Being(s) Angry
I use to be a Soldier. I was a Combat Medic in the Gulf war in 1991. Now in
2003 Peace is with me. I have converted the anger within (and other stuff)
to a deep knowing that change is occurring on a universal level. To stand
'against' something is to stagnate.
Outdated pattern of being, indeed any aggressive thought or action will
actually discourage and dissolve peace. What I fight, I will become. I'll
say that again and this time with more feeling and slightly louder to ensure
that all the cells of my physical being actually listen: What I fight, I
will become. Its one of those cosmic universal truths, a law that is
impossible to break, part of the intrinsic structure of all that is. Okay
I'm glad I 've got that straight then.
True peace only comes from within me, no matter how many children I see
suffering I will not loose sight of that. If anything, I owe it to those
children whose pictures have bought tears to my eyes. True and lasting peace
is right in here (I point to my centre) and connects my being to all that is
and to those that are around me.
Its just a choice. I choose peace.
On the path for peace I walk with the heart of the warrior and the spirit of
child. If anger is permitted to enter my heart I may just as well pick up a
weapon again and fight for the world wide web of control and deceit. And I
am not going to let that happen, it is just so twentieth century, so very
boring and does not work anymore. The path of control is the path of
dullards and ignorance. The paradigm has shifted, the universe is moving on
as ever and it can't wait for everyone. Old patterns are changing. Freedom
is here and with it responsibility.
Time is speeding up to the point that I am looking at others in the eye and
there is a knowing 'Hey its not just that I'm getting older or being so
busy, it really is going faster - right? Something is happening and I am
part of it. Tis' The Quickening and there can be only oneness.
I vent not my anger and hatred. Instead I convert those feelings into love
for Human kind, and Hu-woman for that matter! I feel better for this and
magnetically I attract love to my entire being.
It is the only way, as corny as this all sounds. I reap what I sow. The
heads of government and particularly those that influence them would like
nothing more than to make me appalled, negative and annoyed at world events.
The challenge is to rise above the illusion and to convert these destructive
thoughts and feelings to something much more revolutionary.
We are in interesting times and for the love of us all I am going to enjoy
it, its what humans do best. Its time to really effect others. I am a
Spiritual Warrior (and I don't have to be 'spiritual 'to get this) I have
adopted the fighting spirit and energy of a soldier ready to die for the
cause but I have remembered who I am and where I am going! I am not a
programmed machine that carrys out policy, I am a free thinking/feeling/
individual I can make up my own mind thank you very much and I am not going
to do the obvious thing and offer more destruction, more anti-this and
anti-that. My future, my choice, not someone else's. I am free of all that
Love peace and joy are are weapons of mass construction I offer no threat
that I will use them, I am using them.
Wars will cease when men refuse to fight.
In Peace's. Love Yaz.
carl james friar April 9 2003
War's last stand
So many have fallen by the sword.
We cherish fancy daggers and gold plated pistols.
Ignorance is not a blessing at all.
Before we get married to peace we must let go of war.
The last stand it will take will depend on the choices we make.
Having been married to it for so long, our divorce will be terrible indeed,
for war is vicious and cruel.
War is now gnashing human flesh in vengeful bitterness.
It is leaving us weak at the knees clinging for a chance to recover and live
in peace.
We will separate because we have no choice.
To live we must destroy the tools of death.
Thus war must go
War will not go away until it hurts everyone.
It is when all people lose that they will realize the futility and danger of
The anti-war demonstrations that are taking place around the world are the
eraser that will grow to remove war from our midst.
But war is being written everyday creating jumbled and confusing messages.
Chaos approaches and we must change many of our ways and start a fresh page.
The new title must be peace.
The sooner we write the peace, the less painful our divorce from war will
Lets say together
War, I divorce you
War, I divorce you
War, I divorce you
There, it is done
Love and peace
Nobel victor