Zionist Watch: The Writings of Patrick Grimm

June 30, 2007

Above All, Be Responsible

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:20 pm

By Patrick Grimm

I am sick and tired of some people in this movement living up to every pathetic stereotype shoved upon the public by both Jewish Hollywood and the spastic Jewish media machine. I am not going to name names, because I have a policy of never publicly attacking folks who may, despite all their foibles and flaws, be doing some good work for our cause.

Let me make this brief, very brief. To the fringe nuts and seething with rage hatemongers who may even concur with me on certain points, but have a real problem controlling their tongues and using responsible language, I can only say one thing. Keep doing what you are doing and you will demolish the credibility of everything we are trying to accomplish here! But I know some of you don’t care about the credibility of this movement and the fight against Zionism. You just care about your own big, bloated egos. If that is the case then I would suggest another pursuit, perhaps sports or entertainment, something that lets you be the cock-of-the-walk.

I have received some recent comments from individuals, and you know who you are, brandishing words like “kike” and “nigger” and generally acting like a bunch of adolescents who enjoy using curse words because they upset their teachers at school and anger their parents at home. Grow up and get over yourselves! You are foolish and frivolous if you aren’t capable of refraining from that sort of language, especially when tackling issues that are weighty and have significant public moment.

I’m quite cognizant of the reality that my warning will not be heeded and that most of the folks I am talking about right now will keep on bringing opprobrium and disdain on this movement by their crassness and their hateful and reckless words. Some of you trash me and insult me for not believing and asserting that every Jew on planet Earth is uniformly evil. I don’t believe this absurdity and have never believed it. I know from personal experience that this is empirically false. Yet some of you will never be satisfied, will never be happy until I am just as full of hatred and vitriol and rancor as you are. I’m not jumping on your bandwagon and I hope that your negative tone and poison pen don’t cause people to exit the anti-Zionist cause in droves.

In closing, I would, as usual, give a warning, if anyone even cares a whit about heeding wisdom that is placed before many pairs of eyes in the form of words. Speak responsibily, write responsibly and act responsibly. Behave so as to desire your own good favor. Deny nothing. Invent nothing. Above all, don’t, with your very words, tear down that which others have labored to build up, that which, in my more optimistic moments, I believe could perchance, save us.


Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 7:08 pm

By Patrick Grimm

It seems that now even Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran must prove his philo-Semitic credentials. It is very, very telling when even the leader of an Islamic republic must clear the air by assuring the world that he is not anti-Semitic and does not hate Jews. Even ol’ Mahmud must prostrate himself before the power of Big Jewry and proclaim that the enemy is not Judaism, but Zionism.

While being no great fan of Iran or much of the Islamic world, I believe that this is a mistake. Regardless of what Ahmadinejad does to placate the international Jewish community, this will not stop the smothering forces of organized pro-Israel Judeocon cheerleaders from calling for the displacement of the current leadership in Iran. I am not even saying that the current leadership of Iran is good or honest or deserving of support. I simply don’t believe it is America’s or Israel’s place to topple any government that they happen not to like at the moment.

But the current disinformation campaign against Iran is all part of the Jewish neo-conservative media’s agenda to foment more war for greater Israel and its inevitable expansion on the backs of other nations. The Jews who run the Fox Neocon Channel are the biggest backers of the AIPAC/ADL War Party platform and to their disreputable credit, they have a nice pliable puppet in the White House, and an evil and scheming neo-conservative Vice President in the shadows, who will give them exactly what they want.

As Juan Cole reminds us in his spectacular new article “If Ahmadinejad is a genocidal maniac who just wants to kill Jews, then why are there 20,000 Jews in Iran with a member of parliament in Tehran? Couldn’t he start at home if that was what he is really about?” [1] Exactly. Why would the Jewish community in Iran feel so comfortable and non-threatened if Iran did indeed desire the extermination of all Jewish people? This is a laughable farce, and yet the Bush administration tries to distill it down for the public and label it as “clear-eyed foreign policy.” It is anything but and no one is buying this time out.

What we have with the Zionist neo-cons are a group of Purim massacreists beating the drums for battle against a non-existent threat based on a misinterpretation of Ahmadinejad’s words relating to the Israeli regime. But will this stop the Jewsmedia from repeating the Big Lie over and over and over, insisting, squawking and whining that poor little Israel is threatened again, of course for no reason at all except for the “anti-Semitism” that is lodged like a dark clot in the hearts of their enemies? And of course the Jews have done nothing to cause most of the world to despise them. We all have to look within ourselves and do some healthy introspection to find out why we have such a pointless and irrational hatred of all things Jewish. Naturally the Jews have to do no such introspection and believe that they can continue their nefarious enterprises with no one breathing a word about the whole debacle. Sorry, not this time.

I for one, even as a far-Right conservative will be the first to join up and ally myself with an anti-war march the minute President Bush declares war on Iran. I will carry a large placard emblazoned with the words “NO MORE JEWISH WARS FOR ISRAEL!” I will do this not because I am opposed to all wars (because obviously sometimes war is necessary) but because I morally object to a war carried out for the benefit of a foreign entity, especially one as corrupt as the present state of Israel. If there is anything to learn from the disaster of Iraq it is this: wars waged for anything other than American self-interest are doomed to failure. Why? The same reason that an actor will fail if he walks into a scene without a clue of what he is doing. There is no clear objective.

Every person of conscience should stand tall and make it crystal clear to this administration that the American people are not behind either nuclear strikes on Iran or an invasion by ground troops. We should demand that the belligerent warmongering of the neo-con cabal be ignored and every one of them be arrested for the damage and lies told for the sake of their beloved war in Iraq as well.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad should not apologize for his anti-Zionism either. He has every reason to fear an armed-to-the-teeth Israel with further territorial ambitions. All of us should be rightly suspicious of a media which distorts all of the facts mentioned above for the sake of a Tribe with more loyalty to a Middle Eastern tract of land than the United States of America.

Here’s a parting shot for the reader that bears repeating: NO MORE JEWISH WARS FOR ISRAEL!

[1] http://www.davidduke.com/general/pro-israel-commentator-sick-and-tired-of-dangerous-z-media-lies_2366.html#more-2366

June 27, 2007

The Useful Idiots For Big Jewry

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:09 pm

By Patrick Grimm

The pathologizing of white people and white people’s culture by the alien media and entertainment apparatus continues on a relentless and unstoppable path of degradation. The Jewish controllers of the United States let no opportunity pass to take cheap potshots at anything European or European-American. But this is hardly remarkable.

What is remarkable is the fact that the Jews who make up the boosters of Big Jewry have so many “useful idiots” to do their dirty work for them, while these particular Jews continue on with the greasy business of buying up everything but the kitchen sink in this country, starting with the media. Indeed, the Jews have stolen everything not bolted down. Why should they soil their pristine hands, hands that are much too “chosen” to ever end up with grease under their fingernails? They don’t do the wet work of warfare, whether it is in Iraq or simply the rough-and-tumble of a political squabble.

No, they have people like Leonard Pitts to continue the unabated Jewish war against white folks. The programmed Gentiles who never spy the Jewish hand directing their actions, their agendas and their hatred will mindlessly fight against us, not because they have legitimate grievances, but because they have had their brains scrubbed and washed by the Jewish money-men. As the ADL funnels money to black supremacist organizations in the present, they know that the return on their investment will be quite large. It certainly won’t be meager. There is nothing meager or modest about Big Jewry.

But look at the result of Jewish meddling and Jewish brainwashing and propaganda efforts directed towards the black community. The blood-suckers of Big Jewry have literally sucked the sustenance from black America until there is nothing left but an empty and decrepit shell. The Jews have been the slum lords, have set up the instant cash outlets where they can easily separate poor ignorant blacks from their money, and have slapped up liquor stores in areas where moral depravity reigns and where the Jew is sure to turn a handsome profit.

Black culture is backward, more so now than ever before, and much of the reason for this backwardness, criminality and moral decay can be laid at the feet of Big Jewry. Yet at the same time that the Jewish plantation owners for black America get richer off of black perfidy, they continue to celebrate diversity. Even many of the smarter blacks are on to their Jewish little game and are madder than hell about it.

In case you haven’t noticed, the only time black racism is ever mentioned in the media is when it is directed at Jewish people. Then Jews whiningly feign surprise that “African-Americans” could dare to be so ungrateful to their Jewish masters who used the civil rights struggle chiefly to shift the balance of power from white European-Americans squarely into the hands of the Jews. This may shock these particular Jews, but we are not all stupid. Some of us can see through what they are doing.

We are quite aware and cognizant of the reality that the sick, twisted, misogynistic and violently anti-white rap music being thrown in our faces is being produced by Jewish-owned record labels. These sinister Jews are glad, giddy and galvanized to throw this filth before the children of white Americans. They love the chaos, the hatred and the degeneration it engenders.

Do you think the Leonard Pittses and the Al Sharptons and the Jesse Jacksons of America got to where they are by accident? Not a chance. It is the Jewish “hidden hand”, the grasping, greedy and avaricious hand that is reaching to snuff us out, that has transformed these particular black demagogues from the charlatan street thugs that they truly are into lauded media superstars who are treated as honest brokers in the debate over race still being waged by the radical Left. It is for this very purpose that the Jews, not the blacks, crafted the NAACP (National Association For the Advancement of Colored People) and use it as a grievance mill to divide and conquer our nation. The NAACP was simply a Communist front group for a cabal of Marxist Jewish attorneys. Look it up. It’s a fact.

Now as the Jews covertly tie themselves to the Hispanic caucuses and bankroll a steady stream of cheap labor, diluting down the white majority in the meantime, the Mexicans will thank the very criminals of Big Jewry that only want to manipulate them and hold them down, working them like political marionettes till they are no longer useful. These Mexicans will then be separated from their money and tossed onto the garbage heap. They will do the wet work and the grunt work of the Jewish slave state that America is slowly becoming. But worry not. The rest of the world is not far behind.

As whites have to acquiesce to more outrages, more insults and ultimately more deaths at the hands of 80-IQ blacks and illegal Mexicans, the devilish ne’er-do-honests of Big Jewry will simply smile and rub their hands together in glee. “Oh, what’s the big deal?” they will say. “We are God’s Chosen People, after all.”

June 24, 2007

Self-Consciousness, the Friend of the Truth-Seeker

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:05 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Many acting coaches, casting directors and drama teachers–at least the credible ones–will tell you that self-consciousness is an actor’s greatest enemy. And those of us (and I am not one of these individuals) who choose to always be surrounded by groups or cadres of “Others” will admit in their more candid moments that they do it to stave off the inexorable side effects of self-consciousness, those being painful introspection and harsh inward reflection, these things which become the catalysts of loneliness.

So many people attempt to disconnect action from a mind replete with second guesses and indeed, second thoughts and second considerations, which they believe will hamper their free flow of what I can only call “synchronicity.” But so what? Perhaps self-consciousness is the enemy of a good or great actor. Perhaps self-consciousness does bring loneliness and a lack of proper self-inflicted esteem. What is my point? To this I will proceed.

While frequent and fawning self-reflection can hamper acting, singing and other types of performance arts, I don’t believe that it brings the same kind of handicap to the truth-seeker. To the enemy of Zionism, and I consider myself a virtual blogging warrior against its excesses, I believe that self-conscious insular thinking can bring much to our cause, our righteous cause, and our noble struggle for liberation from the shackles placed upon us and the traps laid for our people by the enemy. The enemy is radical Jewish supremacism and Zionist lunacy.

What so many of the essays, the op-eds and the diatribes against world criminal international Zionism seem to lack is the human touch. I want a wordsmith to bare his or her soul in the struggle for our future and the world that we will bequeath to our children. I say to my fellow anti-Zionist truth-seekers “Dig deep for that gem within yourself.” Don’t be afraid to show the human side of this momentous tug-of-war for our very right to exist upon planet Earth. Self-consciousness and deep and often rending soul-searching will only strengthen our work, our cause and our credibility. It won’t hurt us. It can’t.

The thing that will harm us is a detached non-emotive style, always obsessed with only current events and dreadfully lacking in the art of the romantic, the philosophical, in a word, the human. It is our self-consciousness that separates us from the beasts of the field. The fact that you are aware, even unhappily aware of your existence and your humanness means that you are sentient, unique and literally “wonderfully made.”

Descartes stated the only truth he could be sure of “I think, therefore I am.” With this truth came the cavalcade of every other truth, arriving in train like gems, bursting into the universe of the human mind like a good dose of TNT.

Don’t extract the human from the cause of freedom and liberty and European-American liberation. Don’t subtract yourself, your consciousness and your self from the equation. You don’t have to be the actor, who at his theatrical best projects everything away from himself onto the other person within the scene. What you do have to be is human with all your foibles, imperfections and flaws. You don’t always have to lay them bare before your reading public, but what you need to remember is that a real human face, a human emotion, and yes, a human sense of self-consciousness is the one thing often missing from this movement. Without it we are simply crude clock watchers and bean counters. But with this self-consciousness we show the public, the benighted masses and even many people who are fearful and straddling the fence, the very greatness, ingenuity and brilliance that built Western civilization from the ground up.

All of this can’t be faked. Acute humans know the truth when they see it, read it or hear it spoken. No amount of propaganda can dress the truth up and make it more palatable, but the human touch can cause it to reach hearts, minds and souls. Don’t fake it, faux it up for the crowd. Be genuine, be self-conscious and splendidly sentient. In other words, be human.

June 19, 2007

Deconstructing Nonsense

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:01 pm

By Patrick Grimm

So much of the dreck and verbal garbage emanating from Zionists, both Jewish and Gentile, is intrinsically silly. Not only is it silly, it is unsubstantiated and designed to elicit sympathy toward Jews who do not deserve it. Let’s break the power of some of these oft-repeated propaganda lines. Come on, it’ll be fun.

1. Anti-semitism, like any other xenophobic mania, is a sickness of the soul because it corrodes and undermines our feelings of human solidarity.

Most anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish sentiment has nothing to do with “xenophobic mania”, and the fact that the word “mania” is attached is a tell-tale sign that this author, a hack I will not mention, is interested more in evoking heat than light. A population can’t be stoked to a fevered pitch of “xenophobic mania” over nothing, and it is utter foolishness to think that they can be. Anything bordering on “mania” and being directed against Jews would naturally be caused mostly by Jewish behavior, which historically has been economically parasitic, heartless towards the poor and clannish towards the in-group. The indisputable fact that Jews historically have displayed hatred towards Gentiles is predictably not noted by this writer. Here is one such quote and there are many others strewn through recorded history. I suppose a Zionist would simply wish all these opinions away. “The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous - cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.” (Essai sur le Moeurs) [1] The Jews (and not every Jew, of course) have an extensive and disreputable past full of exploitation. Why would anyone want “solidarity” with the very people working for our destruction?

2. Anti-semitism is, however, the worst of these sicknesses because it is the oldest and the one which has caused the most damage both to its victims and to its authors.

This is asserted with no evidence whatsoever. Anti-Semitism, at least as the phrase is currently unpacked, has more to do with a healthy resistance to tyranny. A man would not curse his own body’s immune system for fighting disease and infection. Yet Gentiles are condemned for simply defending themselves against the Jewish “power of the purse” that has been used on us again and again historically. This power was unleashed on the Egyptians in the Old Testament, but apparently they were out of line for not desiring their economy to be stolen and their people enslaved by Israelites. This has only worsened through the ages. The real question should be “Why have Jews found so-called ‘anti-Semitism’ everywhere they have resided?” No other group can accurately state that they have always been hated in every area they have lived. It would be much like a man who went from state to state and everywhere he traveled, he was accused of rape and murder. Yet the man continues to whine that he is a victim of prejudice and defamation. This could be believable in one state or one location, but once this man has been hauled up on charges in every state in the US, people would begin to understand that this man is guilty as charged. Much the same is true about the Jews, and we see the pattern replicating again in America. But the Goyim are honestly supposed to believe that Jews are collectively innocent throughout history and that Gentiles are always collectively guilty. This is nonsense.

3. Prejudice against the Jews originates in the persistent hatred of pre-industrial society for capitalism.

I am not even going to delve deep into this. Prejudice or “pre-judging” of Jews does have a strong economic element, but even in places where many Jews have been poor, the “pre-judging” remained. There are large numbers of reasons Jews are hated, and most of them hold water. Does that mean that we must hate Jews on an individual basis? Of course it doesn’t, for I have met many sincere, nice and kind-hearted Jews in my lifetime. The origin of “anti-Semitism” has many facets, one of those being economic in nature. Could the exploitative tendencies of Jews be a catalyst? You bet. But to place the onus of hatred on just one factor requires working within too narrow a scope.

4. The Jews, having been expelled from their land by the Romans in punishment for revolting against the empire, spread all over the known world and survived through trade.

Okay. So what?

5. Being a literate people they were very successful in commerce.

Yes, the Jews are a literate people. They are also a money people. Mark Twain stated “I am convinced that the persecution of the Jew is not in any large degree due to religious prejudice. No, the Jew is a money-getter. He has made it the end and aim of his life. He was at it in Rome. He has been at it ever since. His success has made the whole human race his enemy.” [2] Perhaps Jews shouldn’t complain when their avarice and underhanded business practices cause consternation among non-Jewish peoples.

6. Being a monotheist people with their divine scriptures they had a powerful cement for conserving their identity and links among their communities.

And how did they do this? They did this in ways that would be labeled racist or white supremacist when employed by white Europeans. Outsiders were seen by Jews as sheep to be exploited for the sake of the Tribe. In fact, the term “Goyim” simply means cattle. This has been the way Jews have regarded Gentiles throughout history. The Talmud uses extreme vitriol against the non-Jewish population, yet any mild criticism of Jewish power and dominion contemporarily will get you branded a “Nazi” or a closet Klansman. Even bringing up Jewish hate will only cause you to be smeared as a “hater”, and I know this from experience. My blog, which does not use profanity, vulgarity or racial or ethnic ephiphets, has simply been dismissed as a storehouse of hatred and intolerance. If Jews can have a “powerful cement” for holding on to their “identity” then why can Gentiles not do the same? I guess the answer would be “Because the Jews have decided that it’s not a good idea.” And by the way, most Jews are not monotheists. Most Jews are atheists and leftists.

7. Peasants generally hate and envy traders and intruders.

And peasants hate interlopers who want to profit off of labor and hard work that is not their own. Peasants are struggling to survive and to have an outsider come in and try to turn a profit without ever shedding a drop of sweat or doing one single act of manual labor is bound to get hackles up. Use some common sense on this one, if Zionists are even capable of such commonalities. Most of them are not.

8. Unproductive nobles devoted to hunting and war always sought loans where there was money, that is to say among the Jews.

Of course they did, but there was nothing written in stone which stated that Jews had to make an obscene profit in the loan business. No, the kinds of exorbitant interest rates charged by Jews was simply usurious. It is for this very reason that most loan-sharking taking place in the civilized world is carried out by Jews. It was also for this reason that they were driven from so many communities across the globe, after they had robbed the populace blind. You know it and I know it. The Jews are prime over-reachers and it has been to their detriment.

9. The debtor generally dislikes the creditor.

Well, no kidding. They especially hate the creditor when he is a soulless parasite ready to take the debtor’s farm, livestock and livelihood when he can’t pay up. A note to the Jewish shysters: Try some honest labor. It’s really not as bad as you’ve been led to believe by your whining, overprotective and smothering Jewish momma.

10. The best way to liquidate debts was to incite the peasants (who also had their own debts) to plunder and expel the Jews. Hence the frequency of pogroms.

Yeah, it’s called cause-and-effect, a little concept that you Zionists and Jewish supremacists still seem incapable of grasping. You screw someone’s country long enough and they get angry and decide to put a stop to it. Stop the behavior and the persecution stops. But you won’t, you can’t. Deal honestly with your neighbors and they won’t hate you. It’s as simple as the Golden Rule, something a lot of Jews would snicker at and frown upon.

11. Marx himself said that the Jews took to capitalism like ducks to water.

This isn’t exactly the way Marx put it. He stated it a little less genteel than that, and it’s too bad more Gentiles didn’t pay heed to his comments. Marx informed us of the Jews:

“Let us not seek the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us seek the secret of the religion in the real Jew. What is the profane basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly cult of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly god? Money.

Very well: then in emancipating itself from huckstering and money, and thus from real and practical Judaism, our age would emancipate itself.

An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions and thus the very possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible. His religious consciousness would evaporate like some insipid vapour in the real, life-giving air of society . . .

We discern in Judaism, therefore, a universal antisocial element of the present time, whose historical development, zealously aided in its harmful aspects by the Jews, has now attained its culminating point, a point at which it must necessarily begin to disintegrate.

In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.” [3]

12. It was the flowering of capitalism that brought emancipation to the Jews.

Yes, the “flowering of capitalism” brough emanicipation to a lot of people. It was industrial capitalism, not the feminist movement, which emanicipated women. It was a society with a focus on “brains” and not just simple “brawn” that ushered many females into the workplace, rather than the bleating of leftist Jewish feminist nuts like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan. What is your point?

13. Nostalgia for the pre-capitalist Middle Ages often goes hand-in-hand with anti-semitism.

Yes, all of us “anti-Semites” yearn for a return to a pre-capitalist world, perhaps even an agrarian utopia. We hate Jews because of capitalism and progress. Are you insane or just mind-numbingly daft in your analysis? What rubbish your spew out! “Anti-Semitism” comes from Jewish exploitation. Have you learned nothing at all from your history, or is your history so Judaized and sanitized from reality that you are thoroughly brainwashed? Get a clue and a mind of your own.

14. The expulsion of the Jews from the Iberian Peninsula was one of the main causes of the decay of the two once-great powers: it signified the expulsion of its middle class. Those who benefited were the Netherlands and England.

And King Erwig mentioned the “leprosy of Jewish corruption” and called them a “contagious pestilence” because they were such caring and wonderful citizens, didn’t he? The pattern is so predictable and it comes from Jewish misbehavior. It has happened EVERYWHERE. You just won’t stop to ask “Why are we so hated?” Look in the mirror for your answer. [4]

15. The material, moral, cultural and scientific contributions made by the Jews to the progress of humanity in proportion to their number far exceeds that of any other people.

This is absolutely true, and I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the positive contributions of individual Jews through the annals of history. So I am going to be remiss and not fawn over Jews, because there are books aplenty with just this kind of fawning worship of the Jewish people. However, the negative contributions of Jews far outweigh the good gifts they have given us. Thanks to Jews we have Communism, Bolshevism, socialism, Marxism, feminism, the radical homosexual movement, the pro-abortion movement, Christian dispensationalism, Deconstructionism and the list goes on and on and on into a nauseating infinity.

16. The disease of anti-semitism, when encountered among educated people usually has its origin in a sentiment of envy and consciousness of mediocrity. These atavistic impulses explain the anti-Jewish hysteria of islamists.

Again, no evidence is provided other than your own bigotry. I suppose Henry Ford, the father of the American automobile had an unreasoning envy of Jews and had “consciousness of mediocrity”, didn’t he? This is foolish and there is nothing to support this tripe except pseudo-scientific, pseudo-psychological surmises. Anti-Semitism is not a disease. It is the natural outpouring of man’s innate survival instincts. It is as simple as that. It’s a fight or flight reaction, and I for one am not on the run. What then would be your definition for “anti-Gentilism”? I’m sure it would be kosherly deduced that it is an explainable reaction to Gentile perfidy and innate evil. Anti-Jewish feelings are produced by Jewish behavior and not much of anything else. Jewish arrogance and pride only add fuel to the fire. I don’t know a single individual who is envious of Jews. In fact, if I were a Jew, I would be deathly afraid for my safety as the truth of the Tribe’s shamelessness and treachery is being rapidly revealed.

17. The expression anti-anti-semitism is nonsense. What exists is aversion to anti-semitism, a perfectly justified position and one that is shared by all people of good sense. Which is not to say that it is desirable that this aversion be translated into legislation. It is impossible to legislate about prejudice and imbecility.

So any criticism of Jews is “prejudice and imbecility”? Could it be that this attitude towards any honest critic of Jewish machinations is what got you into this quandary in the first place? The Jewish community is becoming more and more childish, tone-deaf and just plain deaf to the analysis of their agenda by outsiders. Most Jews are more than happy, giddy with power even, as they toss their foes and antagonists into the slammer throughout Europe. We are the fools for letting them do this to us. We are to blame for their crimes against our rights. I will say this to the Jews: “Get over yourselves! You are no more special than anybody else! Join the community of mankind before it’s too late! I don’t desire your demise! Turn from the road you are traversing and do the right thing!”

18. Jews everywhere are the best immigrants, with the lowest rates of criminality and the highest of productivity.

Perhaps Jews have low rates of blue collar crime, but their immersion in the financial scandals of the last 20 years cannot be denied. Jews are disproportionately represented in the hard-core porn industry (90% Jewish), the sex slave industry (Israel is the world’s capitol for this) and in the abortion industry. These are just a few of the things that the “best immigrants” choose to involve themselves with. Jewish writers have admitted the truth of this involvement, so go look it up.

19. Israel is a tiny island of the western world in a medieval ocean.

This is balderdash and pure garbage. Israel is a state run by the ultra-Orthodox, though most of its citizens are atheists. Israel is an apartheid state that will not even permit the marriage of a Jew to a non-Jew. These aren’t Western values. Palestinians are relegated to second-class citizenship. Israel has pursued a policy of ethnic cleansing and displacement for its non-Jewish residents. To compare Israel to the United States is a laughable sight to behold. Israel is a terror state, bellicose and belligerent and not desirous of peace with its neighbors.

20. It is the duty of all people of good will to defend Israel and its people.

Why is it “the duty of all people of good will to defend Israel and its people”? Can you answer this? Of course not. No one would state emphatically that “It is the duty of all people of good will to defend Italy and its people.” Why would they not say this? They would not say this because Italy is a country that can sustain itself. It doesn’t depend on the “kindness of hosts” to further its existence. It is not getting a “love gift” of 3-5 billion dollars a year to prop up its rotting socialist economy as Israel is. Why is it our duty to prop up a welfare state such as the Jewish state? No one can give a good answer to that question. They especially can’t give a good answer because Israel is a treacherous nation who has committed terror against the US. But somehow there is a “duty” for all people to defend Israel. Why do Israel and Jews never have “duties”, but Gentiles always do? Jews never have obligations or duties or responsibilities. No, they must be allowed to behave or misbehave as they see fit, while the rest of the world pays the tab. This must end.

Deconstructing nonsense is not an arduous task. It is a light, breezy and enjoyable one. Swatting a fly at a picnic takes a second or two, but ends up making the picnic so much more pleasurable. It is much the same when dealing with the Zionist liars who litter the internet like excrement. They are frauds and shills, some paid, others unpaid, but they are easy to demolish. They are so effortlessly brought down because the truth has nothing to do with them. I have a motto “Avoid them or void them.” There is no other way to engage propagandists and intentional lying criminal types.

[1] VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie Arouet) 18th century French philosopher, writer
[2] http://downwithjugears.blogspot.com/2007/06/mark-twain-on-jews.html
[3] http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1256082
[4] http://www.americansephardifederation.org/PDF/sources/ASF_Timeline.pdf

June 17, 2007

Feel the Control

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:17 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Do you feel the control, the dominance of what was once a great America? Do you spy the truth yet, or are you still blinded by shibboleths, buzzwords and straw men arguments? Apparently, some of you still are. You scream and protest and complain that I am too harsh. But no, I am not too harsh. You are simply too blind. You think I am too heavy-handed with the Jewish supremacists. But God knows, if the whole truth, the unvarnished truth was revealed, my words, my essays and my extrapolations would be far too temperate.

You still don’t sense the control of your country, your society and your media by an alien force, a force as alien to a white European as a denizen of South Central would be at a Beverly Hills garden party? No, you are willfully, intentionally and consciously blind, and nothing could be more perilous. Why can’t you see the facts, my friend?

When you turn on your television and see scattershot filth being blasted into your face, the glorification of every type of sundry perversion, the trumping of every malignancy of the human soul, you don’t gasp. No, you take it all in merry stride, don’t you? You tolerate it, you receive it into your home like it’s all one big bloated and benevolent gift. Are you concerned, chagrined for your children, your offspring, the future of this nation or what will remain? Looking out over the vast ocean of apathy in America, I often contemplate one question “Where is the outrage?”

Do you think this is all being simply done by leftist Gentiles who just happen to hate white people and Jesus Christ, the Bible and the church? No, it’s not. This is all being conducted by a power with no allegiances outside of tribe, “race”, money, hatred, greed, avarice and blind sheer terrorizing ambition.

Think about it logically. You wouldn’t expect to see white Gentiles and white Christians slanting news stories against their own people, favoring violent minorities who are incapable of functioning in a free republic and who have very poor impulse control? And honestly, you don’t find that. You find instead alien Jews who hate whites and religious believers, and they are siding with the dregs, the black trash criminal underclass and the illegal Mexican lawbreakers. It is Jews who are doing this, not Gentiles of means. The enemy is rich big Jewry, arrogant and rakish and rancid with the aroma of corruption and treachery.

You also would not find a gaggle of Gentiles (who are supposedly hopelessly Puritinical) promoting homosexual free love, heterosexual libertinism and now beastiality and every other brand of perverse pursuit. No, it is Jews who are bringing us these curses. They are obsessed, literally obsessed with scatology and excretory functions and every other vile and sickening decadence. Why, their movies, TV shows and books are littered and strewn with these types of images.

Do you feel the control yet? No, you are ready to scream “anti-Semite!” like you are lip-syncing an album recorded by Abraham Foxman. You are geared up to smear any of us who do speak the truth aloud, the truth that you yourself know down deep inside your soul. Your heart knows the truth, and it is for this very reason that you are appalled and offended and supposedly insulted by the truth-speakers and truth-seekers among us.

Your country is balkanized and chopped up like a jigsaw puzzle, yet you don’t care. You don’t give a damn. You can no longer even blame ignorance. You aren’t ignorant. You are simply in denial, in deep dark self-denial that needs to be fractured. But you can’t, you won’t. To acknowledge the reality of what is right beneath your Gentile nose would also require you to let go of your warm feelings about yourself, your self-congratulations and your pride. Many of you would rather go down with the ship before you would disentangle yourselves from those encumbrances.

Do you feel the control? You do, you must, you have to feel it by now. Now you must be unafraid, both of looking at yourself and then of looking upon the terrible predicament you find yourself amidst. Feel the control, internalize it and then work to change it. You know in your heart that you have no other choice in this little matter.

June 14, 2007

George Bush, A "Jewish" President

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:18 pm

By Patrick Grimm

If it’s good for the Jews, then it’s bad for us. Why do I state that so absolutely? That’s easy. The reason I know this is because this Jew-Gentile battle is not like macro or micro-economics. This Jew-Gentile clash is a completely zero-sum game. For one side to win, even a modest gain or a modicum of an advance, the other side must give up something, they must lose something. The bad news is, the stakes are higher than they have ever been. Therefore the losses are going to grow exponentially and quanitatively larger and larger.

We now have a President, a semi-literate man who is the worst orator to ever address the nation, who is, for all intents and purposes, fully Jewish. George Bush is of course a Gentile, but his goals, his agendas and his Machiavellian slamming of political enemies is as Jewish as a Likud Party fundraising event. Bush is a traitor to America, with no allegiances other than wealth and power. He is an internationalist who yearns for a North American Union similar to the EU, consisting of the United States, Canada and the Third World hellhole of Mexico. These three distinct countries will become meaningless anachronisms when they are borderless interlinked land masses. This will be the end of America and its sovreignty and the overrunning, the trammeling of this once great power with backward illiterate criminal illegals.

If America was ever an “honest broker” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, that policy too has been junked. A “Judaized” Bush does not even take the time to make a pretense of objectivity. He has chosen to open his arms to the theocrats, the Likudite advocates of wholesale Palestinian extermination or displacement. The rest of the world sees the Zionistic agenda of this White House and they are appalled and dismayed by the lack of any sense of impartiality. Bush is “Jewish” in everything but his blood line.

In Iraq our “Jewish” Dullard-in-Chief has pursued “War Party” objectives with such relish, with such reckless abandon that all but the most hawkishly and rakishly pro-Israel and pro-Zionist among us blanche at his frank and smug deafness to the cries and reasonable objections of critics, even critics from the political right. For this reason alone, Bush should be impeached, YESTERDAY, and dragged from the White House, Dick Cheney in tow. Both of these Israelized, Judaized, Zionized criminals should be stuffed into the smallest prison cell available and made to serve lifetime sentences for their crimes against America and America’s true interests.

But no, this is not what is going to occur. We are no longer a sane nation. For if we were, even a compromised and pathetic socialist party like the Democrats would do the right thing and demand that George W. Bush and his advisors be driven promptly from office and then tried for their treason. Both of our political parties are Judaized and fractured, and now you see that even anti-war Democrats who opposed the Iraq war fecklessness will not rule out air strikes against Iran. If they did, if any one of these politician criminals dared to step up and condemn the Israeli control of America’s war machine, the money spigot that runs from New York and Tel Aviv would immediately dry up. Antagonists of the Jewish manhandling of the US would automatically be punished, driven from office and made a blatant example of.

In the United States of Zionist Jewmerica, things don’t operate in a rational or ethical manner. We have a “Jewish” President, a “Jewish” Congress and a “Jewish” Senate. We even have a “Jewish” Supreme Court, regardless of whether it leans to the conservative or liberal end of the spectrum. I, for one, am going to send our politicians a message. I am not going to vote for a “Jewish” Republican or a “Jewish” Democrat for President. I guess I’ll have to sit out the next election. But at least, at the very least, I will be able to live with my choice.

June 13, 2007

Our Opponents Are Cowards and Liars

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 6:58 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Our opponents are cowards and liars. They are cowards because they will not debate the validity or invalidity of the arguments we make and document on our blogs and websites. They will only throw temper tantrums worthy of a small child who has been made to eat his vegetables rather than a Kit Kat bar. Apparently these tantrums are supposed to make us apologize and back down from our positions, leaving the arena of ideas out of fear. But, alas for them, that is not the result of their babyish fits of bluster.

These people are also liars because they lie about our motives (it’s all about hate, hate, hate) and then lie about our adroitly reasoned stances. They surmise, incorrectly of course, that if they throw enough lies our way that some of them will stick to us, and that those lies will relegate us to the scrap heap of irrelevancy. But it hasn’t worked out so well for them. Vitriolic lies only draw attention to us and arouse interest in the masses, who implicitly understand that something is wrong with our country, but can’t yet put their finger on what specifically is causing it. We fill in those gaps, those hollow points of informational deficiency.

As I have always said “The truth has a certain ring to it.” Our readers and those who happen upon our work, our articles, op-eds and political polemics by accident sense that they contain the truth, or at least a large missing piece of the puzzle that the media will never ever address. The “Jewish problem” is a whopping puzzle piece that has been taken out of the box by outsiders, ensuring that the jigsaw puzzle is never completed. We, myself and talented others, dig around until we find that stolen piece and return it to where it belongs, so that instead of 999 pieces, there are 1000 interconnected ones. It all fits together and nothing in the world is more unforgivable an act to the Zionist True Believers than actually letting the Americans glance at the whole picture, unobstructed by cracks and side arguments which are inconsequential.

We bring it all right to you. No middle-man and no media mogul will censor what you read and hear. You can think for yourself, though the Zionists hate free thought as much as they hate free speech and the right to bear arms. They hate freedom, period. They don’t want you to be free. They want to control and manipulate your mind. We will allow none of it.

Yes, Zionists are cowards and liars. I will trumpet that truth until every person in America agrees with me and my compatriots in this worthy cause. Don’t let the bastards grind you down, and especially don’t let them inhabit and inhibit your mind.

June 12, 2007

Non-Arguing Non-Entities

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 5:26 pm

By Patrick Grimm

They can’t be reasoned with. They can’t be mollified. They can’t be appeased. Why? The main reason is that they are non-arguers. They are only interested in the insult, the smear and the visceral reaction. They certainly won’t debate facts, figures, statistics or historical events. They know better.

Who are these non-arguing non-entities who only clutter the internet with childish fits of intolerant rage? They are the Zionist True Believers, those who will not be dissuaded by anything, no matter how credible, no matter how well-documented. Nothing will satisfy them or calm their festering anger management problems. Why the insane vitriol and pit bull rejoinders? Simple. They are proud members of the cult of Zionism. It is a cult based upon a foundation of lies, half-truths and the permanent eternal innocence of Jews and their everlasting victimhood at the hands of others. No matter what Jews do or how they behave, something within the Gentile, the Goyim must have provoked it. Jews can never be blamed or held to the same standards as other peoples.

You waste your time debating these people. I have found that out recently in a little back-and-forth with several of these pitiful souls who can unleash nothing but ad hominems against me. Never once did they show where a single one of my articles was incorrect. They behaved like school yard children, calling me silly names like “retard”, “circus freak” and other inanities. But isn’t it only to be expected? What else could they spend their time doing when they flame different individuals? Would they dispute facts? Would they argue points? Would they point out inaccuracies? Why, of course they wouldn’t, mainly because they can’t and couldn’t. They only have the cut-down and the nasty label to apply to their opponents.

But why shouldn’t it be this way? Have you ever heard of a single Jew anywhere who ever debated the points his critics made? When Walt and Mearsheimer released their detailed report on the Israeli lobby, did some educated media Jew jump forward to discount the words contained in the Walt/Mearsheimer project. Of course they didn’t. The Jews only slathered the two successful academics with the “anti-Semite” label, hearkening back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and then whining about Nazis for the hundredth time. They did the same to Jimmy Carter’s well-researched book as well.

I have never once in my life seen organized Big Jewry ever debate their critics, much less their out-right enemies. Why? Simple. Because they can’t. They can only paint red horns on those who variate from their dirty agenda.

The Ziobloggers online, the gimlet-eyed, in-need-of-medication-or-a-restraining-jacket style haters will never debate you. They will insult, insult and insult some more. I would post some of their laugh-out-loud funny posts calling me all sorts of names and suggesting that I then do things which are physically impossible. But I won’t bore you or give these dullards the attention they so desperately and pathetically crave.

I have been doing this long enough to bear all insults, profanity or personal attacks with a smile and with a good-natured chuckle. I expect hate from the Zionists and their friends in low places. It’s a given and almost a gift. I know I must be doing some good if my writing enrages certain individuals who read it. I am striking a nerve and provoking a visceral response. This is never a bad thing. The worst possible thing would be to temper my essays and articles after bearing the brunt of negativity and hatred. I will never do that. I will dish out nothing but a daily dose of truth. How could I even look at myself in the mirror if I did anything less?

June 7, 2007

Judaism As Humanism

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:27 pm

By Patrick Grimm

What is secular humanism? Secular humanism is defined by the dictionary thus:

1. An outlook or philosophy that advocates human rather than religious values.

2. Secularism. [1]

But as one website tells us, secular humanism is indeed a religion. Here is one such quotation:

“John Dewey described Humanism as our ‘common faith.’ Julian Huxley called it ‘Religion without Revelation.’ The first Humanist Manifesto spoke openly of Humanism as a religion. Many other Humanists could be cited who have acknowledged that Humanism is a religion. In fact, claiming that Humanism was “the new religion” was trendy for at least 100 years, perhaps beginning in 1875 with the publication of The Religion of Humanity by Octavius Brooks Frothingham (1822-1895), son of the distinguished Unitarian clergyman, Nathaniel Langdon Frothingham (1793-1870), pastor of the First Unitarian Church of Boston, 1815-1850. In the 1950’s, Humanists sought and obtained tax-exempt status as religious organizations. Even the Supreme Court of the United States spoke in 1961 of Secular Humanism as a religion. It was a struggle to get atheism accepted as a religion, but it happened. From 1962-1980 this was not a controversial issue.” [2]

Despite heated denials by modern secular humanists, secular humanism, as laid out and extrapolated from the Humanist Manifesto I and II, is undeniably a brand of religion. It is a religion that places man and his mind in the lofty position where more traditional religions position God. What are common characteristics that humanists of the secularist camp often share? One source of religious info lays out five of their most prevalent traits:

1. Either they do not believe in the existence of a deity, or they don’t really care about the topic.
2. They believe that excellent codes of behavior and morality can be created through reason.
3. Humans created the Gods and Goddesses in their own image.
4. They are very concerned about human rights and equal opportunities for all.
5. They tend to be at the liberal end of the spectrum on such controversial topics as abortion access; equal rights for gays, lesbians and bisexuals; same-sex marriage, physician assisted suicide, separation of church and state, etc. [3]

To those carefully reading these facts, it should seem quite clear, crystal clear in fact, that secularist humanistic philosophy has a vague and ringing familiarity about it. It’s like striding nonchalantly into a room you have never inhabited and saying “I’ve got a funny feeling I’ve been here before.” Insert the example of Jack Torrence in ‘The Shining’ as he enters the Overlook Hotel.

I would boldly assert, and I don’t think I am out of line here, that secular humanism is practically synonymous with modern Judaism, especially the secular strand of Judaism. The two ideologies, or religions if you will, are like two peas in a pod. Their goals, their agendas and their worldviews are, except for a few minor frivolous quibbles in the margins, identical. Why do I say this? Allow me to explain.

Judaism and Jewishness, as we have established in past articles, is not so much a religion as an ideology. This would explain why a majority of Jews are atheists (80% in Israel, actually) but still label themselves as proudly Jewish. They are adherents to no religion. They may be Communist atheists or proud “secularists” or agnostics, but they are still Jews. But the ideology of Judaism or Jewishness, like humanism, puts a group of people in the place of God. According to secular humanism, every man, in a very univeralistic sense, is god of his destiny. Man is literally god. Judaism is the same. The only difference is, Judaism narrows the scope. Not every man is a god. Only one tiny privileged sect gets to carry that banner, that mantel. But carry it brazenly they do.

Secular humanists deify themselves, or man in general. Secular Judaists do the same. Even Orthodox Jews who proclaim proudly that they believe in the one God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob employ identical hubris. How else could you have Jewish literature and “holy books” like the Talmud where certain rabbis claim to have argued with God and actually won the argument! To beat God in a good back-and-forth debate would mean that the individual debating Him would be on equal footing. Astounding, isn’t it?

Secular humanism is self-deification, self-glorification, a struggle to lift man to the level of God, much like Lucifer who made the same power play before he was cast down upon the earth. This is what the Jews have done. Even those Jews who believe in nothing, still devoutly place their faith in the Jewish people. What is Communism, Bolshevism, socialism and Freudianism except a messianic vision stripped of the divine and the holy, and then secularized as a utopian “light unto the nations” project? What is the social engineering of the civil rights movement by Jews, most of them secular, but a god-like overreaching to remake human nature and human perception, actually reconfiguring the minds of the masses to swallow the bitter pill of egalitarian “religious” dogma.

Rest assured, Judaism and secular humanism are brothers-in-arms, compatriots, confederates, partners in the Jewish war against us. Look too at the specifics of their agenda. Secularists, often Unitarian, work side-by-side with radical Jews to junk religion, poison the well and mainstream unfettered abortion, the gay-lesbian-bisexual-transgendered deathstyle, doctor-assisted murder of the sick and infirm, and to finish off the frivolity, they scrub the public square clean of any mention of God, Jesus, the Ten Commandments or the Bible. The axiom of the extremist members of organized Big Jewry and secular humanism is simply “Do what thou will.”

Do you doubt that many Jews see themselves as gods in human flesh? Israel Shahak, an expert on Talmudic Judaism tells us that “Common to both the Talmud and Halacha, Orthodox religious law, is a differentiation between Jews and non-Jews. The late, highly revered Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the ‘Lubovitcher Rebbe’ who headed the Chabad movement and wielded great influence in Israel as well as in the U.S., explained that, ‘The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: ‘Let us differentiate.’ Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of ‘let us differentiate’ between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world…A non-Jew’s entire reality is only vanity. It is written, ‘And the strangers shall guard and feed your flocks’ (Isaiah 61:5). The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews…’” [4]

Many Jews heartily concur with the Lubavitcher Rabbi Schneerson’s claims about Jewish superiority, the almost god-like quality of the Jewish soul and body. Perhaps you think that these are only the rantings of the side-locked ultra-Orthodox fringe of Jewry. You are quite incorrect. Terrorist monster of the Middle East, Menachem Begin, who was not a religious Jew, arrogantly claimed “Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” [5]

These are not the issuings of a lunatic sitting in the desert, but the proclamations of a prime minister of Israel. Rather than keeping his thoughts on Jewish supremacy to himself, he was unashamed of stating them, mainly because if anyone dared to chastise him, they would automatically be relegated to the “anti-Semitic” fringe where supposed Jew-haters and Israel-haters reside.

Judaism, my reader friend, is humanism, secular humanism. Its struggle is little different from the story told in the Bible of those who built a Tower of Babel to the heavens to elevate themselves higher than the Almighty. The Messianic vision, the dystopian hell that Judaism has wrought upon the Gentile is no accident. It is the natural outpouring of a people, a group, what Jews would call a “race”, believing themselves to be gods who can do whatever they please. It is not by chance that this tiny sect of people created, funded and carried out the murder machine of Communism. If Jews really think themselves to be gods of the earth, then this “God” in its capriciousness can certainly dispose of lesser beings, can spill blood and disembowel children and burn churches if it will usher in his “Kingdom on Earth.”

More people have been killed in the name of Judaism than any other ideology. And why would it be otherwise? A “God” cannot be wrong in his judgment, cannot be fallible or limited in his understanding. This brand of god, like a Jim Jones with a poisoned batch of Kool-Aid, has no sense of proportion. This is why there has always been and will always be a “Jewish problem” or “Jewish question.” It’s not going to disappear because the god complex, the distorted deity reflection in the malleable mirror remains.

Nothing is more dangerous, more hazardous and perilous than a secular Messianic vision. The jettisoning of God by most Jews and the wedding of their Messianic hopes to the gods of Self, Greed and Avarice is much more frightening even than simple secular humanism alone. Secular humanism, if it is nothing else, is at least inclusive of all humans. But because Judaism is particularistic in its purview, it necessarily excludes the “Others” from the race of man. We are then seen as expendable parts of a malfunctioning machine that our “God” can dispense with at his own good pleasure or displeasure.

What is secular humanism? It is, more than anything else, Judaism at its most hateful, ethnocentric and exclusive. There is no sense in us denying the damage it has done or the danger it still poses to every Gentile upon this planet. When the Jew is “God” or thinks himself to be “God”, then there is literally no one safe.

[1] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/secular%20humanism
[2] http://members.aol.com/Patriarchy/definitions/humanism_religion.htm
[3] http://www.religioustolerance.org/humanism.htm
[4] http://www.middleeastbooks.com/html/books/shahakmezvinsky.html
[5] http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?noframes;read=40531

June 6, 2007

Ted Pike: Prophet of Truth

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 6:00 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Ted Pike states “In two recent debates on Christian radio, I vehemently took issue with the prevailing evangelical policy of unconditional support of Israel. Last Friday I debated Thor Tolo, prominent Seattle talk show host, and Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries. This followed a debate I had some weeks ago with Markell and her pastor on her syndicated show, Understanding the Times. You can now listen to both of these debates at http://www.truthtellers.org/.”

I strongly encourage you to listen to these broadcasts that the Reverend Pike mentions. You will find that Pike’s appearance on a local Christian radio program and the supposed devoutness of those he appears with does not stop the whole debate from descending into the usual name-calling, which is not only the domain of Jewish Zionists, but is also owned lock, stock and barrel by brainwashed Christian Zionist extremists like Thor Tolo (what a name) and other philo-Semitic suck-ups like Jan Markell, who is about the rudest supposed Christian I have ever heard on the airwaves.

Ted Pike, as always, is unfailingly polite, but he does interrupt his interlocutors when they try to interrupt him. Pike discusses the sick nature of B’nai B’rith and quite accurately labels them as a faction of “evil Jewish leadership” a point that even his bought-and-paid-for Zionist shill mouthpieces could not argue with. He also laid out the easily decipherable plan of Jewish world domination set forth in the Babylonian Talmud, the most poisonous religious document ever penned, scribbled down over the centuries by stone-hearted racist rabbis and despisers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Of course, the Christian Zionist Israel-Firsters could not discount any of his many cogent points, so Jan Markell simply called Pike an “anti-Semite” bigot.

But the good reverend was not about to be intimidated or cowed by such intellectually lazy “argument-enders” and continued to deconstruct the fanatical Jewish leadership who now control our nation. Ted recalled the creation of Communism by Jews, the ownership of our leftist media by Jews and the unapologetic dismantling of America’s Christian past, again by, you guessed it, Jews! Of course Pike utilized Scripture accurately throughout and this was why Ms. Markell, a slimy human being probably on the Jewish payroll, simply replicated her smears of Pike as an “anti-Semite.” The host, Mr. Tolo, did let Ted monopolize the discussion (thankfully) for the most part, but it was crystal clear whose side he was on. Tolo placed himself firmly, almost mindlessly, in the camp of evil, the camp of philo-Semitic fairy tales and lies.

I say, thank God for the Reverend Ted Pike. He is a rare breed of minister in the Judaized sphere of modern Cyrus Schofieldized Christianity. He will call a spade a spade, but he does it without anger, without vitriol and most importantly, without hate. That Pike is lambasted for his brave and courageous stand for truth is hardly shocking. Most Christians are determined to sell out their faith, their churches and their God, to the false idols of Big Jewry. Bloated preachers like John Hagee, a stereotype of the fat pontificating minister if there ever was one, have actually received money and awards from B’nai B’rith, the very organization that is attempting to decimate Christians and Christianity. Ted Pike will not go along to get along. He will not tolerate any of their lies and at his National Prayer Network, he and his intelligent niece, Harmony Grant, work to stop Jewish-led anti-hate bills and other Jewish assaults on the Christian religious body. They have penned countless articles throwing out an SOS to a lackadaisical and slumbering church.

Don’t stop your sterling work, Ted Pike. We stand with you on your mission to break the hold of evil Jewish leadership. You are like the prophets of old, speaking truth to power, the blowback from it be damned. If we had just ten ministers like you, perhaps we could rescue this country from the swamp, the quagmire it is stuck in. We could also stop the brainwashing of our churchgoers and end the worship of the Jews that takes place every Sunday in America. Thank you, Ted Pike.

June 5, 2007

The Ideological Purifiers

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 6:01 pm

By Patrick Grimm

There are some within this interconnected network of anti-Zionist activists who are sticklers for what I would dub “ideological purity.” If someone strays from one point of what is deemed to be “holy writ”, then they are scorned, shunned, mischaracterized or worse. I have seen it with my own eyes. The “ideological purifiers” are ready to leap, both physically and logically (sometimes illogically) on those persons who present their arguments in language thought to be too tepid, tame or tolerant.

Perhaps you lean to the left (and I actually lean fairly far to the right) and are a bit too reconciliatory on the issue of race. Get ready for the crush, because you may be falsely labeled as a “Zionist collaborator”, a “multiculturalist” or even worse a “crypto-Jew”. This is the modus operandi of Daryl Bradford Smith and his kind, but I have seen this witch-hunting mentality creeping into other parts of the anti-Zionist movement. Faux insinuations, under-handed smears and other insults await those who don’t seem to conform to 100% pure white nationalism.

What those who demand wholistic ideological allegiance seem not to comprehend is that many of the fighters, those writing warriors who loathe Zionism, come from a multitude of political persuasions. Some are conservatives, some are libertarians, some are even leftists who may be wrong on every count except for their opposition to Zionism. Should we totally shun someone who may not be correct, according to our litmus test, on every count? Or should we take our friends where we can find them, knowing that we must “hang together or hang separately” as one of the Founding Fathers put it?

I, for one, am sick and tired of egotistical people trying to ostracize well-meaning anti-Zionists because every piece of prose they write does not suit their tastes. I have watched it happen recently and it disgusts me. Can’t we see that the big enemy is Zionism, Jewish supremacism and what it is doing as an enervating force that is taking a wrecking ball to our world? Politically, polemically, is anything more important than this to tackle, battle and overcome with the truth? I don’t think so. When we quarrel with each other and “major in minors” we are jettisoning the positive influence we could potentially be having. We need to stop it.

In the past, I have conversed with those who say that they would be glad to join up with this movement, but that it seems that the people involved in it are always fighting amongst themselves and throwing their weight around, jockeying for dominance and are more concerned about personal ambition and ego than actually affecting change or making progress for our people. These are accurate and damaging allegations. What we need to do is to make sure we don’t validate them with our words and our behavior. That will only hurt and denigrate everything we are attempting to do.

Let’s stop slandering each other and start empowering each other. Our foe is well-organized and completely united in its sick agenda. Couldn’t we be just as well-organized and united in pursuing a positive agenda of genuine enlightenment?

June 1, 2007

The Lunatics Are Running the Asylum

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 6:13 pm

By Patrick Grimm

I was reading through a list of quotes about Jews, some of them particularly damning indictments of the movements they have been leading and behaviors they have been exhibiting for centuries. Lots of these quotes are simply prominent Jews being honest about their people, and what they reveal is telling. They flatly admit that criminal Zionism and Judeocentric mindsets have shaped and deformed our world. But the following quotes are particularly unsettling:

What the Jewish Encyclopedia says about Jews

Idiocy and imbecility are found comparatively more often among Jews than among non-Jews . . . The Mongolian type of idiocy is also very frequently observed among Jews . . . Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large . . . Jews are more liable to acute psychoses of early age than are non-Jews.” (The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, (1904), p. 556, 603-04).

“The Jews are more subject to diseases of the nervous system than the other races and peoples among which they dwell. Hysteria and neurasthenia appear to be most frequent. Some physicians of large experience among the Jews have even gone so far as to state that most of them are neurasthenic and hysterical.” (The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. IX, (1905), p. 225).” [1]

Now this excerpt is lifted right from the pages of the Jewish Encyclopedia, a set of volumes where Jews brag about their nefarious enterprises and confirm what many enlightened Gentiles have long suspected about the Tribe. Seeing as how this is penned by a Jew, it cannot at all be called “anti-Semitic.” What it can be called is honest, though it amounts to little more than disclosure to the choir.

If indeed Jews are disproportionately represented in the ranks of the mentally ill, the psychotic and the schizophrenic, it would certainly explain a lot. It would explain, but not excuse their insane god-like complex as a people. It would also shed some light on why they will not argue with their critics, but only shower them with profanity of the nastiest sort, vulgarities that would make many truck drivers wince and why they try to get their perceived antagonists jailed, fined or, in the case of the Soviet Union, shot execution style through the head or imprisoned in a work camp. Why do most Jewish people seem utterly incapable of dialogue, but are more than ready to demonize rather than engage their opponents?

If you look at America, there are many indications that the lunatics are running the asylum. The individuals who own our media have a pathological hatred of whites, Christians and any other group they imagine to be a threat. Accepting the possible reality that many of these media moguls could be severely mentally ill does not make them any more innocuous, but it could at least partially provide an explanation for their obsession with destroying our country and our heritage.

Recently I have found out just how nuts some Jews are. For only telling the truth, I have been rewarded with insults that one would only expect from a third-grade elementary school student. A healthy back-and-forth and rational argument is not possible with the unhinged and mentally defective among the Jewish people. I know that there are Jews who do not fall into this twisted category. I guess I just haven’t met them yet.

[1] http://americandefenseleague.com/killerjews/wejews.htm

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