By Patrick Grimm
What is secular humanism? Secular humanism is defined by the dictionary thus:
1. An outlook or philosophy that advocates human rather than religious values.
2. Secularism. [1]
But as one website tells us, secular humanism is indeed a religion. Here is one such quotation:
“John Dewey described Humanism as our ‘common faith.’ Julian Huxley called it ‘Religion without Revelation.’ The first Humanist Manifesto spoke openly of Humanism as a religion. Many other Humanists could be cited who have acknowledged that Humanism is a religion. In fact, claiming that Humanism was “the new religion” was trendy for at least 100 years, perhaps beginning in 1875 with the publication of The Religion of Humanity by Octavius Brooks Frothingham (1822-1895), son of the distinguished Unitarian clergyman, Nathaniel Langdon Frothingham (1793-1870), pastor of the First Unitarian Church of Boston, 1815-1850. In the 1950’s, Humanists sought and obtained tax-exempt status as religious organizations. Even the Supreme Court of the United States spoke in 1961 of Secular Humanism as a religion. It was a struggle to get atheism accepted as a religion, but it happened. From 1962-1980 this was not a controversial issue.” [2]
Despite heated denials by modern secular humanists, secular humanism, as laid out and extrapolated from the Humanist Manifesto I and II, is undeniably a brand of religion. It is a religion that places man and his mind in the lofty position where more traditional religions position God. What are common characteristics that humanists of the secularist camp often share? One source of religious info lays out five of their most prevalent traits:
1. Either they do not believe in the existence of a deity, or they don’t really care about the topic.
2. They believe that excellent codes of behavior and morality can be created through reason.
3. Humans created the Gods and Goddesses in their own image.
4. They are very concerned about human rights and equal opportunities for all.
5. They tend to be at the liberal end of the spectrum on such controversial topics as abortion access; equal rights for gays, lesbians and bisexuals; same-sex marriage, physician assisted suicide, separation of church and state, etc. [3]
To those carefully reading these facts, it should seem quite clear, crystal clear in fact, that secularist humanistic philosophy has a vague and ringing familiarity about it. It’s like striding nonchalantly into a room you have never inhabited and saying “I’ve got a funny feeling I’ve been here before.” Insert the example of Jack Torrence in ‘The Shining’ as he enters the Overlook Hotel.
I would boldly assert, and I don’t think I am out of line here, that secular humanism is practically synonymous with modern Judaism, especially the secular strand of Judaism. The two ideologies, or religions if you will, are like two peas in a pod. Their goals, their agendas and their worldviews are, except for a few minor frivolous quibbles in the margins, identical. Why do I say this? Allow me to explain.
Judaism and Jewishness, as we have established in past articles, is not so much a religion as an ideology. This would explain why a majority of Jews are atheists (80% in Israel, actually) but still label themselves as proudly Jewish. They are adherents to no religion. They may be Communist atheists or proud “secularists” or agnostics, but they are still Jews. But the ideology of Judaism or Jewishness, like humanism, puts a group of people in the place of God. According to secular humanism, every man, in a very univeralistic sense, is god of his destiny. Man is literally god. Judaism is the same. The only difference is, Judaism narrows the scope. Not every man is a god. Only one tiny privileged sect gets to carry that banner, that mantel. But carry it brazenly they do.
Secular humanists deify themselves, or man in general. Secular Judaists do the same. Even Orthodox Jews who proclaim proudly that they believe in the one God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob employ identical hubris. How else could you have Jewish literature and “holy books” like the Talmud where certain rabbis claim to have argued with God and actually won the argument! To beat God in a good back-and-forth debate would mean that the individual debating Him would be on equal footing. Astounding, isn’t it?
Secular humanism is self-deification, self-glorification, a struggle to lift man to the level of God, much like Lucifer who made the same power play before he was cast down upon the earth. This is what the Jews have done. Even those Jews who believe in nothing, still devoutly place their faith in the Jewish people. What is Communism, Bolshevism, socialism and Freudianism except a messianic vision stripped of the divine and the holy, and then secularized as a utopian “light unto the nations” project? What is the social engineering of the civil rights movement by Jews, most of them secular, but a god-like overreaching to remake human nature and human perception, actually reconfiguring the minds of the masses to swallow the bitter pill of egalitarian “religious” dogma.
Rest assured, Judaism and secular humanism are brothers-in-arms, compatriots, confederates, partners in the Jewish war against us. Look too at the specifics of their agenda. Secularists, often Unitarian, work side-by-side with radical Jews to junk religion, poison the well and mainstream unfettered abortion, the gay-lesbian-bisexual-transgendered deathstyle, doctor-assisted murder of the sick and infirm, and to finish off the frivolity, they scrub the public square clean of any mention of God, Jesus, the Ten Commandments or the Bible. The axiom of the extremist members of organized Big Jewry and secular humanism is simply “Do what thou will.”
Do you doubt that many Jews see themselves as gods in human flesh? Israel Shahak, an expert on Talmudic Judaism tells us that “Common to both the Talmud and Halacha, Orthodox religious law, is a differentiation between Jews and non-Jews. The late, highly revered Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the ‘Lubovitcher Rebbe’ who headed the Chabad movement and wielded great influence in Israel as well as in the U.S., explained that, ‘The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: ‘Let us differentiate.’ Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of ‘let us differentiate’ between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world…A non-Jew’s entire reality is only vanity. It is written, ‘And the strangers shall guard and feed your flocks’ (Isaiah 61:5). The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews…’” [4]
Many Jews heartily concur with the Lubavitcher Rabbi Schneerson’s claims about Jewish superiority, the almost god-like quality of the Jewish soul and body. Perhaps you think that these are only the rantings of the side-locked ultra-Orthodox fringe of Jewry. You are quite incorrect. Terrorist monster of the Middle East, Menachem Begin, who was not a religious Jew, arrogantly claimed “Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” [5]
These are not the issuings of a lunatic sitting in the desert, but the proclamations of a prime minister of Israel. Rather than keeping his thoughts on Jewish supremacy to himself, he was unashamed of stating them, mainly because if anyone dared to chastise him, they would automatically be relegated to the “anti-Semitic” fringe where supposed Jew-haters and Israel-haters reside.
Judaism, my reader friend, is humanism, secular humanism. Its struggle is little different from the story told in the Bible of those who built a Tower of Babel to the heavens to elevate themselves higher than the Almighty. The Messianic vision, the dystopian hell that Judaism has wrought upon the Gentile is no accident. It is the natural outpouring of a people, a group, what Jews would call a “race”, believing themselves to be gods who can do whatever they please. It is not by chance that this tiny sect of people created, funded and carried out the murder machine of Communism. If Jews really think themselves to be gods of the earth, then this “God” in its capriciousness can certainly dispose of lesser beings, can spill blood and disembowel children and burn churches if it will usher in his “Kingdom on Earth.”
More people have been killed in the name of Judaism than any other ideology. And why would it be otherwise? A “God” cannot be wrong in his judgment, cannot be fallible or limited in his understanding. This brand of god, like a Jim Jones with a poisoned batch of Kool-Aid, has no sense of proportion. This is why there has always been and will always be a “Jewish problem” or “Jewish question.” It’s not going to disappear because the god complex, the distorted deity reflection in the malleable mirror remains.
Nothing is more dangerous, more hazardous and perilous than a secular Messianic vision. The jettisoning of God by most Jews and the wedding of their Messianic hopes to the gods of Self, Greed and Avarice is much more frightening even than simple secular humanism alone. Secular humanism, if it is nothing else, is at least inclusive of all humans. But because Judaism is particularistic in its purview, it necessarily excludes the “Others” from the race of man. We are then seen as expendable parts of a malfunctioning machine that our “God” can dispense with at his own good pleasure or displeasure.
What is secular humanism? It is, more than anything else, Judaism at its most hateful, ethnocentric and exclusive. There is no sense in us denying the damage it has done or the danger it still poses to every Gentile upon this planet. When the Jew is “God” or thinks himself to be “God”, then there is literally no one safe.