As I have been writing in my books for some six years, the UK Prime
Minister, Tony Blair, is an Illuminati gofer and puppet placed in office
to serve their agenda.
Blair became leader of the Labour Party after the sudden death (how
convenient) of John Smith and from that moment a series of scandals and
divisions rocked the then ruling Conservative Party, thus making a Blair
election victory inevitable. Precisely the same sequence happened in
reverse when the Illuminati chosen one was Conservative Margaret Thatcher
and from the moment she became Conservative or "Tory" leader, all hell
broke loose with scandals and divisions in the Labour Party. The UK, like
the U.S. and everywhere else, is a one-party state masquerading as
Since his election Blair has served the Illuminati agenda, as outlined in
my books, magnificently and they want him to be re-elected so he can take
the UK into the single European currency, the Euro, and hand over what is
left of UK sovereignty to the bureaucrats in Brussels.
So IIluminati agents like Ted Heath are activated to attack their own
Conservative Party and its present leader, William Hague, and manipulate
public "opinion" (if only they had one of their own) to see Blair as the
only option at the General Election planned apparently for early June. See
related stories on "race" for other manipulations designed to serve
Blair's bid for a second term in power.
Both Blair and Heath are members of the elite and highly secretive
Bilderberg Group - as are Blair's Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon
Brown, and almost everyone else in the key positions advancing the
European fascist superstate. Notice also how Blair slavishing follows and
supports all U.S. government policy, be it "Star Wars" or blowing the shit
out of anyone they choose in their crusade to "protect freedom". Yes, the
freedom to have the shit blown out of you by these crazed maniacs.
Heath is the former Conservative Prime Minister (1970-74) who signed the
UK into the European Community/Union while lying through his teeth about
the consquences for national sovereignty, as official documents have
confirmed. He has since dedicated himself to pressing for all major
decisions affecting the people of the UK to be made outside the UK by
Brussels bureaurcrats placed in office by the Bilderberg Group and other
Illuminati fronts. Heath finds the time to do this between mercilessly
abusing children (see The Biggest Secret).
Here is a news story about Heath's latest Illuminati-orchestrated outburst
and note, surprise, surprise, it is about the Conservative Party's
official opposition to Blair's outrageous policy on Europe. You are a
liar, Mr. Heath, a fraud, and a notorious child abuser. I look forward to
your lawyers contacting me as soon as possible.
Go on, make my day.
The Tory party under William Hague is unelectable unless it changes its
policy on Europe, former Tory Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath warned
The MP, who will stand down at the forthcoming General Election, said it
was "not practical politics" to appear to want to withdraw from Europe.
"It will never happen, they will never be returned so long as they have
that policy," Sir Edward told BBC1's Breakfast With Frost.
"It doesn't make any sense at all. To say that we won't do anything for 10
years - how can any politician have a situation in which he can say `I
won't do anything for 10 years'?
"It's just not practical politics. Nobody can foresee politics for 10
years or policies or what the world's going to be like in 10 years' time.
"That's all got to be dropped."
Shadow foreign secretary Francis Maude had earlier said the party's
official "in Europe but not run by it" line was in tune with majority of
the public.
The existence of pro-single currency voices within the party was a
"settled state of affairs" but it was the voice of the "overwhelming bulk"
of the party that would be heard, he insisted.
"Where we stand on Europe is where most people stand.
"They don't want to turn their backs on it but they don't want it to be
such a tightly integrated union that there's no scope for us being
"So we're going to speak up for that mainstream majority, the British
public, against what Tony Blair says. We think people will respond to
that," he told GMTV's The Sunday Programme.
The party's message would be that it was not necessary to go down the "one
way street" towards closer political union.
The Tories were the only serious party speaking to those who wanted to
keep the pound, he said, although he stressed that the party would not say
"I'm not arrogant enough to say that I know what's right for all time. All
of our policies are for the life of the next Parliament."
Conservative Party chairman Michael Ancram said he would be concentrating
on "not wild promises but common sense policies which address real
"That's why I am going into this election looking at only one possibility,
and that's going to win it," Mr Ancram told BBC1's Breakfast With Frost.
He said reports of a predicted 220-plus Labour majority following the
election were just "headlines", adding: "What I am looking at is 180
battleground seats and in those seats we are looking at, on average,
having to persuade 3,000 people who didn't vote for us last time to vote
for us this time.
"If we do that we win those seats and we win a working majority in the
next General Election."