The British Parliament has voted to allow so-called "therapeutic" cloning of human embryos. After winning a large majority in the elected House of Commons, the plan has now won a 120-vote majority in the unelected House of Lords.
This gives the go-ahead for medical research on stem cells from human embryos and is another step on the road to openly cloning people - something that has been going on in the secret research projects for at least decades.
The idea of cloning cells for medical reasons has been sold by emphasising that this could help to cure Parkinson's disease, cancer, heart disease and many other serious conditions. But that's not the real reason for all this. It is not the end of the story we are seeing here, but another stage on the journey to full on cloning of humans to further change the human DNA to suit the Illuminati genetic agenda.
Evan Harris, the Liberal Democrat spokesman on science, introduced the original proposal in the Commons. He said after the Lords vote:
"I am personally delighted - and that delight will be shared by patient groups and clinicians - that the Lords have done the morally right thing, which is to allow carefully regulated research on stem cells using early embryos to proceed in the search for cures for some terrible diseases.
"Large majorities in the Commons and the Lords show that the case has been made for this work."
No, the case was made as usual by emphasising the apparent benefits while suppressing knowledge of the real agenda behind it.
Lord Alton, a former Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament, gave some balance to the debate when he said:
"There is nothing therapeutic in this procedure for the new human embryo. Once it has been used the human embryo will be destroyed. There's no question here of donor rights or donor consent.
"Since 1990, when miracle cures were promised for 4,000 inherited diseases, between 300,000 and half a million human embryos have been destroyed or experimented upon.
"There have been no cures, but our willingness to walk this road has paved the way for more and more demand."
In other words, the stepping-stones approach to full on cloning of the human species.