is a mind-bending, pyrotechnically brilliant tour-de-force. Don’t miss reading The New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in America. It gets the Grimm seal of approval.

May 1, 2007

Are You Ready?

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 7:03 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Are you ready for the melt-down?
Are you ready for the crush?
Are you jazzed about the crack-up?
Or does the truth just make you blush?

Indeed, these are good questions. The “melt-down” has long been melting. The “crush” has been caving us in for quite some time. The “crack-up” is the break, the mental and moral break in the body politic and in the minds of the American people. And my goodness, everyone seems to be blushing about the truth lately. Consider the equivocating Tommy Thompson and his immasculating apology to our lords and masters.

The truth is, Judaism is no good for us. In fact, Judaism has been so bad for us, especially among our ruling elite, yet so successful in its broad and all-encompassing agenda (and yes, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is dead-on bulls-eye accurate here) that only two microscopic things stand in the way of it blanketing this country with its gut-wrenchingly sickening agenda. What are those two tiny little miniscule dots that hold back the floodwaters of a 100% Judeocracy, (a system only honoring the rights of Jews to the exclusion of all other peoples and groups) a plutocratic New Jerusalem Zion? Oh, nothing except the First and Second Amendments to the US Constitution. When these two bulwarks are completely rent, totally torn asunder, then God help us.

But they are doing it, giving it the good old “victim’s” try. It is only a matter of when, not if, the Zionist crime organizations will pass a hate speech bill that will promise jail or fines to any poor fool who even squeaks a pansy protest against the bulldozing of European-American traditions. When speech goes, look to the heavens, for the time is drawing nigh, the end is approaching for anything that perhaps you as a gimlet-eyed optimistic patriot might hold dear. You will no longer broach the very subjects that are now so fervently delved into by the few of us dissenters still remaining. We will be stamped out by our government, with the help of more Afro-dancing, idiot prancing blow-up dolls like George W. Bush, the Village Idiot-in Chief cheering along, yet still reading teleprompters about “American freedom” and “democracy.” It will be too late. It is already getting far too late now. The sun is setting and we are moving into the dead of night now. Are you ready for the crush?

The Virginia Tech shooting is providing more grist for the mills of Foxman, Wiesenthal, Dershowitz, Steinlight and the whole agipropping gang of devils who are doing a number on our guaranteed rights. What do you think will happen when the Zionist Jews take our guns? It won’t be sunshine and light and teddy bears and roses when America morphs into a police state. It’s not going to be lollipops and daisies when your very own government goes door to door, acting in the name of every sick Jewish HatePAC in the US, grabbing up the last remaining arms on hand, and then telling you that it’s for your own good. Don’t you know that it’s Uzis and AKs for Jews in Israel, but a gleeful gun-grabbing extravaganza for Foxman and the smart boys at B’nai B’rith? They don’t care about fairness, the rule of law, the Constitution lovingly authored by our Framers. They care about control and coercion and carnage against Gentiles. I’m just afraid that the Goyim are actually dumb enough to let them do it. And what then? Let’s continue.

What then, you ask? What then is prison for the enemies of Judaism and Zionism and organized Jewry and secular Jewry and Orthodox Jewry and just plain old Christ-hating Jewry. It’s work camps for political dissidents, for those who complain about Jews and the victim groups that they string along (blacks, homosexuals and now illegal Mexican immigrants) and drink the blood from, leaving them as consumed shells after their sustenance has been sucked away. Then it will be the death penalty for charges of “anti-Semitism” or even “anti-Zionism”. Foes of Israel will be shut up and shut down in very short order. Look at history, for God’s sake! Remember, if you are able, the 60 million dead Gentiles killed by Jewish Communists, Jewish Bolsheviks, Jewish Marxists and Jewish camp guards at your friendly neighborhood Soviet gulag work camp. Learn from your history, cause it is about to repeat itself, if you sit back, eyeless, voiceless, docile and dominated as they come for you, your family, your freedom, and finally your own voice and your own weapons.

The organized minions of Jewry are evil “white-washed tombs” as the Savior called them before they shut Him up with a Jewish mob hit. The demonic cadres of Zionism must not be allowed to succeed. For if they do, there will be no socialist paradise, no worker’s paradise, no Garden of Eden. What we will reap from their power and primacy will not be a utopia, but a screaming nightmare. We will not even reap the whirlwind. We will reap a literal fiery, blood-spattered hell on earth, and nothing except God Himself will be able to save us.

Are you ready for the melt-down?
Are you ready for the crush?
Are you jazzed about the crack-up?
Or does the truth just make you blush?

You must be ready and you must dare not to be silent as you drift incrementally into the black night of Jewish totalitarianism. Speak, produce a sound, make an utterance, craft and shape a vibration from your unclosed and unobstructed throat. Scream the truth and let the echoes of your cry lead you inevitably to the light. Do not blush or pull your punches. Do not march mute and muzzled like a lemming towards your fate. Stand, fight and battle for your God-given right to survive. To do anything less than this is to condemn your children and your children’s children to a thousand years of darkness.

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