Psilocybes Psilocybe mushrooms do, indeed, have a mind-altering effect when smoked! Probably like most folks, I've been told repeatedly (even by Paul Stamets himself) that smoking psilocybes destroys the psychoactive ingredients; however, at the urging of this visitor, who kindly offered his supply, we agreed to try to smoke some. After placing a small amount of powdered mushroom in a one-hitter that could have been used for smoking MJ, we lit it up and inhaled. The effect was a short-acting tryptamine buzz that was somewhat similar to a mild N,N-DMT dose (~5-10mg). It lasted around 15-25 minutes, had no noticable open-eye visuals, and was characterized by a mild, but enjoyable, tryppy feeling. Overall an interesting effect forsuch a small amount of mushroom used! Might try setting aside a little bit of my next oral P.Cu. dose to smoke while trypping.
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LSD and Smoked Mushroom Experience
The last time I took LSD (which was about 3 years ago), I took a "token" mushroom cap I had been saving, crushed it up and smoked it for symbolic purposes. It was a gesture. I thought it would simply do nothing. Although I wasn't fully "up" on the LSD, the smoked shroom kicked in in about 3 minutes and *rocked* me. There were all kinds of silken mists swirling about my head and face, I was very disoriented, and I was sure that the radio was speaking to me in tounges. Very bizarre perceptual shift - I had spent most of the morning painting and happily meditating. This was off into Toon Town. It actually freaked me out quite a bit. It passed in about 10 minutes, leaving me still buzzing on LSD, but confused as to what had actually happened.
From Baseline
Measured .2 gm Ps. Cubensis (medium strength strain) ground fine and smoked with a pipe. Produced barely noticeable effects, hard to define because it was so mild.
See also: Smoking Amanitas
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Oct-1999 22:10:20 PDT | Created by Erowid |
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