Mushroom Journal Articles & Abstracts

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Extraction and analysis of indole derivatives from fungal biomass, by Jochen Gartz
Journal of Basic Microbiology Vol 34, 1994; 17-22

A Private Inquiry into the Circumstances Surrounding the 1972 Death of John Gomilla Jr. who died after allegedly consuming ten hallucinogenic mushrooms while residing in Hawaii, by John W. Allen
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol 20 (No. 4) 1988; 456-459

Copelandia and Other Psychoactive Fungi in Hawaii, by John W. Allen
Psychedelic Illuminations Vol 4; 61



Hallucinogenic psilocybine containing mushrooms. Toxins contained in Danish wild mushrooms., by J.F. Lassen; H.B. Ravn; S.F. Lassen
Ugeskr Laeger Vol 152 (No. 5) Jan 29, 1990; 314-317

Poisoning by the hallucinogenic mushroom hikageshibiretake (Psilocybe argentipes)--with special reference to subjective experiences during psilocybin poisoning., by M. Musha; G. Kusano; F. Tanaka; Y Gotoh; A. Ishii
Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi Vol 90 (No. 4) 1988; 313-333
(No Text Available) [Article in Japanese]

Species identification and chemical analysis of psychoactive fungi in the Hawaiian islands., by M.D. Merlin; J.W. Allen
Journal of Ethnopharmacology Vol 40 (No. 1) Sept 1993; 21-40



Analysis of psilocybin and psilocin in Psilocybe subcubensis Guzman by ion mobility spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, by M.D. Merlin; J.W. Allen
Journal of Ethnopharmacology Vol 40 (No. 1) Sept 1993; 21-40

Determination of psilocybin in P. semilanceata by capillary zone electrophoresis, by S. Pedersen-Bjergaard; E. Sannes; K.E. Rasmussen; F. Tonnesen
J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl Vol 694 (No. 2) Jul 4, 1997; 375-381



Changes of musical expression under the effect of psilocybine. K. Weber
Schweiz Arch Neurol Neurochir Psychiatr. Vol 99 (No. 1) 1967; 176-179
(No Text Available) (Article in German)

Consumption of psilocybin-containing hallucinogenic mushrooms by young people J.F. Lassen; N.F. Lassen; J. Skov
Ugeskr Laeger. Vol 154 (No. 39) Sept 1992; 2678-2681
(Abstract) (Article in Danish)

Liberty caps: recreational hallucinogenic mushrooms. S.H. Pollock
Drug Alcohol Depend Vol 1 (No. 6) Oct 1976; 445-447
(No Text Available)

Mushroom as an hallucinogen. by K. Nordbo
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen Vol 99 (No. 29) Oct 20, 1979; 1476-1477
(No Text Available) (Article in Norwegian)

Mushrooms as narcotics. by A.L. Christiansen; K.E. Rasmussen; K. Hoiland
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen Vol 99 (No. 8) Mar 20, 1979; 424
(No Text Available) (Article in Norwegian)

A mushroom with hallucinatory effects. by V. Kvambe; J. Edenberg
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen Vol 99 (No. 29) Oct 20, 1979; 1453-1454
(No Text Available) (Article in Norwegian)

Pizza with mushrooms. Narcotics in food.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen Vol 102 (No. 1) Jan 10, 1982; 17-18
(No Text Available) (Article in Norwegian)

Psilocybine intoxication: auto-observation. C. Berkenbaum
Evol Psychiatr (Paris) Vol 34 (No. 4) Oct-Dec 1969; 817-848
(No Text Available) (Article in French)



Hallucinogens and obsessive-compulsive disorder., by D.M. Perrine
American Journal of Psychiatry Vol 156 (No. 7) July 1997
(No Text Available)

Hallucinogen-induced relief of obsessions and compulsions., by F.A. Moreno; P.L. Delgado
American Journal of Psychiatry Vol 154 (No. 7) July 1997; 1037-1038
(No Text Available)

The problem of psilocybin mushroom abuse., by by N.R. Peden; S.D. Pringle; J. Crooks
Hum Toxico Vol 1 (No. 4) Oct 1982; 417-424

Psilocybin mushroom (Psilocybe semilanceata) intoxication with myocardial infarction., by K.S. Borowiak; K. Ciechanowski; P. Waloszczyk
P J Toxicol Clin Toxicol Vol 36 (No. 1-2) 1998; 47-49



Honey with Psilocybe mushrooms: a revival of a very old preparation on the drug market?, by M.J. Bogusz; R.D. Maier; A.T. Schafer; M. Erkens
International Journal of Legal Medicine Vol 111 (No. 3) 1998; 147-150



The Forensic Chemical Study of Psilocybine-containing Fungi, by R.V. Babakhanian; E.S. Bushuev; I.G. Zenkevich; S.P. Kazankov; T.A. Kostyrko
Kuz'minykh KSSud Med Ekspert Vol 41 (No. 6) Nov-Dec 1998; 24-26

Increased Activation of Indirect Semantic Associations under Psilocybin, by M. Spitzer; M. Thimm; L. Hermie; P. Holzmann; K.A. Kovar; H. Heimann; E. Gouzoulis-Mayfrank; U. Kischka; F. Schneider
Biological Psychology Vol 39 (No. 12) June 15 1996; 1055-1057

The morphofunctional changes in the internal organs in the modelling of poisonings by psilocybine-containing mushrooms., by R.V. Babakhanian; G.V. Ivanova; T.A. Kostyrko; A.E. Safrai; O.D. Iagmurov
Sud Med Ekspert Vol 42 (No. 3) May-June 1999; 6-9

Neurometabolic effects of psilocybin, 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDE) and d-methamphetamine in healthy volunteers. A double-blind, placebo-controlled PET study with [18F] FDG., by E. Gouzoulis-Mayfrank; M. Schreckenberger; O. Sabri; C. Arning; B. Thelen; M. Spitzer; K.A. Kovar; L. Hermie; U. NBull; H. Sass
Neuropsychopharmacology Vol 20 (No. 6) Jun 1999; 565-581

Presence of phenylethylamine in hallucinogenic Psilocybe mushroom: possible role in adverse reactions, by O. Beck; A. Helander; C. Karlson-Stiber; N. Stephansson
J Anal Toxicology Vol 22 (No. 1) Jan-Feb 1998; 45-49

The toxicological aspects of poisonings by psilocybine-containing mushrooms., by R.V. Babakhanian; E.S. Bushuev; S.P. Kazankov; T.A. Kostyrko
Sud Med Ekspert Vol 40 (No. 3) July - Sept 1997; 20-22

5-HT modulation of dopamine release in basal ganglia in psilocybin-induced psychosis in man - a PET study with [11C] raclopride., by F.X. Vollenweider; P. Vontobel; D. Hell; K.L. Leenders
Neuropsychopharmacology Vol 20 (No. 5) Jun 1999; 424-433



Dr. Leary�s Concord Prison Experiment: a 34-year follow-up study, by R. Doblin
J Psychoactive Drugs Vol 30 (No. 4) Oct-Dec 1998; 419-426

Reflections on the Concord Prison project and the follow-up study, by R. Metzner
J Psychoactive Drugs Vol 30 (No. 4) Oct-Dec 1998; 427-428
(No Text Available)



Pahnke's "Good Friday Experiment": A Long-Term Follow-Up and Methodological Critique , by Rick Doblin
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology Vol 23 (No. 1) 1991
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