David Icke Claims
Conspiracy at the Highest Levels
a commentary by Jason Dunlap
Originally printed in Center Of Attention Newsletter
Subject: Report Of San Jose, Calif. UFO Town Meeting
by David Icke
About One World Order.
Sept. 23, 1996.
Center Of Attention.
Our "Town Meeting: was quite successful Over one hundred people
attended the lecture by David Icke, author of several books and tapes
concerning how governments, at the highest levels are controlling and
manipulating the rest of humanity for the purpose of gaining absolute
power over what is created on Earth.....at least for now. No doubt
they intend to focus on the greater galaxy as soon as they can get us
nailed down. On the surface, David's views sound like the ravings of
your typical radical, where nothing but outrageous conspiracies, and
clandestine plots are the foundation of leaders, world-wide, and the
good of humanity is furthest from their minds. However, you can't
avoid the simple logic and subtle British humor that David so
artfully uses to present his case. On one level he brings a message
of fear but it is couched in a positive aura of hope.
He bean with a metaphor involving a sheep herder. The sheep herder
arrives in his pickup truck, gets out and merely stands in one spot.
There are thousands of sheep scattered aimlessly about the
country-side, whereupon seeing the man, they slowly begin to gather
and move toward the truck. How does it happen, that one man, with
his trusty sheep dog is able to control and herd so many? It is so
easy! Sheep are so simple, you see. For whatever reason, one or two
sheep unconsciously react to the presence of the man and begin to
move. The sheep, next to them will follow the movement and so on
until all are merely following what is in front of them. For the few
stragglers, the sheep dog supplies some fear, which they move away
from, not wanting to be hassled, and there you are. The sheep tend
to stay within "hassle-free" zones, and the sheep dog sets the
perimeter of the hassle-free zone. As long as you follow along, you
aren't hassled. It's easy to control those that "get out of line"
because the majority form an identifiable pattern and anyone "going
their own way" will stick out like a sore thumb. For them, more and
more fear is induced the farther "astray" they go, and is lessened
as they move back into the acceptable pattern. And, so it is with
most of humanity.
Basically, we are loving, cooperative beings that are not obsessed
with having our own way. We believe in living as hassle-free as
possible. However, not every one is this way, and those that are not
are paranoid about losing control, and obsessed with dominating every
aspect of reality-especially other humans-because of a demented
thirst for the recognition and power given by the masses. These
people, who we often find in positions of power, do not believe in
live and let live, and in being cooperative. In fact, they always
want to hassle someone, just to stay in practice. Honesty and "The
highest good for humanity" are merely slogans, and a sales tool, for
such as these. Like a magician, they practice the art of deception,
double-talk, confusion etc, but not for entertainment, but rather
to gain advantage, to cheat and dominate. In fact, they are the
authors of such lofty ideals as "together we can do it", and
"sacrifice for the good of all". And ideal that promotes the of
giving up your personal power for the benefit of the many is the
tool used to pit the few against the many, independent action and
thought is considered selfish, self-serving, and basically
anti-social and deserves repudiation, if not the perpetration of
violence upon those that will not conform, ideally, the "sheep dogs"
will be those among the many that will turn you in, or attack you out
of a sense of self-righteous indignation at the fact that you are not
willing to conform, and hoping that some day, they can find
themselves promoted from "sheep dog' to farmer.
David Icke makes a good case for most of us being "sheep" and
willing to stay within the "hassle-free" zones that our leaders have
created for us. What's disturbing is that he also make a good case
for the existence of a pyramidal structure of power, where a handful
of men (not women) wield awesome power and authority, and all of
these men are corrupted and perverted beyond believability. He
explains in some detail how these men came to such power and how it
connects back centuries where world power was in the hands of Kings,
the heads of Religious and secret societies. Nothing has changed,
either. When you look back at the history of Kings, the Henry the
VIII and others, where barbaric behavior, such as cutting off heads
and torture were common place, it isn't difficult to imagine that
only those with the same mentality would be assigned positions of
power, and those that would criticize or attempt to challenge such
authority would be quickly "weeded out". The children of such men
would be taught, from childhood, to become "like them: and so on, and
so on. The Spanish inquisition was born out of the fear that mankind
might find his personal power and use it to rediscover the secrets
held only by the elite. To waken to your ability to contact G--,
or perceive beings in another realm, or trust your own opinions of
how life should be lived would be disastrous for them, the, corrupted
leaders of the church. The "problem" with demons and devils. of evil
beings infesting the land was created by these maniacs, who wanted to
keep the sacred teaching of G--, secret. The "problem" Manifested in
the the imaginations of sheep and the "hassle-free zones was
established, using the fear of being tortured and killed if one were
to question the interpretations of the "The Hierarchical Church".
The problem was created by the church and the church made everyone
believe that only "the Church" could solve it. After a couple of
million people were killed off, the problem would mysteriously
disappear and everyone could relax, knowing the church leaders had
saved us all form disaster. How grateful we must have been.
At the top of the pyramid of power sits a handful of crazy people,
whether such craziness from inter-breeding or just the effects of
having bizarre and crazy parents, who knows. The next step on the
pyramid is a larger group with complete allegiance. All of the
secrets are known at this level. Whether you are Free-Mason, Knights
of Malta, Trilateral Commission or whatever, you are privy to
astounding information. You learn psychic secrets, are able to
communicate with extraterrestrials, mind-control vast number of
people....it's witchcraft and wizardry at its highest levels, none of
which is revealed to the "ordinary people". Once again, fear is
used, the threat of death and torture if anyone reveals these
secrets. In this way, none below that level will ever know what is
really going on. The next level on the pyramid are those given the
honor of serving those above, and anyone who does not properly feel
grateful and honored are weeded out. These are those that make up
the "Unquestioning Obedient". Just for the privilege of holding
high office, and having all the comforts one could imagine, these
people follow orders without question. They don't even want to know
about the top pyramid. They are the heads of churches, Banks,
secret societies, huge corporations, Presidents, Prime Ministers,
our so-called leaders. Being President is beneath such men as
G-----e B--h, David Rockefeller and such.
According to David Icke, and I'm not so sure he's not right, all
our World Wars were instigated and orchestrated by the "royal elite",
that handful of men, who's agenda was merely to create enormous
wealth. And, so it did, and it was easy as training your sheep to
gather when you appear, and they were in complete control of It.
"The end justifies the means" is the only principle at this level of
the pyramid. By acquiring money, one controls more and more
authority to do whatever they want. There are times that two thirds
of the world's monetary wealth has been in the hands of just a
handful of men! They can choose to distribute it in anyway they want,
and they do. They fund research for super-weapons, mind-control
experiments, heinous genetic research, time-travel, CIA activities,
underground cities, and what-have you. He makes a good case for any
of the bizarre and outrageous stories of secret government activities
you may have heard. Unbelievable?
Think about it? If all this is true, and our world is controlled
by an insane and self-serving global elite that is bent on bring
humanity into conformity with their bizarre vision of the world,
could the world really look as it does to you? If you take the
position that much of this gloomy analysis is bunk, then what do you
think the world would be like if it were true? Do you really believe
that things would be completely different, would it be some horrible
nightmare instead? Is that why it can't be true, because it would be
much worse if it were? If you are one of those that believe it is
all true, then what do you think the world would look like it if our
leaders were moral, honest, and of the light? Are you sure it would
be so different, if so, what would it be like? One thing is true, for
sure, you aren't going to figure it out by just thinking about it.
You'd have to research, like David Icke has done. All we con do is
speculate, for now. This is one of those times when you have to
believe what you want to, because you can't figure it out, for sure.
If you have no response that it doesn't matter what you believe,
otherwise you will take action according to what you do believe.
The question is, "what is there to do about it.
Unfortunately, David Icke's solution is more philosophical that
substantive. The "lightworkers" philosophy of love and light, harm
no one, is as appropriate as anything else, and starting a violent
revolution as a stupid alternative. However, in consideration of
philosophy, David's solutions involve personal growth and developing
an awareness of when you are asked to give up your power. He
stresses the necessity in becoming responsible and independent as the
foundation of future social development. More and more we must
resist the temptation of becoming more dependent on government to
solve our problems, especially since it is the government that is
creating most of them, in the first place. We must resist
cultivating a "welfare" mentality and examine our situation before
cooperating. It would seem sensible, for all of us, to avoid
conforming and find great acceptance in the differences between each
other. You can't have it both ways. You can't say you have
tolerance for all religions, and opinions and yet crate "hassle
zones" for those who don't go along with the program.
There are more inspiring ideas than I will go into here, but
suffice it to say, that David Icke's information, will bring about a
deeper understanding of the monumental task required to dismantle
the present system and create a better one. ... I recommend his two books,"... and the
Truth Shall Set You Free", and "Robots Rebellion", which go into
great detail on how everything is connected up with proof of this
accusations. He also has his solutions outlined in "Trance
Formation of America", which I have not read yet.
Referenced Material
Robots Rebellion - David Icke
Located here
United Kingdom
North America
...and the truth shall set you free - David Icke
Located here
United Kingdom
North America
Trance-Formation of America - Cathy O'Brien
Located here
United Kingdom
North America