Nearer Bliss

Hello David.

I am a keen viewer of your alternative news and information.I have been writing music for over 10 years now.I have writen this piece of music partly due to inspiration from you and other open minded public spirited people.

This piece of music is in an electro style,featuring sound bites from timothy leary.I presume there are no copyrights because he is dead but I'm not to sure about the legalities.

The Two main sound bites are"The kids who take LSD aren't gona fight your wars,middle class,midle aged,whisky drinking generals. They're not gona join your corporations,midle class,middle aged,whisky drinking corporation presidents. They won't buy it!".

The second sound bite is "The escape today is to be conforming,it takes much more courage, imagination,energy and hardwork to drop out, than it does to drift along "There are no samples from any other music. All synthesizers,drum machines,effects and mastering are programed and sequenced by myself.

Sorry about the drug references but I feel they convey the mood of the piece.This Music I donate to you.

My Sudaname for music is"Numerical Order". This piece is called"Nearer bliss"as I feel we are fast approaching a much more pleasant world.

The people are waking up,though
perhaps not as fast as everyone would like,
or wouldn't like

Russell Scobie

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