David Icke Threatened With Arrest
By Tom J. Kennedy ~ 10-9-99
David Icke was detained at the Ottawa International
Airport for three hours on the evening of October
1,1999. His plane arrived at 11:04 PM and he was
not released until 2:00 AM on October 2nd. I went
to the airport to drive him to his hotel room. I
waited until the people stopped coming out of the
Customs and Immigration door. Then I asked a
Customs and Immigration official if there were any
people still detained at Customs. He answered "No."
So, I went back to my home. At 1:00 AM David
Icke called and asked those of us who were waiting
for him to come back to the airport for a
consultation because he was being detained. The
person who told me that no one was being detained
at Immigration either did not know that he was
there he preferred to feign ignorance of what was
His complete luggage and his laptop computer were
searched. Apparently, Customs officials were
searching for "hate material." Not finding any "hate
material" Immigration officials then decided to
harass him because he did not have a "validation"
certificate nor a "work permit." The Immigration
authorities stated to myself and others in attendance
that David would be committing a crime and would
be arrested and charged if he were to collect any
monies while here in Canada without a working
permit or validation number. However, they agreed
this issue would be solved if he were paid no
monies at all and that included expenses.
Since the Immigration officials were working well
beyond their working hours they agreed to permit
David Icke temporary entry to Canada. A final
decision was deferred until October 2nd, 1999.
David Icke was instructed to return to the Customs
and Immigration Department at the Ottawa
International Airport at 1:30 PM on, Saturday,
October 2nd with his baggage.
Early in the morning of October 2nd, 1999 a new
agreement was written up between David Icke and
Sumari Seminars stating that David will reimburse
Sumari Seminars for any expenses paid out on his
behalf to that date. This new agreement clearly
stated that David would be doing all of the semiars
for FREE and paying his own expenses. At the
meeting on Saturday, October 1st, 1999 Customs
officials were given copies of the original and new
agreement. Many people from the seminar showed
up at the Customs and Immigration office at the
Ottawa International Airport at 1:30 PM on
Saturday to support David's right to be in Canada
and to speak at public meetings while he is visiting
in Canada. This strong showing of support does
make a difference when we are fighting to preserve
our "freedoms" here in Canada.David was
interrogated until 4:00 PM at which time he was
again released to continue his seminar at Hull,
Quebec. Even though over three hours has elapsed
from the time David interrupted his seminar
everyone was there again when he started again at
approximately 4:30 PM. David talked until after
7:30 Pm on that Saturday evening.
We assumed that this new "legal" contract would
solve the problem as outlined by Immigration
Canada. We were wrong.....Unfortunately, we were
not told by Immigration officials in Ottawa that this
new agreement would not be honoured by their
cohorts in Toronto. We had also spoken with legal
counsel who had likewise informed us that under
these conditions both David and Sumari Seminars
were complying with the Immigration Act.
Other examples of continuing harrassment occurred
in Toronto. First of all, there was much pressure
put on the University of Toronto to cancel David
Icke's seminar. This opposition was organized by
The Green Party in collusion with B'Nai Brith and
CJC (Canadian Jewish Congress). When the
University refused to cancel the contract a small
group of demonstrators was organized to gather
outside of the Hart House at the University of
Toronto to heckle the people who were entering the
hall to hear David's presentation. It was interesting
to note that when a woman asked one of the youths
why he was protesting he did not have an answer.
Could he have been following the "herd?" Just
After finishing his sold out seminar at the Hart
House, University of Toronto at 11:15 PM David
along with the Sumari Seminar staff was
summoned to a back room by two Immigration
officials who has been in attendance at the evening
seminar. Speculation is that they were planning to
"arrest" him at the beginning of the seminar but
they wisely chose not to raise the wrath of the 450
people in the audience who would have objected to
any action of arresting David Icke.
Both David Icke and the staff of Sumari Seminars
were threatened "arrest." After some brief
negotiations David was counseled to appear at the
Immigration office at 6900 Airport Rd. at 10:00 AM
the following morning, Thursday, October 7, 1999.
At that time, David was again advised that he would
be arrested if he chose to present his seminar in
Windsor on Saturday, October 10th, 1999.
Currently, David is seeking legal counsel on what
amd how to proceed with this saga.
Also noteworthy is the fact that the location of his
presentation in the Ottawa area had to be changed
three times. De La Salle High School and Hull City
Hall both broke their contracts with the organizers
of the David Icke presentation because of pressure
from groups and/or individuals who have been
trying to defame David Icke by calling him "author
of hate literature", "nazi" and "anti-semetic."
Though none of these terms are true of David Icke,
people are still driven by fear and misinformation.
Misguided officials at De La Salle High School and
Hull City Hall allowed certain groups and/or
individuals to instill sufficient "fear" by spreading
"lies" and falsehood" that they broke their
respective contracts. Neither would allow David
Icke to speak at their respective locations.
Currently, David Icke and Sumari Seminars are
considering legal action against both De La Salle
High School and Hull City Hall for breaking their
respective contracts. Bravo to College de
l'Outaouais, Hull, Quebec which did not "buckle"
under such "lies" and "falsehoods."
By the way, the Grey Nuns at the Bronson Centre in
Ottawa, Ontario raised questions of "concern"
about David Icke's views on religion when I
approched the Bronson Centre in mid-July, 1999
about booking David Icke to speak there. They
asked who was speaking and what was he going to
talk about. I simply advised them to visit David's
website at this URL: http://www.davidicke.com .
They responded by raising a "red flag" and asked a
series of questions about his views on religion. On
that note, I decided to seek another location for
David to speak. It was then that Kemptville College
was booked. Contrary to misinformation in various
forms of the media, Kemptville College never
broke their contract. It was Sumari Seminars which
terminated that contract simply because too many
people from Ottawa were complaining about the 40
minute drive from downtown Ottawa.
Those in attendance with David for at least part of
the interrogations at both Ottawa and Toronto
carefully observed the actions and energy of the
Customs and Immigration officials. It was
interesting to note that while the Customs and
Immigration officials were compelled by law to
process David Icke many of them were baffled as
to why David was being put through this
harassment at this time since he has already been
coming to Canada on a regular basis since the
mid-1990's. On various occasions, a complete
change of energy was observed by those in
attendance. David, himself noted such an energy
shift when the Customs and Immigration officials
were completing their interrogations. He
commented that they could see no reason for
labelling his research as "anti-Semetic" and
therefore they were wondering out loud why David
Icke was being harassed in this manner. These
Customs and Immigration officials explained that
they had to follow the law or their job would be in
jeopardy. It was amazing to observe David's
positive attitude coupled with an absence of "fear"
throughout the whole process. Observing the whole
process unfold convinced that "love" is a much
more powerful emotion that "fear."
What could be so "dangerous" that misguided
individuals and groups not only try to block him
from speaking but also consider the gravity of
ordering our federal civil servants to harass David
and deter him from speaking in Canada by
imposing restrictions on where and to whom he can
speak? Do we really have a land which we
mistakenly believe to be a "land of freedom" where
we are supposedly granted the right of "freedom of
speech?" Furthermore, what about our rights as
Canadian citizens to listen to whomever we choose?
Public money extracted from Canadian taxpayers
has been used to pay for the Customs and
Immigration staff who have been directed to harass
David Icke during this past week. Taxpayers have
an inalienable right to be fully and honestly
informed by radio, television and the print media
on a daily basis of both sides of the David Icke
"controversy" which has been carefully
manufactured by self-appointed individuals and
pressure groups. As of this date only one side -
those who seek to defame him - have been given
fair media exposure.
Citizens who are dedicated to preserving and
enhancing "freedom of speech" must not stand by
and allow pressure groups to betray the cherished
tradition of expecting the media to report
"uncensored news" to the court which has the
ultimate and greatest power in the country - The
Court of Public Review.
Individuals committed to "freedom of speech"
rather than "freedom of acceptable speech" must
probe to find out who is wielding the power to
cause the so-called, competitive media to
collectively supress the David Icke side of this
ongoing "news story." Such crafted censorship
jeopardizes "free discussion, debate, and
expression" for every single Canadian and The
Court of Public Review is denied the evidence it
needs to reach a fair verdict.
Abraham Lincoln was fully aware that it was in The
Court of Public Review that truth inevitably
overcomes falsehood for he warned: "Let the
people know the truth, and the country is safe."
It would certainly be instructive to know the
"hidden agenda" of those groups who sought to ban
David icke from speaking in Canada. Likewise, it
would be interesting to hear the mainstream media
comment on their collective decision to dismiss the
"David Icke side" of this ongoing controversy as