The United States bombed Afghanistan killing thousands of
civilians because
someone killed thousands of civilians in New York and
Washington. (The "who"
is still unproven unless you believe the Hollywood special
effects.) Pakistan
helped the American and British governments to attack
Afghanistan because
Pakistan is part of the coalition to stop terrorism. Now India
threatens to
invade Pakistan because they claim that terrorists supported by
Intelligence were responsible for the suicide attack on the
Parliament. This was the same Pakistani Intelligence who worked
with the US
in the attack on Afghanistan to "stop terrorism".
Still with me?
Meanwhile the Israel government terrorises the Palestinians
while Palestinian
extremists terrorise Israelis and both leaderships condemn
terrorism and join
the "war" against it led by America and Britain, whose
governments have the
most grotesque record of all for orchestrating mass terrorism
and genocide
against the peoples of the world. Saudi Arabia, which is an
bloodline dictatorship (just like the US), has a horrific human
rights record
as do all allies of the United States, and its treatment of
women is utterly
The American and British governments condemn the
treatment of
women by the Taliban, and use it as one of the reasons they had
to be
removed, and yet they support the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia
and welcome
it's involvement in the "War on Terrorism" while saying not a
word about the
Saudi policy on women, which mirrors that of the Taliban.
The prosecutor at the World Court says he has enough evidence to
convict the
former Serbian leader, Slobodan Milosovic, for crimes against
humanity while
people like the Bush family, Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, Colin
etc., who are responsible for more dead people than Milosovic
could muster if
he lived to be 200, do not face charges for crimes against
humanity. Instead
they are seen as the defenders of the "Free World".
Cue Alice..."Nothing would be what it is, because everything
would be what it
isn't. And contrary-wise -what it is, it wouldn't be. And what
it wouldn't
be, it would. You see?"