If you always do
what you've always done,
you'll always get
what you've always got!
by David Icke

eading my letters and meeting people at the talks and workshops, it's clear that so many have been feeling the same. There also appears to be a great deal of trauma and upheaval in relationships as people desire to express their own uniqueness in partnerships which are suffocating their individuality. That means most of them!

his is part of the transformation of human consciousness which is now, quite obviously, sweeping the planet among those who are open to the changing vibrations. If we are going to raise ourselves vibrationally into the higher realms of consciousness, wisdom, and understanding, we need to let go of the weights that are holding us down. Those symbolic weights are our emotional baggage.

believe our consciousness naturally gravitates to higher levels, like a deep sea diver would naturally float to the surface unless he had the weights to hold him down. The first mgths of 1996 have for many, many people been a time of flinging off these emotional anchors so they can begin to move forward again. Relationships are crucial to this process.

elationships are at the heart of human experience. By this I mean all relationships, those with our friends, workmates and children, as well as our partners. A revolution is unfolding here in the way we interact with each other.

or so long, partnerships have involved one person, often both, conceding their desires and intuitive impulses to fit in with the other. Either there is one dominating partner to which the other concedes their individuality or both compromise to allow harmony to reign, albeit a manufactured and tenuous one. I symbolise these relationships (the vast majority today) by one circle almost covering the other. In other words, suffocation.

hese relationships will not survive the transformation of consciousness, because people who are beginning to access their multidimensional whole self will not suppress their uniqueness for anyone. They are feeling their own inner power and confidence returning, and they want the mental, emotional and physical space to express it.

elationships are coming under increasing pressure as the wavelength change continues to gather pace. When just one partner begins to connect with higher wavelengths, the relationship often finds itself under serious pressure, because a gap, eventually a chasm, opens up in their attitudes to life. Even after 30 years and more together they suddenly have nothing in common.

artnership break-ups are reaching epidemic proportions and this will be a tidal wave by the decade's end. I can see the end of marriage hurtling towards us as we realise that to commit yourself at 21 to spending a lifetime with another person is quite ridiculous. Who knows how either person will change or what their lifepaths will be? To bring in the state and the church to legislate the rules of relationships reveals the immaturity of human understanding.

et's be honest. Most partnerships today survive because of a sense of duty, security, habit and the fear of the alternative. They become ruts, record grooves of predictability with the same patterns repeating over and over. As the heading to this article says: If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. The 'life' has gone from millions of relationships and yet such is the conditioning generation after generation that people are urged to 'fight for their marriage' and 'work at the relationship'. That's ok if it is a minor or temporary difficulty, but 'fighting for your marriage' often means to attempt mouth to mouth resuscitation on something that had been brain dead for years. What's the point?

n late 1995, I saw the first part of this present year in the form of a symbolic picture. I saw a hand strike the bottom of a chess board and all the pieces jump into the air. That was this period of confusion and the inability to see the way forward. It is also the time of fundamental reappraisal in our lives, when we know that great changes are about to unfold for us. The pieces are spinning and bumping into each other as they rearrange themselves ready for landing. Eventually - sooner rather than later - the pieces will fall back on the board, but this time in a very different pattern to the one before.

f you've been feeling lost and confused these past few months you are certainly not alone...

his disruption relates to all areas of our lives, particularly relationships. The musical chairs I see as I travel around the UK and increasingly abroad, is speeding up as the rhythm of change gets faster and faster. The old thought patterns are crumbling and so, as a direct result, are the creations of those patterns - the old style relationships.

symbolise the new relationships by the sign of infinity, the figure of eight. Only this kind of relationship can be free and infinite because it encourages and celebrates and celebrates each partners' uniqueness and does not seek to suffocate. There is still a bond between the two people - stronger than those of today because it is based on unconditional love and mutual respect - but there are large areas of each person's life in which they can follow their own unique path uninhibited by guilt and resentment.

artnerships in the past have often reflected a world of separation. Two "half" people, the male and the female, have been magnetically attracted to become one whole. Now, as more men access their female polarity and women express their male energies, we are looking at relationships between two "whole" people. These are going to be - indeed are - very different.

hat we are seeing now in the flood of divorce and partnership break-ups is the transitional period between the old and the new. A vital part of this process is to let go of emotional dependency on another person. It doesn't mean we don't love them and care for them deeply. It means that when they are not there, either temporarily or permanently, we can continue our path without falling apart. We love them, but we don't depend upon them. This comes from accessing our own inner strength rather than depending on another to hold us together emotionally.

elationships are there to teach us something. That is why we are magnetically attracted to some people and not to others. The learning may continue throughout a physical lifetime, but more than often, it may not. There comes a point where both partners have learned what they came together to learn and they move on to new experiences with new people. That's not a failure on anyone's part. No-one is to blame. There's no need for guilt and resentment. It's just evolution: experience, learn, evolve, move on. Relationships are a wonderful vehicle for learning about life and ourselves and a great deal of learning is happening now as the wavelengths change, the chess pieces prepare to land, and partners de-link to follow the vibes.

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