By Patrick Grimm
What is Big Jewry? It is the interconnected network of Jewish organizations, think tanks, lobbyists, supposed “civil rights groups”, charities, media outlets, particular newspapers such as the New York Times and their partners and brothers-in-arms in the bloated federal bureaucracy. Big Jewry may not be monolithic on every issue of public moment, but they generally take pro-Zionist, pro-Israel, pro-illegal immigration, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, pro-”free trade”, pro-affirmative action positions. They are quite anti-Christian, anti-church, anti-free speech, anti-Gentilist and when it comes right down to it, anti-American. They are pro-Jewish and not much of anything else matters to them. The Tribe comes first and foremost. The rest of their stances naturally follow from this vantage point. They will fund and further the causes that weaken us, and what weakens us puts them squarely in the engineer’s seat of the American cultural train wreck.
I am going to pass over some of the more obvious Jewish groups I have cited before and discuss one particular organization that is run by a gang of perverts, degenerates and hucksters. I am going to call them out for the filthy anti-American thugs that they truly are. I refer of course to a group with the misnomer The Southern Poverty Law Center. It is ironic that a political propaganda mill with this name has spent years raking in tens of millions of dollars promoting illegal immigration, anti-white racism, homosexuality, the de-Christianization of the US and every other sick far-left cause that is ripping America apart at the Constitutional seams. This “poverty” group has nothing to do with assisting or empowering the poor and downtrodden and everything to do with lining the pockets of elitist Jews and tossing some of the profits back into the coffers of Big Jewry.
The Southern Poverty Law Center
The SPLC is ostensibly a political group fighting for equal rights, particularly for minorities, but a closer inspection of this oft-cited leftist rat’s nest reveals a darker agenda. The SPLC is, more than everything else it might be, an anti-white and anti-freedom law firm. It was founded by two Jews, Morris Dees and Joseph J. Levin, Jr. We can now turn to Wikipedia for a description, albeit a slanted and deceptive one, of the SPLC. Wikipedia states warmly and probably with a Jewish smirk: “The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is an American non-profit legal organization, whose stated purpose is to combat racism and promote civil rights through research, education and litigation.” [1] Well, how wonderful!
With wailing whines about the supposed threat of a “growing” Ku Klux Klan and white power groups who are, in the eyes of SPLC, on the rise, this center uses fearmongering and scapegoating as a fundraising drive for their self-serving racket. But you have to hand it to Dees and Levin. Their scare tactics and alarmist website and mailings have kept the leftists hopping. They have also kept these same leftists writing and mailing big checks to the SPLC. In a 2000 issue of Harper’s Magazine, Ken Silverstein wrote in an article entitled appropriately “The Church of Morris Dees” that “Morris Dees doesn’t need your ‘financial support’ because “the SPLC is already the wealthiest ‘civil rights’ group in America.” [2] Just how rich are Dees and his fellow shyster-in-crime, Joe Levin? Silverstein estimates that the Southern Poverty Law Center has a war chest totaling over $120 million, with the center ostentatiously spending over $5.76 million on fundraising alone. I guess “poverty” pays, doesn’t it?
Big Jewry’s Agenda
What is the complete agenda of the Southern Poverty Law Center? I would describe it in my own words as “much like the American Civil Liberties Union, only with more chutzpah.” But let’s take a closer look.
Cliff Kincaid informs us that “The Southern Poverty Law Center, which supported the ‘hate crimes’ bill, is so extreme that it lists the conservative Christian Traditional Values Coalition (TVC), a coalition of churches, on a map of ‘hate groups’ because of its opposition to special rights for homosexuals. The TVC is listed on the same page with the Ku Klux Klan and the Nation of Islam.” [3] Much like the ACL-Jew and the ADL, the SPLC endorses homosexual so-called marriage and the endorsement and celebration of homosexual behavior in our society. Like so many other wings of Big Jewry, they readily label anyone who dissents from their hard-left line on this issue as a “hater” and simplistically lump them in with Klansmen and others who are seen as beyond the political pale in America.
As I’m sure you can predict, their views on other crucial issues are just as knee-jerk and predictable. In fact, the SPLC is yawningly predictable. Here is one boring excerpt from their website, attempting to brand opponents of illegal criminal immigration as bigots. “Behind the recent upswing in anti-immigration activism are an array of groups, including the 10 listed here. Most of these groups regularly work together, and their leaders frequently hold cross-memberships in several organizations at once. Some of the groups have clear ties to openly racist organizations, and even some of those that don’t still espouse thinly disguised bigotry.” [4]
You see, according to Big Jewry, to not want to be invaded, conquered and dispossessed is the same as racial discrimination and bigotry. The SPLC wants wide open borders so the Third Worlders can rush in. In fact, Dees and company have even taken to providing these lawbreakers legal assistance, rewarding them for their criminality. It’s hardly shocking. Dees and Levin support open borders for every nation, save Israel.
Perhaps you haven’t heard this absolutely insane and outrageous story related to Dees and his Jewish gangsterism. It is lengthy, but is essential reading. Here it is:
“Two miles from the border with Mexico, U.S. citizen Casey Nethercott’s dream ranch is now the property of Edwin Alfredo Mancia Gonzales and Fatima del Socorro Leiva Medina, both illegal immigrants from El Salvador.
And Nethercott didn’t sell it to them. They took it by force, after trespassing on it to sneak into the U.S. All orchestrated by Dees.
Dees’ legal squad used American courts to put Nethercott in jail and transfer his property to the illegals he tried to keep out.
According to the New York Times, Nethercott bought the Arizona ranch, ‘Camp Thunderbird,’ in 2003 for $120,000, his entire savings. He used the 70-acre property as headquarters for Ranch Rescue, a group like (and connected with) the Minutemen, which tries to keep our borders safe–since our government will not.
In March 2003, Nethercott and Ranch Rescue caught Mancia and Leiva sneaking into the country on a ranch near the Texas border. Even Mancia and Leiva admit that the Ranch Rescue members gave them cookies, water, and a blanket, and let them go after an hour.
But they accused Nethercott of threatening them and hitting Mr. Mancia with a pistol. Instead of trying the illegals for trespassing and kicking them out, Texas prosecutors tried and convicted Nethercott of gun possession by a felon (he previously served time in California for assault), and he is now serving five years in a Texas prison.
In prison for the gun possession charge, Nethercott was unable to defend himself against a civil lawsuit filed by Dees and his gangster mob of lawyers on behalf of the illegals who claimed post-traumatic stress for their hour of cookies and water.
Dees took Nethercott’s ranch to pay the default judgment of $850,000 against Nethercott (in addition to $600,000 garnered against two other men).” [4]
And the antics, avarice and moral anarchy of Big Jewry go on and on and on into a hellish infinity. They aren’t going to stop what they are doing. They will continue to sell America down the river as long as they continue to make a buck, or millions of bucks, doing it.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is a literal Fifth Column in the United States, and having already burrowed their way into the structure of this country, will eat away at it like a persistent termite. These racketeers are the Fifth Columnists of American and world Jewry, lacerating whites, suing, defunding and punishing them, making them second-class citizens in a nation now owned wholesale by Zionism.
The political low ground that the SPLC has staked out on every partisan squabble makes them especially pernicious. Dees and his Communist minions are so far to the left, they are almost horizontal. They hate Christianity, white rights, the traditional family, border control, gun ownership, free speech, free expression (unless it is pornographic), patriotism, nationalism and any sense of moral absolutes in the populace at large.
Who Is Morris Dees?
Let’s be clear on this. Morris Dees is a Jewish radical leftist pervert, degenerate, sexual deviant and a proud and flagrant adulterer to boot. Dees is also an alleged child molester. Strong words, I know, but the evidence bears them out.
Here are a few pertinent quotes from a report on Mr. Dees, detailing some of his immoral and dishonest behavior:
“Maureene was literally forced to file suit for divorce in March, 1979, because of Morris’ obstinate refusal to give up his mistress who he was then supporting and who had become pregnant by him. However, Maureene did not give up her marriage easily. Prior to Morris’ permanent involvement with the McGaha woman, Maureene had endured a long series of degrading incidents which evidenced Morris’ voracious and eclectic sexual appetite. Since early in their marriage, Morris repeatedly bragged to Maureene that with his looks and his money he could have any woman he wanted, and he constantly bragged about women propositioning him.”
“Later in the marriage he repeatedly told her of women that he had had sexual intercourse with during the marriage (R. 354). He said further that he enjoyed trying to turn on gay people and he expressed a desire to have an experience with a gay.” [5]
It is also alleged that Morris Dees had a sexual relationship with a homosexual man named F. Charlie Springman after the man would not give in to Dees’ requests that Springman have sex with Dees’ wife, Maureene. But this is not the worst of it. There is strong evidence pointing to the fact that Dees sexually molested his stepdaughter and engaged in an incestuous relationship.
James Tucker of American Free Press tells us:
“Quoting from the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals, CIV2114 (1979), the brochure says: ‘Of all the damning indictments against Morris Dees, the worst comes from his closest connection. He was sued by his ex-wife, Maureene Bass Dees, who alleged that he had committed incest with his stepdaughter and future daughter-in-law.’” [6]
Another site states, referring to a now defunct weblog detailing Dees’ criminal shenanigans: “It contains a wealth of articles from mainstream papers about the activities of SPLC and even deposition excerpts from Dees’ ex wife alleging some pretty perverted things, such as three-ways and child molestation.” [7]
Any Google search on Morris Dees will render countless accounts of his molestation of his stepdaughter, as well as his bisexuality, homosexual liasons, his adultery, womanizing and “swinging.” These are serious charges, especially when leveled against a blowhard who spends his time indicting others for imaginary “racial” attitudes and thought crimes, and for only wanting to defend their heritage.
To sum it all up, Morris Dees and The Southern Poverty Law Center are just one more tragic politically correct play, one directed by the greedy agents of Big Jewry who flaunt all their ill-gotten wealth. In the case of Dees, we can clearly see that their fortunes have been attained by literal thievery, by stealing from the American people through shakedowns, persecutions, aiding criminal illegals and by embarking on, for lack of a better word, recurrent neo-McCarthyite (and Joseph McCarthy was right, by the way) witch hunts of their ideological adversaries. Dees and his ilk must be stopped and only by becoming “the party of exposure” can we hope to end his unlawful hijinks that are defrauding and impoverishing our republic. This article is at least a good start as we move in the direction of disentangling ourselves from the web of Jewish supremacism.
[2] Ken Silverstein, “The Church of Morris Dees,” Harper’s Magazine, 1 November, 2000, No. 1806, Vol. 301; Pg. 54 ; ISSN: 0017-789X. Text can be viewed at the Federation for American Immigration Reform website here (scroll down). Harper’s article verified in D.F. Oliveria, “Dees can Buy Poverty Center a New Name,” Spokesman Review, Feb 12, 2001.